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单词 rasp
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsrasp1 /rɑːsp $ ræsp/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]C to make a rough unpleasant sound 发出刺耳的声音 my father’s rasping voice 我父亲刺耳的嗓音 ‘Stop!’ he rasped. “停下来!”他尖声喊道。2. [transitive]RUB to rub a surface with something rough 擦刮,粗锉→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrasp• Many gastropods are grazers: they use their radula to rasp away at algae.• This can be rasped down effectively to give no further problems.• Sycorax would not reply except to rasp her curses.• She touched one of the trees, and the grey bark was deeply grooved, rasping her fingers.• Then I heard a voice rasping in my head.• I heard John's voice rasping in the other room.• We went up to the ward, by which time he was making very odd, rasping sounds as he breathed.• He lowered his head into his hands, fingers rasping whiskers.Related topics: Colours & sounds, Toolsrasp2 noun  1  [singular]C a rough unpleasant sound 刺耳的声音rasp of the harsh rasp of her breathing 她粗重的呼吸声2. [countable]TZ a metal tool with a rough surface that is used for shaping wood or metal 锉,粗锉刀Examples from the Corpusrasp• Roger lowered his voice to a rasp.• Aeroplanes resound to the deafening rasp of anorak pen-pockets when passengers are told to fill in their landing cards.• Surforms come in a range of styles, including flat rasps, planer-files, round files and block planes.• There was something in his voice, a little rasp of feeling, that touched me.• He answers in a high-pitched rasp that makes it sound as if his voice will fail him next.• Except for the rasp of the crickets, it was very quiet.• The bone of his jaw, the rasp of his beard, sent another great shiver through her.• The coughing, the rustling of the newspapers, the rasp of coat buttons on table or chair exasperated his brooding.• the rasp of a rake on dead leaves• The rasp of his fingers was distinct in the stillness.Origin rasp1 (1200-1300) Old French rasperrasp1 verbrasp2 nounChinese  a to unpleasant sound Corpus make rough




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