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单词 Insistence
1, Her parents were united in their insistence that she go to college.
2, The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
3, At her insistence, the matter was dropped.
4, She called him a chauvinist because of his insistence on calling all women 'girls'.
5, Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.
6, They were united in their insistence that she should go to college.
7, At her father's insistence, Amelia's been moved into a new class.
8, At her father's insistence, she joined them for a drink.
9, No one was convinced by his insistence that he was not to blame.
10, At the insistence of his father, he bought himself a new suit.
11, The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.
12, Quiet, consistent insistence by the parent is very helpful.
13, The electrician had been very irritated by their insistence.
14, Blaine would not desist in her insistence.
15, Almost certainly at Modigliani's insistence, Soutine was included.
16, Because of international insistence on it, Resolution 242 is undoubtedly the entry ticket to an international peace conference.
17, Anger at what has been perpetrated and an insistence on due process are the essential combination in dealing with war crimes.
18, The insistence that manmade women be accepted as women is the institutional expression of the mistaken conviction that women are defective males.
19, But his insistence that she leave everything to him had only served to strengthen her determination to be independent.
20, Still, most Democrats joined Republicans in their insistence that the nuns testify.
21, Indeed,(http:///insistence.html) her insistence on the issue seems to be more a product of her unfortunate personal experience than of scientific evidence.
22, It is Labour's insistence on putting the cart before the horse which fills me with gloom.
23, The new insistence that a text's mediation in history is important has changed this perspective.
24, Then, on D'Arcy's insistence, he was passed from extension to extension.
25, They especially object to the insistence that the polling be nonpartisan, saying this will lead to chaos and excessively personalized competition.
26, She was to be in bed for three days at the doctor's insistence and she never even saw Alain.
27, The attempt to do just this, pursued with inappropriate insistence, ultimately vitiated the Leavisite campaign.
28, The decision to go down the Windows route was largely down to his insistence that it would offer greater programming flexibility.
29, The claim to the right to myself leads to an insistence on viewing all reality from my viewpoint alone.
30, With Harry Kewell, too, they have displayed a narrow insistence on club before country.
1, Her parents were united in their insistence that she go to college.
2, The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
3, They were united in their insistence that she should go to college.
31, Cope's insistence on pressing all formats in a specific shade of blue led to a nationwide hunt for an appropriate plant.
32, That's why it was abolished at the insistence of Labour Ministers who served in the coalition government during the war.
33, The insistence that the Volunteer formally apologize to her superiors created further strain.
34, Marxism's main flaw is its insistence on economics and the economic category of class as the one fundamental explanatory factor.
35, This is part of an insistence on greater transparency in company dealings.
36, They highlighted two defects in pluralists' insistence on studying actual decision-making and observable political conflicts.
37, Brown, Collins and Seymour were present at their own insistence.
38, Their very insistence of trying to make sense is eloquent testimony to assumptions that are powerful though silent.
39, Dicey's insistence on distinguishing legal from political sovereignty entails an equivalent separation of law and convention.
40, Leland's secret of success was bringing a gun-maker's insistence on accuracy and precision to the production of car components.
41, Tamayo's insistence on using new materials to construct his prints is very much part of a long tradition in modern art.
42, Soon Richard and Philip were in agreement and, at the Duke's insistence, a fresh peace conference was arranged.
43, Leland's insistence on excellence meant production slowed to 400 cars per month - far too low a figure to be profitable.
44, Insistence on the use of such terms can introduce great problems of consistency when international comparisons are attempted.
45, That partly explains why he was banished at the insistence of the United States and replaced by Annan.
46, It drops central bankers' insistence on centrally-set rules for members' budget deficits.
47, She was known for her acerbity, her cucumber sandwiches, and her insistence on decorum.
48, Thereafter, the conventional insistence on the balanced budget under all circumstances and at all levels of economic activity was in retreat.
49, The new party would drop the old insistence on the dictatorship of the proletariat.
50, No doubt the missio, with its insistence on proving bad faith, had not been a wholly satisfactory remedy.
51, Taylor always strongly opposed the Roman Catholic insistence on the efficacy of deathbed repentance.
51, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
52, Darwin was himself something of a gourmet, also punctilious in his insistence that ties were obligatory.
53, But Neath are backing the player's insistence that he merely took a cold remedy.
54, Hugh accepted this position at the insistence of ecclesiastical authorities.
55, Insistence on this in the early stages of use helps to make it become simply a good habit.
56, Form One of Adorno's strengths is his insistence that changes in the circumstances of musical production affect musical form.
57, But on another plane, there was a certain determined grumbling, a cranky insistence that they were not meeting their standards.
58, We now think of an insistence on grammatical correctness as a conservative position.
59, It had been included in the first place On the insistence of the republicans, who refused to march without it.
60, I took a local guide with me at the insistence of the government authorities.
61, Not withstanding Gore's insistence that his decision was based on personal considerations, the decision was widely seen as of great political significance.
62, Of course, such insistence on exploring the logical steps of design and analysis may seem a gospel of perfection.
63, The boy took the bed at Quinn's insistence but could not sleep.
64, It went no further, despite my insistence: you always gently repulsed me.
65, There were indications last week that Yeltsin had dropped his insistence that this be a legally binding document.
66, At Joanna's insistence we stayed the night at her house.
67, His insistence that he be managing editor, as well as on-camera news reader, however, seems historically ironic.
68, The unbending insistence on fiscal retrenchment, whatever the impact on countries with non-existent social safety nets, should be rethought.
69, Disagreement hinged on the new Prime Minister's insistence that the opposition should join the existing administration.
70, In its monthly reports, for instance, it has dropped its insistence that the threat of deflation has receded.
71, Equally, there is an insistence on the need to protect people from the arbitrary power of the state.
72, One can only conclude that the commitment on tax is the result of political conviction and the insistence of Bush's sponsors.
73, Espinosa backed off from his insistence that employees use time cards when they began and left work.
74, He is also dealing with our insistence on historically specific analysis.
75, Byrd claims he was carrying the gun at his wife's insistence.
76, As a punitive measure, the mayor closed black lodging houses and hotels at public insistence.
77, But the continuing insistence of the press that it was being denied its constitutional rights kept the door ajar.
78, There would be a nice symmetry in that; it would respect the Soviets' constant insistence on reciprocity.
79, There is a new insistence on the illegitimacy of debts incurred by military dictatorships and other repressive regimes.
80, To a non-archaeologist the insistence on seeing every monument as a tomb may seem obsessive.
81, The insistence that emancipation was in the national interest expressed this.
81, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
82, Above all, there is Arrowsmith and Gottleib's fanatical insistence on controls for all of their experiments.
83, She found the other students' insistence that she shower every day offensive.
84, I recognized that what I liked in Dad and Charlie was their insistence on standing apart.
85, More important, there is always the insistence on accurate measurement and also repeatable measurement.
86, Their insistence on a formal apology created tension between the two countries.
87, At Stevenson's insistence, Reynold's name was kept on the list.
88, U.S. troops were finally removed from the country at the insistence of Congress.
89, His insistence upon strict obedience is correct.
90, He could not understand her unreasonable insistence.
91, their insistence on strict standards of behaviour.
92, She had attended an interview, at her boyfriend's insistence.
93, She looked a little bored by his insistence.
94, At fault, they say, is the US public's insistence on extra-soft, quilted and multi-ply products when they use the bathroom.
95, General Patton's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the II Corps.
96, It was a totalistic rejection of the Marxist (and Leninist) insistence that socialism must be based on the material and cultural accomplishments of capitalism.
97, The insistence in your life leads to a rosy future.
98, One emphasis of Kant's deontological ethics is his insistence on the universal validity of categorical imperative.
99, Jean Wanger's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poesy is his insistence that it be analyzed in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
100, The only thing that matters is the salvation of the incorporeal, the bodiless soul, but Milton is so unorthodox, or at least heterodox, in his insistence on the importance of the body in this poem.
101, His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too.
102, And the preparations for government now being undertaken by the shadow cabinet are, at Cameron's insistence, putting the environment deep into policymaking.
103, Meaning "insistence on truth" in Sanskrit, Satyagraha played a significant role in what other civil rights movement across the globe?
104, Automatic coding would appear to contradict our original insistence that the activity of human interpretation must not be eliminated.
105, From there on, Disney cartoons were in heavy demand, but the company struggled financially because of Disney's insistence on ever-improving artistic and technical quality.
106, Mrs Smith was grieved at Meggie's insistence on as small an affair as possible.
107, Despite being the progeny of two famous political writers Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, Mary Shelley only began writing at the insistence of her husband, Romantic poet Percy Shelley.
108, Her insistence that women should be women first and mothers second is refreshing: unapologetic and confident.
109, Then our hosts attempted to get around my insistence to Dobryninn.
110, His insistence upon precision of language is apt to seem fussy.
111, Rigid insistence on the legislative specification of detailed standards is thought to be unsound and unworkable.
111, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
112, ARES Partners begins with an insistence on design excellence and comprehensive engagement.
113, It brought Judean religion closer to monotheism because you have the insistence of worshiping one god in his one central sanctuary.
114, Her parents were united in their insistence that she should go to college.
115, But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise.
116, Plato's insistence that there is a realm of universals above the material universe as real as individual objects themselves had a great influence on medieval thought.
117, Then, his insistence to glee to the small city of Zoar , he was worldly-minded.
118, Medvedev also repeated Moscow's insistence that a deal must be linked to U.S. plans for a missile defense system in Europe — a plan that has infuriated the Kremlin.
119, There is much democratic insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work.
120, Yuanyou revealed his feeling of suspending and afeard, which was self-narration about his life in second half of middle-age, showing his insistence in sadness.
121, Never accept a design that doesn't seem "right" based on someone else's insistence out-of-context.
122, Yet his masochistic insistence on putting his work at the service of the class struggle also accounts for the forced belligerence and brutalism of that essay.
123, He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy.
124, He admired your insistence on understanding things and making your point(http://), even when he preferred his own.
125, Gorbachev's repeated insistence that the " blank pages " of Soviet history must be filled in.
126, At British and Dutch insistence, however, the summit said that Iceland would have to address "existing obligations such as those identified by the European free trade area surveillance authority".
127, But suffice it to say, Jobs's instinct for defiant iconoclasm and his insistence on unconventional approaches did not, in the end, serve him as well as it served Apple's customers and shareholders.
128, We resent your insistence that the debt ( should ) be paid at once.
129, That an unparalleled insistence on excellence, quality, and aestheticism that distinguish us in the region.
130, At the insistence of co-star Steve McQueen, he and Newman had exactly the same number of lines of dialogue in the movie.
131, Think what you can do when you overcome the frequency modulation or the insistence of your logical mind and when, with impeccability, you stand clean as a Keeper of Frequency.
132, In January 1956, on S. P. Korolev's insistence, a decision was made to develop an artificial Earth satellite which could be launched by the R-7 missile.
133, Proof of that is that America's urgent insistence that China revalue the renminbi has unheeded.
134, By purism is to be understood a needless and irritating insistence on purity or correctness of speech(H. W.
135, The charge is absurd, as insight into the essential core of the man --- his hatred of conformism, insistence on singular passional being --- reveals.




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