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单词 Stifle
1. Too strict a regulatory system will stifle innovation.
2. The government failed to stifle the unrest.
3. They hope the new rules will not stifle creativity.
4. She managed to stifle a yawn.
5. He struggled to stifle a yawn.
6. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
7. How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue?
8. Critics have accused the US of trying to stifle debate.
9. She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn.
10. She tried to stifle a grin.
11. He accused the government of trying to stifle debate.
12. The food did nothing to stifle her queasiness.
13. I tried to stifle my laughter.
14. Raising taxes on small businesses will stifle initiative.
15. She managed to stifle a sob.
16. He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.
17. I don't know how I managed to stifle my anger.
18. It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.
19. I just managed to stifle a giggle at the absurd idea.
20. Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks.
21. She put her hand over her mouth to stifle the cough.
22. Officialdom must not stifle all creativity.
23. She tried to stifle the insidious army of questions tentatively beginning to attack her.
24. Opposition leaders accused the government of introducing a guillotine motion to stifle debate.
25. An extreme area of concern is the extent to which the regulatory system will stifle financial innovation.
26. It seemed certain to boost his reputation as a survivor and to stifle growing discontent with his autocratic leadership.
27. It is highly beguiling, but it has power to stifle and to kill.
28. This is important because there are many interests which may try to stifle attempts to improve health care.
29. The richer the city the greater the incentive to stifle opposition.
30. Hunt lay with his face to the floor, trying to stifle his own noise.
1. Too strict a regulatory system will stifle innovation.
2. The government failed to stifle the unrest.
3. They hope the new rules will not stifle creativity.
4. She managed to stifle a yawn.
5. He struggled to stifle a yawn.
6. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
7. How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue?
8. Critics have accused the US of trying to stifle debate.
31. She pulls up a stool and sits down next to us, watching intently, still unable to stifle her laughter.
32. University officials adamantly deny any attempt to stifle promotion of minorities.
33. The Rational / Bureaucratic model can produce overly restrictive formal systems that stifle initiative and reduce responsiveness to change.
34. In short, to deny and stifle the understanding unnecessarily is to sow a crop of future doubts.
35. She bit her lower lip to stifle the cry in her throat and felt the goosepimples bristling across her skin.
36. She loved everything about this man, and when he took her she tried to stifle the cry of pain.
37. The old ones, fearful and suspicious, jealous even, were attempting to stifle young love.
38. At no time, however, did they use such draconian measures to stifle dissent.
39. This caused some of the other children to titter, quickly putting their hands over their mouths to stifle the sound.
40. I said that I could not remember whether such a thing had ever occurred and managed to stifle a blush.
41. In our haste to condemn cynicism we must take care not to stifle skepticism.
42. Nineteenth century tries to stifle doubts by crushing you with sheer bulk, he wrote.
43. He is also considered to be far weaker than his half-brother and may make concessions to try to stifle dissent.
44. Pessimism is a dangerous disease that can stifle or kill our human potential.
45. Led by Gary Payton and his pestering defense, the Sonics will continue to stifle opponents.
46. One wonders whether that overt gesture really was meant to stifle covert action.
47. Critics say that clause will stifle free political debate-for example, about an Afrikaner homeland.
48. Any attempt to stifle or fetter such criticism amounts to political censorship of the most insidious and objectionable kind.
49. Public memory of martial law, which ended a decade ago, continues to stifle free expression.
50. Tradition is a splendid idea, but it can stifle individual talent.
51. Even when private firms do not have monopolies,(http://) they at times develop enough political power to stifle competition.
52. Dostoevsky wanted to stifle the thought that he was riding on the back of Nechacv's perverse glamour.
53. The fear of sounding racist has conspired to stifle debate and suppress legitimate scientific inquiry.
54. Martial law continues to stifle political debate in the country.
55. Yet not enough projects are being launched to stifle growing frustration.
56. Summer comes early and is hot, but the humidity does not stifle vigorous activity, except in the landlocked plains.
57. But such policies could not stifle all urges to freedom.
58. While I would agree that it can only help your proficiency, it should not stifle creativity.
59. She tried hard to stifle her laughter.
60. Commission officials have said that a dominant market share is insufficient cause for an antitrust case; there must be evidence that a company is abusing this position to stifle competition.
61. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself...
62. Must a man stifle to death in his own cellars?
63. That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal.
64. It is most commonly seen in the stifle , elbow , shoulder , and hock.
65. During this time I would stifle all feelings of guilt.
66. Hummer: Humming while you try to deep throat not only feels good for him, it can stifle your gag reflex.
67. Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing.
68. BILL EVERS: "If we put a bureaucratic hand on this, we will stifle the capacity for modern technology to give us a better shot at the students learning the material."
69. By the way, it should be noted that many friends have found the fact that militarized management in an enterprise is the worst way to stifle individuality and innovation.
70. Disaster water 3 tail devil fox classmates stifle an arethusa to start to pluck sleeves and hide a half piece face reign I throw a seductive eyes.
71. His hand shot to his mouth to stifle a giggle.
72. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is separation of immature articular cartilage from underlying bone. It is most commonly seen in the stifle, elbow, shoulder, and hock.
73. While she gamely tried to maintain her poise and dignity, Philip, the Princess Royal and Princes Charles and Harry fought a losing battle to stifle their mirth.
74. But FOR all its half-truth, it embodies a radical error which bids fair to stifle the genius of the modern world.
75. Or they could continue to stifle young people's ambitions and experience double jeopardy: lower growth and social strife.
76. Mr. Wiltshire believes, however, that the patenting process itself has done nothing to stifle innovation.
77. And right now, spending cuts are only serving to stifle the Greek economy. He calls the situation a "death trap."
78. Tan on the hind leg should continue from the pencilling on the toes up the inside of the legs to a little below the stifle joint.
79. That cookie-cutter approach to people misses important opportunities for diversity and creates glass ceilings for non-engineers, both of which stifle innovation.
80. Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth.
81. According to EFF senior staff attorney Fred von Lohmann,() this move is effectively bending the law in order to stifle free speech.
82. It was an uninteresting conversation and I had to stifle a yawn.
83. Ample bone, strong and flexible , moderately angulated at stifle and hock.
84. NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer found evidence that black holes -- once they grow to a critical size -- stifle the formation of new stars in elliptical galaxies.
85. My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.
86. Growing demand for air travel also has led to a tight market for pilots world-wide, which threatens to stifle the industry's growth.
87. The stifle joints must point in the line of travel, not outward resulting in a bowlegged appearance nor hitching in under the dog.
88. It is a shame that radio, Sony and others tried to stifle his true voice.
89. All Villefort's influence barely enabled him to stifle the secret Dantes had so nearly divulged.
90. Focus groups tend to stifle exactly the diversity of behavior and opinion that designers must accommodate.




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