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单词 Dissatisfaction
1) He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.
2) Letters from viewers express their dissatisfaction with current programmes.
3) Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.
4) Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated every section of society.
5) The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.
6) There was widespread dissatisfaction among the public.
7) I dared not voice my dissatisfaction.
8) There's a feeling of dissatisfaction with the government.
9) 30% of customers expressed dissatisfaction with the service.
10) She expressed her dissatisfaction with him.
11) Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.
12) Dissatisfaction with the government has grown beyond belief.
13) Dissatisfaction among the managers soon permeated down to members of the workforce.
14) He bawled his dissatisfaction.
15) He made no bones about his dissatisfaction with the service.
16) MPs voice public dissatisfaction at having to pay higher taxes.
17) At the moment she's experiencing a lot of dissatisfaction with her job.
18) The pro-democracy rally came amidst reports of dissatisfaction among army officers.
19) She expressed deep dissatisfaction at the way the interview had been conducted.
20) There is growing dissatisfaction with the current style of management.
21) Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.
22) There is a widespread dissatisfaction among the students with the food on campus.
23) She hurled her dissatisfaction.
24) She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy.
25) Some women expressly blame loneliness for their dissatisfaction.
26) From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed.
27) Job dissatisfaction was somewhat higher than usual.
28) It's her feeling that the recent outbreaks of violence are a symptom of the dissatisfaction that is currently affecting our society.
29) The opinion poll is a clear signal of people's dissatisfaction with the government.
30) A recent open meeting of College members revealed widespread dissatisfaction.
1) He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.
2) Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.
3) Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated every section of society.
4) The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.
5) She expressed her dissatisfaction with him.
6) There is a widespread dissatisfaction among the students with the food on campus.
31) A wide-ranging survey found growing dissatisfaction among workers.
32) This fuelled dissatisfaction with the repressive structures of tsarism.
33) If you do need to. express any dissatisfaction try to do in it a constructive and diplomatic way.
34) This increase in the Community Charge in major urban areas resulted in a general dissatisfaction with this form of local taxation.
35) Shape dissatisfaction, endemic to young women in western culture, elicits restrictive dieting that increases the vulnerability to eating disorders.
36) There was widespread dissatisfaction too for the degenerate lifestyle into which many of the clergy had fallen.
37) At first my growing dissatisfaction manifested itself in rather unproductive activity.
38) These costs were attributed to job dissatisfaction caused by boring, repetitive work.
39) However, many critics of the 1960s and 19705 also expressed dissatisfaction with the ideas and technology of society at that time.
40) However, poverty levels among land reform beneficiaries remain high, as do the levels of dissatisfaction that they express.
41) Domestic drama had a close connection with the growing spirit of dissatisfaction with existing social, economic, religious and political conditions.
42) There is a huge literature on what causes dissatisfaction among actors in organizations.
43) Years of discussion with him would help me to express my own growing dissatisfaction.
44) This is true even where respondents reported ill health or dissatisfaction with work.
44) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
45) Politicians, sensing wide and profound dissatisfaction with the status quo, have proposed significant changes in our federal income tax.
46) Beware if a potential leader comes in with dissatisfaction at how he has been treated in a previous group.
47) Television can create deep dissatisfaction by portraying lifestyles that are unattainable.
48) There is considerable dissatisfaction among lesbians and gays at their lack of representation, or misrepresentation, on television.
49) Lack of Administrative Communication Job anxieties within the entire contingent continued, and dissatisfaction mounted.
50) As economic satisfactions have increased, so the scope for dissatisfaction on social issues may also have increased.
51) And so, by 1977, there was pretty widespread dissatisfaction with education in all its forms.
52) As you might expect, studies show a strong correlation between marital dissatisfaction and infidelity.
53) Dissatisfaction with this highly indirect method of attempting to secure a modus must have been considerable.
54) Could it be that Europeanism is in direct proportion to dissatisfaction with one's own political institutions?
55) Let us accept that by no means all research stems from the reading of published theoretical work or dissatisfaction with the use of concepts.
56) For the Bank(), probably the biggest is the growing dissatisfaction of its rich-country shareholders over the way it is run.
57) Some people seem able to indicate disapproval without causing offence whilst others cause resentment even with the mildest expression of dissatisfaction.
58) In addition to resistance, you will find a mixture of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and of course, unhappiness.
59) Doubtless the timing of the revolt can be partly understood in terms of the flaring up of the Young King's dissatisfaction at Limoges.
60) They have, almost as a birthright, a restless dissatisfaction with the status quo.
61) Did he stomp on it in any other way to manifest dissatisfaction?
62) Dissatisfaction, exacerbated by the non-payment of the usual bonuses, led to a mass exodus and mutiny.
63) It is the withdrawal of this assurance that contributes to the widespread dissatisfaction with home life in a tower block.
64) Fed by the dual fires of inflation and dissatisfaction with public services, the tax re volt spread quickly.
65) Working-class women are no less likely than middle-class women to express dissatisfaction with housework.
66) The level of arousal has a lot to do with general feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
67) This women's group was set up because of dissatisfaction with the lack of action by the male-dominated Ovens committee.
68) It creates a tremendous amount of conflict and dissatisfaction within the marriage.
69) He argues that by maintaining the job environment at an acceptable level then feelings of dissatisfaction can be avoided.
70) The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction.
71) In neither class group is either norm - satisfaction or dissatisfaction - adhered to absolutely.
72) This increased mobility is seen by Naville as a source of great dissatisfaction.
73) His dissatisfaction with Mr Clinton is so great that he could become a national candidate in the fall.
74) Most rank-and-file deputies have been hesitant to speak openly about their dissatisfaction.
74) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
75) But Paul is claiming that attitudes are everything, and ongoing dissatisfaction can be a very ungodly outlook.
76) Others are banking on the budget crisis in Washington to increase voter dissatisfaction with Dole.
77) There appears to be a growing dissatisfaction with Rag in several universities across the country.
78) Lack of proper equipment, inadequate housing - are such considerations in fact a cause of dissatisfaction?
79) There was growing dissatisfaction with the Church and in particular with the way it was developing in the late twelfth century.
80) Sukarno Preaches Politics of Consensus During 1956 dissatisfaction with the existing system simmered and eventually boiled.
81) For instance, there is a positive correlation between marital dissatisfaction and the reported intensity of premenstrual symptoms.
82) These breakdowns in the neat E/P/R logic are often grouped together as signs of dissatisfaction.
83) But as time wears on, the novelty wears off and dissatisfaction results.
84) It was more broadly philosophical, and encapsulated a generalized dissatisfaction with scholasticism and tradition.
85) De Gaulle's notes to Peyrefitte, mentioned above, indicate dissatisfaction with the implementation of the state broadcasting policy.
86) The gardener they had taken on also came in for her unspoken dissatisfaction.
87) When dissatisfaction identifies itself in the form of a complaint, this necessary condition for long-term survival is clearly not being met.
88) Dissatisfaction will worsen as the full effects of recent massive price rises are felt.
89) Younger party members have been more vociferous in registering their dissatisfaction at the foot-dragging over the reforms begun in 1986.
90) There was some dissatisfaction with the curriculum, which had hardly been touched by the modernisation drive.
91) He is helping to focus debate and to underline the dissatisfaction with the Republican field.
92) Marital dissatisfaction can lead to adultery which, in turn, exacerbates dissatisfaction in a vicious circle.
93) Perhaps the strongest case of dissatisfaction was that of a small businessman.
94) To the best of my recollection I mentioned their existence as soon as you had expressed dissatisfaction with Northumberland Avenue.
95) Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services.
96) Gallup has found widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of society.
97) There was, in particular, deep and widespread dissatisfaction with the mathematical attainments of children at school.
98) The move follows their dissatisfaction with what they say are deteriorating services throughout the area.
99) Perhaps it is time the autonomous practitioners themselves sought a solution to a widespread dissatisfaction with their service.
100) A good course programme but with a poor instructor led to more trainee dissatisfaction than a good instructor with a moderate programme.
101) There is considerable evidence of executive dissatisfaction with some of the efforts of knowledge workers in this area.
102) Many of these emotions energize greater effort but others negate effort and lead to dissatisfaction, stress and withdrawal.
103) Finally, dissatisfaction with housing conditions produced schemes for slum clearance or improvement and substantial house-building programmes.
104) Many reports have drawn attention to high levels of dissatisfaction among junior doctors./dissatisfaction.html
105) Spoiled ballots accounted for 32 %, indicating the widespread dissatisfaction at the electoral process.
106) Salary - a low proportion identified this as a source of dissatisfaction.
107) My discussions with George Nano were wide-ranging, and I gave him every opportunity to express dissatisfaction.
108) The mobilizing style has a greater appeal when there is dissatisfaction with the statusquo and a feeling that new policies are required.
109) This suggests that, inpart, the housewife's dissatisfaction with her work is a function of downward social mobility.
110) If the public service obligation grant is substantially reduced, will not there be an inevitable increase in dissatisfaction with customer service?
111) Ronald Reagan was not without handicaps and dissatisfaction with both of the party's standard bearers in this election was unusually widespread.
112) Each one of these four factors is a potential source of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
113) The result is clear - there is large research literature on dissatisfaction and disillusionment.
114) There may even have been some dissatisfaction among Penda's allies with what had been achieved at Iudeu.
115) Sue's expression showed her dissatisfaction with the food and the service.
116) Dissatisfaction often leads to outright treason.
117) The workman muttered his dissatisfaction.
118) Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the proposals.
119) If because misunderstand, dissatisfaction is, clarifying effectively is necessary.
120) Now he felt an intense dissatisfaction.
121) The surgeon muttered his dissatisfaction.
122) How to express your dissatisfaction courteously?
123) This statement caused immediate dissatisfaction among the reporters.
124) It's a slowly-growing sense of dissatisfaction, disinterest, disconnectedness.
125) The fact of dissatisfaction is undeniable.
126) Adjectives that describe insincere humility, dissatisfaction, snobbery, courtesy to women, financial embarrassment, sadness, etc.
127) Siemens with sand in the cohabitation, babe gradually dissatisfaction acquisitiveness, start sand girl recalls the boa.
128) The word kick sometimes is used to describe a complaint or some kind of dissatisfaction. Workers, for example, kick about long hours and low pay.
129) An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.
130) The opposition is trying to stir up feelings of dissatisfaction among the voters.
131) When she was trimly dressed she was rather a sweet little being, with large eyes and a sad mouth. Her face expressed the mingled expectancy, dissatisfaction, and depression she felt.
132) Martin in court for their alleged violation of public law and order show my dissatisfaction.
133) Grounds for divorce in Tajikistan include childlessness, emotional estrangement, shortage of housing, drunkenness, and economic dissatisfaction.
134) As for the general performance of non-official members of the Executive Council, dissatisfaction rate has continued to drop,[/dissatisfaction.html] probably due to the more relaxed political atmosphere.
135) There was widespread dissatisfaction with the Reform Act of 1832 and the New Poor Law.
136) Demotion often results in employee dissatisfaction, poor subsequent performance, and eventually, turnover.
137) Cause Paris rebellion take the handicraftsman and the merchant as representative's common people social stratum's dissatisfaction to be frequent.
138) However, the DP incident exposed latent congressional dissatisfaction with the way the committee, and Bush, have applied the 'Exon-Florio provision'.
139) Fear of a capital loss, and dissatisfaction with unrewarding yields, have triggered a flurry of ideas on how to put the money to better use.
140) The lower production levels are a symptom of dissatisfaction among the workers.
141) "There certainly is quite some dissatisfaction," said a senior European source involved in the financial rescue. "Weber is a recidivist.
142) Back of them, in the great surge that had taken people over the Alleghenies and into the opening Western country, there was a deep, implicit dissatisfaction with a past that had settled into grooves.
143) There was general dissatisfaction as to the hours of labour required and the wages paid.
144) The real sales pitch for It'should be: dissatisfaction guaranteed, and no money back.
145) The standard technique is to invoke nationalism as a conduit for dissatisfaction.
146) When customers' dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance. Waiters can and do spit in people's food.
147) But, a few author of World-Wide-Web grow some dissatisfaction to the commerciality of this network.
148) Sometimes it's the job itself that causes dissatisfaction. For example, the work may be boring, or ill-suited to your interests, education and skills.
149) Boycott Carrefour, is not boycott Chinese, but is an attitude, the way to show how dissatisfaction!
150) Non - functional testing brings out these potential problems with the product, which could cause major customer dissatisfaction.
151) Year-to-year increasing scale of Chinese international payment surplus has brought about dissatisfaction of other countries in the world.
152) Tao Yuan - ming's dissatisfaction with imperial court decadent, dark officialdom, but also do not want to?
153) Second, the admiring of the Chinese knight-errantry cans catharsis negation and dissatisfaction of people to the legitimacy law and realism.
153) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
154) The individual citizen, unfortunately, cannot effectively register his dissatisfaction with this practice.
155) When customers' dissatisfaction devolves into personal attacks, adulterating food or drink is a convenient way for servers to exact covert vengeance.
156) Herzberg called those aspects of work that produced job satisfaction motivators and those that produced job dissatisfaction hygiene factors.
157) This decline can be attributed to customer dissatisfaction with our turnaround time, prices, and quality.
158) Money Back Guarantee – A reliable service provider should offer money back guarantee in the event of client's dissatisfaction.
159) Great sacred animal ", there is a rather well-known" Stork Utricularia ape "for vent their dissatisfaction for some network administrators.
160) Although after last game has expressed dissatisfaction on referee, Mavericks coach gives enough respect to Thunder's defense team.
161) Betty Friedan expressed the dissatisfaction of some American women during the middle of the twentieth century.
162) If infringe their contraindication, can cause local intense dissatisfaction and object.
163) They never know that exam make us qualm and dissatisfaction.
164) To everyone's surprise, workers expressed great dissatisfaction with the new program.
165) Dieting, depression and body dissatisfaction are common risk factors for the onset of an eating disorder.
166) One of the dissatisfaction of office workers focuses on the acoustical environment.
167) Results: With exploring factor analysis, 4 factors were extracted , i . e . Addictive Behavior, Emotional Arousal, Shame & amp ; Dissatisfaction and Dysfunction.
168) The attitude stems from a dissatisfaction with the dispersed form of garden city.
169) " Opposition lawmakers also expressed dissatisfaction that this is the ruling party "unilateral act.
170) Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers.
171) The Left wing of the Party is the most ideological, hidebound to Maoism, driven in part by nostalgic longings and in part by a deep dissatisfaction with the current state of society.
172) After the foundation of the former Soviet Union regime, Maksim Gorky(1838-1936) had doubted about revolutionary for his dissatisfaction of social reality, which was manifested in his works.
173) In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradaany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague.
174) In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hrad?any Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague.
175) To essentially solve the customer dissatisfaction of the B2C online sales mode we can create the customer apperceive standard towards the products and build authoritative evaluation system.




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