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单词 Prematurely
1. The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.
2. Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.
3. Her hair became prematurely white.
4. The child was born prematurely.
5. Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.
6. She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.
7. Sunbathing can prematurely age and wrinkle the skin.
8. Danny was born prematurely, weighing only 3lb 3oz.
9. The baby was born prematurely.
10. Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.
11. Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely.
12. Chester, the mild and laconic prematurely bald guy.
13. This impact is particularly important for babies born prematurely.
14. The plaintiff was born prematurely and suffered from an oxygen deficiency.
15. Indeed any attempt to relate them prematurely to reality may restrict the development of the model.
16. Anna was a fiercely idealistic woman whose prematurely white hair flared like flame from her freckled face.
17. For example, many twins and triplets are born prematurely and suffer more physical problems related to low birthweight and undeveloped lungs./prematurely.html
18. Finally, even these remaining Volunteers had to be prematurely evacuated from the country.
19. All those who retired prematurely were forced by redundancy to make a decision about their future employment status.
20. Many die prematurely from the medical complications of the illness or by suicide.
21. Darkness had come prematurely with the deluge, the gloom summoned early by such an abundance of black cloud.
22. The war and the years in the harsh mountains had prematurely aged him.
23. They might therefore be fearful of losing out if they accept a tender offer prematurely.
24. Charles and Micki Browning, both hospital employees, stayed home with their prematurely born daughter.
25. For a time he adopted a Stoical attitude to outface suffering, but this only brought on middle age prematurely.
26. Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in men born prematurely.
27. In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
28. The machinery gave more than the usual trouble; shafting and belting wore out prematurely.
29. There was some anxiety about the child, but he was born safely several days prematurely.
30. Farrar was short with livery lips and thick black eyebrows, and Something was prematurely bald and thought he was really cool.
1. The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.
2. She was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.
31. Claire was born prematurely, received surfactants and oxygen therapy for two days, and made satisfactory progress.
32. On first hearing, I prematurely thought Vin Garbutt had given abortion a rest.
33. Many men buffeted by fortune will reach retirement prematurely; some have had great success to be followed by even greater failure.
34. He was to wait another twenty years before staging his revolution, and even then he may have acted prematurely.
35. Many long nights he would brood in his tower, and soon he was turned stoop-shouldered and prematurely old by his duties.
36. Lou Minton was a wiry man with gaunt, chiseled features and prematurely gray hair, combed straight back.
37. They chose to arrive prematurely - on Speech Day, as it happened, which was most inconvenient for their father.
38. The organiser was an earnest man in his late twenties, prematurely balding with a hissing laugh.
39. Do not oil the pan as this will brown the bottom of the loaf prematurely.
40. The earlier children become regular smokers and persist in the habit as adults, the greater the risk of dying prematurely.
41. At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload,() allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
42. He had set the pattern for a major biographical achievement but he died prematurely.
43. After doctors had fought to keep the baby alive throughout the troubled pregnancy, she was born prematurely with poorly developed lungs.
44. His League career ended prematurely last season when he lost three pieces of bone in an operation on his right ankle.
45. By late afternoon the sky was completely opaque and a thick gloom hung over the ocean as if night had fallen prematurely.
46. They also tend to pay the lender a big fat fee if the borrower makes enough money to repay his loans prematurely.
47. You appreciate that there is a fair chance that you might find yourself prematurely in another world?
48. But in either case, trees so afflicted would drop their leaves prematurely, and sometimes become completely bare long before fall.
49. Broken columns, rising over the graves of those who had died prematurely, denoted truncated lives.
50. He theorizes other former soldiers in the same situation may have died prematurely.
51. It is too often the case that birth, if prematurely contacted, will give the patient a headache and a cold.
52. Norman Lamont got a lot of stick for allegedly having identified the green shoots of recovery somewhat prematurely.
53. He was tall and prematurely bald, with a fringe of foxy red hair; his intense brown eyes looked honest.
54. Despite his warnings against escalating prematurely, Giap rashly leaped ahead in 1951 and suffered badly.
55. Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.
56. If prematurely extinguished, it is not available in Katherine.
57. Dark night was coming down prematurely.
58. Never did a perverse nature declare itself more prematurely.
59. Dirichlet: Clusters based on the mixing of many probabilistic models giving it the advantage that it doesn't need to commit to a particular view of the clusters prematurely.
60. Vaginal bleeding increased the risk of pre-eclampsia or dangerously high blood pressure in the woman, as well as raising the chances that the baby would be born prematurely and under-weight.
61. Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.
62. We are stabilizing the shift in magnetic polarity so that it doesn't fall apart prematurely.
63. In January 2010, the agency sent a warning letter to Peter Luther, the president of McNeil, complaining that the company's initial investigation "was unjustifiably delayed and terminated prematurely.
64. The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.
65. If they're not place in a normal position they may be lost prematurely.
66. The black pelt of a prematurely born karakul sheep, having a flat surface with wavy markings.
67. A maze of desires, emotions ripened prematurely languorous and listless moods, all written on my face.
68. Payments sent prematurely may be returned to applicant at applicant's expense.
69. Marston died prematurely in 1947 from skin cancer after only six years of Wonder Woman.
70. The injection process works by prematurely terminating a text string and appending a new command.
71. If a contestant enters the area prematurely, they must be motioned off.
72. However, Mr Pinkston, at International Crisis Group , cautioned against writing Kim Jong - woon's political obituary prematurely.
73. Moving existing customers on to higher - priced loans prematurely can strain relations.
74. Sunlight, smoking, and other contaminants can cause your skin to age prematurely.
75. According to the air force, the missile merely impacted with the ground prematurely.
76. The new reconstruction shows a prematurely old man, with deep-set eyes, sunken cheeks, a furrowed face and ungroomed beard and hair.
77. A continuous series of hairpin corners causes me to reach as low as first gear and I must be careful because it is very easy to spin my tires and cause them to wear out prematurely.
77. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78. With regard to this end of jouissance and to reaching this appeal of the other in a term which would be tragic, the amboceptor organ can always be said to give way prematurely.
79. Seven who hold the sceptre shall perish, one of them being canonised. The bellies of mothers shall be cut open, and babies will be born prematurely.
80. But, because both of her children were born prematurely, they were in the hospital neonatal intensive care unit where they became accustomed to a combination of pumped breast milk and formula.
81. A statement of Ada language used to prematurely terminate a task when an exception occurs.
82. That would help stop the debt-to-GDP ratio rising, and would also ensure that the authorities did not prematurely choke off a recovery because of concerns about inflation.
83. But the face was in the main one face, and every head was prematurely white.
84. During hospitalization, 7 women (39%) delivered — 6 prematurely and 4 by emergency caesarean delivery.
85. His hair was prematurely white, but his busy eyebrows were still jet - black.
86. The results of the tests might also be of interest to companies offering life-insurance policies or medical cover that depend on a person's lifetime risk of falling seriously ill or dying prematurely.
87. If the posterior teeth or dental prostheses are missing, the cheeks may be sunken, producing a prematurely aged or cachectic appearance.
88. But premature fiscal tightening is worse because it is liable to choke off the recovery prematurely.
89. The heavy rain driving against the windows made the room prematurely dark.
90. Jud and Fred Brasser were both prematurely balding men in their early thirties.
91. Defoliant: Chemical dust or spray applied to plants to cause their leaves to drop off prematurely.
92. If doctors suspect a woman might give birth prematurely, they might treat her with the steroid betamethasone to speed the baby's lung development before it is born.
93. Students will be easy to change into vulgar, oversensitive, if prematurely into the community.
94. The patient, prematurely born, underwent a ventriculoperitoneal shunt at birth because of hydrocephalus.
95. So Japan is preparing to usher in a new government against a backdrop of worry that the nation is already Asia's political and economic also-ran, prematurely playing No. 2 to China.
96. Both Goering and Himmler had acted prematurely, as they quickly found out.
97. If a forward voltage is applied to the thruster before this interval has passed, the device may prematurely turn on and damage to the device and circuit could result.
98. Additional, put salt not prematurely, the moisture that salt can make be contained in the flesh very tantivy comes out, what also can accelerate protein is caky, affect the little taste of soup.
99. The friendless childhood of Nydia had hardened prematurely her character.




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