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单词 self-evident
释义  ˌself-ˈevident adjective formal  OBVIOUSclearly true and needing no more proof 不证自明的,显而易见的 SYN obvious self-evident truths 不言自明的真相it is self-evident (that) It is self-evident that childhood experiences influence our adult behaviour. 童年经历会影响到我们成年后的行为,这是显而易见的。► see thesaurus at obviousExamples from the Corpusself-evident• A lot of these things honestly involve real debates over ideas ... and the answers are not self-evident.• The benefits that will accrue following economic recovery are self-evident.• The narrowness of this interpretation is self-evident.• And compared with so self-evident a need, the matter of where the money was to come from was quite irrelevant.• The facts in this case are self-evident and cannot be denied.• Even the principle of democracy, which seems self-evident in the West is challenged elsewhere.• It is self-evident to most people that the government is under no obligation to finance the arts.• All feminists, however, demand dignity and autonomy as self-evident truths in the finest tradition of Western social theory.• Sad to learn that those self-evident truths, necessary truths, faltered so badly when subjected to rigorous is self-evident (that)• Yet it is self-evident that it may occur in other situations, most particularly in institutional care.ˌself-ˈevident adjectiveChineseSyllable  true and no more clearly needing proof Corpus




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