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单词 Narrator
1. The novel has an omniscient narrator.
2. Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode.
3. He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.
4. Jules, the story's narrator, is an actress in her late thirties.
5. He added his own voice as yet another narrator.
6. Here are the characters and the narrator begins.
7. The narrator uses the local dialect where necessary.
8. Verbivore starts and ends with Mira as narrator.
9. As a narrator I have much to learn.
10. The book's narrator is a precocious 12-year-old boy.
11. Nog is a mysterious itinerant who sells the narrator a foam-rubber octopus, and whose name he adopts as an alias.
12. In a crucial explanatory passage the narrator tells us: This marks a great step in Lok's intellectual development.
13. But scriptwriter and narrator Indra Sinha said the video emphasised the meeting of minds as well as bodies.
14. In the final pages, the narrator seems to accept his 2,000-year-old heritage as an outsider.
15. Then to each narrator is assigned a time and place of the writing of his contribution.
16. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.
17. Flaubert's narrator enters Emma Bovary's consciousness from time to time, to describe events from her point of view.
18. But a professional narrator was hired one morning, and alternate lines of speech were recorded using the normal microphone and recorder.
19. The narrator can't be sure but guesses he wasn't even aware of the existence of the flowers.
20. The tone is that of the narrator, ironic and sad - yet the novel does contain some successful humour.
21. The narrator and her parents and neighbors leave their home in the Midwest and head to greener pastures via the Oregon Trail.
22. The narrator, returning to the box shortly afterwards, finds that the signalman has been run over by a train.
23. To such scenes his narrator is introduced by the shopkeeper Gedali, believer in a peaceful Revolution.
24. Immediately preceding this extracted fragment, the narrator has been describing an incident relevant to the main story.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. The novel is written in the first person, so that the author and narrator seem to be the same.
26. There is little doubt that Carey the storyteller, Kelly the narrator and the tale being told are uniquely well matched.
27. In puncturing the mask of McCarthy's awesome intellect, Hilts acts on our behalf as both questioner and narrator.
28. I need to keep my voice in trim since I still perform as a narrator.
29. When Rose was pregnant, Steve threatened to call the poor child after the book's narrator, Ishmael!
30. Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
1. He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.
31. Gabriel, acting as narrator and addressing the audience throughout, comes to realize he has never truly known his wife.
32. With you as narrator perhaps on a plinth to stage left or something.
33. The concept of the unreliable narrator becomes a critique of the author himself.
34. Ishmael the character is an objectified self, a projection of the self image and frame of mind of the narrator hero.
35. The narrator then proceeds to give some background information, which he situates in a previous time About four months before.
36. The narrator of the Fiction, Philip Parrish, is an orphan living with his uncle but with many brothers scattered elsewhere.
37. Underlexicalisation is also found when the narrator adumbrates another difference between Neanderthal man and homosapiens.
38. On other occasions we detect language which can only be that of James, the third-person narrator.
39. In the final chapter the narrator relates the actions of the new people as they flee from their encounter with the Neanderthalers.
40. With Bley conducting and Paul Haines, the original librettist, as narrator, the opera was revived to ecstatic reviews.
41. To begin with, though, it is the narrator, Austin, in whom our sympathies are rooted.
42. Ishmael, the narrator of the story, tells the reader why he went to sea.
43. The narrator is a figure in transit trying to live in a perceptual present which avoids fixed relations.
44. The book has no narrator or main character. Consequently, it lacks a traditional plot.
45. I begin to understand why it is rare for a novelist to be his own narrator.
46. As a narrator, Stella gives James Joyce a run for his stream-of-consciousness money.
47. The narrator uses Isabel to shape his views on the nature of biography and biographical conventions.
48. The narrator is basically reflecting on what happened to him during childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
49. The signalman in his isolated box tells the narrator of an apparition he has now seen three times.
50. NARRATOR: Hayek summed it up more succinctly.
51. NARRATOR: Governments, said Keynes, should spend against the wind.
52. NARRATOR: The baht came under relentless market pressure.
53. She eliminated the author as narrator or commentator.
54. Bad pronunciation is a liability in being a narrator.
54. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55. NARRATOR: Austria had lost the war and its empire.
56. NARRATOR: Keynes's ideas began to gain ground.
57. He is the narrator of the documentary.
58. NARRATOR: Margaret Thatcher had a instinct for market economics.
59. On the basis of the relationship between the narrator and the hidden author, we sort the narrators of Truffaut and Godard into reliable and unreliable ones.
60. Just as the narrator of his novel Ignorance regards Odysseus's return to Ithaca as accepting 'the finitude of life,' Kundera cannot turn back and continues his odyssey.
61. How did John Cusack come to be your uncredited narrator?
62. NARRATOR: Keith Joseph's most significant adherent was an up - and - coming Conservative politician named Margaret Thatcher.
63. NARRATOR: Prices almost doubled, and shortages didn't end. All Balcerowicz could do was chew his nails and wait for the law of supply and demand to kick in.
64. “A hamadryad is a wood-nymph, also a poisonous snake in India, and an Abyssinian baboon,” says the narrator of John Banville’s 2009 novel, The Infinities.
65. Moreover, differentiating among the ethnographer, narrator of the text, and fieldworker is important for imploring the mutual impacts between power and knowledge.
66. NARRATOR: Presidents Fox and Bush were set to meet again in Quebec City at a summit for 34 democratically elected presidents from North and South America.
67. The narrator, Gene, an introverted, studious Southerner, recalls his relationship with his best friend Phineas, known as "Finny, " a charismatic, gregarious athlete.
68. It argues for the potential subversiveness of the "restraint" as a strategy, discusses the relevance of such "restraint" to the Clerk the narrator, and Chaucer the poet.
69. A modern riff on Borscht Belt comedy, the show is a series of one-minute ribald stories told by an elderly narrator modeled on the family's 79-year-old accountant, who does the voiceovers.
70. NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the , and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
71. Narrator: For three days, Kratos climbed the shear walls of the mountain.
72. Narrator: Sandy and Sue are coming home from school. They meet Professor Boffin.
73. The film shows an actor whose exposed body is covered in phrases about democracy, written in Tagalog, while a narrator asks, "Who is in control in a democracy?"
74. NARRATOR: Next day, Gen. Lucius Clay, the man in charge of occupied Germany, demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing.
75. Because Wang Xiaobo was deeply influenced by Nouveau Roman, Marguerite Duras and Italo Calvino, the thesis surveys their influences on Wang Xiaobo in three respects: 1, the narrator Wang Two.
76. NARRATOR: Attlee, a mild - mannered Christian Socialist, gave Churchill's gaffe a sinister spin.
77. Narrator is intended to provide a minimum level of functionality for blind users. Blind users will need a screen reader utility program with higher functionality for daily use.
78. Narrator: On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14, 670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre.
79. Narrator: Even in death, the memories, the visions would not fade.
80. From the perspective of narrator, this essay brings forward the conception of folk narrative, and shows that"typification"was an important feature of folk narrative.
81. Narrator: Leaving the rotting carcass of the Hydra behind, Kratos sets sail once more.
82. NARRATOR: Churchill, who was influenced by Hayek's book The Road to Serfdom, opposed planning and controls.
83. Narrator: The sky apart, and the God of War stepped through.
84. As a writer, a maker of literature, I am both a narrator and a ruminator.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
85. Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal.
86. NARRATOR: The man who was to sweep away airline regulations is a lifelong Gilbert and Sullivan fan.
87. Narrator: The sky split apart, and the God of War stepped through.
88. Narrator: This is a tale about an unprejudiced puma athletic shoes heart, and how it changed our valley forever.
89. Narrator: Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.
90. Narrator: Froggy left the venue, he continuously hit, very sad.
91. Narrator: In a corner, a boy is unction reading a thick book.
92. Narrator: Froggy want to be a pilot, he want to fly plane.
93. NARRATOR: Tonight, the battle of ideas that still divides our world.
94. NARRATOR: To some of his supporters, the president's change of heart on NAFTA was nothing less than a sellout.
95. Narrator 2 And the fish swam away, deep down under the water.
96. At this point, Oroonoko meets the narrator. She and Trefry assure the prince that as soon as the lord-governor Willoughby arrives in Surinam he will be set free.
97. NARRATOR: The hearings began, and officials from the Civil Aeronautics Board were called to testify.
98. Trying to get rid of unhealthy cultural content and customs concerning death, the narrator not only presents death truely, but also constructs death aesthetically and surpassingly.
99. NARRATOR: overthrowing the old order, the Russian Revolution aimed to deliver that better world.
100. Its antihero and narrator, Balram Halwai, is a cocksure, uneducated young man, the son of an impoverished rickshaw driver.
101. Adapted from Dostoevsky's novella, Henry Czerny plays the narrator, Underground Man.
102. The narrator would explain what the players did, highlighting the questionable nature of the event, and then query the viewing audience as to what they would have ruled, saying, "You make the call."
103. Narrator:He goes and gets a big bag from the store-room.
104. NARRATOR: The Allies introduced a new currency, the Deutsche Mark, to replace the worthless German money.
105. In chapter 15, "The Right Whale's Head," the narrator says that the Right Whale is a Stoic and the Sperm Whale is a Platonian, referring to two classical schools of philosophy.
106. Narrator: The Blades of Chaos, forged in the foulest depths of hades.
107. The modern stream-of-consciousness technique was also frequently and skillfully exploited by Faulkner emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.
108. The unnamed narrator tells his dreams to a friend, Severin, who tells him how to break him of his fascination with cruel women by reading a manuscript, Memoirs of a Supersensual Man.
109. Narrator: This is a tale about an unprejudiced heart, and how it changed our valley forever.
110. Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan.
111. NARRATOR: The welfare state provided care , free of charge , from womb to tomb.
112. By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception , rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub.
113. NARRATOR: Attlee promised his party that they would build a new Jerusalem.
114. NARRATOR: Kennedy's council of economic advisors had drafted his speech along Keynesian lines.
115. Narrator: As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie...he finally felt as if everything was going to be okay.
116. "Then God created water, " the narrator tells us,[http:///narrator.html] and the handsome bartender (Nicholas Tse) looks soulfully around the nightclub.
117. That leads to everything else. Resnais uses an omniscient narrator, as he must, because only from an all-knowing point of view can the labyrinth of connections be seen.
118. "The ritual of the hunt was always the same, " the narrator writes of the affair that unfolds in Kensington and various chateaux.
119. NARRATOR: Thailand's currency, known as the baht, was pegged to the dollar.
120. The process starts with sorting and drying the neem fruits, as explained in this version with a Nigerian narrator.
121. NARRATOR: It took a world war for Keynesianism to become government policy.
122. NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the U. S. economy, and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
123. Narrator: After thousands of years Pandora's Box was finally opened.
124. NARRATOR: The world was divided. The Cold War had begun.
125. Narrator: The songs of (What's the Story) Morning Glory? saw the group move away from the raw sound of their 15)debut .
126. Narrator: a time there a sweet little girl whose name is Little Red Riding Hood.
127. The story's narrator is an actress in her late thirties.
128. The narrator has successfully sewn his intention into the presentational objectivity of this program through the creation of an authentic vision by utilizing plural narrative angles.
129. Narrator : The city had been saved, and would thrive again.




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