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单词 Starve
(1) Feed a cold and starve a fever. 
(2) They decided to starve the enemy out.
(3) The animals were left to starve to death.
(4) Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.
(5) The poor starve while the rich feast.
(6) Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city.
(7) I starve for your help in such a condition.
(8) He locked them in and left them to starve.
(9) They tried to starve me out by a sex-trap.
(10) If prices slump further(http://), the farmers will starve.
(11) It took 8 days to starve them out .
(12) We can't stand by while millions of people starve.
(13) If they won't come out(), we'll starve them out!
(14) We can't stand idly by and let people starve.
(15) They would rather starve to death than accept the fate of slavery.
(16) He said the only alternative was to starve the people, and he said this could not be allowed to happen.
(17) If we can't blast them out, we'll starve them out!
(18) They'll either die from the cold or starve to death .
(19) Instead, the rancher left the horses to starve.
(20) If you want to starve in peace.
(21) Perhaps he's going to leave me to starve.
(22) Without blood, cancer cells starve.
(23) The top breeder who left her sheep to starve.
(24) I would rather starve than work for somebody else.
(25) Those who work deserve to eat; those who do not work deserve to starve
(26) The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.
(27) You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve.
(28) The new job doesn't pay as much but we won't starve!
(29) We shall wait the enemy out, and watch them starve to death.
(30) The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death.
(1) The animals were left to starve to death.
(2) Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.
(3) The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.
(4) You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve.
(5) The new job doesn't pay as much but we won't starve!
(6) Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the city.
(7) The enemy lay siege to the town in attempt to starve the people to death.
(31) Perhaps I would run away, or starve myself to death.
(32) They weight us down, they rob us, they starve us.
(33) She says it make her mad that they should be locked away and left to starve.
(34) Planting a bomb means saving the children that Madreidetic was leaving to starve.
(35) Patients may only record negative urine testing results in the preprandial state and starve themselves before the diabetic clinic.
(36) Some will starve to death, others will die of exposure, still others will be beaten or burned or tortured.
(37) So the first job for us is to starve them of possession; the second to use our ball intelligently.
(38) The prisoners were taken out into the desert and left to starve.
(39) It proposes to starve the people into submission by depriving them of food and necessities of life....
(40) Can the plaintiff hold out, or can we starve her out?
(41) How can we eat and drink when our poor brothers starve?
(42) But the front line runs across Katanga, and the war cut people off from their fields, leaving them to starve.
(43) They can not afford the extra rent and if they are driven away they will starve.
(44) Some one like you is likely to lie down in the street and starve to death.
(45) The world cannot stand by and watch while these people starve.
(46) The fields flood in winter and in summer dry and starve because every plant grows to the same depth.
(47) It is, of course, less honest than Spencer and denies that anyone will starve to death.
(48) The Moors murderer Ian Brady, 62, has been denied the right to starve himself to death.
(49) If it does not kill off the golden goose, it will certainly let it starve to death through neglect.
(50) He could not argue that, if he was not allowed to start his new job, he would starve.
(51) And, in similar circumstances, the anorexic can always starve herself again.
(52) Reason that is disengaged and tightly regulated would starve other human faculties, they believed.
(53) He had not promised to starve himself to death on the steps of the town hall until he got justice.
(54) They starve him of funds even for paying his soldiers.
(55) There are enough good venues around - starve the poor ones of your business.
(56) They fear that if the Food Bank goes under, people will starve.
(57) The race morning East a light breakfast, but don't starve yourself.
(58) Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to death.
(59) He then went off, leaving his rival to starve to death.
(60) And there weren't too many deer, so the poor beasts didn't starve through mismanagement and maladministration!
(61) I would rather starve in a ditch than accept the fortune of a monarch upon such wicked terms.
(62) The young elephants must eat several times daily, or they will starve to death.
(63) Starving myself was dangerous and could eventually mean I might starve to death.
(64) We no longer allow the old to starve when their usefulness to the community is ended.
(65) I had read enough to know that the figures for anorexics who starve to death or commit suicide are frighteningly high.
(66) In 1994 a judge ruled that prisoners who were mentally competent were free to starve themselves to death.
(67) But don't starve your customers in the process - there's no profit in that either.
(68) Better to starve, if necessary, in a plastic suburban mall than go back to South Chicago in chains.
(69) The basic idea was to take one bat away for a night and starve it while the others were all fed.
(70) On the other hand, we can not stand idly by while people starve in the streets.
(71) In fact, the feuding agencies were about to lock horns and starve over the first two dams on their priority lists.
(72) If they could fly straight away their parents would never find them and they would starve?
(73) Thus, a second green revolution may be in the offing hereby big energy production increases, but the energy-poor still starve.
(74) These tenements are barely fit to live among, never mind to starve in, for want of the extra rent.
(75) We have grown too good, kind and sensitive to mow them down with machine guns, starve them out of existence.
(76) Bombs still go off, children starve to death and people are imprisoned for their thoughts, not their crimes.
(77) Large wheatfields have few earthworms for baby starlings, with the result that many starve.
(78) Don't let poor Nelly (his mistress, Nell Gwynne) starve.
(79) Many children starve for love.
(80) Feed a clod and starve a fever.
(81) They starve for the experience of practical work.
(82) He may starve for aught I care.
(83) Let the English mill workers starve because they can't get our cotton but never , never strike a blow for slavery.
(84) As the Anasazi chiefs found, they could get away with those policies for a while, but ultimately they bought themselves the privilege of being merely the last to starve.
(85) It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.
(86) To help kids overcome carsickness, parents need to pay attention to the following things: Don't let kids eat too much or too greasy. Don't let them starve either.
(87) The most damaging thing the West could do is to starve Russia of new foreign capital.
(88) Qiao starve for news for Liu, but it's all late.
(89) Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense . But good men starve for want of impudence.
(90) In 1967 Paul Ehrlich, a Malthusian, wrote that "the battle to feed all of humanity is over... In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death."
(91) A great many more periodically starve; many actually die of want.
(92) When the breadwinner is ill, his children will do anything rather than starve.
(93) The rule does not encourage self-sacrifice or financial abstinence. It doesn't mean pay yourself first and starve.
(94) Pustulant tumors that become infested with maggots deform their faces, forcing teeth from their jaws. The devils eventually starve, but not before passing on the virulent cancer.
(95) Sure, your vehicle's resale value will never be the same, but at least you'll never starve if you get stranded in a snowstorm.
(96) When you are having a fever, it is good to starve for a bit.
(97) I'll never be dependent on anyone again I'd rather starve.
(98) It's a hard thing to skulk and starve in the heather.
(99) "Without this animal bread line, I'd probably starve to death, " the 20-year old told German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung.
(100) I will starve him to death, the son of a dragon.
(101) "May God starve ye yet, " yelled an old Irish woman, who now threw open a nearby window and stuck out her head.
(102) Cut off that flow and you step on industry's windpipe and starve the brain of oxygen.
(103) THE one sure way to prolong an animal s life is , paradoxically, to starve it.
(104) If it were not for photosynthesis, the world would starve to death.
(105) They starve for knowledge.
(106) He's as proud as Lucifer and would rather starve than take a penny from anyone.
(107) The multiformity gum quality is in the female cell lump, supply falls short of demand, have many cells to is starve, bad died to bleed, showed the multiformity.
(108) Let him hang or drown - starve - go to the devil.
(109) Don't let poor Nelly (his mistress, Nell Gwynne )starve. Charles ll, King of England.
(110) He would rather starve to death than shamelessly beg for his life.




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