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单词 formless
释义 Word family  noun form formation transformation reformer reform reformation reformist transformer formlessness adjective reformed reformist formless verb form reform transform adverb formlessly  Related topics: Shapes, patternsform·less /ˈfɔːmləs $ ˈfɔːrm-/ adjective  CFwithout a definite shape 无形状的,无定形的 To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless. 对于听众来说,这个曲子既不连贯又无章法。 formless horrors that await you in the fog 在雾中等待你的无形的恐怖 —formlessly adverb —formlessness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusformless• To the listener, such music is incoherent and formless.• She'd feel safer trapped in a cave, with some dark formless danger lurking in the shadows.• They are only limited reflections of formless matter that never completely yields to conceptualization through the senses.• The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.• Early myths described the Primal Being as a nameless, formless power.• No answer, only formless rage, and a fierce longing.• It whirled by in a blur of faceless people and formless surroundings.• He was afraid of nameless, formless things that haunted his brain like the Furies.• Sound advice for a formless time.form·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  without shape Corpus definite a




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