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单词 Geezer
1. Some geezer called Danny did it.
2. She got talking to some geezer in the pub.
3. I know this geezer.
4. What does he want, this geezer?
5. So why not drive the infamous geezer?
6. Lucky the geezer didn't know what a detective sergeant gets paid or he might have got suspicious.
7. A geezer down in Catford once mixed smack with flour.
8. That old geezer was so impressed that he offered me a job on the spot.
9. He is a nice geezer, but a little talkative.
10. Especial the geezer teaching XML today, he talked about some soporiferous contents with his last-breath-like tone... many students just couldn't stand anymore and excaped.
11. Poor old geezer. He's in no shape to take on such a challenge.
12. Do you think most the geezer arethusa to assign name to be what?
13. We are sick and tired of that old geezer Mr. Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get-up .
14. We're sick and tired of that old geezer Mr. Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get-up .
15. The old geezer wouldn't let them play ball in his pasture.
16. Chopper That stupid geezer Base Commander just won't give us a break, will he?
17. With that old geezer?
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. People tell me that if I was a bit taller, I'd be a dead ringer for that Malcolm Allison geezer.
19. Because we already know your names, and we've met this geezer before.
20. Ask:What afraid of arethusa take to assign name to of all have. Do you think most the geezer arethusa to assign name to be what?
21. I know it wasn t polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob .
22. True... but I don't get away from that old geezer.
23. I know it wasn't polite but I had to laugusth when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.
24. There was a German shepherd laying in the yard and an old geezer was sitting on the porch.
25. Fortunately, there is no one nearby except an old geezer who never dwarf.
26. Kelly: I don't know Bobby. If I look carefully, I can see some gray hairs on your head! You're an old geezer!
27. In my prime I could have done this job in 2 hours tops --- but now I'm an old geezer without the patience to learn all the XML and DOM stuff I should know to produce an elegant, sound solution.
28. There was a hound dog laying in the yard and an old geezer in overalls was sitting on the porch.




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