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单词 Validity
1) Don't you think that both views have equal validity?
2) The results are of doubtful validity.
3) I would question the validity of that assumption.
4) We had doubts about the validity of their argument.
5) I would question the validity of that statement.
6) The legal validity of the claims has been challenged.
7) The period of validity of the agreement has expired.
8) The judges upheld the validity of the previous judgement.
9) Some people, of course,(http:///validity.html) denied the validity of any such claim.
10) This research seems to give/lend some validity to the theory that the drug might cause cancer.
11) His reputation lends a certain validity to the approach that it might not deserve.
12) It takes time for the validity or fruitfulness of any academic development to become clear.
13) It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.
14) Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.
15) The theory has the face validity of being consistent with recent findings.
16) Why should anything we say have any validity?
17) The studies invariably confirmed the validity of earlier findings.
18) I question the usefulness and validity of this explanation.
19) The qualitative methods provide them with feminist validity, while the quantitative methods ensure the reliability which psychology values.
20) Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreements' validity.
21) Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.
22) The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.
23) The editorial in the Financial Times says this argument has lost much of its validity.
24) It is therefore in many ways an ideal empirical test bed for assessing the validity of Pahl's classification in the 1980s.
25) The outstanding results they continue to produce would seem to confirm the validity of the first assumption that they are naturally gifted.
26) Later we shall have cause to doubt its accuracy and validity.
27) Thus they spent much of their time debating the validity of various evaluation procedures as potential responses.
28) Testing for generic strategies Financial analysts have a role to play in testing the validity of generic strategies, too.
29) You must give your correct date of birth, because in many cases it will affect the validity of your licence.
30) Yet the central thrust of what I was trying to say still strikes me as having some validity.
1) Don't you think that both views have equal validity?
2) Ending the fighting must be the absolute priority, the litmus test of the agreements' validity.
3) Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.
4) The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.
5) I would question the validity of that assumption.
31) So far, this discussion has examined the usefulness of psychological tests in selection procedures in terms of their predictive validity.
32) Woolwich challenged by judicial review the validity of the particular regulations which had this effect.
33) Assertions that intention is the sole criterion of validity are few, suspect, and found only in post-classical texts.
34) Mr Patten also said that he believed in the validity of the present system for predicting what housing needs will be.
35) Doubt will be cast on the validity and justifiability of the principle of induction.
36) The transformation of the problematic does not necessarily lead to a transformation of the form of validity of knowledge.
37) They have taught their employees never to question its validity.
38) The validity of the promise may be accepted: the insufficiency of the performance is open to criticism.
39) Why should not the validity of different traditions of discourse simply be allowed to coexist?
40) For example,() the validity of a string of phonemes depends on what is in the lexical data base.
41) The main lesson of the discussion of the previous section is that judgment on the validity of consent has to be discriminating.
42) I think that might concentrate his mind wonderfully as to the validity of different world views!
43) Thus it can be seen how a practice which has little educational validity can become a universal phenomenon.
44) Integrity, validity and reliability merited one mention each and objectivity got two.
45) He or she is aware that logically derived conclusions have a validity independent of factual truth.
46) In the recent period of excessive unemployment and weak demand for labour, the validity of this assumption is less clear.
47) Are there non-parasitic reasons that justify acknowledging the validity of consent in certain classes of cases?
48) But his tendency to depreciate the validity of gratitude is unfortunate.
49) We are not yet discussing the particular case before us, but only are considering the validity of the test proposed.
50) In later proceedings, the validity of this arrest was upheld.
51) There have been many experiments demonstrating the validity of this principle and exploring detailed variables such as the timing and quality of feedback.
52) Is de Man now going to tell us that his liberal construal of Rousseau carries the authority of objective validity?
53) Weener etal. conclude that, although the overall score does provide a reliable measure, it is of questionable validity.
54) There are reservations as to its validity because of the small samples and the non-parametric nature of some of the variables.
55) The available empirical evidence indicates that all three explanations have some validity.
56) For example, individuals can verify the validity of transactions using their monthly checking account and credit card statements.
57) It must recognize the validity of the black experience in a white-dominated world.
58) Some key conceptual and empirical questions that you might consider in assessing the validity of each approach are listed below.
59) Gramm must win the South Carolina primary on March 2 to prove the validity of this South-West strategy.
60) Has the experience of the Great Depression, which has helped to form my views of crofting, any validity now?
61) While the evidence for the validity of the hypothesis is much debated, the evidence against it is almost non-existent.
62) However, we can partially demonstrate its validity by means of two simple numerical examples.
63) However, for tests which are designed for children, face validity is of relatively little importance.
64) In this moment of excitement, there is no time to question the validity of these presences.
65) As the character candidates are received from the pattern recognition process the combinations of characters are checked for validity in the lexicon.
66) There is no significant attempt to assess the validity of existing spending patterns.
67) He proposed a regency council to uphold the validity of Frederick's election until the heir should come of age.
68) Validity can therefore be assessed only on the basis of the items which are included.
69) The content validity of individual items may be determined by inspection by some one with expertise in the area of language assessment.
70) One important issue here concerns the comparability as well as the validity of measures of achievement.
71) Thus we have a precise way of establishing the validity of non-local effects in quantum phenomena.
72) The issues of validity and reliability are the twin pillars that prove research to be only mediocre or outstanding.
73) Similarly he came to the unusual conclusion that, since colours are simply visible species,(/validity.html) all colours must have equal validity.
74) Just because a thing appears to us at present to be illogical does not, of necessity, disprove its validity.
75) Of themselves, of course, the rules are normative, and their validity is thus unaffected by issues of fact.
76) This doctrine means that a person can not question the validity of a piece of legislation through the courts.
77) Whether or not we agree with the principles or validity of church laws and rules, many of our clients will accept them.
78) One has to examine closely what arguments can establish the validity of such consent.
79) We should recognize that the validity of research findings is always relative, and relative in two quite different ways.
80) The reader may question, in the light of all of the above criticisms and suggested limitations, the objective validity of citation analysis.
81) Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity.
82) It also contained a clause which effectively provided for its continued validity should the Soviet Union be dissolved or reconstituted.
83) If appraisal now reveals that it has some validity in principle, the next stage is application.
84) The volume of your voice does not increase the validity of your argument. Steve Maraboli 
85) The case for the validity of a claim to authority must include justificatory considerations sufficient to outweigh such counter-reasons.
86) As indicated earlier, the validity of such statements was likely to vary among cities.
87) The question of validity of the methods of clinical ecologists is essentially what constitutes good science.
88) The validity of rectal distension measurements, usually determined with pressure-volume relations, is disputed.
89) Matching and randomization are two fundamentally important design techniques to enhance the validity and efficiency of a study.
90) Indeed most studies of employment show the low validity and reliability of age as a predictor of performance.
91) Model consistency check Estimated optimal reservation wages for the individuals in our sample are used to check the validity of our model.
92) Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
93) Nevertheless, a feeling of unease persists about the face validity of these accounts.
94) If our beliefs have never been challenged or put to the test we may doubt their validity now.
95) The Commerce Clause was not drawn with a view to having the validity of state laws turn on such pointless distinctions.
96) In Chapter 10 I analyse the inter-subjective conditions of objective validity and the relation between objective validity and truth.
97) The issue was further complicated by confusion over the validity of the government's June 1990 deadline.
98) No questioning of the validity or desirability of the task can be permitted to intervene in the process.
99) The problems of criterion validity nicely illustrate the difficulty of finding any solid foundation on which to construct a psychometric measure.
100) While death certificates are a convenient source of epidemiological data, their validity for the study of the dementing diseases is questionable.
101) Face validity reflects the extent to which the test items appear to be concerned with the abilities in question.
102) Second, measuring concepts from political science is difficult and can affect the validity of the measures.
103) The executors of the earlier will sought the court's pronouncement for the validity of the 1978 will.
104) This is inherent in the nature of the charge, but the effect is to destroy confidence in its validity.
105) If discussing mixed messages would be embarrassing, then publicly testing for the validity of these explanations would be even more so.
106) The validity of product measures as the sole form of evaluation can be considered at a number of levels.
107) The reappraisal undertaken in this section seeks, inpart, to examine the validity of this claim.
108) They immediately began proceedings for judicial review to challenge the validity of the Regulations.
109) Numerous studies attest to the validity of this insight within the industrial relations field.
110) This is why the issue needs to be evaluated for its pedagogic validity to be established.
111) A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings.
112) My father felt strongly about the equal validity of different viewpoints and world systems.
113) Irrespective of the validity of the architectural content, the model and drawings are works of art in themselves.
114) Yet, as education began to spread, women all over questioned its usefulness and validity.
115) Not for one moment did he doubt the validity of those ideas.
116) But the moral law of the Old Testament retains eternal validity.
117) This relationship, whose validity ultimately depends on statistical arguments may be one of the greatest red herrings of the subject.
118) Personality tests have not been found to have such high predictive validity as ability tests.
119) However, no one today would question the validity of these groups.
120) Such evidence casts doubt on the validity of the income / leisure trade-off model.
121) The emphasis of financial management within each stage of the life-cycle as shown in figure 4.3 still retains its logical validity.
122) Questions about the validity of making inferences from a small number of cases have been asked, for example.
123) The problem of legal validity is a inside-legal-system problem.
124) Second, validity of marriage must be authorized by government.
125) How to: Test Validity Programmatically for ASP.
126) But some are questioning their legal validity.
127) Should marriage certificate be enacted period of validity?
128) When impact testing is required, for processes 111, 114, 12, 136 and 137 the range of validity is restricted to the specific make used in the procedure test.
129) This table uses referential integrity constraints to ensure data validity.
130) In this paper, the geometric distortion correction method for the SAR image obtained by the sub-aperture RD algorithm is proposed. The validity of the method is demonstrated by simulation.
131) The experimental and simulant results demonstrate the validity of the system.
132) Where a financial institution has any doubt about the authenticity, validity or completeness of a client's identification data obtained earlier, it shall have the client's identity distinguished anew.
133) The myth is a type of narration and its validity transcends the space - time limits .
134) The experiment demonstrates that the method is of validity and feasibility to determine the impact area of the incident.
135) Purely natural plant formulation, kind geniality, validity control skin base layer the melanin is born.
136) The analysis methods of data validity in simulation model validation are presented.
137) The period of validity is two years after the application being approved.
138) The result of reliability and validity analysis bespeaks that this questionnaire has high reliability and validity, with split-half reliability coefficient of .
139) In Anglo-Amercian law, As the appearance of assumpsit, Source of validity of the contracts was became the most important question in the contract law of Anglo-American law contouries.
140) Finally, through the battle damage assessment course of certain antiaircraft artillery, practicality and the validity of this criterion are verified.
141) With deep development of the integration of industry-finance capital(IIFC), the validity of IIFC has already become core problem in the study.
142) In order to face validity, the candidates were asked for the feedback after completing the test.
143) The coherence of a source field was also analyzed to verify the validity of the approach.
144) One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.
145) This paper focuses on total validity and predictive performance of the model.
146) The nonlinear flutter calculation demonstrates the validity of the presented method.
147) China shall issue import licences for a minimum duration of validity of six months, except where exceptional circumstances make this impossible.
148) For the very same reason, it is much more work to make sure a given document production process conforms with validity requirements.
149) I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism.
150) Article 229 Any change of ownership to the lease item does not affect the validity of the leasing contract.
151) But in the standards of legal validity the existence of value is accepted.
152) By algorithm simulation and detailed analysis, validity and feasibility of the algorithm is proved.
153) Not only is this distinction difficult to explain, however, but "police officers may not feel comfortable with the procedure because it lacks face validity," the authors write.
154) Without clear and definite laws, it's usually hard to judge the validity of innominate contracts.
155) The condition monitoring system based on neural network and fuzzy logic for an aero-engine was proposed, which covered data validity and health assessment.
156) Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.
157) The paper analyzes the present situation, problems and causes of the lower validity on transportation demand forecast in china with the ideas, principles and methods of system sciences.
158) In the end, through an experiment on the formation of a tacit knowledge about math problem-solving, the author verifies the validity of the above suggestions and strategies.
159) But Richard II overthrows the above conclusion and acknowledges the validity of the rebellion.
160) The validity problem of active multi - decoy to ground base radar system is studied.
161) The result showed that the prediction passed the accuracy test with validity and practicality.
162) The validity and feasibility of the forward reasoning method for fault diagnosis based on BP neural networks are verified by the example of the f...
163) Real-time data, display preserved testing the validity vector diagram, draw many characteristic curve, online printing statements, etc.
164) The sustained validity of commodity contract is achieved through special investments and the binding power of the market force.
165) An example is given to show the validity of the shooting method proposed.
166) In the period of validity, the supplier and requisitioning parties all comply with it, fulfill their respective obligation.
167) Objective:To introduce a new therapy combining percutaneous laser and photosensitizer in treatment of portal vein tumor thrombus(PVTT), and evaluate the efficacy and validity of the method.
168) Today I have gotten started with validity and truth looking for distinctions between them.
169) The client checks the translation's accuracy and validity. After acceptance , he signs the confirming order.
170) Actually these are a pretty good test of your understanding of validity because when you see those two arguments, the paradoxes of entailment, must be valid.
171) The validity of the unknown clause has great influence on the value of the B/L itself.
172) The calibration ratio of CNLT5420 compensate neutron logging tool is the key parameter to determine the validity of porosity value.
173) Check machine and electric interlock validity in no force condition.
174) Zheng Ying: Test validity and security are very important features of a test.
175) As to the validity of forged bill, the commercial instrument law in China stipulates very simply. There is no direct provision about the taking of risk responsibility, and it needs to be perfected.
176) An example with range image of Mickey Mouse's head proves the validity of the method.
177) The simulation results of fault diagnosis on continuous stired - tank reactor ( CSTR ) prove its validity.
178) Holders of A . passport with validity less than six months.
179) The scheme of the algorithm is shown in this paper, and the results of simulated data and echolocation signal from brown bat demonstrate the validity of the method proposed.
180) The reasonableness of clustering result is belongs to cluster validity problem.
181) In this algorithm, the inlaid fitness function based on the table task or the simplex search is designed, and the genetic operational method ensuring the floating-point coding validity is adopted.
182) The validity and feasibility of the forward reasoning method for fault diagnosis based on BP neural networks are verified by the example of the faults in the ignition system of automobile engine.
183) The validity of contract is a force endowed by law to guarantee the performance of contract and strength of self-discipline of both contracting parties for realizing the aim of contract positively.
184) The validity of optimization control system for coke oven heating process based on the theory of hybrid control system is improved by the running results.
185) Based on range-partition, this paper proposes an efficient asymptotical algorithm of load balance to insure the storage balance in any time, and demonstrates its validity through theory analysis.
186) Has confirmed this method validity through twelve pulse controlled rectifier thyristor circuit fault diagnosis simulation result.
187) The study on the validity, reliability and control effect of the screening method of regarding water contact as chemotherapy indicator was carried out in schistosomiasis medium endemicity.
188) How long is the term of validity? What's special on storage?
189) The validity of the proposed constraint satisfaction - based method is demonstrated by the data experiment.
190) He argued that ordinary standards of statistical validity should not be applied to the project's predictions.
191) To make a study of a Long-Term Stability in order to establish a period of validity of capreomycin sulfate for venous injection.
192) But currently, the major obstacle to ensuring the validity of China's monetary policy lies in the credit contraction mechanism that still operates within its bank-dominated financial system.
193) Results: There was a better intramural consistency validity after SSI amended.
194) Finally, the functional model of a household door buzzer is constructed and its reliability is analyzed. The validity of this model and approach is illustrated.
195) For example the check credit card task is modeled as a service task, because the validity of the credit card can be checked by invoking a web service.
196) Do common English of the whole nation grade have an exam have a period of validity?
197) And what about the term of validity or period for presentation?
198) Customer classification is based on fuzzy clustering, and optimum cluster number could be known by its cluster validity.
199) The Validity of foreign - related maritime arbitration agreement is very important both in theory and in practice.
200) The method is applied to furazan derivatives and aromatic compound, it demonstrates the validity of the method.
201) Supporters of PMS' medical validity claim support from work on the similar problem, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder ("PMDD").
202) After that incremental data mining algorithm of establishing decision matrix to each of decision type is put forward and the characteristic of rationality and validity are examined by example.
203) Besides that, the paper also analyzes the probable deviation and state some measures to lessen it, then it further put forward some assumptions of validity check.
204) The Domain and Completeness screen allows you to make specific decisions around the completeness and validity of the values, whether by specific value, by range, or via a reference table.
205) The problem due to grid size among dat a number in index table, time consuming and data validity was solved.
206) The results of our research show that using original material to different examinee groups can make different effect on test validity, but it's useless to improve the test validity.
207) Considering the primary uses of components within application structures leads to more appropriate placement of data validity checking -- for example, only at managed trust boundaries.
208) Furthermore, different legal validity and compensation responsibility of the mistake has been established.
209) This prototype system implements above methods and can test validity and efficiency of algorithm.
210) Thus, it can be categorized into inner and outer validity.
211) Article 30 The period of validity of an export license shall not exceed 6 months.
212) Conclusion The Chinese Cognitive Ability Scale had excellent construct validity and fluid-crystal model and five-factor model are better theoretical models.
213) Objective to observe the feasibility and the validity of apply the early stage minim feed and small dose Erythromycin in the asphyxia neonatorum.
214) The effects of teaching undergraduates were evaluated by multi-element generalizability theory, and we got a high reliability and reliable validity in our grade estimation.
215) The MATLAB software simulation, verify the validity of the control method.
216) In mis thesis, I think that the maximal benefit to existence and development of human being is origin of legal validity.
217) We have the necessity transform to the validity of invariableness and the validity of restriction in order to avoid the confusion and the content in theoretically overlaps.
217) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
218) The Returning Officer may request such other information form a candidate as he considers necessary to satisfy himself as to the eligibility of the candidate and the validity of the nomination.
219) To testify validity of control strategy, digital simulation software ARENE is applied.
220) Making use of the rig general detecting laboratory to test the deferent maximal feeding force and drawing back force of drill rig, the validity of theoretic accounting value are analyzed in the paper.
221) Objective: To determine the validity period of the calamine menthol lotion.
222) For the validity period, make sure to use a period that exceeds the expected life of the application and related applications.
223) The offerer should mention in his offer, the delivery time FOB/CFR and the offer validity as well.
224) The absolute worship of text provides literary study with legitimacy and transcendence and divinity, but meanwhile, this kind of study loses validity reality and humanity.
225) At the same the, th e validity in the system is set ap art to the validity of syntax and semantics, they can be judged by the way of formal proof and semantic analysis.
226) The validity of Osthole powder against 5 species of main stored-grain insects were studied in this paper.
227) In relevance-theory translation model, translational validity is the focal point of the concern of translation while translational fidelity is the factor which affects translational validity.
228) A case study in a large mechanical processing workshop was provided to reveal the feasibility and validity of the new approach.
229) At last, the validity and high effectiveness of the continuous method are proved by an example, where the results obtained by the method are compared with those obtained by the FEM software ANSYS9.0.
230) To judge the validity of a futures market mainly depend on if the risk of the actuals market can transfer to the futures market.
231) Comparing the rates obtained from the donor-bridge-acceptor and the effective two state systems, respectively, we reveal the validity of the superexchange mechanism.
232) The simulation experiment and analysis on the unicycle system are given. The simulation results show that the validity of the method.
233) Therefore, once it accepted unconditionally within the term of validity it cannot be withdrawn.
234) The validity, specificity and sensitivity of the method as well as the hydrolysis conditions on pretreatment of urine containing morphine-glucuronide conjugate were studied.
235) Then we detect and estimate the carrier frequency of negative SNR DS-SS Signal have done. Theoretic analysis and simulation prove the validity of the arithmetic.
236) Methods A self-designed questionnaire, with validity and reliability above 0.88 by expert's revision, was used to investigate 520 outpatients at transfusion, the data were analyzed in statistics.
237) According to Mike Brewer of the IFS, this putative new category has little validity.
238) Kuznets also doubts the validity of the notion of'self - sustaining growth " initiated in the takeoff stage.
239) The Self-assessment Scale of College Students'Employment Ability made by this research has very good reliability and validity and can be used to test students'level of employment ability.
240) Results: Using the Torrance ? ? s health state ? ? s classification system as a standard, HRLQS has a good criterion validity.
241) The paper proves the validity of control means by game theory of mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.
242) The character of corporation charter determined its validity, so to analyses the character thereof is the beginning to study the validity thereof.
243) Calculation of groups of sampled data indicates good validity and repeatability.
244) The validity of the theory of resynchronization of generators using simplifying supplementary discrete control and these intelligent controllers are testified by simulation.
245) The acquire satisfactory control effect in practical applications has been achieved, which provers validity of these design ideology.
246) The validity of simulating star map is verified by using the angle-distance of stars and projection theorem.
247) Finally, the validity of the two - level method was tested by numerical experimentation.
248) Finally the digital simulation works prove the validity of the method.
249) On the basis of instantaneous reactive power theory, a software phase-locked loop applied on three-phase circuit was proposed, and simulation results verified its validity.
250) The preceding section dealt with the validity of state regulation in the absence of federal regulation.
251) The Vendor shall do nothing during or after the termination of this contract which would adversely affect the validity or enforceability of the Trade Marks.
252) What is the force or validity of Cleanthes claim that without anthropomorphism, the worship of deity is atheism?
253) The validity of the controller is proved through theoretical analysis based on the invariance principle of differential equations and numerical simulations.
254) In order to verify the validity for signal phase matching principle, the experiments of DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation are carried out at reservoir by using 16-sensor array.
255) It includes element validity check, element quality check and element size check.
256) It is found that there are no significant differences between the four test procedures in test validity.
257) Extensive simulation results demonstrate the validity of the novel half-rate rotational invariance joint space-frequency coding scheme and the performance of the direct decoding algorithm.
258) The testimony of reliability and validity showed that both the reliability and validity of the questionnaire met the requirement of psychometrics.
259) "We know several mice as 'putative' models of autism, which show face validity that they are similar to human patients, " said Toru Takumi of Hiroshima University in Japan.
260) Next, formal approximations of initial value problem was constructed by perturbation method and the asymptotic validity of the formal approximation is got.
261) The main function of constraint management include the establishing, modification, deletion and the detection of validity of the constraint equation, etc.
262) Protocol testing is the main method to ensure the accuracy and validity of protocol implementation, which includes conformance testing, interoperability testing and performance testing.
263) The mainly influential factors to the construct validity of assessment center are dimension, exercise, assessor, assessee and rating method.
264) The validity of this model is proved by a case study of a typical polder area in Datong lake.
265) A built-up circular piston sound source is established in this paper. The directivity formula of its far field is obtained, and its validity is simulated.




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