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单词 Belief
1) They seem to equate intelligent belief with credulity.
2) His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief.
3) That man has a strong belief in Buddhism.
4) She professed a belief in God.
5) His religious belief was always hedged with doubt.
6) The incident has shaken my belief in the police.
7) Contrary to popular belief,(http:///belief.html) many cats dislike milk.
8) That man has a strong belief in God.
9) It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.
10) Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that she loved him.
11) I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.
12) It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.
13) She remained resolute in her belief that the situation would improve.
14) He deceived us into the belief that he was an honest man.
15) He restated his belief that the sanctions need more time to work.
16) The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.
17) In contrast with your belief that we will fail,() I am confident that we will succeed.
18) She has lost her belief in God.
19) He has a fond belief in his own cleverness.
20) It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.
21) We are devastated, shocked beyond belief.
22) They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.
23) They showed a lack of common sense that beggars belief.
24) The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief.
25) Plain ordinary dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream.
26) One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.
27) She was strict with her children in the genuine belief that it was the right thing to do.
28) Take my rest life over to endow you a belief in goodliness forever.
29) This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public welfare.
30) He hoped to convert his party members to a belief in coalition.
1) They seem to equate intelligent belief with credulity.
2) His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief.
3) That man has a strong belief in Buddhism.
4) She professed a belief in God.
5) His religious belief was always hedged with doubt.
6) The incident has shaken my belief in the police.
7) Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.
8) That man has a strong belief in God.
9) Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that she loved him.
10) I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.
11) It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.
12) They showed a lack of common sense that beggars belief.
13) She remained resolute in her belief that the situation would improve.
14) The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief.
15) One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.
16) He restated his belief that the sanctions need more time to work.
17) The group are known for their belief in witchcraft and magic.
18) She was strict with her children in the genuine belief that it was the right thing to do.
19) He hoped to convert his party members to a belief in coalition.
20) An unshakable belief sustained me.
21) The affair awoke them from the false belief.
22) Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
23) Here the apostle Peter affirms his belief that the Scriptures are'inspired '.
24) She's waiting patiently in the fond belief he'll come back to her.
31) This belief has general currency.
32) His story is beyond belief.
33) The child's death shook her belief in God.
34) They apostatized from their belief.
35) Contrary to popular belief, the economy is doing well.
36) An unshakable belief sustained me.
37) Her belief that taxes should be higher was heresy.
38) Her steadfast belief never left her for one moment.
39) Her friends never faltered in their belief in her.
40) He had a passionate belief in justice.
41) Her stupidity is beyond belief sometimes.
42) His stupidity is past belief.
43) Nothing can shake the basis for my belief.
44) What she did was stupid beyond belief.
45) Dissatisfaction with the government has grown beyond belief.
46) I find his behaviour beyond belief.
47) Their society was built around a belief in God.
48) Belief in magic still exists.
49) They entertained a firm belief in final victory.
50) She disowned her religious belief.
51) The constitution guarantees freedom of thought and belief.
52) You must n't joke with him about religious belief.
53) The affair awoke them from the false belief.
54) Scientific discoveries have discredited religious belief.
55) He holds right this belief.
56) Everything is a bit depressing at the moment, but I carry on in the belief that good times are just around the corner.
57) It beggars belief how things could have got this bad.
58) Other parents share her belief in the importance of reading.
59) He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing.
60) Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.
61) Christianity rests on the belief that Jesus was the son of God.
62) Belief is a kind of halfway house between non-belief and absolute proof.
63) It passes belief that she could do such a thing.
63) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
64) Contrary to popular belief , gorillas are basically shy, gentle creatures.
65) She clung to the belief that he would come back to her.
66) Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
67) 'The underdog syndrome' is a belief that things are beyond your control.
68) Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
69) I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.
70) Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.
71) He was under the mistaken belief that I was in charge.
72) If you're selling, you have to have genuine belief in the product.
73) We have no real, objective, scientific evidence for our belief.
74) It passes all belief that he could have been so selfish.
75) The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.
76) The government have tried to propagate the belief that this is a just war.
77) What has happened has shaken the foundations of her belief.
78) It is beyond belief that anyone could commit such a crime.
79) The belief that we should do our duty is deeply ingrained in most of us.
80) He was imprisoned for 19 years yet held on to his belief in his people.
81) This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.
82) This belief was irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine of salvation.
83) His battle against cancer has strengthened his belief in God.
84) belief in a messiah.
85) Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter.
86) They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.
87) Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food.
88) They're paying 75000 for a small flat it's beyond belief!
89) She did it in the belief that it would help her career.
90) Contrary to popular belief, rainforests are not jungles through which you have to slash a path.
91) He clings to the belief that one day he will be able to return to his native home.
92) The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.
93) I think the rights and wrongs of eating meat are a matter of personal belief.
94) He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet.
95) America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.
96) The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.
97) She has an unshakeable belief in the goodness of humanity.
98) The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture.
99) Her belief that a split would be good for the party was regarded as heretical.
100) The party's election campaign emphasized its belief in family values.
101) I helped him in the mistaken belief that he needed me.
102) Belief in the magical properties of this herb persisted down the centuries.
103) He had been questing for religious belief from an early age.
104) His parents still clung to the misguided belief that his common sense would keep him out of serious trouble.
105) These events reaffirm my belief in the need for better information.
106) His belief that the world would end was not fulfilled.
107) The exam results encouraged the belief that he was a good teacher.
108) She persists in the belief/in believing that she is being persecuted.
109) She acted in the belief that she was doing good.
110) Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
111) I held the belief that we would fall on our feet.
112) Here the apostle Peter affirms his belief that the Scriptures are'inspired '.
113) Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent.
114) These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down.
115) This latest evidence strengthens our belief that the government is doing the right thing.
116) He cheated his friends into the belief that he was an honest man.
117) When you get something wrong, it can shake your belief in yourself.
118) The city council has done its best to restore our belief in their honesty, but many people still have their doubts.
119) Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide.
120) He would have gone to the stake for his belief in his daughter's innocence.
121) There is a belief among young people that education is a waste of time.
122) She was blessed with an unshakeable belief in her own abilities.
123) The negotiations continued in the mistaken belief that a peaceful agreement could be reached.
123) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
124) He shared his father's belief that people should work hard for their living.
125) There is a belief that village life is somehow morally superior to city life.
126) She's waiting patiently in the fond belief he'll come back to her.
127) It is my firm belief that an effective partnership approach between police and the public is absolutely necessary.
128) The belief that the earth was flat persisted for many centuries.
129) The belief that you should own your house is deeply ingrained in British society.
130) Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.
131) He has been the trailblazer and given British sprinters the belief that we are able to take on and beat the world's best.
132) There is a general belief that things will soon get better.
133) The chairman premised his speech on the belief that the rich want to help the poor.
134) It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.
135) This information confirms me in the belief that he is to blame.
136) Contrary to popular belief , eating carrots does not improve your eyesight.
137) His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.
138) Contrary to popular belief , he was not responsible for the tragedy.
139) Racism is the belief that one race is innately superior to another.
140) I took the job in the mistaken belief that I would be able to stay in London.
141) There's a widely held belief that educational standards are in decline .
142) I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.
143) He remained unshaken in his belief that she was wrong.
144) Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that what you look like makes much difference to your life.
145) At the core of our convictions is belief in individual liberty.
146) The news staggered her belief in the triumph of justice.
147) He came to me in the belief that I could help him.
148) Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.
149) She was tired, tired beyond belief.
150) She never lost her belief in God.
151) I think this is idolatry beyond belief.
152) Harry, that awful, awful singing beggars belief.
153) And the saluting was beyond belief.
153) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
154) Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief. Oscar Wilde 
155) Did I just frighten you beyond belief?
156) When others in doubt, your strong belief steers. Toba Beta 
157) The initial radio message had beggared belief.
158) Scepticism is all about matching belief to evidence.
159) What she found there still beggars belief.
160) These proposals are ridiculous beyond belief.
161) Berstein reinforced the belief that language and culture were major barriers in attracting working-class adults to education.
162) Negative beliefs - lacking a strong belief in yourself, being ruled by bad values and habits- - pollute and worsen your character. Dr T.P.Chia 
163) He does not believe who does not live according to his belief. Thomas Fuller 
164) Her belief in the promised afterlife, in a fixed system of rewards and punishments, was great.
165) Sir Derek will resist pressure from some shareholders to resign in the belief that this is largely a minority view.
166) The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages.
167) But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
168) Belief in increasing archosaur homeothermy stems from the earlier discussion of the apparent change in posture.
169) Belief has the magic of making a great man or a wicked man. Dr T.P.Chia 
170) "It is my belief God sends the solution first and the problem later,” replied Dr. Javid. Malala Yousafzai 
171) We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying. Brene Brown 
172) This belief was like a ball and chain for the allied war effort.
173) The majority was still not ready to abandon the belief that humankind was intended to dominate the earth.
174) He felt the change with amazement and the belief took hold of him that his visitor had been divine.
175) Voice over Here it's a virtue to have no belief in what you say, bandying words is an admired skill.
176) Gandhi was actuated by the belief that it was possible to achieve independence through nonviolence.
177) It affirms strongly its belief in the importance of congregational music in the average parish.
178) Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
179) Belief is what we think - good or bad, right or wrong. Dr T.P.Chia 
180) Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil. Eric Hoffer 
181) People with a strong spiritual or philosophical belief system are more likely to remain healthy.
182) But it is not immediately obvious how to write a similar argument against the notion of justified belief.
183) Nicolson was always adamant in his belief that his films did not encourage drug-taking.
184) The Activist Confederations were to be associate members who were to disseminate the belief in corporatism throughout the community.
185) His good fortune in surviving subsequent assassination attempts increased his belief in his divine protection.
186) Such a deeply mistaken belief can only come from a citizen of a country with a disciplinarian attitude to politics.
187) They are wrong for this country's future and contrary to this party's belief in decentralised wage bargaining.
188) The statistics beggar belief.
189) Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief. Sigmund Freud 
190) Belief provides spiritual warmth, comfort and easiness. If you are a religious believer, you tend to feel more peaceful, satisfying and happy. Dr T.P.Chia 
191) She had a basic and abiding belief in democratic systems.
192) The media are dull beyond belief because of the heavy censorship.
193) Many of the letters to the editor expressed the belief that the two men were innocent.
194) Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely soley upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake. Christopher Hitchens 
195) There is a very pervasive belief that it is research in theoretical and applied linguistics which provides the solutions.
196) Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia 
197) How archaeologists set about trying to demonstrate belief in supernatural powers and an afterlife is the subject of Chapter 10.
198) But running through all these was the belief that an advanced state could not be run without a bureaucracy.
199) Untold are the reaches of his barbarities, uncounted the number of his treacheries, beyond belief the depravity of his practices.
200) Contrary to popular belief, the Australian desert is often full of wildlife.
201) Contrary to popular belief, cold weather does not make you ill.
202) They have been slashed and burned and damaged beyond belief.
203) He does not believe that does not live according to his belief. Sigmund Freud 
204) But, contrary to popular belief, they are not at all analogous to tape recorders.
205) Unitarianism, a tolerant and loosely-defined system of belief, had attracted Coleridge since his Cambridge years.
206) Belief is not a superstition or a religious faith. It is what you think and believe with conviction but has room for doubt. Dr T.P.Chia 
207) Belief is visionary - you can see in your belief what the eye cannot see. Dr T.P.Chia 
208) At the same time, I feel, no one should be too over-awed by Famlio's own belief that they're all-powerful.
209) Anne said nothing but as the months passed, it was increasingly difficult to resist the beauty of belief.
210) Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
211) To succeed in life and achieve results, you must understand and master three mighty forces— desire, belief, and expectation. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
212) Despite some socialist groups within the alliance, the dominant economic belief is capitalist.
213) Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
214) Belief is a great manipulator of the mind and the heart. Religion makes people believe in something imaginative,() incomprehensible and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
215) The errors of constructivist rationalism stem from the belief that reason alone enables human beings to construct society anew.
216) I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.
217) Their experiments were based on the belief that you could make gold from other metals.
218) The player responded with several suggestions, including his belief that the Kings needed to make some trades to improve their personnel.
219) The belief that acid secretion declines with advancing age has been widespread.
220) This practice encourages the belief that old age is a condition similar to disability.
221) Theosophists rejuvenated an age-old belief in the visibility of spiritual states.
222) But the fact is that the way we live our lives often assumes a belief about them, one way or another.
223) The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. Joseph Conrad 
224) We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.
225) There was a loss of self-esteem in the bank and a belief that Crocker was the only problem.
226) Any film appearance by Robin Hood reinforced a belief that this wooded playground was surely once part of a Sherwood Forest.
227) Belief is a kind of ideology that influences and shapes our thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. Dr T.P.Chia 
228) Does it reflect your belief that you are hopelessly absent-minded?
229) Be that as it may, his depiction was so convincingly done as to restore belief in the existence of centaurs!
230) This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
231) Their belief in individual autonomy is such that even children are not required to obey their elders.
232) But even the theme of agricultural distress is subordinate to the attack on Godwin's belief that property is evil.
233) He remembered hymns and baptisms down on this lake; religious conversion and arms reaching up in real belief.
234) If you have a strong belief in yourself, as well as some positive beliefs about life, you are likely to be nicely rewarded. Dr T.P.Chia 
235) Belief is a source of commitment, confidence and courage. If you strongly believe in yourself, you are likely to be goal- oriented, hardworking, determined and persistent in striving for success. Dr T.P.Chia 
236) In the ancient world, the belief was that each person was represented by a star.
237) The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Frank Lloyd Wright 
238) But the crucial step is to take responsibility for that belief.
239) Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Albert Einstein 
240) This belief was obviously challenged by our presence, but he insisted that Tom and Terry had gone home.
241) Belief is an invisible power emanating from the mind and the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
242) It is the belief that universal and general principles can be applied to every organisation.
243) And investors are signaling their belief that it will ultimately pull the economy out of a four-year slump.
244) All I could admit to was boredom, and the belief that school was more fun.
245) Belief is involuntary; nothing involuntary is meritorious or reprehensible. A man ought not to be considered worse or better for his belief. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
246) But for Aristotle and his followers, the belief held that the only knowledge we can acquire originates in sense-perceptions.
247) The second effect it had on me was to give me a certain amount of self belief.
248) There is also a belief that alcohol has certain other benefits.
249) The best religion is a strong belief or faith in yourself( ), good values and the moral feelings of your conscience. Dr T.P.Chia 
250) They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
251) The faith is in the belief that women, left to themselves, would make the world a beautiful place to live.
252) This can give rise to the mistaken belief that cocaine is not an addictive drug.
253) Belief is a spiritual fighter against theism. Atheism is a strong belief that God does not exist, and that religion corrupts the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
254) Belief - secular or religious - could deceive you if your are not careful. Dr T.P.Chia 
255) The thought of la belle dame de Bruges coming out with such stuff beggars belief.
256) Fundamentalism is a belief system that can not be refuted because it comes from a supreme being.




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