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单词 All-powerful
1. The all-powerful steering committee continued to exercise control.
2. Democraticgovernment gradually took the place of an all-powerful monarchy.
3. The all-powerful central committee meets twice a year.
4. Parliament is all-powerful, the supreme authority within the legal system.
5. Father, plead, ingratiate and abase yourself before your all-powerful children!
6. If he was all-powerful and all-good, he could prevent the suffering but didn't.
7. Out West, all-powerful railroad interests dominated state governments and even owned several state legislatures outright.
8. He promised to demystify the all-powerful presidency and make it more accountable to congress and the voter.
9. Women are simultaneously depicted by such structures as all-powerful and invisible.
10. She is the all-powerful source of satisfaction and frustration, happiness and sadness, love and hate.
11. This unequal relationship was reflected in the autocratic, all-powerful state headed usually by one person.
12. He is chairman of the all-powerful Rules Committee and sits on Appropriations and Industry.
13. Yet the tobacco forces remain all-powerful.
14. "Baishun of" all-powerful car care experts.
15. 'It may seem like an all-powerful creditor and weak, supplicant debtors,[] but the debtor countries and the surplus country are locked in a mutual embrace that is problematic for both of them.
16. Americans tend to think of the presidency as all-powerful, but much of its authority comes from the ability to convince the public to follow, and the same is sometimes true in diplomacy.
17. Silently, desperately, it is struggling against a new and all-powerful adversary, the civilization of the capitalist West.
18. Many observers pin the blame on the army, whose all-powerful generals are seeing their grip weaken.
19. I imagined I had discovered a nutriment which, on tasting it, renders one all-powerful and all-knowing.
20. At the same time, I feel, no one should be too over-awed by Famlio's own belief that they're all-powerful.
21. This did not, however, mean that he was ready to relinquish his all-powerful position.
22. He does not though, claim that the upper classes are all-powerful.
23. One of those elements is the story of an all-powerful race who tried to conquer and destroy Creation.
24. The gods could, up to a point, be merciful; but it was fate that was all-powerful.
25. Hollywood stars of the 30s were in awe of the all-powerful studio bosses.
26. This provides a necessary bulwark against the danger of an all-powerful state invading the individual's liberty.
27. These two phenomena have given birth to a monstrosity: the all-powerful, unchallenged, unchallengeable media imam.
28. Government policies are determined by the party through the all-powerful nine-member Politburo and the 49-member Central Committee.
29. Is this what Microsoft's answer to the Web Office is - tacked on features to its all-powerful desktop suite?
30. Even vice presidents do it: Blathering, peripheral Joe Biden is the excessive response to the silent, all-powerful Dick Cheney.
31. In the next programme, I'm moving from cows to corn - but I'm staying with the gods - this time, the all-powerful god of maize, in Mexico.
32. Because email isn't the all-powerful application it once was, with the advent of texting, Facebook, Twitter and the rest, we tend to forget both how useful email is and how dangerous it can be.
33. Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means "in the flesh. " In the birth of Jesus, the eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh.
34. Indeed, he was the first to formulate an argument that later became called ‘the problem of evil’ for those who maintain that there is an all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful deity.
35. No matter who you are and no matter how talented you are, you are unlikely to be all-powerful.
36. The three main characters are stuck in awful work situations, with all-powerful bosses who are capricious, unfair and in some cases, lecherous.
37. Most of the time, I was in London, terribly excited by fear. But the only way I could keep going about my work at all was by constantly assuring myself that the all-powerful God would take care of me.
38. But in many European places where Catholicism remained all-powerful until say, 1960, the church is losing whatever remains of its grip on society at an accelerating pace.
39. First, it offers an ultimate explanation of things by claiming that the world is the creation of an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent being.
40. These aliens are all-powerful, and although non-interventionist, are ready to step in if absolutely necessary.
41. Yet another study is exposing the horrid treatment of workers by the all-powerful meat industry.
42. That's a strange statement given that its subject concerns the greatest emperor who ever lived, but then he is also the vulnerable son of all-powerful parents.
43. Because the idea that socialism is a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get the people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collective.
44. Instead he rules by consensus of China's all-powerful nine-man standing committee of the Politburo.
45. One of thetoughest questions for believers is how to reconcile the image of an"all-powerful, all-good and all-mighty" deity with one that allowsdisasters like the Japanese tsunami, Foy said.
46. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of Heaven and earth.
46. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47. Does it belong to the all-powerful leaders of the strongest leagues, chief executives such as Richard Scudamore?
48. Would an omnipotent, would a truly all-powerful God actually doubt the extent of His own empire?




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