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单词 Trade union
1 They received him into the Trade Union.
2 He organized the workers into a trade union.
3 We maintained a close liaison with the trade union.
4 The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.
5 The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
6 The Minister hit out against trade union leaders.
7 The trade union movement is concerned with working conditions.
8 He's been a trade union/party activist for many years.
9 The rally was organized by local trade union officials.
10 The trade union has a large membership.
11 He's been a trade union activist for many years.
12 He has never belonged to a trade union.
13 The last government severely curtailed trade union rights.
14 The trade union battened down.
15 Do you belong to the trade union?
16 Trade Union leaders were charged with sedition.
17 The trade union decided to strike the whole country.
18 The trade union leaders put pressure on the capitalists to change these unreasonable rules.
19 Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise.
20 The trade union block vote is an excrescence on democracy.
21 They're striking for the right to have their trade union recognized in law.
22 The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
23 This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement.
24 The government accused the opposition parties of being controlled by trade union paymasters.
25 With the strike,[] a historical watershed in the development of the trade union movement was reached.
26 The nurses' union was quoted as an example of a responsible trade union.
27 Democratization has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union.
28 In 1980, strikes at the Lenin shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.
29 A senior judge is acting as referee in the pay dispute between the trade union and management.
30 Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.
1 They received him into the Trade Union.
2 He organized the workers into a trade union.
3 We maintained a close liaison with the trade union.
4 The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.
5 The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.
6 The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.
7 He's been a trade union activist for many years.
8 Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.
9 After several weeks of argument; the trade union leaders had to haul down their colours and accepted the government's earlier offer.
31 In a rousing speech, the President hit out against the trade union.
32 The trade union federations called a general strike to protest at working conditions.
33 The Trade Union Congress put forward a plan for national recovery.
34 The authorities took especial interest in him because of his trade union work.
35 After several weeks of argument; the trade union leaders had to haul down their colours and accepted the government's earlier offer.
36 We organized courses for women trade union leaders.
37 These studies draw a quantitative portrait of ministers, legislators, bureaucrats, businessmen, trade union or party officials.
38 They have a long tradition of solid trade union organisation.
39 Lech Walesa, chairman of the Solidarity trade union, had formally announced his candidacy on Sept. 17.
40 Community businesses, it was suggested, should develop links with the trade union movement and the public sector.
41 The victimization which occurred, the loss of trade union membership, and the wage reductions all seemed to confirm this impression.
42 Once more, here, certain trade union members have been disappointed with the Commissioner's ineffectual response to their complaints.
43 That would deliver almost half of the trade union votes - 40 percent of the electoral college.
44 Oleg Stolypin, a state lawyer Karim Ishkent, a trade union official.
45 Most had not previously been covered by a trade union unemployment scheme.
46 Often the mere fact that the trade union member has approached the Commissioner will lead to the satisfactory resolution of the problem.
47 Would a renewed Labour Party imply a revived trade union movement?
48 A number of issues arose that emphasised the difficulties that safety committees encounter because of the absence of trade union representation.
49 This was the proposal to rush punitive trade union legislation through Parliament while the strike was in progress.
50 Machungo and other government members met trade union officials and management representatives on Feb. 2 to discuss the labour unrest.
51 A trade union employed a journalist to edit its newspaper.
52 The electoral college elects B, mainly through trade union and constituency votes.
53 The societies would need to initiate recruiting campaigns, and trade union skills and organization would be crucial to their success.
54 Trade union strength has also been curtailed by the rise in unemployment and the consequent fall in the number of trade unionists.
55 Which trade union members should engage in such wider learning?
56 This will involve trade union negotiations in areas that may be far removed from their traditional expertise.
57 It is therefore necessary to include the personnel manager and a trade union representative in the systems planning team.
58 The long-range tendency toward rising permanent unemployment and the relative whiNing down of trade union strength will add to the ferment.
59 The trade union movement as a whole would, in the future, face similar challenges to its powers in other industries.
60 It was becoming an alliance of the trade union movement with a unitary political party.
61 It is the main task of the trade union movement to create this unity.
62 It is interesting to note the difference in standing at law between the modern corporation and the modern trade union.
63 This optimism, however, is not shared by many politicians and trade union leaders.
64 Restoration of trade union immunity for certain kinds of secondary action.
65 I find that the front-runner for the Labour leadership, after some nifty trade union footwork, is John Smith.
66 It is not to be negotiated by the conclusion of social compacts or contracts between the Trade Union movement and the Government.
67 This contributed to the notable growth in trade union membership from 1902 and the industrial unrest of 1910 to 1914.
68 He had also been a trade union official,[sentence dictionary] once leading a strike of railway workers in 1989.
69 Wholesale changes took place within the management and trade union organisations, with the good going out with the bad.
70 Those who appear before the AFl-CIO are prone to identify social progress with a strong trade union movement.
71 He's prepared to help whoever he meets, be it a trade union leader, a consultant or a junior clerk.
72 It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised.
73 Poland's trade union Solidarity became the spearhead for revolt against Communist rule.
74 The trade union representing the workforce at these plants had threatened to go on strike if their jobs are put at risk.
75 Involvement with trade union representatives within the organisation concerned may prove valuable in respect of getting this particular message across.
76 Within hours of defeat on Thursday, trade union leaders reverted instantly to type.
77 However, good practices established by the Commissioner can only help to enhance her image within the trade union movement.
78 The first received full support of the trade union, the second did not.
79 If the object is to increase the effective strength of a trade union, it is lawful.
80 The Solidarity trade union staged a nationwide day of protests against government economic austerity policies on May 22.
81 The Left became increasingly middle-class and this reinforced the already strong opposition to it among trade union officials.
82 Frederick Chiluba, 48, became a shop steward in 1967 and made a rapid rise through trade union ranks.
83 At about the same time, in 1884, the trade union movement began to reach poorer, unskilled workers.
84 Trade union organisation provides a very important basis of opposition, preventing any single group of workers from being isolated.
85 The lord lieutenants have used their association to act like any trade union, and lobbied for a government grant.
86 Since the trade union votes count for 40 percent of the local electoral college, Mr Davies was declared the nominee.
87 It further calls for discussion within the trade union movement on this question, with a view to dispelling the myths that surround homosexuality.
88 Local trade union leaders joined in the protest march against cuts in government spending.
89 Clearly, individual gains, in terms of meeting individual needs, have important collective consequences in a trade union.
90 The repression against members of the party, the trade union movement and other progressive organizations increased.
91 Right now the trade union movement in Britain is functioning as a white man's union and this must be challenged.
92 Labor and trade union officials were arrested by the score.
93 Conversely, Conservative Members wish to protect the public further from trade union activities.
94 Similarly, any amount of income tax rebate or trade union strike pay will be considered and may have a similar result.
95 One of its powers is to make recommendations requiring an employer to recognize a particular trade union as a negotiating body.
96 For instance, some years ago among writers in the United States an evolutionist theory of trade union development was popular.
97 Many trade union leaderships had become enmeshed in participation in incomes policies and arrangements for long-term contracts.
98 Her role is simply to assist union members in taking certain specified types of legal action against their trade union.
98 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
99 Many have been forced to leave husbands who have refused to let them participate in trade union activities.
100 Next day the government began negotiations with trade union leaders.
101 Trade union delegates remained silent during the short debate but voted solidly behind the leadership.
102 One was a letter stamped with the initials of the police trade union and addressed to Commissioner Italo Pompeo Baldoni.
103 He had decisively taken the edge off trade union power.
104 More limited forms of resistance such as normal trade union activity do not alter the fundamental relationships of class inequality in capitalist society.
105 Overtime camouflages low pay rates, inefficiency, poor management and corrupt trade union practices.
106 On Jan. 14 Olszewski had agreed to look into budget proposals from the Solidarity trade union which would cause less hardship.
107 But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
108 The trade union federations called a general strike for 13 May to protest at government repression.
109 Trade union involvement can of course help to alleviate some of the difficulties suggested above.
110 The Trade Union March had been halted by police long before they reached the Square.
111 The call followed growing public unrest with several confrontations between the trade union movement and the government.
112 The two trade union confederations undertook to refrain from general strikes in return for minimum wage and unemployment benefit guarantees.
113 Among trade union members 70 percent were in favour, while 75 percent of Green Party members opposed abolition.
114 There was, at times, a marked hostility to environmental pressure groups and to the trade union movement.
115 Prior's Trade Union Act of 1980 was a moderate measure intended to forestall further attacks on union power.
116 Trade union representatives meet with management regularly at national and regional level at meetings known as Whitley Councils.
117 Health workers also participate in their community or peasant organization or trade union.
118 The Labour Party is largely a trade union party in which unions from the public sector play an increasing role.
119 By the late 1930s the trade union movement was, in fact, recapturing its lost membership.
120 Any theory of an open shop trade union must deal with the following conceptual problem.
121 It is this prospect that has prompted trade union leaders with a public-sector contingent to be wary about the single currency project.
122 The research also examines the perception and evaluation of health and safety problems and goals by trade union representatives.
123 There are trade union leaders who see nothing wrong in this situation.
124 By 1920, trade union membership reached its inter-war peak of about 8 million.
125 Lieberman got the news of his nomination at an AFL-CIO trade union rally in Hartford.
126 The Transfer Regulations do not impose a duty to consult employees in general if there is no recognised trade union.
127 The Court of Appeal had held that there was no trade dispute and so no protection for the trade union officials.
128 He then pursued a successful career in industry as a personnel director,[] and built up valuable connections in trade union circles.
129 It may provide protection for its members as with a trade union.
130 The beneficiaries included teachers in higher education, bureaucrats, trade union leaders, welfare organizers, and leaders of public corporations.
131 That is another argument for the clarification of how offshore workers should go about securing trade union rights and recognition.
132 They represent a considerable achievement on the part of the lesbian and gay trade union groups.
133 The company's bosses are urging full cooperation with the trade union.
134 The trade union confederations staged a series of four-hour regional general strikes on Sept. 22-29 in protest at the budget.
135 Incomes policies eroded differentials, and trade union action was limited by long-term contracts.
136 Just as all the trade union laws are ignored, women's rights are just the paper they're written on.
137 A serious problem arises in attempting to test this hypothesis empirically: how can trade union militancy be measured?
138 New patterns of collective bargaining, of management organisation, and of trade union organisation will emerge within this framework.
139 The farm worker has himself contributed, though as often as not by leaving the industry rather than by joining a trade union.
140 Althusser's list includes religious, educational, trade union and mass media organizations, and the family.
141 Control is exercised within the corporation, the trade union and the government.
142 We are therefore concerned with the impact which trade unions and trade union membership has upon the productivity of the workforce.
143 They argued that to avoid this it should be placed under trade union control.
144 Our trade union paid my train fare.
145 Trade Union representatives are chosen by election.
146 The trade union movement was a case in point.
147 Many trade union leaders became enmeshed in the trouble.
148 And there are still several unresolved issues, the trade union.
149 The trade union movement is [ are ] concerned with working conditions.
150 The result of occupational disease checkup should be announced to trade union.
151 Rudi Kennes, deputy labor leader for Opel in Europe and a representative of Belgium's ABVV trade union, said any preference for RHJ was most emphatically not shared in Belgium.
152 Deduction of staff welfare expenses, trade union operating fees, staff education.
153 It exercises a strong influence in the trade union movement.
154 In 1980-1989, he was an adviser to the independent trade union Solidarity and its leader, Lech Walesa.
155 Further, the trade union movement must be rehabilitated as a movement rather than service organizations.
156 The freedom to engage in trade union activities and the right to sign collective wage agreements are respected throughout the Volvo Group.
157 In part this attitude was due to fear of trade union and employee reactions.
158 Unemployment posed serious problems for the British trade union movement during the early 1920 s.
158 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
159 Trade union organization should actively participate in the democratic management and supervision of college, and give full play the role of protection, construction, participation and education.
160 Theoretically, trade union organization's influence on employment is ambiguous. However, the research indicates there exists a negative effect.
161 While these dramatic events were taking place, the West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was in Poland cracking jokes with the leader of the Solidarity trade union, Lech Wasela.
162 The strike is generally seen as a major defeat for the trade union movement generally.
163 Article 39 No organization or individual may occupy, misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate a trade union's assets, funds or immovable property allocated by the State for use by the trade union.
164 A creditors' meeting shall be attended by representatives of the employees and of the trade union of the debtor, who may express their views on relevant issues.
165 The chief and deputy chief of the guiding committee of the workshop(department) level shall respectively be the executive manager and Trade Union leader .
166 The Trade Union Movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions.
167 Wal - mart in Quebec province of Canada has already established the trade union organization.
168 The trade union movement is a force to be reckoned with.
169 The Regulation on Trade Union Associations (Reglamento de Asociaciones Sindicales) also limits the right to strike by federations and confederations .
170 The third part discusses the reality of China's trade union, summarizes the major problems of trade unionism and analysis the main reasons.
171 Deduction of staff welfare expenses, trade union operating fees, staff education expenses before tax.
172 Under the system of market economy, the trade union organization has played an increasingly important role in defending the workers' interest and coordinating labor relations.
173 A labour contract is to be signed by a joint venture and the trade union organization in the joint venture collectively.
174 Trade union organization, as the social organization under the leadership of the Party, should take an active part in coordinating labor relations, participating in the social management and services.
175 It exercised a strong in frluence in the trade union movement.
176 The existence of the staff and workers with difficulties is one very heavy problem laying before the face of the Party, Governmental and Trade Union organization at all different levels.
177 Trade union has some irreplaceable advantages in protecting the Laborer's legaland interests.
178 This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement.
179 The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart.
180 At present, trade union organization has deficiencies in such aspects as role positioning, service fields and service ability.
181 To realize the right of representation is a precondition and foundation of improving grassroots trade union work.
182 But the Wall began to crack back in 1980 when the Polish trade union Solidarity was created at the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk and it won the right to strike.
183 The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime.
184 All this means that while there's certainly upper-level sympathy and support for labour in the current leadership, it's mostly within the boundaries of the existing trade union structure.
185 Through the investigation and study, finds out the power supply Enterprise union work the basic situation, is advantageous instructs the county level power supply enterprise's trade union work well.
186 The trade Union movement has refused to a general strike planned for Wednesday.
187 Maintaining the social stability is not only the important symbol and important test of the ruling party, but also it is the political task and important duty of the trade union organization.
188 Once registered, a trade union becomes a body corporate and enjoys immunity from certain civil suits.
188 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
189 The students in turn, most of them from other agencies out of the Trade Union, a small number of university drop-out is the repetition of melted down.
190 He exercised a strong influence in the trade union movement.
191 This should also be carried out in the constitution, labor law, trade union law, strike law and penal law.
192 Equivalent level trade union representatives shall participate in district labour dispute arbitration organizations.
193 The new leader of the trade union is certainly a cut above the rest.
194 Throw out the rats and blacklegs, and organize your own trade union!
195 Being a Communist was a badge of honour for thousands of trade union activists.
196 The government departments, institutions allocated by the state shall lay union funds into the total budget and allocate enough funds to trade union organization on time.
197 The company issue a writ to prevent the trade union from go on strike.
198 The trade union is invested with the power to call a strike.
199 The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart, and are far from reaching an agreement or compromise.
200 A trade union organization with the status as a legal person shall independently enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law.
201 The party sent its fraternal greetings to the trade union meeting.
202 We don't want a trade union that's out to swindle us!
203 In 1980, strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.
204 The clashes in the central city of Valparaiso happened after a protest march called by the country's main trade union had concluded peacefully.
205 Therefore, we must solve this problem feasibly and effectively in many ways, however, as for the trade union, then, we must get something done on the aspect of the democratic supervision.
206 In the collective agreement part, author talks about the subject of the collective agreement - trade union and strike right of our country.
207 In order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and give great impetus to the construction of peasant labor' s security system, trade union organization, ...
208 Conciliation Commission office located at the enterprise trade union committee.
209 It's incumbent on the trade union organization to give the respectable labor for the laborers.
210 The right of representation is one of the basic rights of trade union.
211 In Japan, the right of group action constitutionally protected is usually made up of disputes rights and rights to form trade union activities.
212 Trade union is established to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and safeguarding rights is considered as legal duty for it.
213 The Trade Union Act of 1871 legalized the trade unio and gave financial security.
214 Therefore, it is necessary to constantly bring forth new ideas in the theory, practice, method and style of work for trade union organization in an enterprise.
215 Third , the Trade Union should supervise, fulfill and vindicate positively.
216 The brunt of her argument is direct at the trade union leader.




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