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单词 Embarrassing
(1) The profuseness of his thanks was embarrassing.
(2) She always dredges up that embarrassing story.
(3) It was so embarrassing having to sing in public.
(4) She asked a lot of embarrassing questions .
(5) That was an embarrassing situation for me.
(6) "It's rather embarrassing," he began, and paused.
(7) He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
(8) You're embarrassing him with your compliments!
(9) My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
(10) It was acutely embarrassing for us all.
(11) You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.
(12) It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents.
(13) The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.
(14) It was so embarrassing!
(15) I found the whole evening intensely embarrassing.
(16) He laughed off the embarrassing situation.
(17) This latest incident could be embarrassing to the government.
(18) It's embarrassing to be caught telling a lie.
(19) It was embarrassing how few people attended the party.
(20) The obviousness of the lie was embarrassing.
(21) Do stop showing off it's embarrassing.
(22) This incident is deeply embarrassing for the government.
(23) He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.
(24) The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers.
(25) She found the servility of the hotel staff embarrassing.
(26) A brief but embarrassing silence ensued.
(27) Another scandal would be acutely embarrassing for the government.
(28) The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.
(29) She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
(30) He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.
(1) She always dredges up that embarrassing story.
(2) It was so embarrassing having to sing in public.
(3) She asked a lot of embarrassing questions .
(4) That was an embarrassing situation for me.
(5) "It's rather embarrassing," he began, and paused.
(6) He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
(7) You're embarrassing him with your compliments!
(8) My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
(9) It was acutely embarrassing for us all.
(10) You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.
(11) It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents.
(12) The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.
(13) It was so embarrassing!
(14) She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
(15) He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.
(16) I found the whole evening intensely embarrassing.
(17) The recall of the Ambassador was embarrassing for the country.
(18) Having lost my money, I was in an embarrassing position.
(19) I was in the embarrassing position of having completely forgotten her name.
(20) It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to laugh it off.
(21) The story was very close to the bone and most embarrassing.
(22) His jokes didn't even raise a smile, which was embarrassing.
(31) The recent revelations may prove embarrassing to the President.
(32) Men find it embarrassing to be honest.
(33) These revelations could prove highly embarrassing for the government.
(34) We have all been in similar embarrassing situations.
(35) The recall of the Ambassador was embarrassing for the country.
(36) Having lost my money, I was in an embarrassing position.
(37) With consummate skill, she steered the conversation away from any embarrassing subjects.
(38) He's not used to making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing.
(39) The film is a farrago of trite emotions, one-note acting and embarrassing lines.
(40) They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing.
(41) The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.
(42) The embarrassing stories about his past made quite a dent in his reputation.
(43) The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government.
(44) The Senator made an embarrassing retreat from his earlier position.
(45) It's embarrassing to see staff bowing and scraping to the new director.
(46) My most embarrassing moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't remember.
(47) He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position.
(48) The embarrassing revelations came just hours before he was to make his speech.
(49) I was in the embarrassing position of having completely forgotten her name.
(50) There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off.
(51) This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position.
(52) An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.
(53) He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.
(54) Larry had the vague feeling he'd done something embarrassing the night before.
(55) It was an embarrassing situation( ), but she managed to laugh it off.
(56) In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.
(57) The story was very near the bone and most embarrassing.
(58) The story was very close to the bone and most embarrassing.
(59) Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure.
(60) His jokes didn't even raise a smile, which was embarrassing.
(61) It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss.
(62) His people came up with a load of embarrassing information.
(63) Oh God, how embarrassing!
(64) Of all speech impediments stammering is probably the most embarrassing.
(65) The full-page adverts contain an extremely embarrassing error.
(66) At times it was almost embarrassing for me.
(67) My feet were the embarrassing target of envious gazes.
(68) It would have been embarrassing for me.
(69) This was not just embarrassing, it was downright dangerous.
(70) This has become an annual embarrassing exercise.
(71) What was your most embarrassing situation?
(72) Look, we were in an embarrassing situation.
(73) At times, the gap proved embarrassing.
(74) The situation is more than embarrassing.
(75) Can any Western leader explain this embarrassing anomaly?
(76) It was a truly embarrassing moment.
(77) It was terribly embarrassing for a child.
(78) The dialogue is excruciatingly embarrassing.
(79) It's embarrassing to be seen driving that old wreck.
(80) The sobbing woman is out of order, embarrassing, unreasonable.
(81) The timing is potentially embarrassing for the Government.
(82) Stop being so dramatic. It's embarrassing.
(83) It could be quite embarrassing for them.
(84) Sometimes the greatest things are the most embarrassing. Ellen Degeneres 
(85) Constantly overwrought, sometimes embarrassing in her alcohol and pharmaceutical-induced sorrows(), Leo could have been a typical Almodovar comic heroine.
(86) Even the pretrial depositions could prove embarrassing and politically damaging if, as is likely, they were released to the public.
(87) She was whining to him about how Eyas Securities had played this awful trick on her, how embarrassing it all was.
(88) And Shaunagh was there to help him through one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.
(89) Along with these damaging revelations, an embarrassing set of criminal investigations involving corruption and payola in radio had been launched.
(90) To be knocked down by the boom of a sailing vessel was so banal as to be embarrassing.
(91) Parked outside her flat, the 325i gleams, its perfect lines embarrassing the cars flanking it.
(92) Sign language is almost essential in shops too, but it's a little less embarrassing because you can be more discreet.
(93) Apart from anything else, it was the most embarrassing episode in my life.
(94) I can take a joke as well as anyone, but this isn't funny, it's embarrassing.
(95) Just be careful it does enter the right address-otherwise it could prove embarrassing.
(96) A driving mistake is especially embarrassing when it happens during the course of a Department of Motor Vehicles driving test.
(97) They speak with other tongues, which is embarrassing and distasteful to many non-members of the Pentecostal scene.
(98) On the other hand, the technology plainly is not ready; so far, the tests have been embarrassing.
(99) It was suggested at one meeting with the delegation that such an investigation could prove embarrassing for current government officials.
(100) Throwing tantrums Having a toddler thrown a wobbly in public is perhaps one of parenting's most embarrassing episodes.
(101) Much less embarrassing than a kissogram the perfect fantasy served up on a plate.
(102) Frankly, as a sports journalist, I find the hatchet jobs being done on Graham Taylor embarrassing.
(103) People conveniently forget things that might be embarrassing to them.
(104) This has got to be one of the most embarrassing film moments of the year -- sophomoric, self-congratulatory and stupid.
(105) It is also sensible to anticipate all the questions likely to be asked, particularly the potentially embarrassing ones.
(106) Reynolds felt gritty and smeared, at an unhappy disadvantage if he should have to lie his way out of an embarrassing situation.
(107) But with a mike in his face, his fluency can sometimes take a powder, leaving him in embarrassing silence.
(108) Clinton was forced to withdraw several nominees due to embarrassing revelations over their political stances or child-care issues.
(109) How very embarrassing to say all that in front of everybody.
(110) Anti-fog goggles are recommended for embarrassing facial hair or false eyelashes.
(111) By removing the mystique immediately,() you avoid the excruciatingly embarrassing guesswork by all and sundry.
(112) We were embarrassing each other, so we stopped talking and sat on the sandy grass and smoked a cigarette.
(113) It would be embarrassing to be given a gift if one hadn't bought one in return.
(114) It was like coming across an embarrassing old photograph of herself.
(115) However, save for that brief and embarrassing episode, the day had continued to be one of great enjoyment.
(116) It would be embarrassing for the project to slip behind schedule, especially in the light of Eurotunnel.
(117) Churchill had been the latest bone of contention, as he had begun to make public speeches which Chamberlain clearly found embarrassing.
(118) It was a loud laugh which Sandison would have found embarrassing if there had been lots of people in the bar.
(119) The unions have become like a resident Grandad - no less embarrassing for enfeeblement, but still handy with his wallet.
(120) I kept silent, thinking that he might have an embarrassing speech impediment.
(121) What's the best way to deal with an embarrassing situation at work?
(122) They all stood around staring at her and smiling awkwardly, as if she was embarrassing.
(123) It's real embarrassing to wet yourself. hate wetting myself like a baby.
(124) It is a laborious process, likely to lead to embarrassing blunders if badly done.
(125) This was a big surprise to us, and indeed, in some respects rather embarrassing.
(126) But it is no longer only foreign journalists who seek to investigate embarrassing stories.
(127) To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent. Dave Barry 
(128) Body odour Like halitosis, body odour can be extremely unpleasant and embarrassing.
(129) After presiding over a string of humiliating scandals and embarrassing policy failures, they feel on top once again.
(130) Although such criticism may well be totally unjustified, if could be very embarrassing.
(131) One embarrassing experience involved Jan Leeming, the television personality, who was taking part in a film I was producing.
(132) This is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me.
(133) Meal times provide a marvellous forum for stories, some wildly exaggerated, others somewhat embarrassing.
(134) Nothing is as embarrassing as misspelling your own name or street address.
(135) It was so embarrassing - he just started yelling at his wife.
(136) Prominent anti-abortion activists in the party had opposed the resolution, because it might prove embarrassing.
(137) A U-turn on this issue would be embarrassing for the Conservatives and should not be expected.
(138) And they will continue to be exposed until they become too embarrassing to even mention.
(139) The statement is patently false and an embarrassing public demonstration of his weakness as university leader.
(140) It was a bit embarrassing but Anne was glad of it.
(141) Hoping to avoid delays and embarrassing publicity, in July the council started quietly pressuring Pike to disengage from the venture.
(142) All this may seem nothing more than the embarrassing guff that goes with too much global summitry.
(143) Even when his hands pat their way up to my crotch it is less embarrassing than having a tailor measure my inside leg.
(144) To forget the words in the middle of a chant would be most embarrassing.
(145) That time, the 49ers were 5-4 and coming off an embarrassing defeat at home, against Carolina.
(146) After all, it's difficult for anyone to write a clear account of an incident that is traumatic and embarrassing.
(147) Never heard of him, one of those embarrassing admissions the best of diarists have to make at times.
(148) But what followed was usually at least embarrassing for the firms, and quite often the disclosures provoked international action.
(149) I wonder if men tend to find such situations more embarrassing than women.
(150) Employers may be reluctant to admit using them because the terms of their employment are embarrassing.
(151) This is acceptable when only the family are around, but when we have guests, embarrassing situations can arise.
(152) The incident has become deeply embarrassing for the Bush administration, precisely because of its caution.
(153) Here are some reasons: Mishearing can cause misunderstandings which may be embarrassing or even funny but certainly not reassuring.
(154) They say I had the vanity to go down to Croisset and make an embarrassing scene on his doorstep.
(155) She had laughed it off, but I fancied she had found the situation embarrassing.
(156) It was rude to gloat too soon after being paid and embarrassing to show anger.
(157) These remarks were highly embarrassing for the government and brought out the different opinions within the party on the open-door policy.
(158) Clinton faces weeks of potentially embarrassing hearings on the subject in Congress.
(159) It was so embarrassing I ran out of the store and haven't dared show my head in there since.
(160) Sometimes he had to leave important meetings hurriedly and rush to the lavatory, which he found extremely embarrassing.
(161) Some parents have unhappy or embarrassing memories of their own teenage years.
(162) It is also rather embarrassing to stop dead on a hack and be unable to proceed further.
(163) Wilson's campaign suffered a number of embarrassing reversals in recent months.
(164) And, as any football-mad kid knows, there is nothing as embarrassing as mucking about in last season's kit.
(165) It's almost embarrassing the way his Oxfordshire-based team have dominated Formula One this season.
(166) Although most of the facts were published the government kept back certain details that might prove embarrassing.
(167) The risk that payments might exceed existing money holdings for some unforeseen reason could prove very embarrassing.
(168) It was an embarrassing situation, more so for them than for us.
(169) Many find it very embarrassing to describe their expectations regarding actual physical technique.
(170) Scientists who read it found his speculations on the nature of time embarrassing.
(171) A third reason is that some bank managers feel threatened by a measure which could prove embarrassing.
(172) The CIA has often tried to suppress reports that are embarrassing to the agency.
(173) They didn't seem prepared to say anything that might appear embarrassing or gauche later on.
(174) Now I admit, even for a geek, it was a little embarrassing to let investors believe their white magic.
(175) If discussing mixed messages would be embarrassing, then publicly testing for the validity of these explanations would be even more so.
(176) What starts off as a bit of a laugh could quickly turn into an embarrassing muddle.
(177) Robert had been vague about them on an embarrassing number of occasions.
(178) Perhaps he had called them Nibs also, for convenience and to avoid embarrassing mistakes.
(179) If this does happen the interviewer will have a rather embarrassing situation to overcome before going any further.
(180) Giving people the good news about themselves is often very embarrassing.
(181) The doctor asked me a lot of embarrassing questions about my sex life.
(182) Otherwise she felt certain he'd dismiss the whole embarrassing situation with a careless sneer.
(183) I therefore put quite a lot of effort into trying to get rid of this embarrassing effect.
(184) It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
(185) It was a statement that was patently false, and an embarrassing public demonstration of his weakness as university leader.
(186) It was so embarrassing - I couldn't remember his name!
(187) Should reach Aulef day after tomorrow ... Diarrhoea embarrassing. Written letters and report.
(188) Children have a knack of choosing the most inconvenient or embarrassing times for their Socratic dialogues.
(189) Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.
(190) The revelations about the President's university life were to prove deeply embarrassing to him.
(191) A quick check on the relationships can also avoid some embarrassing assumptions when there are now so many reconstituted families.
(192) George Cunningham, who have already proved themselves totally incapable of any future viability by already losing by an embarrassing margin.
(193) One particularly embarrassing area for the government, and for Priddle himself, is the question of investment in energy conservation.
(194) Embarrassing yourself in public does not come under the category of self-victimisation. 12.
(195) For would-be predators Greene King; it's an embarrassing reversal after claiming a foregone conclusion.
(196) How do you get out of such an embarrassing situation?
(197) Hall could break the embarrassing boardroom impasse at the Victoria Ground.
(198) And bad basketball without drama and suspense is not only beyond embarrassing, but even worse, beyond boring.
(199) She wanted only me, pursued me, in fact, with an ardor that I at first found embarrassing.
(200) No embarrassing costumes meant for college coeds would hang awkwardly upon my 40-or-50-something body.
(201) It wouldn't do, I thought, to agonize or weep,(http:///embarrassing.html) or be embarrassing or cheap.
(202) And it has earned Mr Welch a reputation for arrogance and ruthlessness that he finds embarrassing.
(203) Yes, thank goodness - it was an embarrassing situation.
(204) His quick wit extricated himself from the embarrassing situation.
(205) He tried to evade the embarrassing question.
(206) The introduction is stiff, embarrassing ; Naif.
(207) Sally did something very embarrassing at the fat farm.
(208) The revelations will prove deeply embarrassing to Cuadrilla and risks tarnishing its reputation further.
(209) Requests us in view of these questions the treater to apply on some language skill to alleviate the cultural conflict, the melt embarrassing situation.
(210) 'If you see your GP because you're tired all the time and have aches and pains, you'll usually be tested for anaemia, ' says Dr Pixie McKenna, a presenter on Channel 4's Embarrassing Illnesses.
(211) You can never be quite sure they won't drag up some embarrassing scenario from your adolescence.
(212) The embarrassing predicament in the teaching of ancient fictions ascribes to utilitarian ideology, disoriented teaching practice, outdated teaching research, and lumbersome academic burden.
(213) Chances are that you had a "wet dream" — something that can be embarrassing and confusing to teen guys, but is completely normal.
(214) Damon is hitless in 17 at - bats and batting an embarrassing . 233.
(215) Question Time has devolved beyond the comedic into the embarrassing lately, including the donning of white cowboy hats partly to support and partly to mock MP Bob Katter.
(216) The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.
(217) The fans who watched her "fairy-tale" wedding on TV, a spectacle that was truly embarrassing at a time when so many Americans are out of work and struggling to hang onto their homes?
(218) They later made an embarrassing retraction, saying they had been misinFORMed by local villagers and officials.
(219) On one level this looks like a reasonable, Solomonic split-the-baby approach that avoids an embarrassing open repudiation of the Dalai Lama's endorsement.
(220) The reporter wanted to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing questions.
(221) Embarrassing emails with his paramour surfaced, his wife moved out, and his approval ratings tanked .
(222) The situation was embarrassing enough without having you rub it in.
(223) Rhoda says that it's embarrassing to be so idolized, but also very sweet and rejuvenating.
(224) Foot odor can be embarrassing, and getting rid of it might not be as simple as just rubbing on some antiperspirant.
(225) She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.
(226) Put-down humor, such as telling friends an embarrassing story about another friend, is a socially acceptable way to deploy aggression and make others look bad so you look good.
(227) You'll want to act quickly if someone makes an inappropriate comment on your Facebook wall ("Steve, are you still working for that boneheaded boss?") or identifies you in an embarrassing photo.
(228) NEW YORK -- For years, teenagers across the U.S. could call a toll-free hotline if they had embarrassing questions about AIDS and safe sex.
(229) And the embarrassing is that a considerable number of auction sales phase of the so-called "star property" to live in when broken, complaints, disputes followed.
(230) Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.
(231) He said: "It's just not a sexy experience whatsoever. It's pretty embarrassing. How often do you snog someone in front of 30 other people?"
(232) The head of China's flagship sovereign wealth fund is looking to invest in Europe after expressing relief that snubs from the continent saved Beijing from embarrassing investment losses last year.
(233) This proved hellishly embarrassing for the Alvi brothers, whose three telephone numbers were often inadvertently included in the files, and eventually they had to cut all three lines.
(234) I don't think anything can be as embarrassing as Daddy Bush puking.
(235) But there's nothing embarrassing about that. Your father worked with Louis Leakey, a great anthropologist.
(236) Many younger Chinese must embarrassing that Beijing is propping up such an odious regime.
(237) Major Major floundered bewilderedly from one embarrassing catastrophe to another.
(238) "Well, " the parrot says, "this is very embarrassing but since you asked, I wrap my weenie around this wooden bar like a little hook.
(239) You'll leak at embarrassing moments, and you may be on the receiving end of less than supportive comments from ignorant co-workers.
(240) And the police chief was left with little option but to resign after this embarrassing mistake.
(241) It was extraordinarily embarrassing , and, after a while, horrible.
(242) No deletions were made to conceal incorrect assessments or faulty conclusions, or to remove information embarrassing to the Agency or the Intelligence Community.
(243) Facing a potentially embarrassing paternity suit in the court, President Lugo decided to own up to his secret past.
(244) A few days ago we had a list of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the liver of a fugu (pufferfish).
(245) It's not feasible to comply, but a bit embarrassing to refuse.
(246) In the face of so keen competition, how the media go out of the way of a feature becomes a embarrassing question for the numerous TV at the provincial level.
(247) For a long period, Guarantee of the criminal defense attorneys'rights in criminal proceedings is in an embarrassing condition in juridical practice.
(248) Every A-list sycophant in American used to show up there in the early 1990s, back when it wasn't embarrassing to admit that you were a friend of Bill Clinton.
(249) Secondly, having embarrassing information about you being made public knowledge.
(250) Following the embarrassing Christmas Day gaffe, several senior editorial staff was suspended.
(250) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(251) Number Five: 'if you pull a face and the wind changes direction you'll be stuck that way.' A useful fib to stop kids embarrassing their parents.
(252) The spill is embarrassing for those Republicans who have campaigned for more off-shore drilling.
(253) In the face of mass rioting, the old shibboleths were reduced to embarrassing emptiness.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 17:28:50