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单词 Intonation
1. In English, some questions have a rising intonation.
2. The violin's intonation was poor.
3. Questions are spoken with a rising intonation.
4. The teacher checks for pronunciation and intonation.
5. Her voice was low with a faint regional intonation.
6. We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation.
7. His voice had a very slight German intonation.
8. The violinist had good intonation, and a wonderful pure tone.
9. Pay attention to your intonation and emphasis.
10. The following sentences are given with intonation marks.
11. For example Practice the intonation of the model exchange.
12. Remember to pay ongoing attention to the intonation, and regard it as of equal importance to get right as the actual words.
13. Another component of intonation that can be said to have grammatical significance is the choice of tone on the tonic syllable.
14. In speech, however, this division is marked by intonation as well as by a short pause.
15. No one had a problem with intonation or voice quality.
16. This misleading view of intonation must have caused unnecessary anxiety to many learners of the language.
17. There is more dicey woodwind intonation in the Eroica, and the oboe tone in the Funeral March curdles alarmingly.
18. As usual in intonation work in this book, punctuation is left out, since it can cause confusion.
19. Audio focuses the senses on sound and voice intonation(), important for subtle tasks like detecting lying.
20. The end of a sentence that is not a question is usually marked by falling intonation.
21. It was a superb performance, despite occasional lapses of intonation.
22. I feel quite tired today . With adjectives that describe an extreme state it means 'completely' or 'absolutely':I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant:Your essay is quite good ; Your essay is quite good .
23. The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation.
24. He speaks excellent Spanish but with a distinctly foreign intonation.
25. It was a country voice with a soft accent which was an intonation more than a dialect and was hard to place.
26. The stressed syllable is spoken louder, and the rest of the word often has a falling intonation.
27. They speak courteously, but in a strangely mechanical way, with a flat intonation.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. It is certainly true that a few generalisations can be made about the attitudinal functions of some components of intonation.
29. In practice this is not usually found confusing as long as one is aware of whether one is marking stress levels or intonation.
30. The technique of back chaining may be referred to in the teaching of intonation.
1. The end of a sentence that is not a question is usually marked by falling intonation.
2. Questions are spoken with a rising intonation.
3. The teacher checks for pronunciation and intonation.
31. This synthesizer is by far the best I have heard because it varies the intonation and doesn't speak like a Dalek.
32. Accompanying listening tapes provide models for exceptionally thorough work on pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
33. We will begin by looking at intonation in the shortest piece of speech we can find - the single syllable.
34. The students repeat the last segment several times with correct stress and intonation.
35. When you make your calls, ensure that you speak clearly and precisely. Pay attention to your intonation and emphasis.
36. In particular, their intonation, a special problem in such thickly scored music, is most impressive.
37. Not only was the gentleman's intonation unmistakably genteel, but he was slurring his words very slightly.
38. Tonal languages also have intonation patterns which may override the basic tone of the words.
39. And with a faintly questioning intonation that fitzAlan would have to be deaf to miss.
40. Elision is a closely related subject, and in considering intonation the difference between strong and weak syllables is also important.
41. If the investigation is undertaken by some one primarily interested in intonation, for example, the data selected has to meet certain requirements.
42. One can speak volumes with a few little sounds, given the proper context and intonation.
43. He imitates the teacher's intonation.
44. Dorothea said with the musical intonation.
45. The main suprasegmental features include stress, intonation, and tone.
46. Listen and practice. Note the rising and falling intonation.
47. To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with"wh?" questions.
48. What is the American intonation pattern?
49. The main suprasegmental features include stress, tone and intonation.
50. English intonation is not hard to learn.
51. His intonation proclaimed him an English.
52. She speaks English with very natural intonation.
53. The indirect question below has a rising intonation.
54. The meaning – distinctive function of the tone is especially important in tone languages. English is not a tone language, but an intonation language.
55. The exclamatory markers are especially important for the recognition of the non - typical exclamatory intonation.
56. Its variations in pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation have befuddled the computer.
57. You left us a deep impression by your tender intonation, your warm embrace, your forceful silhouette, your dumpish eyes, and the tear sliding from your eyes. I have seen you long time ago.
58. You conquered us drastically by your tender intonation, your warm embrace, your forceful silhouette, your mopish eyes, tear sliding from your eyes. I have saw you long time ago.
59. Generally speaking, they are divided into two kinds, tone language and intonation language.
60. The essence distinguishing of two conceptions is the different method to confirm intonation, the first one depend on each note absolute pitch, and second one rely on the distance of interval.
61. Play a chromatic scale for the full range of the instrument in long tones, taking the time to check and correct each note's intonation.
62. Variations in allophone, pitch and intonation are regarded as sound variations.
63. For foreign language learners, the phonetic coordinate axis of ones mother tongue, especially the pronunciation and intonation of their local language, plays a leading role.
64. The study of Intonation is one of the important problems in phonetics.
65. In this article, the contrastive teaching way in terms of cultural background, phon etic system, pronunciation and intonation is discussed.
66. And acting out the play will help improve your pronunciation and intonation.
67. Suprasegmental : aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principle suprasegmental features are syllable, stress, tone, and intonation .
68. It's not just intonation. If Barack Obama was speaking about affirmative action and bussing and housing and unemployment and stuff, he'd be seen as more black.
69. In spoken English, prosodic features such as stress, intonation, pause etc, are of semantic importance.
70. Note the rising tone in the tag questions to confirm intonation.
71. Our study has argued that Chinese intonation has two variables: pitch accent and boundary tone.
72. In string quartet playing, intonation is a complicated issue that concerns tonality, melody, harmony, etc.
73. Intonation of piano is vital importance. It's fairly necessary for a piano tuner to master a certain physical knowledge.
74. The intonation anomalous form's basic situation divides into the double word well distributed three tones.
75. Methods 22 patients with Broca aphasia were trained with the early melodic intonation training program.
76. This article altogether divides into five parts, the first part is to intonate research and foreign Chinese intonation teaching some research summaries and induction.
77. As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns.
78. Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent.
79. She spoke in a mild sweet voice with a British accent, faintly Germanic in intonation.
80. Mr. wood-the author of a study of english intonation . you will cover his traveling and other expenses and also pay a standard honorarium.
81. The following are often cited as important functions of English intonation: attitudinal function, discourse function, grammatical function and accentual function.
82. From the sociolinguistic point of view, this paper analyses the manifestation of sex differentiation in pronunciation, intonation, lexicon and sentence structure and the causes.
83. This essay deals with the features of sentence stress and intonation along with the implications to English teaching.
84. Intonation and stress habits are incredibly ingrained and second - nature.
85. The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style.
86. Mandarin is a tone language while English is an intonation language.
87. This thesis investigates the intonation of the interrogative sentence in Mandarin Chinese from acoustic and perceptive perspectives.
88. But, at the same time,(http:///intonation.html) the intonation was so soft.
89. In British English quite can have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence.
90. The prosody prediction is to estimate the intonation, rhythm, stress placement and timing.
91. Speakers can use intonation, stress, and pauses to help make their meaning clear.
92. There are thousands of languages in the world. Generally speaking, they are divided into two kinds, tone language and intonation language.
93. Besides, the female prefers to use the rising intonation pattern in their speech. These differences are due to many factors, physiological, cultural and psychological, etc.
93. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
94. The proficiency in classification and selection of Sol-fa and the mastery over training methods and steps of intonation are fundamental prerequisites for learning solfeggio.
95. The following are often cited as important functions of English intonation:semantic function, attitudinal function, grammatical function, accentual function.
96. Face a breeze pendency eye, low lowly wept intonation, although the in the mind doesn't wish to join to be helpless, he still understands night clean say of fact, so also then no longer entwine.
97. The intonation of a character's voice will effect their facial expressions.
98. You can listen to more English programs, and imitate the speech sound and the intonation consciously.
99. In its broad sense, intonation includes stress, pause and pitch change.
100. The author deals with the semantic functions of English suprasegmental phonemes such as word stress, sentence stress, juncture and intonation.
101. Non-textual oral performance has merits over written texts in terms of kinesics , expression, intonation, situation, etc. , all "conspiring" to convey metaphors containing rich intuition.
102. The Chinese belongs to the tone language, while English belongs to the innovation language, that is, intonation does not belong to single word but words.
103. Sentence stress and intonation are vital to English learning. English speakers can use special stress and intonation to convey their meanings and feelings.
104. The experiment contains two parts, namely the acoustic analysis of intonation production and speech perception analysis.




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