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单词 Possessed
1. Her mother said she was possessed by devils.
2. Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.
3. He possessed no academic qualifications.
4. He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness.
5. He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.
6. If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.
7. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .
8. The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land.
9. She is possessed with rage.
10. This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee.
11. He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.
12. She was possessed by jealousy.
13. He no longer possessed the power to frighten her.
14. She was possessed of a fine and original mind.
15. He possessed me of the facts.
16. Alaska was once possessed by Russia.
17. She summoned up every ounce of strength she possessed.
18. Neither of them possessed a credit card.
19. She was possessed of exceptional powers of concentration.
20. They has possessed themselves of all the necessary material.
21. What possessed him to say such a thing?
22. She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.
23. A mad rage possessed her.
24. A terrible fear possessed her.
25. He possessed a vast store of knowledge.
26. She was possessed by a devil.
27. They believed she was possessed by devils.
28. He possessed great strength of purpose .
29. A man's maturity: that is to have rediscovered the seriousness he possessed as a child at play.
30. The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.
1. Her mother said she was possessed by devils.
2. Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.
3. He possessed no academic qualifications.
4. He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness.
5. He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.
6. If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.
7. She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .
8. The plantation owner has possessed himself of a vast piece of land.
9. The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.
10. This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee.
11. All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young man to kill himself.
12. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
13. road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
31. He fought like a man possessed.
32. Joe had willed everything he possessed to them.
33. What on earth possessed her to do it?
34. She is possessed of health and wealth.
35. Joe had willed them everything he possessed.
36. He behaved like someone possessed by devils.
37. What possessed you to do that?
38. What possessed you to do such a thing?
39. The villagers believed the girl was possessed by demons.
40. The family possessed an extensive library.
41. She seemed to be possessed .
42. He possessed his soul in patience.
43. He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.
44. The desire to be rich possessed him to act so.
45. One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit.
46. He is possessed with the idea that he is being followed.
47. Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.
48. When they came to the fork of the road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
49. He's been running around the office this morning like a man possessed.
50. The family possessed documents that proved their right to ownership.
51. All night I have been tossing and turning racking my brains to think what could have possessed the young man to kill himself.
52. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.
53. He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.
54. In prison they'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed.
55. She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.
56. It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.
57. road(), his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
58. What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?
59. Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable.
60. Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.
61. He was possessed of a large fortune, but sadly no brains to speak of.
62. He flew out of the room like a man possessed.
63. She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.
64. She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.
65. Finvarra possessed great intelligence and was a famed chess-player.
66. Some people still think epileptics are possessed by demons.
67. Physically short and slightly built, Atkinson possessed remarkable attributes.
68. A man possessed of infinite patience.
69. She seemed possessed of an inviolable grace.
70. He was lonely and possessed by bottomless emotional needs.
71. He felt possessed of great strength and fearlessness.
72. I grew possessed by madness to deceive.
73. I've never possessed any business acumen.
74. The area possessed a large labour pool.
75. She was possessed by a consuming rage.
76. But Avon folks possessed a flinty independence and pride.
77. The court heard that he possessed indecent photographs of young boys.
78. The men possessed only the barest minimum necessary for survival.
79. Party leaders in California possessed few of the powers available to their counterparts elsewhere.
80. Life can be miserable if you are possessed by and obsessed with immediate gratification. Dr T.P.Chia 
81. There were also ten 21-inch torpedo tubes, and it possessed the ability to lay up to 240 mines.
82. Brion combines his scholarship and expert musicianship with the same flair for real entertainment that Sousa himself possessed in abundance.
83. Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity,(http:///possessed.html) such manic-depressive immediacy.
84. They need an exorcist to figure out what in the devil possessed them to return to their worst form from last season.
85. With due respect to our father, a very nice man, Mum possessed all the charisma.
86. Men are possessed by and obsessed with money, and are made wealth-greedy monsters by the money they have created. Dr T.P.Chia 
87. To the point where Valerie would entertain the thought that Casey was possessed.
88. Wilson then proposed that hot spots all over the globe possessed this same steadiness.
89. In the first place, it involves some actual power of control over the thing possessed.
90. She was a confident rocker with a bluesy voice and loved to sing, loved the sensation of being possessed.
91. Ceremonial and precedence notably lost most of the power to agitate rulers and governments which they had hitherto possessed.
92. He was a man possessed by greed, jealousy and lust.
93. By 1942, however, we possessed something no other country did: a huge surplus of hydroelectric power.
94. In short, nearly one in three possessed physical defects, a figure which took no account of dental problems or defective vision.
95. Each seemed possessed by a serene sorrow, and in a moment he learned why.
96. By now Dad was sixty-five, and what little lenience he may once have possessed had long since hardened into steely inflexibility.
97. He was born in Kent, to a Durham family which possessed its own coat of arms.
98. When they unplugged his dressings, fluid leapt from his flesh like some victorious spirit that had possessed him.
99. Thousands of young hopefuls were interviewed but none possessed the elusive qualities Selznick sought.
100. According to the report the country possessed four nuclear reactors.
101. Even when possessed of high ability he is often forced to settle for the position i on the catastrophe surface.
102. Sarah Stitt is possessed of the same huge eyes that she likes to paint in her huge-eyed portraits.
103. The quality of Ba or Bau was possessed by the king during his lifetime and refers to is power and renown.
104. Chamden performed like men possessed and even had the audacity to mount wave after wave of attacks.
105. She told him then, unable to help herself: he was possessed by devils.
106. Rehnquist was a great scholar who possessed a formidable intellect.
107. They were both attacked, one having a violent headache, the other being possessed as I now realised I had been.
108. Therese was huddled in nearly every garment she possessed, slacks, jumpers, her shabby grey coat and the multicoloured shawl.
109. The adolescent, in a sense, is possessed by his or her new-found powers of logical thought.
110. The correction official possessed almost absolute discretion over the parole decision.
111. It was also true, however, of the Western allies who also possessed important residual legal rights, especially in relation to Berlin.
112. The old mill provided an excellent location, as well as an important addition to the many tourist attractions that Bourton already possessed.
113. I really like him as a person because he cared and possessed other good qualities./possessed.html
114. Only certain people are capable of achieving it; those people possessed of magnetic centre, about which we have already spoken.
115. She had discovered that he possessed the eyesight of a cat.
116. Instead of praise, she was told she was possessed by the devil.
117. Maybe I lacked confidence - I didn't consider I possessed the degree of presence you need as the vital link-man.
118. They believe people can be possessed by demons, and that their role is to rid the world of such demons.
119. Like Clinton 12 years later, he possessed in volume what the incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, lacked.
120. The Oder-Neisse episode demonstrated the potential that external and border issues possessed in calling into question the unification process.
121. Pulling no punches, he asked Vincent what on earth had possessed him to behave so grotesquely.
122. What she does not do is believe for one moment that Rainbow has been possessed by some kind of demon.
123. When they become possessed by their spirits, these demure, purdah-confined ladies undergo a remarkable change.
124. Each time, the opponents possessed a numerical superiority in men, frequently a very large one.
125. Contemporary records suggest she possessed neither classic beauty nor a great voice: simply the built-in spotlight of the incandescent star.
126. The next instant, dizzy with the excitement that possessed her, she was hurrying along the corridor towards his office.
127. Doubts came rushing in as she stared at her reflection, wondering what on earth had possessed her to buy it.
128. John was also extremely fast and nimble, and he possessed a remarkable body-swerve which could prove most disconcerting to opposing defenders.
129. It had taken every ounce of courage she possessed to board the aircraft after her last experience.
130. She recognised him as a kindred spirit, with the same happy-go-lucky, questing attitude to life which she herself possessed.
131. Ben possessed the kind of binocular vision I needed so badly.
132. Breed's possessed frontman is grabbing his opportunity by its ungainly bollocks.
133. To the Enlightenment mind, no one else possessed the unsentimental rationality and essential competitiveness to make the new political economy succeed.
134. Prior to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1747, those nobles who possessed extensive judicial rights controlled their own patronage.
135. The dining room possessed a huge marble bust of Stalin, but little succulent to eat.
136. Roth was possessed by an irresistible urge to fix things up.
137. Her ankle boots she had picked up in an army surplus store, and were the most comfortable she had ever possessed.
138. It was built at the time when local builders possessed that magic formula for rightness of scale.
139. Furthermore, 36 percent of all work-inhibited students possessed IQ scores that were in the superior to very superior range.
140. Adam sat down on the one comfortable chair he possessed and pulled his father's envelope out of his inside pocket.
141. Hari knew him well but he could not even confide to her that he had almost possessed Eline Harries.
142. He knew the potential that I possessed but had refused to acknowledge.
143. Though not comely, she possessed a lively mind and exuded a kind of sparkling charm.
144. Her family thought that she was possessed, and called in a priest.
145. Not surprising in that it no longer possessed vocal cords.
146. The instrument becomes both a means of communication, possessed of clearly defined powers, and an attribute of the celebrant.
147. What, Guy wondered, furious with himself, had possessed him to bring up that day?
148. Like the minor, circular designs of the latter, it may have possessed a number of concentric bands.
149. It's as if he's possessed by some Looney Tune demon.
150. A fatherless, penniless boy - possessed of great determination, faith, and courage - seeks his fortune.
151. Ehret senior possessed some artistic skill and he encouraged his son in both pursuits, urging him to travel.
152. In these circumstances, a futures market may convey some more of the information possessed by the informed traders to the uninformed.
153. The can jiggled and danced, as though possessed by a ghost.
154. The L-4, even with automatic, provides more than adequate acceleration and is possessed of good road manners.
155. Descended from the Carolingian counts and vicomtes, they possessed and exercised very ancient rights of jurisdiction over their lordships.
156. Nevertheless, it was the nearest approach to a foreign ministry which the country had as yet possessed.
157. Physically attractive and possessed of considerable personal charm, his demeanour was self-effacing, gracious and polite.
158. Derelict land often forms the only large expanse of land that is not well-manicured and possessed by peak-capped officials.
159. The Astropath must suddenly appear to be possessed - with lethal consequences.
160. He possessed a cheery self-confidence, which communicated itself to those around him.
161. Once before you falsely accused me, claiming I was the one possessed by Belzebub. 2.
162. During the colonial period, those powers were possessed exclusively by and were entirely under the control of the Crown.
163. She possessed great magical powers and later was very much connected with Hathor.
164. His brilliance was carried lightly, and he possessed a wry sense of humour.
165. Again and again I was possessed by a desire to tell her all, and before justice caught up with me.
166. Instead, she said, Ells told her she was possessed by devils.
167. Of respectable working-class background with some pretentions to gentility, without formal education, she nevertheless possessed an instinctive refinement of manner.
168. There the master is a humane aristocrat possessed of a fine library, progressive opinions and a patrician kindness.
169. It can be possessed by other types of seller, or by buyers if a few of them dominate the market.
170. One quality Oxford possessed in abundance, though, was spirit, which enabled them to claw their way back.
171. It was like striking gold or falling rapturously in love: he possessed secret knowledge that his Germantown friends could scarcely imagine.
172. She was far from confident that she possessed the moral courage to endure further revelations from that dark side of her moon.
173. He possessed no sense of reverence for the giant fish and wanted to kill them all without Understanding his primitive motivation.
173. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
174. As far as Poulton was concerned, the fact that many animals possessed protective coloration proved the effectiveness of natural selection.
175. And after grabbing two goals in the opening 15 minutes, Rovers possessed neither the need nor the inclination to chase things.
176. Shakespeare's poet is in a frenzy, possessed by the spirit of artistic creation.
177. Elegant kid gloves like the ones Mrs Carson wore would have improved her image, but she possessed none.
178. Even a sympathizer conceded that Aleksandr Golovnin possessed few qualifications for heading the education ministry.
179. As the incumbent leader, Mrs Thatcher possessed the advantage of having the support of the party machine.
180. She had just met a small girl who possessed, or so it seemed to her, quite extraordinary qualities of brilliance.
181. Fortunately for us all, those skills are possessed to a considerable degree by police officers of every rank.
182. They have already lost a great deal of the autonomy and self-determination they possessed under the Stormont regime.
183. The outer provinces still possessed immense stretches where atomic power had not yet been re-introduced.
184. She had genuinely possessed no idea of how long servants worked, and for how little.
185. All previous elections had possessed a ritual quality with the outcome determined in advance by religious demography.
186. Young Joe possessed minimal athletic ability and was developing into an overweight child.
187. He's apparently unbelievable at doing the possessed Curtis dance, where the quietest of men would suddenly explode into compressed derangement.
188. If he were possessed by devils, Kate thought, it would be a simple explanation.
189. Perhaps they are at their most dangerous when possessed by some one with the gift of persuasive speech and power and influence.
190. He was filled with sudden admiration for a professionalism which he had not suspected she possessed.
191. Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed. Dale Carnegie 
192. He had said that Joe possessed a natural talent for political news and should seek opportunities in that direction.
193. Finally, the citizen must, if true to his quality, be possessed of some civic virtue.
194. It is not, as some people still believe, an almost magical power possessed by just a few.
195. She can not abjure, give up, control the force by which she is possessed.
196. Thus the fact that the tsar possessed a large army did not mean that he could risk significant external commitments.
197. By July 1989 it was estimated that the country possessed foreign exchange sufficient only to cover three weeks' worth of imports.
198. The feeling that Hawaii had been unlawfully possessed by the United States was still a potent force.
199. It was a changing group of opinionated, articulate people possessed of varying degrees of talent and of variable character.
200. He was a grim man, consumed with a sense of mission and possessed of an enormous amount of energy.
201. On finding Tamara gone he went to his father, who dwelt in the heart of Dartmoor and also possessed magical powers.
202. I knew that I possessed a sidereal compass and that I belonged to another world.
203. They had a reputation as healers,(http:///possessed.html) good lords who possessed the secrets of both heaven and earth.
204. On the one hand, they possessed no deep appreciation for what Latin civilization was, or how it functioned.
205. They do not, however, seem to have possessed any programme for the betterment of lay society.
206. The tiles which she painted possessed great potential in kitchen design, he had informed her.
207. Why the Story was Remembered A poor man believed himself to be possessed by many devils.
208. Terry offered a bike to his son if only he would use the good brain he undoubtedly possessed.
209. Nor could the G.L.C. defend its policy on the basis that it possessed a mandate to lower fares.
210. In 1945 Rhee possessed moral authority and commanded deep respect, even among those antagonistic to his conservatism.
211. It possessed no means of coercion except public opinion.
212. She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.
213. Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.
214. In ancient days, the crown, the barons, and the clergy possessed the lands.
215. The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram.
216. They possessed a large share of that singular cunning which characterizes this form of dementia.
217. Albert Einstein : The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.
218. We possessed neither the conceptual nor the historical framework for so cold - blooded a policy.




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