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单词 Provinces
(1) They consolidated seven provinces to form four new ones.
(2) The pop group is now touring the provinces.
(3) Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories.
(4) He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.
(5) If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.
(6) The show is currently touring the provinces.
(7) The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
(8) Canada has ten provinces.
(9) Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
(10) The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.
(11) The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.
(12) They carved the territory up into three provinces.
(13) He found life in the provinces boring.
(14) The central government disbursed funds to the provinces.
(15) She's from the provinces and not familiar with Rome.
(16) Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces.
(17) Most of the Francophones live in these two provinces.
(18) Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.
(19) Hostilities broke out between the two provinces later that year.
(20) The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts.
(21) The three provinces along the Changjiang River were designated as a disaster area.
(22) Whole provinces were deprived of their nationalist leaders.
(23) The rebellion spread quickly through the Western Provinces.
(24) Julian's main impact was confined to the Eastern provinces.
(25) Life in the provinces was difficult.
(26) Swarms of locusts have been reported in 15 provinces.
(27) The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces.
(28) There are a number of press agencies based in London and in the provinces.
(29) This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-Eastern provinces.
(30) The president embarked on a whirlwind tour of the provinces.
(1) They consolidated seven provinces to form four new ones.
(2) The pop group is now touring the provinces.
(3) Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories.
(4) He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.
(5) The show is currently touring the provinces.
(6) The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces.
(7) The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
(8) Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.
(9) The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.
(10) The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.
(31) This implies that the disposable income of the republics and provinces in 1985 was about 251 billion dinars.
(32) Most tellingly, Labour's vote was well down on its 1990 performance in the provinces.
(33) The provinces are drawn on the basis of radioactive ages.
(34) The only government authorities that collect income tax at present are the republics and provinces.
(35) By 1979 the provinces themselves had become ungovernable, with even the Elector Counts facing rivals and rebellions within their own lands.
(36) Except in the most westerly provinces, the land was redeemed not by individual peasants but by the village commune.
(37) A law in April allowed the importation of foodstuffs into the northeastern provinces duty free which only encouraged fraud.
(38) Exploitation was pursued without shame in the rich and soon conquered provinces of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.
(39) During the year, we have worked in almost all major offshore oil provinces worldwide.
(40) Her parents were not Parisians, they came from the provinces and Jeanne herself combined innocence with imaginative courage.
(41) A utilitarian concrete block clogged with book kiosks and leftist murals, it draws its 17,000 students from six northern provinces.
(42) He produced the strongest arguments why these provinces should not be partitioned.
(43) In 1789-90 the conviction rate in London was 79 percent and in the provinces 85 percent.
(44) This youth from the provinces knew Warsaw better than I did.
(45) Environment Ministers from the federal government and the provinces have also agreed to begin recovery initiatives by the end of this year.
(46) Yet after 1750 this group came to acquire a special connection with the provinces through its links with the country banks.
(47) But the densely populated central provinces present a very different picture.
(48) For neo-populists, it is the social structure in these central provinces that is crucial.
(49) It also indicated that a referendum might well be held on the package prior to its submission to the provinces.
(50) The provinces needed to sell shares to raise money to cover budget deficits, traders said.
(51) Prospecting continued in other provinces, though most intensely in Connaught and Ulster.
(52) Even within one country the variations between states or provinces with fairly similar cultural and value systems are startling.
(53) It also provided for increased powers for the provincial governments,[ ] including a veto for all provinces over future constitutional change.
(54) During a three-month cooling-off period, negotiations would begin on the future of all the republics and provinces.
(55) By this time, all provinces except Zambezia had at least 40 percent female enrolment.
(56) The importance of fracturing has been a common theme in writings on the reservoir problem of the Appalachian and Variscan thrust provinces.
(57) What the king did, in other words, was to use the assembly to defuse trouble in the provinces.
(58) The Senate keeps a register of vacant places in chambers, both in London and in the provinces.
(59) At that time, Persia was divided into several provinces, ruled by local khans.
(60) The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
(61) Refugees streamed into nearby provinces with their belongings in baskets and on bicycles, and the naval guns shelled them as well.
(62) It was an unspectacular, stable society, like the Basque Provinces enjoying a large degree of local autonomy.
(63) One result was the virtual end of the traffic in stolen cattle between the Southern and Western Provinces.
(64) This lies in the northern part of the Empire and beyond it is Ostland, the northernmost of the Empire's provinces.
(65) So had the provinces, which scarcely knew how to struggle for local political and cultural rights.
(66) The clause among the Fourth Lateran Council decrees that proposed regulated taxes for the churches and provinces of Christendom suggests as much.
(67) The deep division within the provinces of the former Empire meant than no-one had sufficient forces to root out the Beastmen.
(68) Middle-aged, semi-retired businessmen in provinces such as Manchester or Leicester seemed particularly susceptible to this.
(69) Poor boys from the provinces could rise above the sons of tycoons if only they could pass the Todai entrance exam.
(70) Conditions are even worse in poorer provinces, where children often are taught under trees or in cowsheds.
(71) I had just come in from one of the western provinces, where I'd worked in a bush surgery.
(72) He commanded two provinces where at least 100,000 people were killed between Apriland June 1994.
(73) Only in the homogeneous white population of the United Provinces of the River Plate did independence seem secure.
(74) It therefore took a southerly route across the prairie provinces of the Dominion.
(75) The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces.
(76) Politicians in the centre worried that the extra financial clout of the provinces could encourage separatists.
(77) After holing up for the winter of 2512 the horde descended into the eastern provinces of the Empire.
(78) To combat it, he made a series of important trips to the provinces in the autumn of 1944.
(79) It shaped the destinies not just of individuals but of entire provinces and kingdoms.
(80) The government responded to the outbreak of violence by declaring a state of emergency in Bangkok and four surrounding provinces.
(81) In view of the unorthodox behaviour of the Komsomol that we have noted in the provinces, such a move was overdue.
(82) In 1921, for instance night patrols made thirteen arrests for cattle stealing in the Southern and Western Provinces.
(83) On top of this is the mounting unrest in the provinces.
(84) Having lost his northern provinces, he does not hide his ambition to re-establish his gruesome tyranny over them.
(85) There, capitalism dissolved social differentiation - families, castes, clans, tribes, provinces, religions, gender, nationality.
(86) The provinces are based upon the ancient tribal homelands whose people were ruled by their own chieftains.
(87) Yet his proposals were denounced in the provinces, delayed in the Duma and rejected outright in the State Council.
(88) Meanwhile, the knock-on effect of the slump is still being felt out in the provinces.
(89) Rilke in Paris For the shy young man from the provinces life began seven floors up.
(90) New policies on developing the backward western provinces and improving health, education and social welfare are stressed.
(91) Like the provincial nobility of the northern provinces, this was a working nobility.
(92) Almost a thousand buildings are represented, mainly from the city of Rome and from eastern provinces of the Roman empire.
(93) This clause allows provinces to be exempt from court rulings for five years.
(94) I could still function out in the provinces, where local political barons had their own media agendas.
(95) The Empire has no capital as such, as the Emperor is chosen from amongst the Elector Counts throughout the provinces.
(96) Much more than a military commander, Pompey appointed kings and created new Roman provinces.
(97) The outer provinces still possessed immense stretches where atomic power had not yet been re-introduced.
(98) When Ottawa's programme expired in April, pressure mounted on the provinces to provide assistance.
(99) Most hospitals in the provinces relied on donations or regular subscriptions to keep going.
(100) In spite of difficulties - and of the fact that eight Anglican provinces already ordain women - official discussions about unity continue.
(101) A week later a mob set fire to a town hall in Chauri Chaura in the United Provinces, killing 22 policemen.
(102) Another argument in favour of the provinces is that the steady decentralisation of justice from London naturally increases the importance of the provincial Bar.
(103) It reported in mid-1861, but suggested only that the peasantry of the western provinces fulfil their obligations in cash rather than labour.
(104) In the provinces it took a little time before London fashions were adopted.
(105) The Provinces Division operates with a management structure consisting of two regional teams.
(106) At present guerrilla activity was reported in Kyongji province, north and south Chungchong provinces and on the island of Cheju.
(107) But no one has mentioned what's been going on in our eastern provinces or in Katanga in the south.
(108) As clashes in the capital continued there were similar incidents in the provinces of Malange, Huambo and Huila.
(109) After studying law Sezer worked as a magistrate in the provinces for several years.
(110) In some provinces, production houses get a tax credit of as much as 35 percent for money they spend on labor.
(111) Navarre, for example, enjoys just as many ancient and enshrined foral privileges as the Basque provinces.
(112) The eastern provinces are likely to rebel if they are not given more freedom.
(113) But economic reform is passing power from central government to the provinces,[http:///provinces.html] and from repressive institutions to individual enterprises.
(114) The boundaries of provinces are marked with dotted lines.
(115) The country's maritime provinces are rich.
(116) Which provinces are joined to New Brunswick by land?
(117) In addition a crop failure in many provinces.
(118) Did you visit the Prairie provinces?
(119) The Provinces in Spain, Venezuela and Italy actively engaged.
(120) Cuba is politically and administratively divided into 14 provinces.
(121) In the western provinces there are different geographic formations.
(122) The king ruled the provinces with an iron fist.
(123) Oceanic islands, particularly in the Pacific, form minor provinces.
(124) Some provinces had proved recreant.
(125) This precious mineral is found in many provinces.
(126) Consulate General in Shenyang: Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces.
(127) The streets were decorated as per usual, but many provinces didn't receive their food handouts and the designer freebies were replaced with "cheap knockoffs."
(128) Anecdotal reports from government authorities monitoring the return migration in China's inland provinces are inconsistent.
(129) The historical links between many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
(130) The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
(131) And religion are endemic producers of finite provinces of meaning.
(132) Cysticercosis ( Cysticercosis ) is a global epidemic, China is a high incidence, in most provinces have prevalence.
(133) Local police authorities in Zhejiang, Shandong, and Henan provinces arrested 32 suspects for making and selling illegal cooking oil in mid-July.
(134) Following with it, the basic distributing pattern of the Hakka dialect group in the border area of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong provinces was settled.
(135) In the three provinces of Fukien, Kiangsi and Chekiang , however, the situation is different.
(136) Its territory was initially formed by the ascription of five counties from Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.
(137) At present, our company produced TST, GTF seamless joints binder bridges in the country over 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions use, generally well received.
(138) 147Although black bears are common in the eastern Canadian province of Labrador, grizzly bears —often similar in color, but much larger —were believed to exist only in the western provinces.
(139) Shaanxi is one of the provinces where soft metamorphic rock has distributed widely.
(140) Beijing controls the bulk of tax revenues to prevent local officials from spending wastefully, and as a way of redistributing wealth between poor and rich provinces.
(141) Fujian, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces of Jiangxi the strategic central city of and western Zhejiang Province.
(142) With 31 provinces,[http:///provinces.html] the pension system is a maze of disparate rules.
(143) Peace was signed at Frankfort surrendering the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the Germans.
(144) With the electron accelerator as an irradiation source, the colorless beryl in Sichuan and Xinjiang Provinces are colored via irradiation.
(145) Shaanxi province is one of the provinces which have ample mineral resources.
(146) There were some organisational problems with the election and several incidents of violence in Kasai and Katanga provinces.
(147) Many provinces and autonomous regions have unfolded the drug prevention education activities mainly for youngsters.
(148) The herb is mainly produced in Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces.
(149) In China : north eastern provinces ( formerly Manchuria ), Gansu , Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi provinces.
(150) Since the discovery of rice orange leaf disease in Yunnan province. China. 1978. some other provinces such as Fujian.
(151) Montessori Learning network now has covered more than 20 provinces and 70 cities across the country.
(152) The triple rhythmic pattern in Zhaendale and the free rhythmic feature of Yadegen are musical characteristics common in the northeast provinces.
(153) Hovsgol is the northernmost of Mongolia's 21 provinces, shadowing Russia's border and sharing the great Siberian taiga (subarctic coniferous forest).
(154) The authors suggest that schedules for charges on total emission of pollutant should be tried out at selected cities and provinces and...
(155) Influenced by making love, the people in some provinces and areas say sometimes FUCKER , implying amazement, unbending or that you are nothing.
(156) Many Europeans came to the prairies, so that Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces in 1905.
(157) The outcome of clustering analysis basically fitted the patterns of zoogeographic division of China, except the region of North China, Gansu, Anhwei, Henan, and Yunnan provinces.
(158) Based on neoclassic economic growth supposition, this paper examines the condition to achieve economic convergence between provinces.
(159) Baoma company's products with a stable quality, punctual delivery cycle, In domestic, sales to more than twenty provinces and cities , also exported to Europe and the United States high-end market.
(160) In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces.
(161) The Sunni provinces are also home to much of the current violence.
(162) But at least four were attacked with assault weapons and rocket-propelled grenades in two rural provinces south of the capital on Monday and Tuesday, according to local and Western officials.
(163) The fifth part is the analysis of EF of these provinces.
(164) Geochemical provinces exist objectively, and will not change with the change of delineation methods.
(165) The Yi nationality is distributed mainly over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces.
(166) In addition, there is a crop failure in many provinces this year.
(167) Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fukien, Guizhou , and Taiwan provinces of China.
(168) A few sophisticated Shanghainese might eat Stilton just as sophisticated Londoners eat tripe and chitterlings, but many people, especially in the provinces, have never tasted it.
(169) Some geochemically unusual rocks are found in the Paleoproterozoic terrene in eastern Liaoning and south Jilin Provinces.
(170) In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America.
(171) In steel production, we have laged far behind many provinces.
(172) The image encompasses most of eastern China, save the northernmost provinces and the cloud-covered southern coast. From north to south, nearly the entire country is covered in snow.
(172) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(173) The nation's breadbasket central provinces this year have seen some grain harvests cut in half, fishing hauls shrink and riverboat shipping lanes dry up.
(174) The trend to decline continues to be observed in the provinces of Kwanza Norte, Bengo, Malange, and Luanda.
(175) S. energy imports. The country's oil production has been increasing since 1999, as new oil sands and offshore projects have come on-stream to replace aging fields in the western provinces.
(176) A follow-up to the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) equipment handed over to RCSC showed that these ERUs are now warehoused in five provinces.
(177) Steamfitter- pipefitter trade certification is compulsory in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
(178) The molybdenum ore , is in Heman provinces, is in the altered rock cataclastic and veinlet belt.
(179) I imagined it infinite, made not only of eight-sided pavilions and of twisting paths but also of rivers, provinces and kingdoms...
(180) All of these cases have been detected since February in the capital Luanda or in provinces which were previously polio-free (Bie, Bengo, Huambo, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul).
(181) Objective To evaluate a training program of STIs syndromic management for practitioners in private and public clinics of three rural towns in Hainan and Guangxi provinces, China.
(182) One is bold style of Brutalism in Bohai Bay region, and the Yellow River basin of the paper-cut in other provinces the same strain.
(183) If China was a decent country Maritime Provinces ( Nakhodka, Vladivostok ) were Chinese territory.
(184) Is it a small matter , your taking from me my oldest provinces, Sicily and Sardinia?
(185) When the Worker-Peasant-Soldier Student graduated, a lot of them were assigned to the original units or provinces where they had worked in.
(186) The King ( Louis XVI ) prepared for a struggle and brought up troops from the provinces.
(187) Prior to export in the ten provinces and cities, increase in the volume of exports increased 73.25% in Heilongjiang province and export giant, 137.67%, average unit price falling sharply.
(188) China's Seismological Bureau said the quake affected more than half the country's provinces and municipalities.
(189) Officials in cities and provinces have created hundreds of municipally backed funds to invest in promising ventures.
(190) The quantity of the LNG for replacing oil used for oil-fired architectural ceramics kiln in Fujian and Guangdong provinces is very great.
(191) Second, owing unbalanced finance, the provinces such as Jiangsu etc and Yuehai customhouse defaulted much money.
(192) By its terms China forfeited much of her sovereignty in the provinces of Hopei and Chahar.
(193) Most of the Chinese immigrants were from the densely populated southern provinces of Guangdong (Kwangtung) and Fujian (Fukien).
(194) More than 1.25 million suspected cases have been reported from the country, which 752,245 were from Karnataka and 258,998 from Maharashtra provinces.
(195) The seven remaining poppy - growing provinces are all in the Pashto - speaking south, where the Taliban's writ runs.
(196) Sources: Area data are from CNRRI (1993), Yield data are from a survey of provincial agricultural bureau officials conducted by the authors in the above 13 provinces in 1992.
(197) The same hope stimulated warlords in the off provinces to realign themselves for continued resistance.
(198) The apostle Paul must have had reservations when the Holy Spirit prompted him and his team not to go into the provinces of Asia and Bithynia.
(199) The ash plume across 6 provinces, raising fears of damage to crops.
(200) Methods We interviewed 7302 families by using stratified multistage sampling in 40 counties of 5 provinces in western China.
(201) Genes encoding merozoite surface antigen 2(MSP 2) of three Chinese isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from Hainan, Yunnan and Anhui Provinces were cloned and sequenced.
(202) By now, there are 80 relief and development projects of WV in China, covering 14 provinces[Sentencedict], cities and municipalities.
(203) Wu dialect, represented by Shanghai dialect, is commonly used in some areas in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces of China.
(204) Most days, weather permitting, a couple of US Black Hawk helicopters take off from Bagram air base and do the rounds of Nato bases in Afghanistan's eastern provinces.
(205) In our country, the six central provinces are located at the hinterland and play very important role of the territorial division.
(206) Weinan is usually called " thoroughfare of Sanqin, thoroughfare of eight provinces. "
(207) The predominantly Flemish provinces are in the northern half of Belgium, called Flanders (Flemish Region), and the predominantly Walloon provinces are in the southern half, called Wallonia.
(208) The vaccine and placebo injections were administered to 16,402 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 years in Rayong and Chon Buri provinces in Thailand.
(209) Compared to other provinces of China, Jilin has extensive deposits of Kieselguhr, wollastonite, floatstone, and molybdenum.
(210) Amnesty gathered statements from thirty-seven women in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal provinces.
(211) It is imperative to build LNG receiving terminals in some provinces or cities in the southeast coastland of our country.
(212) Investigations on the species resources of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were carried out in 18 villages in the Zanthoxylum bungeanum cultivation areas of Hebei, Shannxi and Gansu provinces in 2001 and 2002.
(213) The unforgivable, reality , however, was the loss of the border provinces, Alsace and Lorrain.
(214) United Canada was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
(215) The paper selects 30 provinces and municipals in China as example; it builds an indicator system of resources endowment and deploys a clustering empirical analysis.
(216) They were all migrants , mostly from Szechuan and Anhui provinces.
(217) Common Snapping Turtle introduces our country as a tortoise being used for food since upper end of the century from USA, at present, distributes 15 provinces city , harbours amounts 400,000 or so.
(218) Like its manufactured products, the Cantonese culinary subculture is spreading to other provinces.
(219) In the same square a day later, President Ahmadinejad held a rally attended mostly by the poor, bused in from provinces throughout Iran.
(220) It Also analysis the influence function using Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Province three provinces and cities labor force mobile data.
(221) Nine provinces have already been affected, with Babil accounting for the majority of cases (58%), followed by Baghdad (18%) and Kerbala (9%).
(222) A kit for detecting 16 strains of pathogenic bacteria that cause fish diseases mainly by SPA coagglutination assay(SPA-COA)were clinically applied within 7 provinces in china from 1995 to 1997.
(223) Since the 1960's, a lot of elms, Ulmus pumila have been killed in Xing-jiang, Henan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and other provinces in China.
(224) And there are many similar instances in Hopei and Shantung Provinces.
(225) Up to now , we have been established franchise distribution network in 21 provinces and more than 130 cities.
(226) A few years later all members of these classes who lived in the provinces were relieved from the Praetorship, and were graciously recommended to stay at home and enjoy their dignities .
(227) They breed in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada and winter along the Atlantic coast.
(228) Although Beijing publicly continues to rally against protectionism, China's provinces are busily erecting internal barriers.
(229) Methods 1589 third grade pupils sampled from 10 provinces and cities by stratified cluster sampling.
(230) Based on the model of user cost and 1998-2005 data of 29 provinces, we measure the tax elasticity of investment and calculate the reducing of investment of foreign company in China.
(231) Floodwaters were also reportedly moving southwards towards Punjab and Sindh provinces.
(232) The Taihang mountain range is situated on the borders between Shansi, Hopei and Honan Provinces.
(232) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(233) The last mentioned dolomites predominate the other two, with the ancient carbonate rock upland of biolith origin in neighboring provinces playing the controlling role.
(234) In terms of geographical distribution, three-quarters of the proposed projects will support the poorer, inner provinces, compared with 62 percent during the last CAS period.
(235) Also, can you send letters to the governors of the provinces across the Euphrates River because they must permit me to pass their territory until I reach Judah.
(236) In the south, however, "the vicious circle of drugs funding terrorism and terrorism supporting drug lords is stronger than ever" with increased opium poppy cultivation in five provinces, he said.
(237) A member of the Algonquian people formerly inhabited the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
(238) AJAX three provinces, municipalities, and the choice of the production box.
(239) Oxfam supports projects to strengthen local community solidarity in achieving cultural recovery, livelihood improvement and natural resource management in Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces.
(240) The sweet green rice ball is a Tomb Sweeping Day food which is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is made of mugwort juice, glutinous rice and sweetened bean paste.
(241) The confirmative research of social support and SARS stress was based on the investigation of 1016 Ss in 17 provinces in China.
(242) Produced in most provinces of China , except northwest Xizang ( Tibet ).
(243) The original strategy for the Democratic Republic of the Congo was to concentrate vaccination in three provinces.
(244) Another group of taxa occurs from easternmost Eastern Cape to central KwaZulu-Natal provinces[/provinces.html], between Gilboa Forest and the Tugela River.
(245) In the case of France again, since we're talking so much about Louis XIV, they call the Estates General, which is to represent all the provinces after the assassination of Henry IV in 1610 or 1612.
(246) The ancient provinces of France, Normandy, Burgundy, and the like gave place to eighty departments.
(247) Although the overall growth rate of cement production continued to fall, but has 15 provinces of cement growth rate began to rise.
(248) Contributions to bimonthly, the 16 Dimensions, subscribers throughout the provinces ( city ) and autonomous regions.
(249) The scam , operating in nine provinces, was based in Guizhou.
(250) BAIC picked Zhuzhou as the site to make its first self-owned brand in part due to the city's location along convenient transport links between coastal China and western provinces.
(251) Which provinces are joined to New Brunswick by land Nova Scotia and Quebec Brunswick by land.




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