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单词 Evidently
1. She was evidently a heavy smoker.
2. She evidently dresses for comfort.
3. He has evidently mistaken me.
4. Evidently, he has fallen in love with Miss Green.
5. She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.
6. The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.
7. They were evidently trying to frighten the public into obedience.
8. The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.
9. Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.
10. He came to the door, evidently just roused from his bed.
11. She was evidently upset by what she saw.
12. He was born evidently in London.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. Evidently he has decided to leave.
14. Evidently this information clinched the matter.
15. Evidently, the builders had finished and gone home early.
16. Evidently we have to hitch a passing car.
17. A truck had evidently collided with a car.
18. He was evidently a rude, unpleasant child.
19. He was evidently too tired to go any further.
20. He was evidently in pain.
21. The two Russians evidently knew each other.
22. He was evidently upset by the news of the accident.
23. My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
24. From childhood, he was evidently at once rebellious and precocious.
25. They were evidently rationalizing.
26. He evidently hated maths at school, so it's amazing he became an accountant!
27. Evidently, she had nothing to do with the whole affair.
28. I didn't think Charlie's parents would like me, but evidently I pass muster.
29. She should have been here two hours ago so she's evidently decided not to come after all.
30. His claim about the number of people killed in the spring forest fire was evidently overstated.
1. She was evidently a heavy smoker.
2. She evidently dresses for comfort.
3. He has evidently mistaken me.
4. Evidently, he has fallen in love with Miss Green.
5. She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.
6. The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.
7. They were evidently trying to frighten the public into obedience.
8. I didn't think Charlie's parents would like me, but evidently I pass muster.
9. The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.
10. Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.
11. He came to the door, evidently just roused from his bed.
12. He was born evidently in London.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. He was evidently too tired to go any further.
14. My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
31. Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.
32. Evidently, the local authority are planning to close the school.
33. She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.
34. Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily.
35. Evidently he was listening to every word we said.
36. Locke was evidently not prepared to accept this.
37. There were young women here too-female Halut-zim, evidently.
38. The man outside was evidently a visitor.
39. Evidently, there are some very decent people out there.
40. A slattern, evidently his wife, looked on fearfully.
41. Evidently, the two of them have gotten back together.
42. Clare had evidently mentioned my name to her.
42. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
43. The poet Alan Dixon evidently thinks the same.
44. The big money has evidently been well spent.
45. Evidently this was not in the agreement made beforehand.
46. Amelio evidently liked what he saw during Carey's concert.
47. Ursula's participation would evidently strengthen their chances of success.
48. Giles was not, evidently, much interested in churches.
49. Yet things are evidently not that simple.
50. Evidently the Sun had been obscured by a cloud.
51. Evidently she read a great deal of poetry.
52. There is evidently disagreement among them.
53. Some part of him had evidently been enjoying the performance for quite a while.
54. Deane is evidently capable of playing football, they should give him more opportunity to do it.
55. The government of Rabbie Namaliu, its patience with the rebels evidently exhausted, opted for an unrestrained military solution.
56. Evidently a medieval castle had been built on the site of an Iron Age fort.
57. Holmes pointed to a man standing by a hansom cab, from which he had evidently just dismounted.
58. Evidently, there are a number of limitations to the collocation analysis technique.
59. Their investigative chess journalism is also evidently of high calibre.
60. The blue saddlecloth evidently had a strong association with pain; which indicated the reason for her earlier unsuccessful training.
61. Evidently he was irritated at himself for having gotten into a heated conversation with a provincial youth.
62. It had been built on the seaward side of a small cottage that had evidently existed before it.
63. It was evidently widely felt that its representatives were capable of more or less any form of major misdemeanour.
64. Quite evidently it was not his habit to discuss his business affairs with strangers.
65. The latter, which evidently find themselves at home almost everywhere, are appropriately called cosmopolitan species.
66. Imprinting and cell differentiation both involve the closing down of genes but the mechanisms are evidently distinct.
67. He was not overwhelmed with grief for Kit, but evidently his eyes felt otherwise.
68. The Senior Management team were evidently congratulating themselves on having recruited such an able young lady.
69. Then he dropped down, and was evidently reloading his piece.
70. Evidently, the stock market believes that matters will not rest there and Pearl's share price raced up 87p to 639p.
71. He took it into a small booth under the stairs which evidently served him as darkroom.
72. The price of a cashcard is evidently a rate of return that shrinks your savings in terms of real spending power./evidently.html
73. She had evidently decided that things were going to be all right.
74. Now, however, they sat looking out of the window, evidently awaiting my return.
75. Evidently terrified out of her wits, she had become delirious, mumbling incomprehensibly, her hands rubbing her stomach.
76. Discussion: Evidently, collocational information can significantly improve the recognition process.
77. There was a mound of earth that had evidently been dug out of a ditch.
78. Their contracts evidently having run out, the distinctive enamelled iron advertisements were removed from the ex-Croydon cars in 1942.
79. During periods of relative food shortage males tend to move less; dispersion evidently reduces competition for resources.
80. And indeed his mouth was empty; evidently he had removed his false teeth.
81. She sent me questioning looks, evidently annoyed that I let myself be teased.
82. Kathleen evidently ran things around the office and nothing could be done without her say-so.
83. Evidently the new strategic partners are permitted offensive missiles for mutual annihilation but not defenses against an accidental launch.
84. They were evidently able to spend unlimited roubles on receiving and entertaining guests from the West.
85. Evidently freedom and dignity are threatened only when behavior is changed by physically changing the environment.
86. They evidently punched the Tulua code into the cockpit computer.
87. Evidently, this particular specific dictionary is only of use in recognising text from its own domain.
88. They were the relief night patrol on their way to take over from their colleagues, evidently as yet unaware of their capture.
89. He was touchingly devoted to the beautiful Nildro-hain; and he evidently had moods of gaiety and a great capacity for enjoyment.
90. John Fitzgeoffrey was evidently a man of considerable parts, respected both by his fellow magnates and by the king.
91. Her brief encounter with the Sun had evidently had a bad influence on her.
92. This was evidently supposed to be a sort of send-off for Tam and they had some important drinking to do.
93. His argument may have turned out indecisively, but Halley evidently believed that scientific data were relevant to theological questions.
94. Evidently, the concern for collective security was not to be allowed to interfere with normal international relations.
95. He was not digging at all now but taking a breather, evidently.
96. Instead, I made my way back along the sand, watching some evidently exhilarated surfers.
97. Evidently Minna was also hungry, because she prepared food for herself as well.
98. Though evidently representing the same individual, the head was much calmer than that of the agitated portrait of the previous decade.
99. Even I can see the solution, as evidently can Lestrade.
100. Their influence on fiction, immense as it has been, is evidently only part of a larger pattern of social influence.
101. He pocketed it with a grim smile, evidently appreciating the joke.
102. Whatever one's political leanings, the threat of serious disruption from the miners, union seemed quite evidently an ideological hangover.
103. It evidently included an assertion that the local authority had wrongly decided that he was intentionally homeless.
104. He evidently thought his life was so valuable that some one would surely save it even at the cost of the supreme sacrifice.
105. Evidently she had noticed that I was hungry, because she urged me several times to eat.
106. The frottola and madrigal were evidently good commercial lines - though there were also madrigals for ceremonial occasions.
107. Evidently there was some feeling that life at Elpis Lodge was too comfortable.
108. She knew that, and Charles knew that, but the public were evidently beginning to think otherwise.
109. Evidently the motion of a bulge in the interface changes the pattern of irrotational motion outside it.
110. Ana lingered to join them and Felipe evidently took this as a very good sign.
111. In this case expression of the character evidently depends on the gene dosage present in the individual organism.
112. The boy had evidently been sent over by Confederate officers anxious that we should see their heroism in print.
113. Evidently the Munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops.
114. The normally comfortable marriage outside London, between paid worker and volunteer, is evidently not so comfortable within London.
115. Evidently, however, the landing zone was too obvious, and the enemy was prepared.
116. Only one sperm fertilizes an egg, but it evidently requires the backup of many millions of others.
117. The abolition of the sororities evidently did not take place without a great deal of resistance.
118. If I expressed disagreement or disappointment in forceful language and then forgot about it, McFarlane evidently did not.
119. Evidently, some one has been living beneath my kitchen floor, taking comfort in the heat of my boiler.
120. Evidently he was considered a big cheese here, and was greeted by everyone.
121. Evidently there was a need to split into two large gatherings and this occurred, and eventually a further split into three.
122. Evidently, text recognition is a substantially different problem to text understanding.
123. Evidently that had been broken off very soon after she arrived on her first station.
124. The enemy evidently thought General McClellan still occupied the house....
125. She was evidently their dogsbody, used for tasks which no one else was prepared to take on.
126. Each facet of Nizan's cultural production evidently needs to be contextualised precisely.
127. Then, evidently annoyed about something, he tramped upstairs to his room.
128. Mr Prescott's capacity for saying what he thinks and his somewhat abrasive manner are evidently not qualities that are easily packaged.
129. They evidently prefer strict discipline and central control to fair competition.
130. By now, Chris was asleep, covered with ice cream and evidently not in danger.
131. However, when the doctors prescribe a drug, it is evidently science.
132. Secondly, Rutter evidently holds that any behavioural effects of lead are irrelevant to social phenomena, eg juvenile delinquency.
132. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
133. She had gone through seven lean years; this was evidently one of her full ones.
134. This was evidently a family that was not going to be brought closer by grief.
135. Evidently, cosmetic changes like getting rid of man do not entirely work.
136. From the taint of sadism, the hint of superiority, the woman evidently wanted her to fail.
137. This time they evidently thought she needed a bit of fattening up.
138. But the exceptional clarity of his thought processes was evidently still totally unimpaired.
139. Moreover, its ranks have been increasingly swelled by deserters from social behaviourism - an evidently liberal position.
140. He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed.
141. Evidently, cultural reproduction in this sense is not an automatic or uncontested process.
142. Evidently, the information so obtained may provide a further constraint of use in semantic analysis.
143. For it was evidently judged unlikely that the path could be forced if determined opposition were encountered.
144. He evidently found the new idiom interestingly problematic, but not attractive enough to compel his full attention.
145. This report was evidently wide enough in scope to appeal to both free-trade and interventionist Liberals.
146. This season a new law was introduced, evidently, concerning the passing back to goalies.
147. Although a primitive recording programme was in progress, the company evidently had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for material.
148. Some industries, for example plastics, will evidently not be greatly affected.
149. Evidently the emergency unit was coming up First, right at us.
150. Two youths in loose cutoff jeans stood by the bench on the sloping path, evidently completing a drug transaction.
151. The effect on both men was almost comical - they had both evidently forgotten her presence in the heat of their quarrel.
152. He looked like a half-starved bum yet he was evidently a man who had known better times.
153. Paul evidently knew nothing of so remarkable an event, for he never mentions it.
154. His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.
155. It remains the duty of governments to protect the rights of their citizens but this is evidently not enough.
156. The bridge was not up, the portcullis raised and the guard in the gatehouse evidently keeping warm before a fire therein.
157. But it was evidently nowhere near as much as Amelia expected.
158. The process of forming a nation state did not, evidently, follow the same course everywhere.
159. In good feeding conditions wider ranging groups occurs, evidently for reproductive reasons.
160. The plan, evidently, is to hoist Pretoria with its own petard.
161. Matthew's unruffled manner had evidently soothed the businessman a little.
162. She was also flushed and evidently in a state of unrest[/evidently.html], which made him feel chivalrous and sympathetic.
163. And finally, they are commonly laughed at by snotty ignoramuses who have evidently never been outside at night.
164. His interpretation of presidential power in such cases was evidently shared by some members of Congress.
165. We left the shop and headed the few blocks toward Chinatown, considering various restaurants but evidently not considering seriously enough.
166. Anne evidently hadn't returned from her monthly visit to her parents' home in Oxfordshire.
167. Cancer cells, like meter readers without identity cards were evidently not to be trusted.
168. Vic inherited her from his predecessor, who had evidently cultivated an informal working relationship.
169. Raducan's positive testing evidently came as a result of having taken a cold medicine, not a performance-enhancing stimulant.
170. She evidently had no concept of books other than best sellers.
171. The president evidently assumes that Labour is likelier to muster a majority in parliament.
172. Evidently he has reached the limit of his imagination, for at this point he reverts from words to breathing.
173. The attacking force had evidently been spread very thin since altogether there were fewer than 20 planes reported.
174. The monkey in the Knossos fresco was evidently a pet: it wears a red leather harness.
175. And, more evidently,() formal equality before the law is limited.
176. Evidently, his anxiety about the hostages became un-bearable and led him to insist on immediate action.
177. The ferry crews on regular service between Harwich and the Hook evidently took to their unexpected role as child minders.
178. And, in their spare time, San Diegans evidently go to the gym.
179. This lack of confidence in Mr Kinnock is evidently shared by the people running Labour's campaign.
180. Evidently the carrier landings didn't work out well as those operations and their filming was quickly terminated.
181. He had evidently just eaten a meal, for the remains of it lay in a red handkerchief open on the ground.
182. The career that looked so promising in 1974 has evidently come to a premature end.
183. There it evidently found another food supply, animating the material in its excitement as though it were a restless human hand.
184. Leonard Calvert, however, was discreet and evidently did not scandalize the large number of Protestants in his company.
185. Evidently not, in the short term, but in the long term Fangorn knows his race and story are sterile.
186. The cold clouds seen at 100 micrometres are large and diffuse, evidently just beginning to condense under their own gravity.
187. Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin went on a scheduled vacation, evidently to reinforce the impression of business as usual.
188. The Library of Congress Classification Scheme is very evidently enumerative, but then all the major classification schemes are.
189. Evidently Donald was listening in to what was being said.
190. Evidently, different dictionaries can provide quite different definitions for the same word.
191. Evidently he did not expect to give riotous or alcoholic parties at times when the tutor might be in.
192. She remained standing[Sentencedict], evidently not very sure how to begin.
193. Far from being popular, Hatton had evidently had a host of enemies.
194. On the other hand, Minter had evidently found no skeleton in his cupboard, for all his efforts to do so.
195. This was evidently the quad devoted to the science faculty.
196. Further decisions are evidently being postponed until an answer has been received from Rome.
197. George Shultz, the bluff and portly secretary of state, evidently thought much the same.
198. Mendelssohn evidently did this himself when he conducted the symphony for London audiences in 1829.
199. Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
200. Once in the boatyard Ellen ran ahead of me, evidently eager to reach Wavebreaker's air conditioning.
201. We sat still in the desolate space for several hours before we surmised that evidently we were free to go.
202. This seemed to gain him a psychological advantage, since White's opening initiative had evidently petered out by this point.
203. For Ramona it evidently surrounded him with glamour.
204. Evidently the expected rain was close at hand.
205. He was evidently secretive and kept his own counsel.
206. Evidently you are in the wrong.
207. Evidently, esophageal cancer a common disease in the elderly.
208. Tranquilize mind , evidently improve insomnia, extend sleeping time.
209. Evidently, living things can somehow distinguish between optical isomers.
210. Tallness is evidently a hereditary characteristic.
211. He smiled nastily. He evidently knew something I didn't.
212. Some great thought was evidently fermenting in his brain.
213. The questions were evidently unexpressed to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongued-tied.
214. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy.
215. Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines.
216. The cat was evidently incurable and the old couple had to get it put away.
217. Then the numerical results show that new algorithm effectively overcomes the shortcomings of secant method, and evidently improves the convergent speed, convergent range and algorithm stability.
218. These three transformations have been really difficult, but the transubstantiation of a commodity is even more difficult. Thus its difficulty is evidently shown.
219. Editors should correct the errors in the textbooks that evidently go against the law of contradiction, and they should also correct the similar types of errors hidden in journals.
220. Results in the differential analysis found that the long-run performance of treasury stock repurchase for the first time is evidently better than the performance of cash dividends for the first time.
221. When the amine was used as a triplet quencher, the ketyl radical of ketocoumarin can be observed evidently.
222. Comparing with existing criteria for current differential protection, the proposed criterion can evidently improve the sensitivity for internal faults without misoperation caused by external faults.
222. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
223. After infection serum monoamine oxidase and mucoprotein increased markedly, while plasm hydroxyproline and proline decreased evidently.
224. The girl laughed delightedly, evidently taking this as a tribute to the excellence of her disguise.
225. They had evidently been paying a visit to the vicar.
226. Veiws evidently intercalate into biotite granulite of the Boluotai Formation of the Zhuzhangzi Group.
227. They listened; evidently the distant shoutings were growing more distant!
228. Evidently, there is a market demand pawning property, the development potential is huge.
229. In addition, sericin can also repaired the hair damaged evidently.
230. The open loop time constant of the main generator influence the overshooting evidently. The important factor is the rising speed of the output DC voltage.
231. The dry shrinkage rate of standard curing concrete sand mortar evidently exceeded the steam curing simples at the same age.
232. Pimping ain't easy, but Snoop's evidently still at the forefront of this difficult field.
233. The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.
234. Of the moderate group: the above indexes, except for the apex decentration distance significantly decreased at 12 months and more evidently at 18 months.
235. CONCLUTION:Andrographolide evidently inhibits the development of transplanted tumor in mice, which may be related with inhibiting the growth of S180 cells and activating the mouse macrophages.
236. Evidently Sir Arthur Conan Doyle took his writing so seriously that he tried his hand at it himself.
237. The experiment results show that adding a little amount PAA to the ammonium hydroxide can increase the sedimentation rate and improve the filtrate rate of ADU serosity evidently.
238. Among these so - called'sows " the delicacy we associate with teenage girls has evidently been blunted.
239. That didn't result in an emergency repair order, but rather an intention to replace the bridge by 2020 — not unusual, evidently, since the designation doesn't suggest imminent danger.
240. By observing the variations of the phase angle and the impendence plane diagram, the influence of different defects and factors are evidently presented.
241. Evidently sustainable development needs a population with a reasonable exploitation of natural resources.
242. The phenomenon undercorona is evidently different with that under alternating current corona.
243. By adding two sampling points , new algorithm can filtrate it evidently.
244. Meanwhile, the communication system analysis based on determinate channel model demonstrates that the robustness against the channel estimate error is evidently enhanced.
245. Conclusion Prunus armeniaca L can evidently relieve cough and improve the peristalsis of the large intestine.
246. Evidently the action had been so heated leading up to this incarceration that the caretaker had emptied a chamberpot down the stairs onto the troublemakers.
247. Schmid was evidently very proud when talking about the future development of Doubletree, and we can easily see his strong attachment to Hilton Hotels with which he has been working for years.
248. Conclusion: NRQ can evidently reduce the body temperature of patients after brain tumor operation, its antifebrile effect is irrelevant to the kind of tumor being glioma or meningioma.
249. The convective regions of precipitation locally scatter inside the stratiform regions, and the radar echo of convective precipitation is evidently stronger than the background echo.
250. Evidently diffraction, as well as interference, is a wave property.
251. At the stage of microspore, the tapetal cells evidently degenerated, and starches in parenchyma around vascular bundle became large.
252. Thrombocyte [/evidently.html], large lymphocyte and Eof had no evidently increase.
253. In a state of body and mind his restoration evidently depends upon entire repose.
254. Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said: "People need to get fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and evidently their pets too.
255. Carbamide can be used as nucleate agent and minish the cellular dimension evidently.
256. Negative ion concentration changes evidently with the variation of humidity, temperature and ground radiation intensity.
257. Conclusion: In the treatment of ache-relieving pump postoperative uroschesis, the therapeutic effect of the acupuncture group is evidently superior to that of the drug group.
258. The simulation results show that the UF based algorithm can guarantee the proportional fairness of the throughput between every users, and evidently increase the total throughput of the system.
259. The results showed that seed pelleting agent evidently enhanced seedling qualities by promoting seedling emergence and tillering and increasing dry matter accumulation.
260. The relative growth rate ( RGR ) ard the ret assimilation rate ( NAR ) are decreased evidently.
261. The principle sanctioned by fiat what was evidently empirically correct but not yet logically established.
262. And, the rain belt in some region of the main land disappears or appears in error, the rainfall amount decreases evidently.
263. The main flavoring compositions including diethyl succinate, phenylethanol, octanoic acid and decanoic acid in contaminated grape wine decreased evidently and even not detected.
264. Evidently one, and only one, tiny leaf beetle can dance on this pin's head--the silvery circle in this 40 X photo.
265. Conculsion: The process of renal development and differentiation evidently varied in time at different sections of metanephros of Alligator sinensis.
266. The simulation show the algorithm improve transmission performance of information grid evidently.
267. The inaccurate Doppler centroid estimation can evidently degrade the quality of SAS image.
268. The availability of betting on the family PC evidently touches a nerve.
269. The short-term response of Cryptocarya chinensis to enriched CO2 concentration could evidently increased the photosynthesis, however, the stomatic conductance and transpiration would be inhibited.
270. He began walking jerkily up and down, evidently unable to keep still.
271. Heat flux decreases with temperature along the optimized continuous conduction cooling HTS current leads, and the temperature changes evidently in the high temperature part of HTS current leads.
272. With the improved technology, the product yield of chlorosulfonation reaction was improved evidently, and that, the amount of waste released was decreased.
273. The variation of pollution was evidently influenced by vehicle flux and meteorologic conditions.
274. There was evidently some object which was arresting the passengers and forming them into a knot.
275. Evidently he had brought himself to the brink of a general war.
276. However, objective reserve, rate of supply and rate of deliver evidently affected average inventory and amount of goods in short.
277. I just drew a bow at a venture, but it evidently hit mark.
277. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
278. You evidently responsible AS damage result from vessel latent defect.
279. The vascular bundle of ovule of Phytolacca is evidently from the vascular tissue of receptacle.
280. Taken by Alexander Gardner in 1865, the picture reveals a contemplative Lincoln, evidently exhausted and careworn.
281. Evidently one of the main distinguishing characteristics of photon is just its zest rest mass.
282. The gentleman who uttered the cries was evidently a belated Mormon.
283. Very evidently , most important change is to serve economy from the vergence producing economy.
284. Evidently the wave properties of light are not attributable to the beam acting as a whole.
285. After them came a portly lady of about forty - five, light - haired, sharp - eyed, and evidently good - natured.
286. Evidently, the graph must be connected in order to contain a spanning tree.
287. The usually affable Scottish terrier, evidently fed up with the recent GOP electoral drubbings, was not in the mood to be petted , but pet Decker did.
288. Evidently, it would be desirable for the lens to form a magnified, erect image.
289. Spader evidently sensed a kindred spirit and when Rodriguez promised to have him in and out of Austin in less than a week, the deal was done.
290. Enterprise's subculture environment has been evidently causing negative influence on students learning motivation. "
291. Presently the Mole came tumbling into the room, evidently very pleased with himself.




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