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单词 Strictly
1 Export licences for arms are strictly controlled.
2 The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.
3 The doctor is dieting me strictly.
4 Learning was by rote and strictly formal.
5 Alcohol is strictly forbidden on school premises.
6 All information will be treated as strictly confidential.
7 Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.
8 The doctor's instructions must be carried out strictly.
9 Traffic should be strictly regulated.
10 The orders were strictly carried out.
11 Don't worry, the deal's strictly legit.
12 His doctor is dieting him strictly.
13 Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
14 She was brought up very strictly.
15 The government maintained its strictly neutral policy.
16 Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
17 The industry is strictly regulated.
18 Your medical records are strictly confidential .
19 The rules were strictly enforced.
20 Jobs were strictly segregated by gender.
21 She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else.
22 All their food is strictly kosher.
23 Places are strictly limited, so you should apply as soon as possible.
24 Smoking is strictly prohibited.
25 He distanced himself from the strictly religious aspects of the music.
26 They have adhered strictly to the terms of the treaty.
27 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
28 She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book.
29 That's not strictly true.
30 My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential.
1 Export licences for arms are strictly controlled.
2 The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.
3 Learning was by rote and strictly formal.
4 Alcohol is strictly forbidden on school premises.
5 All information will be treated as strictly confidential.
6 Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.
7 The doctor's instructions must be carried out strictly.
8 Traffic should be strictly regulated.
9 The orders were strictly carried out.
10 Don't worry, the deal's strictly legit.
11 Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
12 She was brought up very strictly.
13 The government maintained its strictly neutral policy.
14 Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
15 The industry is strictly regulated.
16 Your medical records are strictly confidential .
17 The rules were strictly enforced.
18 Jobs were strictly segregated by gender.
19 She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else.
20 All their food is strictly kosher.
21 Places are strictly limited, so you should apply as soon as possible.
22 Smoking is strictly prohibited.
23 He distanced himself from the strictly religious aspects of the music.
24 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
25 She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book.
26 That's not strictly true.
27 Candidates must comply strictly with these instructions.
28 Smoking is strictly forbidden on school premises.
29 Although strictly illogical, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best.
30 Smoking is strictly forbidden.
31 The acceptance of new members is strictly controlled.
32 This is not strictly true.
33 This session was strictly for the boys.
34 The use of these chemicals is strictly regulated.
35 Television advertising is strictly monitored.
36 Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced .
37 Training for nursing was on strictly formal lines.
38 His behaviour has not been strictly ethical.
39 Candidates must comply strictly with these instructions.
40 Photography is strictly forbidden in the cathedral.
41 Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.
42 Is his business strictly legitimate?
43 Actually,(/strictly.html) that is not strictly true.
44 I know we're friends, but this is strictly business.
45 I'd rather keep the relationship strictly businesslike.
46 Strictly speaking, this was against the rules.
47 Isolationism is a strictly national policy.
48 Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is strictly forbidden.
49 The findings are strictly confidential.
50 The information will be regarded as strictly confidential .
51 That's not strictly true, I'm afraid.
52 This is strictly between us. Nobody else must know.
53 The company strictly controls the quality of its products.
54 Any talk of the divorce is strictly taboo.
55 The experiment is conducted under strictly controlled conditions.
56 The figures he gave were not strictly accurate.
57 Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects.
58 Staff should adhere strictly to the safety guidelines.
59 Everything about her life was strictly prescribed .
60 The export of ivory is now strictly controlled.
61 This principle must be strictly adhered to.
62 May I talk to you, strictly off the record?
63 That argument is not strictly valid in this case.
64 Fishing in this pond is strictly preserved.
65 The Prime Minister's remarks were strictly off the record.
66 Smoking is strictly forbidden on school premises.
67 The law strictly forbids racial or sexual discrimination.
68 Strictly speaking, he's not qualified for the job.
69 The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.
70 This is the strictly orthodox view.
71 The officials went strictly by the rule book.
72 They brought their children up very strictly.
73 The ban on hunting is not strictly enforced .
74 I have adhered strictly to the rules .
75 The speed limit is strictly enforced on urban roads.
76 These foods had to be strictly rationed.
77 Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum.
78 Their friendship was strictly spiritual.
79 Parking is strictly prohibited between these gates.
80 Development in areas of outstanding natural beauty is strictly controlled.
81 She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the record.
82 I'd be obliged if you'd treat this matter as strictly confidential.
83 Their insurer paid the £900 bill,(http:///strictly.html) even though the policy did not strictly cover it.
84 Strictly speaking, it is not one house at all, but three houses joined together.
85 Although strictly illogical, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best.
86 I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway.
87 We'll take good care and keep what you've told us strictly confidential, Mr. Lane.
88 Private security firms have to work strictly within the law.
89 It is said that Mrs White rules her husband strictly.
90 The translator has obviously adhered very strictly to the original text.
91 Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.
92 Strictly off the record, some members of staff will have to be made redundant.
93 My own mother was brought up very strictly and correctly.
94 It is essential that the safety procedures are strictly adhered to.
95 He told me - and this is strictly entre nous - that he's going to ask Ruth to marry him.
96 Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.
97 The proposed change in the law would make abortion illegal except for strictly defined medical reasons.
98 We'll look at the problem from a strictly legal point of view.
99 This unrepeatable offer is only available for a strictly limited period.
100 Strictly speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story.
101 In China today each couple is required to carry out a eugenic plan strictly.
101 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
102 I have acted strictly in accordance with the regulations at all times.
103 Although he was NRC chairman, Hervey was strictly a bit player in government.
104 The use of cameras in this museum is strictly forbidden.
105 The matter is strictly irrelevant at this point in the proceedings.
106 The evidence she gave to the court was not strictly accurate .
107 I have nothing against mini-skirts, but I think they're strictly for the young.
108 My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.
109 Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
110 We don't want to take any more luggage with us than is strictly necessary.
111 The chairman strictly prelimited the scope of the committee's function.
112 In the game any backing or barging from behind is strictly out.
113 The subject of death was strictly taboo in their society.
114 That isn't strictly true.
115 Using the word in that context is not, strictly speaking, correct.
116 The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved.
117 Strictly speaking, Great Britain consists of Scotland, Wales and England, and the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
118 I was determined not to stay in hospital for any longer than was strictly necessary.
119 Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
120 Smoking is strictly forbidden.
121 Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis.
122 The President told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record.
123 Resist the temptation to discuss topics that are not strictly relevant to the essay question.
124 Our teacher marks strictly.
125 I must stress that everything I've told you is strictly confidential.
126 Strictly speaking, it's my money, not yours. I earned it.
127 He believed that schools should be judged according to strictly academic criteria.
128 Any social contact with Silly-Willie was strictly forbidden.
129 Perceptions need not be strictly accurate.
130 Moreover, with strictly asexual reproduction, mutations will inevitably accumulate.
131 The questionnaire itself is strictly confidential.
131 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
132 Quinn's connections are strictly A-list.
133 The export of these devices is strictly controlled.
134 It is, strictly speaking, conferred by the Constitution.
135 Their relationship is strictly platonic.
136 What I'm telling you is strictly confidential.
137 The Soviet authorities strictly controlled all telecommunications.
138 The student accommodationis strictly utilitarian.
139 The specific trend features mosaics of circular-concentric configuration, whereas the general one features mosaics of relatively complex, strictly axial geometries.
140 Clearly, an unreflective or uncritical citizenry would be highly undesirable as well as, strictly speaking, a contradiction in terms.
141 In reality variable costs do not behave strictly in this manner.
142 Interestingly, this view of personality and behaviour is not strictly accurate.
143 Incidentally, this means that we can use mitochondria to trace our ancestry, strictly down the female line.
144 Judges will normally interpret contracts strictly and will use certain principles when it comes to resolving inconsistencies and ambiguities.
145 Instead of managing by the book, this is strictly managing by the storybook.
146 I had come to believe that on the world stage little occurred that was strictly coincidental.
147 The value of shared facilities or labour must be apportioned strictly in proportion to relative benefits received.
148 This is a simple rule, and for 40 years the vast majority of charitable organizations have strictly observed the prohibition.
149 From the beginning Nizan was quite clearly convinced of the necessity to adopt a strictly orthodox party line.
150 He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.
151 No effort has been stinted in polishing this painfully derivative picture as if it were a diamond instead of strictly paste.
152 The rules on how any government spends money on advertising are strictly controlled.
153 But the theories are not strictly comparable, and their strengths and weaknesses are not necessarily obvious.
154 The operation will be strictly controlled to avoid any further risks.
155 Whether it has always been strictly adhered to by magistrates and the police is, of course, another matter.
156 Rents were again strictly controlled, and empty houses were requisitioned.
157 Our model, in other words, is strictly a model of artificial selection, not natural selection.
158 The most noticeable difference is that the helmets are lower in the back than those intended strictly for cyclists.
159 The findings are strictly confidential and we do not know if these athletes were allowed to compete.
160 Strictly speaking, yes, it would tend to go blue ever so slightly.
161 Stewart was in the partnership strictly at his invitation, and that conferred upon Stewart a junior status.
162 These terms should strictly only be used for the natural numbers or for other countable sets.
163 Some live life strictly, following each and every rule rigidly. They go by the book and get stuck by the hook. Break free today, let conscience guide your way. RVM 
164 The plant will set new standards in the working conditions for staff and will strictly limit emissions, noise and smells.
165 But Geneva rules will apply, except in so far as fire and brimstone will be permitted on a strictly controlled basis.
166 The data which they provide are thus not strictly comparable.
167 Authors adhere strictly to a formula provided by the publishers.
168 Even those who believed that poverty was largely self-inflicted did not always adhere to policies strictly consistent with this view.
169 An inquiry is now under way to find out if the rules were strictly adhered to in Mrs Allen's case.
170 This task is actually easier outside the old hierarchical corporate structure, where information was compartmentalized and unrelated contexts kept strictly separate.
171 Strictly speaking(), there is as yet no definitive evidence for declining sperm counts.
172 Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
173 Using the condition, the denominator may be shown to be proportional to, which in steady state is strictly positive for.
174 Neither the input nor the output of a Turing machine can, strictly speaking, be an infinite decimal.
175 To be strictly accurate about it, they are mostly very reliable once they are up and running properly.
176 The cult of the dead at the tomb was a strictly religious function.
177 Private ownership of parts of the system confers only strictly limited rights and powers of control over operation and revenue.
178 Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.
179 To be strictly accurate, there are two Wolvertons, Old and New.
180 A good government had to guide its people, sometimes gently, sometimes strictly, just as parents did. It could allow certain freedoms, but in a style that suited the country. Amy Tan 
181 Strictly speaking, in what ontological category of things are causes and other conditions, the things which comprise causal circumstances?
182 In relative terms, Britain was shown to be a middle-ranking power with her ability to take independent military action strictly limited.
183 The remainder of the population was strictly categorized into four groups.
184 The military survey of 1522, in theory at least, confined itself to ownership strictly defined.
185 All personal details are treated as strictly confidential and remain on computer file.
186 In these circumstances, historical accuracy became a strictly secondary consideration.
187 Her own menstrual cycle, including its uncomfortable drawing to a close, had been strictly her own affair.
188 Try thinking of a single international agreement that countries have made more strenuous efforts than were strictly necessary to implement.
189 The two-tier principle was strictly adhered to in the 1972 Act even when there seemed little justification for itin particular circumstances.
190 Strictly speaking we should add the various National Insurance contributions to the total for direct taxation.
191 So Tite's evidence at the inquest was not strictly accurate.
191 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
192 Lateness is strictly monitored over rolling 20-day periods, while unauthorised absence is carried forward over three months.
193 Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
194 Strictly speaking, of course, there are no ends in animal life for a Darwinian.
195 Shariia is strictly applied by religious courts, and even the punishments for violations of the law are specified in the Koran.
196 Accordingly, any prescribed time limits must be strictly complied with unless there is express provision to the contrary.
197 Moreover, current cost accounting strictly demands that a business's cash book be segregated into capital and revenue cash.
198 However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
199 As for its strictly supernatural origins, there is no clear consensus on that either.
200 In the original battle plans, which were to be strictly adhered to, ten minutes were allocated for the raid.
201 Brains may carry out tasks in the same way even if the tissues involved are not strictly homologous.
202 The women were incensed, since they adhere strictly to the laws concerning MIKve after menstruation.
203 This is to lead managers to approve or deny the request strictly on business grounds.
204 Without this the purchaser may be sidetracked into calculations on a whole host of other matters which are not strictly relevant.
205 For new applicants, different councils' rules and regulations on allocations may be more or less strictly enforced by local officials.
206 Although it is not strictly necessary, most work is done with stimuli that vary sinusoidally in space or time.
207 This precedent, if strictly honored in 1984, would throw the legal system into chaos.
208 Social contracts are strictly hypothetical-no one has ever actually signed one-but they provide a useful way of thinking about social arrangements.
209 You might get a bass riff or something, as a hook for the song, but the solos were strictly adlib.
210 Since strictly military affairs are involved this time, the eyes of the generals were opened, too ....
211 He is buying a farm house along with several acres of ground, but the riding will be strictly for his children.
212 The King's religious policies, strictly applied by Archbishop Laud, gave offence to the Puritan merchants and artisans.
213 He might also try to strictly limit the amount of time he spends there by scheduling other activities around his drinking.
214 The closing dates were strictly adhered to by the Office of Works.
215 The information desk was manned throughout the weekend, the timetable was strictly adhered to and everyone benefited from the efficiency.
216 Thirdly, even within a particular denomination, the official figures may not be strictly comparable over time.




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