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单词 Attending
(1) Why weren't you attending when I explained before?
(2) The work involves preparing case files and attending court.
(3) She is attending a three-day conference on Aids education.
(4) They calculate upon thirty people attending the evening party.
(5) He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.
(6) While fewer people are attending football matches, armchair viewers are growing in number.
(7) She hadn't been attending during the lesson.
(8) They were banned from attending.
(9) He realized his error in not attending the funeral.
(10) Only Gordon's direct reports are attending the course.
(11) You do us a great honour by attending.
(12) Those not attending the meeting may vote by proxy.
(13) She was dragooned into attending the party.
(14) John recalled attending school with Mary.
(15) The dead included six people attending a religious ceremony.
(16) Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.
(17) The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference.
(18) We shall be attending the upcoming concert.
(19) Attending the memorial service was a moving experience .
(20) Which doctor is attending you?
(21) Please be prompt when attending these meetings.
(22) They were attending hospital for follow-up treatment.
(23) I'm speaking at/attending a conference next week.
(24) Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation.
(25) She is attending the antenatal clinic.
(26) She excused herself from attending the meeting.
(27) Senior government officials will be attending a meeting tomorrow.
(28) She was debarred from attending the meeting.
(29) The weather discouraged most people from attending.
(30) His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.
(1) The work involves preparing case files and attending court.
(2) She is attending a three-day conference on Aids education.
(3) They calculate upon thirty people attending the evening party.
(4) His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.
(5) He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom.
(6) While fewer people are attending football matches, armchair viewers are growing in number.
(7) John recalled attending school with Mary.
(8) Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.
(9) We shall be attending the upcoming concert.
(10) She excused herself from attending the meeting.
(11) She was debarred from attending the meeting.
(12) We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
(31) The numbers attending fell short of expectations.
(32) No one can prevent you from attending this meeting.
(33) I'm afraid I wasn't attending to what was being said.
(34) It is a great privilege to be attending this conference.
(35) This wants attending to.
(36) Attending the race was not my purpose in coming to Indianapolis.
(37) She was thrown out of college for not attending lectures.
(38) More and more people continue their education by attending night school in recent years.
(39) I made sure I had all the facts at my fingertips before attending the meeting.
(40) There was a marked plurality of opinions/views among the people attending the meeting.
(41) The leaders attending the conference have issued a joint communique.
(42) The wedding was a low-key affair(), with fewer than thirty people attending.
(43) We received your communication of 11th March and are sorry to inform you that we won't be attending the conference.
(44) A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company.
(45) Please detail any costs/expenses incurred by you in attending the interview.
(46) We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
(47) I spoke to her in the lounge of a big Johannesburg hotel where she was attending a union meeting.
(48) Your time could be usefully employed in attending to professional matters.
(49) Now 5000 new children will be attending the district's already overburdened school system.
(50) Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-first birthday party.
(51) After all that media attention, the whole event turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, with very few people attending.
(52) He read in the paper about a mathematical prodigy who was attending university at the age of 12.
(53) Illness prevented her attending the launch party for her latest novel.
(54) The doctors attending on him finally gave up hope.
(55) Will you be attending the conference?
(56) Almost 2. 5 million young people were attending college.
(57) The number of couples attending pre-marriage courses was 31.
(58) Children must be immunized and attending school.
(59) Part of her duties is attending official state functions.
(60) He was attending a Liberal rally in the city.
(61) Patients - 181 patients attending hospital outpatient clinics.
(62) He saw those ads while attending Vanderbilt University.
(63) But in 139 years of attending their state fair, the people of Iowa have never seen this: Butter Elvis.
(64) Parents are closely involved, attending classes so that they learn how to coach their offspring themselves.
(65) Representative staff will keep abreast of national developments by attending conferences and by visiting other schools piloting such courses.
(66) Rex, his watch companion, was still in the cockpit attending to the helm.
(67) At many Siva temples and Cobra shrines, women are often seen in prayer or receiving the blessings of the attending priest.
(68) Many of those attending made large donations to the party shortly before or after the event.
(69) And inside, his biography, copies of which were distributed to the media attending the news conference.
(70) Attending a weekly group for disabled artists, workshops revolve around dance, drama, art and music.
(71) The time we spend attending to these individual needs is bound to vary somewhat.
(72) Arrested for attending Quaker and Seeker meetings, he was excused by a judge who noted his fine dress.
(73) We can distinguish between using an expression and attending to an expression.
(74) It was then that Carrie took over, dividing her time between caring for her baby and attending to her customers.
(75) In a dramatic gesture, Diana pulled out of attending after the split was announced.
(76) Chemically based methods of attending to disease and their toxic effects will soon be replaced by electro-magnetic therapy on a global scale.
(77) The women responded to their union's appeal, attending meetings and demonstrations.
(78) Also attending will be those draftees signed after the June 4-6 free-agent draft.
(79) This was demolished in the mid 1980s, the congregation attending the chapel at Haisthorpe.
(80) Subsequent to this investigation we assessed 2907 urine samples from women attending the antenatal clinics in Dundee between November 1990 and September 1992.
(81) Of 225 new patients attending our adolescent gynaecology clinic in 1992, 167 presented with menstrual disturbances.
(82) Each of these groups came up with a list of proposals which were sent to everyone attending.
(83) Several hundred people have been attending a nightly candle-lit vigil, and there has been one other small protest.
(84) If you have any of your class members attending please let them know that this payment is now due.
(85) Pilkingtons pays a grant of £50 for any child attending school full-time.
(86) MarcelIa began attending Hunter in February 1989 and was quickly tapped for the Honors Program.
(87) The reason given by the king was the disturbed state of the kingdom which prevented his attending to ecclesiastical business.
(88) Among those attending the cremation ceremony in Vientiane on Jan. 28 were President Souphanouvong, making a rare public appearance.
(89) Brian was attending a medical dinner that night, so it was left to Celia to entertain the pair alone.
(90) In addition to environmental work, 11 students are attending Bidston Village Primary School every week to assist teachers in classroom work.
(91) Think of a medical student attending a course in the X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
(92) Approximately 20 percent of elementary school age children were attending 2,000 ordinary schools by 1933.
(93) The take-up has been disappointing in some respects, with the most highly motivated members attending several courses.
(94) Except for an entitlement to a police car and driver when attending official functions, they receive no formal allowances.
(95) We expected the march in the District to be huge, with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators attending.
(96) Gedge largely preferred late night debates to attending stolid committee meetings in upstairs pub rooms or pushing by-election leaflets through doors.
(97) After attending church, the family would go home for dinner.
(98) Nearly everyone in town would be attending at least one service there.
(99) This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
(100) Tiknis darts in and out of the hall, attending to the administrative business of interviewing a candidate for marketing director.
(101) Since 1997, participating countries have been attending annual meetings to decide on the rules for implementing Kyoto.
(101) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(102) Social needs are met with familiar faces attending each week and consultations with the same nurses and doctors.
(103) Always stress what can be seen to cohere and fit together before attending to what does not fit.
(104) For members of the International Rights Centre who are also attending the symposium, the cost is £50.
(105) For the first time in three years, circumstances prevented me from attending.
(106) I also won a separate competition arranged by one of the major manufacturers attending the event - another £350.
(107) The comments and suggestions made by college staff attending these events have proved invaluable in framing the proposals described in these papers.
(108) The Calatrava exhibition in October received exceptional coverage which was reflected in the numbers attending the exhibition.
(109) The next best thing to climbing mountains is reading about them or attending slides-theatres or watching films.
(110) Situations such as these could perhaps be redeemed by the farmer's wife attending the course in his place.
(111) Results - New cases of gonorrhoea among men attending genitourinary medicine clinics increased by 7.7% in 1989 and by 4.2% in 1990.
(112) The party members attending the session here were mostly middle-aged or elderly California residents.
(113) I will switch emphasis from attending Branch meetings to meeting on a one to one basis with these people in each branch.
(114) In addition to attending training classes, Sparta managers and supervisors needed follow-up assistance in applying these skills.
(115) Among those attending the conference this week is Robert Galler, a man who had no medical expertise until tragedy struck.
(116) Self-funding students attending the University for the full session are permitted to pay their fees in termly instalments.
(117) The number attending was smaller than usual but it was, nevertheless, a most enjoyable and successful function. 2.
(118) Once, while attending church, I saw the priest snoring while the lector read from the Bible.
(119) If you are interested in attending one of the briefings or would like further information please telephone the venue directly.
(120) Attending conferences and meetings is necessary to the conduct of our business.
(121) The blast forced the evacuation of hotel workers and guests, including 450 people attending an oil and gas conference.
(122) I've been attending all the lectures that deal with building up a practice.
(123) If attending a wedding or party of close friends, you should have the time of your life.
(124) Weld helped her find little circles of women on whom to practice public speaking; before long, men started attending.
(125) Attending is simply describing what the child is doing, rather like a running commentary on the activity.
(126) All Nutcrackered out, you have no intention of attending one more holiday spectacular show.
(127) If you will be attending the site visit, I would be grateful if you could complete the tear-off slip below.
(128) Attending to the victim will become the centrepiece of penal politics in the future.
(129) Mitosis lasted two years during the period between the pair leaving the sixth form and attending university.
(130) Anyone who is interested in attending either of these courses should contact the Medau Office at Epsom.
(131) I think attending an evening class in life drawing helped me overcome this hurdle.
(131) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(132) Factors such as unemployment and the number of young people attending further education also influence labour force participation rates.
(133) If you are to attend the monthly progress review meeting, think carefully about the end-result you wish to achieve by attending.
(134) We've rescheduled the next meeting -- it clashed with a conference that most of us will be attending.
(135) They also agreed to contribute £3,000 towards the costs of consultants appointed by Hambleton and North Yorkshire attending the inquiry.
(136) While some of the people attending were looking to decorate their own houses[], most appeared to be antique dealers.
(137) Subjects - Of 542 women attending the clinic for artificial insemination for the first time, 500 women were eligible for study.
(138) Those attending the seminar were overwhelmingly from accountancy firms - excluding myself, 23 of the 26 participants.
(139) Mr Bush announced that Mrs Black had agreed to help at the school as there would be an extra seventy children attending.
(140) Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum.
(141) Can public schools provide sign language interpreters for deaf students attending religious schools?
(142) Clearly it is good news for the people of Rugby and especially for patients attending St. Cross hospital.
(143) Buckley said previous commitments blocked him from attending some company events.
(144) Elton Gallegly, R-Calif., that would have barred children from attending public schools if they are in the country illegally.
(145) Climbers attending the briefing will need to bring with them some form of identification, preferably a passport!
(146) Wittgenstein did nothing to soften the difficulties, even discouraging his own students from attending Waismann's lectures.
(147) He received a call on his mobile phone while he was attending an agricultural fair.
(148) The fans were barred from ever attending football matches in England again.
(149) The subject matter concerned mainly animal and crop husbandry and 20% of those attending the course were women.
(150) Baxter was in Boston attending a conference on the environment.
(151) At the time we saw her, Jean was living in a hostel in North London and attending a psychiatric day centre.
(152) Wright found the condition in 1% of new patients in general medical clinics and in 5% of new patients attending gastroenterology clinics.
(153) Grade schoolers attending a sneak preview found this stuff hysterically funny.
(154) He has three children, two attending public schools and one in a home school program.
(155) Most of the Republican members have not been attending the committee meetings.
(156) I once worked at a partnership where management meetings were so annoying that the administrator had to bribe partners into attending.
(157) She was cared for by various families of the city and earned money for her board by attending small children.
(158) The purpose should have been notified in advance so that those attending are able to assemble any information they need.
(159) These musicians take pride in keeping abreast of new developments by attending courses and obtaining certificates or external diplomas from musical institutions.
(160) It would mark the first time in at least 15 years that the cost of attending public colleges in Massachusetts has decreased.
(161) A minimum of £60,000 would be needed to cover fees for two children attending public school from age nine to 18.
(161) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(162) Its supporters may be nervous about attending its rallies, and the movement itself is divided.
(163) Sarah and Theodore are attending a literacy class, taught in a shut-down factory, in the nearby city of Le6n.
(164) He had spent the last twenty years attending the Party conference, four days of gin and oratory.
(165) I was attending elsewhere to an immigration problem which was based on a misunderstanding between the Home Office and the Foreign Office.
(166) There were clashes last night between local residents and young people attending the rock festival.
(167) I started attending auction sales both locally and in London and gradually got the melin into shape for letting.
(168) After a year he had enrolled at City College, which he had learned of through a cousin who was attending.
(169) Patients attending hospital clinics had worse glycaemic control, but this seemed to be attributable to the case mix and practice characteristics.
(170) In 1986, a political activist new to San Francisco was attending a fund-raiser to fight an anti-gay initiative.
(171) Again, no full account of a formation can be given without attending to individual differences inside it.
(172) Mr Peterkin was fired yesterday, without explanation, while attending a conference in London.
(173) He succumbs to the temptation of attending church services at Lowick, where Casaubon cuts him irretrievably.
(174) Sixty-two consecutive patients aged 75 or over and attending a general ophthalmology outpatients clinic were assessed.
(175) Forty percent of the women attending a Dow-Stoker Returners programme decide to come back to work because of a trauma.
(176) MacDonald was attending the funeral of an aunt in Sussex.
(177) However in many branches active members who do actual work, not just attending committee meetings are few.
(178) Most of those attending the rally Sunday, however, were Phoenix-area veterans and friends.
(179) Democratic Party nominees who have lost the White House will not be attending the Democratic convention.
(180) Those activities could include attending a literacy program, doing volunteer work, or attending parenting classes.
(181) About one-eighth of secondary pupils in Northern Ireland attend grammar secondary schools, the remainder attending secondary intermediate schools.
(182) Just half a mile from where the plane crashed, members of the public were attending a lambing opening day.
(183) In most branches active members who do actual work, not just attending committee meetings are few.
(184) Several years earlier, Gary had begun attending the 5: 30 mass on Sunday evenings at Holy Trinity.
(185) Soon Horton was told that Alvin was attending classes at last and that the boy might even be gifted.
(186) The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting.
(187) He is attending to the matter himself.
(188) He will be attending next week's American Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.
(189) Recently a lot of couples have been attending marriage counseling.
(190) She has been attending upon her sick mother for years.
(191) The patient has a nurse attending ( on ) him .
(192) The list of delegates attending read like a who's who of the business world.
(193) While attending to the central task,(http:///attending.html) we should unfold the work in other fields.
(194) Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion.




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