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单词 Poisonous
1, This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
2, Some mushrooms are good to eat; some are poisonous.
3, The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.
4, Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.
5, I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.
6, He was bitten by a poisonous snake.
7, Some mushrooms are extremely poisonous.
8, Ways must be found to prevent the poisonous gases from polluting the air.
9, These chemicals can emanate certain poisonous gases.
10, The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested.
11, He gave her a poisonous look.
12, Are these berries edible,[http:///poisonous.html] or are they poisonous?
13, He was given an emetic after eating poisonous berries.
14, This gas is highly poisonous.
15, These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
16, Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous.
17, Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas.
18, The weather was positively poisonous.
19, The berries are poisonous to birds.
20, He ate some poisonous mushrooms, with fatal consequences.
21, The leaves of yew trees are poisonous to cattle.
22, The lid prevents the escape of poisonous gases.
23, Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply.
24, He said some poisonous things to me.
25, There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.
26, Fungus can be poisonous.
27, Poisonous vapours burst out of the factory during the accident, causing several hundred deaths.
28, The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.
29, In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
30, There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.
1, This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
2, Some mushrooms are good to eat; some are poisonous.
3, The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.
4, Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.
5, I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.
6, He was bitten by a poisonous snake.
7, Some mushrooms are extremely poisonous.
8, The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.
9, Ways must be found to prevent the poisonous gases from polluting the air.
10, In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
11, There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.
12, He gave her a poisonous look.
13, This gas is highly poisonous.
14, The weather was positively poisonous.
15, The leaves of yew trees are poisonous to cattle.
16, This medicine is poisonous.
31, It gives off a poisonous gas as it rots down.
32, Our cars pump out thousands of tonnes of poisonous fumes every year.
33, She was bitten on the ankle by a poisonous snake .
34, Beware - poisonous chemicals.
35, Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.
36, The child was given an emetic after he had swallowed some poisonous berries.
37, Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption through the skin.
38, Can you tell the the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?
39, If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere.
40, That poisonous bastard Lucett told Morris I was seeing his wife.
41, This medicine is poisonous.
42, The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibits the use of poisonous gases in war.
43, The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.
44, Some paints contain lead,[http:///poisonous.html] which can be poisonous.
45, Don't drink that -- it's poisonous!
46, Don't use holly or yew, they're poisonous.
47, The heat is simply poisonous.
48, Poisonous gases are produced by improperly burned fuel.
49, By the way, I don't keep any poisonous snakes.
50, The air smelled poisonous and dank.
51, Consequently poisonous gases arise to adversely affect the medium.
52, The adder is the only poisonous snake in Britain.
53, His tongue is a deadly poisonous serpent.
54, The toad's skin produces a poisonous substance.
55, The plant's white berries are extremely poisonous.
56, Even the poisonous dinitrophenol made a comeback.
57, Avoid skin contact with the stain: ferricyanide is poisonous.
58, Many of our rivers are full of poisonous chemicals.
59, The boy died after eating poisonous berries.
60, The experiment went wrong when the chemicals combined to form a poisonous gas.
61, The mushrooms are similar in appearance to poisonous one, so you have to be careful.
62, While on a mission, Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake.
63, She would probably marry one of those men with faces like mirrors, Gatsby-men, poisonous and charming.
64, A mimetic butterfly is one that resembles another kind of butterfly-usually a poisonous one.
65, The all-clear was given three hours later after police confirmed that the fumes were not poisonous.
66, Unable to dispose of the poisonous waste, the yeasts shut down and become dormant.
67, Clouds of smoke billowed out so the teams crouched down to avoid inhaling the poisonous fumes.
68, Never use aluminium as poisonous seepage will react with the plant alkaloids and its vitamin content, thus damaging the therapeutic properties.
69, The poisonous gas is called carbon monoxide and gas appliances can produce it if they're not regularly serviced.
70, Unfortunately, in this country at least, they have an undeserved bad reputation as none of our native spiders are poisonous.
71, They are compelled to do this because most of the forest trees protect themselves against molesters with a poisonous sap.
72, Citizens demanded that the mayor apologize for his poisonous racist comments.
72, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
73, It just seems bad, poisonous, as if anything at all could happen.
74, Pilot Tom Hauptman flew his helicopter into clouds of steaming, poisonous gas.
75, The obvious answer is to keep poisonous plants out of children's reach.
76, It is a poisonous heavy metal like lead or mercury, but only slightly radioactive.
77, Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas, mostly produced by cars.
78, The most poisonous was the desire to have more now: short-term greed rather than long-term greed.
79, Many marine animals are poisonous, and you could receive a nasty sting - or worse.
80, Ruby Wax found some real wackos in West Virginia-loons who use poisonous snakes in religious ceremonies.
81, It was a sort of devil's crucible, giving off poisonous fumes, just like a bowl of vitriol.
82, The air is filled with a dingo's howl, the footpaths alive with the poisonous snakes on their slithering nocturnal hunt.
83, It has lost nearly all its muscles and become thin and whip-like, sometimes with a poisonous spine at the end.
84, Some of the most colourful butterflies never need to hide because they are poisonous.
85, Cube Boxfish can release a poisonous substance if badly-handled or attacked.
86, An average car emits five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas per mile.
87, If hydrogen sulfide or some other poisonous gas is detected, Donahue dons an airtight breathing device and a hard hat.
88, None of us here has ever been bitten, but in any case the spider's bite is not very poisonous.
89, The use, storage, and transportation of poisonous, explosive, or flammable substances have long been regulated.
90, All around me, I observed an almost total lack of poisonous herbage.
91, My father would not touch the stuff, he said it might be poisonous.
92, The poisonous snakes invite a certain deference, and the rattlesnake is even canned occasionally for human consumption.
93, If there is evidence or suspicion of drugs or poisonous substances having been taken.
94, Zinc, like copper or lead, is poisonous to plants, but some have genes able to deal with it.
95, Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which, when inhaled, limits the body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
96, For example, the pollen of modified crops had already been shown to be poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae.
97, Butterflies and moths are among the most beautiful insects and one does not expect them to be venomous or poisonous.
98, Carbon monoxide is present in all cigarette smoke and is also the poisonous gas in car exhausts.
99, It was later determined that Burke had inhaled poisonous fumes.
100, In popular mythology poisonous snakes are always ready and waiting for the chance to strike out and kill their attackers.
101, Drivers whose vehicles give off more poisonous chemicals than are allowed have ten days to clean up their act.
102, Deadly nightshade, laburnum and curare are all extremely poisonous and peppermint oil can cause gastric ulcers.
102, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
103, By then the influence of anaerobic decomposition and poisonous gases will have become obvious.
104, Yeast cells struggling to survive under suffocating conditions quickly excrete the ethanol fragments because they are basically poisonous.
105, By masquerading as poisonous insects, they avoid attacks from birds that might otherwise eat them.
106, The berries were poisonous and a notice to this effect was attached to the bush.
107, The herrings and preservative had reacted together and produced a chemical which was poisonous to mink.
108, The Yew tree is one of the most poisonous plants in the countryside.
109, Many edible species of butterfly gain protection by resembling noxious or poisonous species.
110, An average car emits five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas per mile. Carbon monoxide is also a powerful greenhouse gas.
111, And for children, there are even more hazards: from ponds to poisonous plants and chemicals.
112, Forest Goblin Shamans keep small poisonous spiders in their mouths.
113, And as they use more plastic, chemicals and metals, so what they discard becomes increasingly durable and potentially poisonous.
114, The poor world has great potential in this respect, including some 2,000 divisions of poisonous plants which might become pest killers.
115, The blood of the creature was highly poisonous, so the hero dipped his arrows into it.
116, It's quite clear that the influence of soul music in pop has become poisonous, repressive, grey and total.
117, They employ their poisonous saliva primarily as a weapon against their prey.
118, Central can't film here because since these photographs were taken the air's become too poisonous to breath.
119, It was a complimentary bottle, sent over at Gwen's instigation, therefore unlikely to be actually poisonous.
120, Remember, even a small fire can fill your home with dense and poisonous smoke in a couple of minutes.
121, A cloud of poisonous gas escaped from the chemical plant.
122, Rincewind wondered if it was poisonous, then chided himself for asking such a silly question.
123, The barrier of poisonous gas appeared to be less penetrable than the rock that had been tunnelled through.
124, I see little reason to prefer strains of lettuce, for instance, that are inherently poisonous to pests.
125, Botulism toxin from bacteria prevents the release of acetylcholine and is the most poisonous substance known.
126, Those flowers are poisonous, child, and their perfume is a miasma.
127, Hangovers are actually the body's response of shock at being subjected to a substantial dose of a poisonous substance.
128, The goods actually supplied consisted of copra cake combined with a quantity of castor oil, the latter being poisonous to cattle.
129, The King Cobra, or Hamadryad, is the largest of all poisonous snakes.
130, One year in ten, a slow poisonous trickle reaches the sea.
131, In addition, there was the constant danger of poisonous gas.
132, Last year there were 13 cases,[] including the death of a farm worker who ate poisonous mushrooms.
133, Many of the animals are hostile to humans: for example, poisonous snakes and fierce mountain cats.
134, This fish gives off a poisonous mucus from its mouth when alarmed.
135, Some emit poisonous gases which kill or temporarily paralyse any insects who attempt a meal.
136, At this heat, all the poisonous chemicals are changed into safe compounds.
137, This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.
138, Carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless and poisonous gas, is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon in fuels.
139, A blast of heated air rushed past, and poisonous smoke belched towards him.
140, One could argue that the poisonous atmosphere in rugby is a rather sad reflection of the vitriolic exchanges between politicians.
141, His handclasp was cold; his black uniform befitting the poisonous beetle that he was.
142, It was the Mirror too which exposed the massive government cover-up last year over the poisonous waste being dumped on our beaches.
143, Read in studio A man accused of dumping poisonous waste in a brook has been committed for Crown Court trial.
144, All poisonous amphibia use their toxins as a means of self-defence and not to catch prey.
145, Water oozed out of the walls and as each night wore on(), the heat distilled a fetid and poisonous atmosphere.
146, Poisonous substances, such as garden chemicals, should be clearly labelled.
147, The thick, unbreathable atmosphere carries traces of what to us are corrosive and poisonous substances.
148, Calcium cyanamide is poisonous and irritating to the skin.
149, Yohimbine is a kind of poisonous alkaloid.
150, A poisonous, ornamental, tropical African herb or tree (Ricinus communis) having palmately lobed leaves and unisexual flowers and yielding a seed oil of commercial and medicinal value.
151, An extremely poisonous white compound, KCN, used in the extraction of gold and silver from ores, electroplating, and photography, and as a fumigant and insecticide.
152, Pufferfish stand to be the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world.
153, Chlorpyrifos was one kind of organophosphorus pesticides with higher efficacy and could substitute highly poisonous metham-sodium and parathion .
154, If poisonous defect pericardium, becloud deities is sent weigh disease to fizzle out urgently.
155, The filtration should be carried out in a hood because of the escape of poisonous gases.
156, The Portuguese man-of-war is a large poisonous jellyfish-like creature found in the UK.
157, The safekeeping party shall have appropriate safekeeping facilities for the storage of inflammable , explosive, poisonous, corrosive, radioactive and other dangerous articles.
158, Another drawback is that nitrobenzene is both poisonous and explosive.
159, Major occupational hazard factors at the plant studied included dust, noise, poisonous chemicals, and extremely low frequency electric field.
160, He has battled against Nazi villains, a Beduin swordsman and a pit of poisonous snakes.
161, People said that people who died of eating this grass would become ghosts. They could reincarnate only by finding a person who had also died by eating the poisonous grass.
162, If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'll give off poisonous gases.
163, Objective To explore resistance to carbon monoxide poisonous hypoxia by Ligustrazin.
164, Scientists have found many planets like HD 209458 b – huge gas giants that orbit hazardously close to their stars and have hellishly hot, poisonous atmospheres.
165, The bitter almond contains amygdalin. Acid or enzyme can decompose amygdalin to prussic acid and benzaldehyde. Prussic acid is a poisonous substance.
166, The witchweed steals water and nutrients from the roots and attacks the sorghum with a poisonous substance.
167, Can be uric convention checked piece diabetic with uric poisonous card?
168, It is very unusual for a mammal to lay eggs or to have poisonous spurs!




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