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单词 Sleight
1 The trick is done simply by sleight of hand.
2 He accused Mr MacGregor of "sleight of hand".
3 Most of these conjuring tricks depend on sleight of hand.
4 The company accounts show a little financial sleight of hand.
5 By some statistical sleight of hand the government have produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.
6 So my secret can be hidden behind the sleight of a venial fib after all.
7 I do not share the view of Professor Sleight that it is essential to give a beta blocker early on.
8 They were continual concrete evidence of the sleight of hand which had conjured me from one world to another.
9 Miller's financial sleight of hand resulted in the loss of $2 million in tax revenue.
10 Sleight was a genuine friend of deaf and dumb people.
11 The nagging suspicion of sleight of hand merely adds to her mystique.
12 The word sleight for most of us probably never occurs outside sleight of hand.
13 For us this ad is emotional sleight of hand, not proof of progress.
14 Mr Straw, your claims are a sleight of hand.
15 He's used sleight of hand on the accounts.
16 Aa magician or juggler sleight - of - hand.
17 He makes a coin disappear by sleight of hand.
18 The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.
19 Either by might or by sleight.
20 But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon?
21 We now realize that much of Burt's research was presented with a statistical sleight of hand.
22 Last year's profits were more the result of financial sleight of hand than genuine growth.
23 Create impressive graphic designs on your walls; all it takes is courage and a little sleight of hand.
24 It would not be easy to effect the transition that Labour suggests by Government sleight of hand.
25 I planned to switch them when we got here - just sleight of hand, you know.
26 All the empirical evidence in favour of accuracy order can now be shifted by sleight of hand in support of the notion of natural acquisition.
27 I give a magic show ... First Marianne - a simple sleight of hand.
28 If I cannot do it By might, I will do it By sleight.
29 In the theater of the media there is an economic sleight of hand.
30 As with so many things in Germany, change proceeds by sleight of hand.
1 He accused Mr MacGregor of "sleight of hand".
2 Most of these conjuring tricks depend on sleight of hand.
31 With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right.
32 He slips somebody a pack of smokes, smooth sleight - of - hand.
33 But even this sleight of hand would require a vote by at least 60 senators.
34 Learn how to do a one-handed cut to reveal cards with sleight of hand techniques from a real magician in this free card tricks video.
35 After this sleight of hand, the distancing of Maison Bouygues from Bouygues SA gathered pace.
36 Veterans so the battle against Lilco suspected sleight of hand and reserved judgement.
37 Mr Huckabee says a rate of 23 % would suffice, but this is a sleight of hand.
38 Learn how to do a basic ribbon spread card trick with sleight of hand techniques from a real magician in this free card tricks video.
39 They deceive the voters with a piece of political sleight of hand.
39 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
40 But his real sleight - of - hand is to count handouts administered through the tax code as " tax cuts "
41 In addition to sleight - of - hand techniques you will also learn the proper way to handle playing cards.
42 Through a friend, I managed to become the student of a magician specializing in prestidigitation (sleight of hand) and pick-pocketing techniques.




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