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单词 Seasonal
1 Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.
2 Seasonal variations need to be taken into account.
3 The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables.
4 The country has a large seasonal migrant population, who work on the coffee and cotton plantations for part of the year.
5 The inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women worders worried everyone.
6 The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.
7 Seasonal broadcasts by the Detroit Symphony.
8 The figures are adjusted for seasonal variations.
9 But, he cautioned, the seasonal weather was deteriorating.
10 All that semblance of seasonal good cheer.
11 Use whatever seasonal vegetables are available.
12 The tourist industry is also highly seasonal and subjected to fluctuating cycles.
13 The rest will be part-time, seasonal, or contract workers, responsible for designing and choreographing their own careers and retirements.
14 There were no longer seasonal periods of slack and recovery to offset the periods of feverish activity.
15 New seasonal selections are added throughout the year; offering a variety of both traditional favourites, as well as more adventurous dishes.
16 He made a satisfactory seasonal debut at Newbury the other day.
17 They prefer to send seasonal greetings to their loved one by fax or with a telephone call.
18 On his seasonal debut he was beaten six lengths by the very fit Cruising Altitude.
19 As long as he could avoid this seasonal parasite, he would live forever.
20 They also dreamed up another seasonal festival that remains sacred in our calendar: Crufts,[] inaugurated in 1886.
21 Some peasants left their home village and peregrinated the country for seasonal jobs.
22 Live oak and valley oak dot the landscape, and willows and sycamores line the banks of seasonal creeks.
23 Some of the increase may have been due to seasonal auto plant closures.
24 And one has to remember that sperm counts also show a natural seasonal variation.
25 Temperatures were measured down to a depth of 5 kilometres, where seasonal fluctuations have no effect.
26 The goat's movements and social interactions show a similar seasonal variation.
27 Use them as solo shrubs or as permanent backbone for pot or windowbox, with some seasonal plant infills.
28 Similarly, banks make merchandise loans to enable customers to cope with seasonal imports especially where bulk purchases might ensure considerable discounts.
29 It may have escaped your notice, but the biggest of seasonal shifts happened last night.
30 Of the dailies, Today's circulation has registered the worst seasonal drop, falling to 466,631 from 513,673.
1 Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.
2 Seasonal variations need to be taken into account.
3 The hors d'oeuvre is seasonal vegetables.
31 Marija Gimbutas Our earliest ancestors were nomads, travelers in small groups who followed the seasonal plants and the herds of reindeer.
32 It'sthis seasonal bounty to which the Eleonora's breeding cycle is geared, and the falcons harvest it in abundance.
33 That happened at a time when buying from consumers hit a seasonal lull.
34 This is based on clinical signs, seasonal occurrence of disease and, if possible, lesions at post-mortem examination.
35 These telescopes revealed ice caps at both poles of Mars and documented seasonal changes in color and contrast.
36 Employers added 271, 000 jobs, after seasonal adjustment, bringing the increase since January 1996 to almost 3 million.
37 National horticultural markets have wide variations in price, seasonal effects, methods of selling and quality gradations.
38 The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.
39 Table 2 shows the differences among the schools and in addition the seasonal variation.
40 The stores vary but the shopping list remains the same except for the addition of the occasional seasonal or a luxury item.
41 Of more practical importance than estimates of global annual average temperature increase is that of resulting regional and seasonal changes.
42 Modern studies of Mars confirm the seasonal variations of the surface brightness, but without biological intervention.
43 A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.
44 B Pure cotton vests proved very popular last summer, so here they are again in a new range of seasonal shades.
45 The path begins a mellow contour through an oak-dotted meadow before reaching the seasonal creek at the bottom of Triunfo Canyon.
46 Is there some seasonal effect that influences the colour of the pigments in leaves after the chlorophyll has broken down?
47 Another unforeseen dilemma which now surfaced was how to satisfy the demands of the new customers for winter-weight, or seasonal clothes.
48 The seasonal charts are for late evenings, with the Sun far enough below the horizon for the sky to be dark.
49 Moreover, the large city or freight terminals had to have massive capacity to cope with intense seasonal pressures.
50 In Tasmania aborigine hunters led a nomadic life to take advantage of the seasonal food supply in different regions.
51 In fact, the massive increase in migration contained a considerable quantity of impermanent movement - temporary,[] seasonal or merely nomadic.
52 Seasonal affective disorder is associated with depression that is marked during the Winter and early Spring and regresses in the Summer.
53 He won on his seasonal debut at Chepstow last month and wasn't at all disgraced when third at Ascot the other day.
54 Commercialised farms that do rely on labour frequently use seasonal labour.
55 The building was enlarged in 1911, as seen here, to accommodate the seasonal toastrack cars used on the Circular Tour.
56 The measured seasonal variations of peroxide and ozone in clean air at Cape Grim during the experiment are contrasted in Fig. 4.
57 In general, all female mammals are cyclic, but only some are seasonal.
58 Despite their differences, the two oceans support basically similar food webs, with high seasonal productivity from small overwintering standing crops.
59 There may also be additional staff employed on a part-time or seasonal basis for particular projects or programs.
60 We have found no greater frequency of complaints of seasonal allergic-type symptoms in oilseed rape than in non-oilseed rape rural areas.
61 For many seasonal workers, the biggest drawback can be the irregular hours and erratic schedules.
62 One major factor in causing seasonal variations in food supplies was the difficulty of storage.
63 Hay fever is a seasonal condition.
64 Tadpole shrimp live in seasonal, freshwater ponds.
65 The same scenario applies to resort or seasonal employment.
66 Julie wonders about any trend and seasonal effects on sales.
67 Initial test results received on 27 September were negative for the H5 virus subtype and positive for the H1 subtype, indicating an infection with normal seasonal influenza.
68 Northern areas suffered increasingly from intense heat and great seasonal fluctuations between wet and dry conditions.
69 Moreover, the seasonal reduction factor has become the influence automobile price trend the substantial clause.
70 Results Chigger mites play a key role to the prevalence of scrub typhus and their species distributing, population density and seasonal fluctuation are related on the prevalence of scrub typhus.
71 To investigate the seasonal changes of behaviors and internal sexual organs during sexual cycle among female rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta in Chongqing.
72 The results showed that the sea-land breeze and its annual variation in the coastal area of the northern Yellow Sea is obvious and it is seasonal maldistribution.
73 Influenza, in its zoonotic, seasonal epidemic and pandemic forms, remains a substantial global public health threat.
74 Expression is: Seasonal light grows to heat up resource in cotton earthnut duration of enough, sunshine accumulates Wen Gao more, effectively, ...
75 Bournes are a particular case with a seasonal flow depending on winter rainfall.
76 Mrs Srivastava also rustles up seasonal creations, such as candles for Diwali (India's festival of lights), Christmas trees, Easter bunnies and snowmen.
77 By polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the seasonal variation of the phytoplasmal amounts in mulberry tree was determined.
78 The two indices can also be used to describe the seasonal march of the WNPSH during summer, namely, the poleward and eastward shifts.
79 In the mountains, the tradition of seasonal sloth was ancient and pervasive.
80 In this article, we propose seasonal unit root test statistics based on the Weighted Symmetric estimator and derive representation for limiting distributions of the statistics.
80 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
81 Given the hypothesis of long production cycle and seasonal production, this situation accords with cobweb theory.
82 The changes of soil structure caused by seasonal factor would affect the safety of grounding system.
83 The seasonal variation of MBP could be described as an unimodal curve, and it was in August that the content of MBP reached its peak value in all communities.
84 There is also a seasonal factor to consider: Last year, first-quarter investment bank revenue was a full $2 billion higher than in any other period.
85 The sea surface temperature(SST) over equatorial eastern Pacific was the most important force factor for the seasonal and annual variation of East Asian monsoon circulation.
86 Conclusion The seasonal fluctuation of R. flavipectus and the species composition of parasitical fleas were clear. The host animal and Xenopsylla cheopis should be controled.
87 Seasonal dynamics of aboveground biomass DW/FW and of biomass allocation in modules of Calamagrostis angustifolia, a typical wetland plant in the Sanjiang Plain, were studied in a field investigation.
88 Large - scale of mining subsidence area often forms seasonal waterlogging or perennial waterlogging.
89 The ice cores pulled up at WAIS will be dated by counting back these seasonal layers as if they were tree rings.
90 Based on field measured data and MODIS-NDVI/EVI, the paper explored the seasonal dynamics of NDVI and EVI of Spartina alterniflora on the Jiangsu coast.
91 A number of tribes had made seasonal use of the Yellowstone area, but the only year-round residents were small bands of Western Shoshone known as "Sheepeaters".
92 OBJECTIVE:To prepare compound clemastine cream(COC)and to evaluate its clinical efficacy for the treatment of seasonal contact dermatitis in the face.
93 Thus, the seasonal factor at See's becomes even more extreme.
94 Hongshanzui port is located in the middle of the Altai mountains, is a seasonal open ports.
95 Seasonal runoff from glaciers such as Naimona'nyi feeds the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in that part of the Asian subcontinent.
96 Objective To understand the species, composition and seasonal fluctuation of parasitical fleas of Citellus dauricus in Hebei plague natural foci.
97 This suggests the seasonal removal of some of the ocean's weight at continental margins as sea level drops could be triggering eruptions around the world, says Pyle.
98 Seasonal conditions are an important factor in controlling N response and the effects are not simple.
99 Friday : Caesar salad with chicken, Mixed bread, Seasonal fruits, Fried rice with sausage, Juice or yoghurt.
100 Analyses in the yearly, seasonal change of and regional differences on Korean wind speed and sunshine.
101 Are there any seasonal production or sales to be insured?
102 Many emphasize fresh seasonal vegetables and health-giving herbs, so there's no need to guilty about the vast amount you'll inevitably eat.
103 The value changes to be changed equably, attribute seasonal change basically.
104 The water self-purification capacity changes between seasons, and if we can use the seasonal fluctuation scientifically and economically, we can prevent and cure water pollution more effectively.
105 If you don't have enough closet space for seasonal items, move your off-season apparel to another area.
106 A comparison of once-daily triamcinolone acetonide aqueous and twice-daily beclomethasone dipropionate aqueous nasal sprays in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
107 From April to June, Germany's economic growth was expected to speed up and could show an increase of over 0.5% after seasonal adjustment as compared with the 1st quarter.
108 In a given period the seasonal goods can be ordered at a discount price, and the demand for the goods is an issue of discrete random variable.
109 Located at the junction of the temperate and tropical zoogeographical regions, Hong Kong is rich in marine life, often showing distinct seasonal abundance and varieties.
110 If the earth's axis did not tilt, there would be no seasonal change on it.
110 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
111 Objective To determine the density of primary vector species and their seasonal fluctuation in Pan'an county for improvement of prevention and control strategies.
112 According to the demand characteristics, we complement the main information with the data of past products'. The model is revised with seasonal factor.
113 With the arrival of summer, car repair maintenance also entered for the special season seasonal characteristics.
114 Objective To study seasonal fluctuation of Rattus flavipectus and the species composition of fleas , and provide the evidences for the policy making in Hepu county of Guangxi.
115 Medical Psychological research shows that people's emotions, mood and behavior and seasonal change.
116 The significant seasonal difference was disappeared in testicular FSH receptor between winter and summer.
117 We are accompanied by guides armed with flash pistols and hunting rifles, scanning the snowfields for polar bears for whom this is a seasonal migration route.
118 Taking the seasonal variation of soil CH4 production rates into account, the change of CH4 transport efficiency can be related to air temperature and ice plant growing status.
119 Seasonal fluctuations were obvious with dry-hot summer depressing the earthworm population sharply, leading to the aestivation of earthworm.
120 The results were useful for explaining the seasonal change in cyanophage population in freshwater.
121 Straw mulching and sodding culture are two kinds of effective measures to solve the problem of the seasonal drought in red soil region.
122 On the hand seasonal how can ~ treat long vesicle?
123 Objective:To investigate the kinds, composing and seasonal quantity fluctuation of parasitical fleas of Citellus dauricus in Hebei province.
124 The pandemic monovalent H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal influenza vaccines both now cover the H1N1 virus, either may be used depending on which is available and according to national guidelines.
125 Material buffer plan and seasonal stock evaluation and execution for production peak season.
126 The temporal variation of it has secular change, seasonal variation, irregular variation, and other scales variation.
127 A migrant farm worker, a migrant processing worker , or a seasonal worker.
128 The enhancing of the capital organic structure is the necessary trend of the development, but the enhancing of the capital organic structure can certainly cause seasonal economic crisis.
129 Did seasonal flu vaccination increase the risk of infection with pandemic H 1 N 1 flu?
130 Professor Symonds said: "Our research demonstrates a very strong seasonal variation in the presence of BAT."
131 Results Through predicting seasonal trends, the point estimation and interval prediction of clinic visits in various months of 2010 were calculated.
132 The seasonal refluence of the outflowing peasants increases the pressure of the social security and management in the outflowing area.
133 There are different kinds of discount, for example, quantity discount, seasonal discount and exceptional discount.
134 Seasonal dynamics and nutrient concentrations in litter fall and the annual flows of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were studied in Longan orchard systems on eroded slope orchard of Fujian.
135 This paper studied seasonal and spatial changes of biomass above-ground and under parts in the Calamagrostis pseudophragmites community.
136 The results show that there exist the considerably regional, seasonal(), yearly and interdecadal changes of the air column PW over the QXPS.
137 Using the daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1961 to 2000, the features and variation trends of seasonal atmospheric precipitable water(APW) over Xinjiang region are analyzed.
138 Time series of horizontal kinetic energy show an obvious seasonal variation with the maximum in winter when jet is strongest and the mimimum in summer when there doesn't exist the jet.
139 Concentrations of DOC in different horizons of forest floors in both forests showed similar seasonal trends with the maximal value in autumn.
140 The experimental results during a cooling season indicate that the seasonal cooling performance factor of the system is 9.
141 It is hard to develop a perfect vaccine against seasonal influenza because it is so fleet-footed.
142 In this paper,[] an attempt is made to estimate seasonal floods for design based on a stochastic model.
143 The seasonal significance of the Winter Solstice is in the reversal of and shortening days.
144 Aim To propose a new mode of time series based on the traditionally seasonal time-series analysis.
145 Consumer prices rebounded 0.5 percent in July after falling 0.2 percent in June. A seasonal adjustment to gasoline prices accounted for about half of the rise in the Consumer Price Index last month.
146 Prof Eccles said: "A cold nose may be one of the major factors that causes common colds to be seasonal."
147 Taking an antihistamine isn't the only way to battle seasonal allergies.
148 The area was found on the Upper Sun River, in the Tanana lowlands forest in central Alaska, and it includes remains of a seasonal house and stone tools used for cutting.
149 The calculation results show that the precision of jibe dispersed coefficient seasonal model is much higher than the autoregression model.
150 The results indicated that : The CO 2 emission rate had significant diel fluctuation and seasonal dynamics.
151 The DAA seasonal fluctuation was similar to that of DPA and alsopresented a double - peak pattern.
152 Moreover, some important system performance parameters were obtained, such as the cooling seasonal performance factor and the cold extraction rate per unit depth of borehole.
153 Results show that the mean wind of seasonal variation depends on wind fields of large scale system.
154 A seasonal worker tears down hop tendrils from the suspension wires near Aigslbach, Germany, on Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010.
155 The factors affecting the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ( SEER ) have been investigated.
156 We want to buy Basketry , Garden Accessories, Baskets and Garden Accessories, Floral Vases, Twig Decor, Seasonal Decor Basketry.




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