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单词 Regards
1) Beware of him who regards not his reputation. 
2) He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. 
3) Please give her my regards.
4) Please give my regards to your family.
5) We have become concerned with regards to .....
6) He regards the political process with disdain.
7) This problem regards every student in the school.
8) He regards himself as a patriot.
9) Be sure to give your family my regards.
10) As regards John,(http:///regards.html) I will write to him at once.
11) Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.
12) He regards the sort of books I read as very lowbrow.
13) He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
14) He regards it as his mission to help the cause of the world peace.
15) My husband sends his regards .
16) Is there any stipulation as regards qualifications?
17) As regards Luther,I will write to him at once.
18) As regards that,I'll break with her.
19) Jane's father regards her fiance with approval.
20) He regards all politicians as power-hungry schemers.
21) There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.
22) The Roman Catholic Church regards marriage as indissoluble.
23) With kind regards, Yours ...
24) Give my regards to your family.
25) I have little information as regards his past.
26) Leon regards keeping fit as a serious business.
27) Please give/send my regards to your brother.
28) I think he regards work as a necessary evil.
29) With best regards, Yours, George.
30) No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. 
1) Please give her my regards.
2) Please give my regards to your family.
3) We have become concerned with regards to .....
4) He regards the political process with disdain.
5) This problem regards every student in the school.
6) He regards himself as a patriot.
7) Be sure to give your family my regards.
8) As regards John, I will write to him at once.
9) He regards the sort of books I read as very lowbrow.
10) He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
11) He regards it as his mission to help the cause of the world peace.
31) Give my regards to your parents.
32) He regards students as parasites on society.
33) David sends his warmest regards to your parents.
34) The artist regards his painting as a political statement.
35) My regards to your aunt .
36) Please give my regards to him.
37) He seldom regards my advice.
38) As regards the first point in your letter ...
39) Give your brother my regards when you see him.
39) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40) We've managed to match our closest competitors stride for stride as regards prices.
41) Is it possible to level out the difference between Oriental and European ideas as regards matrimony?
42) The media still regards women's sport as a sideshow to the main event.
43) As regards pollution, old diesel-engined vehicles are the worst offenders.
44) He regards the city as a place where all forms of iniquity are practised.
45) As regards the method of payment, a decision will be made after the contract has been signed.
46) Give my regards to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.
47) There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear.
48) She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.
49) I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.
50) Please give/send/convey my regards to your mother if you see her.
51) To complicate matters further , differences exist as regards legal systems, trade customs and language.
52) He asked me to give his regards to all of you.
53) The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.
54) As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.
55) I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.
56) She regards class conflict as a central dynamic of historical change.
57) She regards living in New York as a penance; she hates big cities.
58) She regards the job as a launch pad for her career in the media.
59) As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.
60) As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.
61) It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.
62) Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.
63) Irony regards every simple truth as a challenge. Mason Cooley 
64) The government regards housing as a basic need.
65) I agreed on condition I had carte blanche as regards my adaptation of his text.
66) He ignored complaints from alarmed consumer groups in order to maintain popular momentum for a measure he regards as essential.
67) Marxist feminism, like radical feminism, regards the relationship between the sexes as political: that is, about power.
68) With regards to the expected Community Charge arrears at 1 April 1993, I have provided my best estimate.
69) Gable regards this as an insult to the audience handed out by critics who consider themselves on a higher level.
70) She regards this new version of history as an antidote to the old.
71) An inheritor of Marcel Duchamp's anarchic estate,(http://) he regards all forms of artistic orthodoxy with deep scepticism.
72) This was especially true as regards the period of contraction or depression, and the Great Depression dealt a decisive blow.
73) The provision of council housing has had an equalising effect both as regards reducing overcrowding and improving housing amenities among working-class people.
74) The flutist regards himself and his flute as one instrument through which the Lord's breath is blown.
75) Like Grisone, they believe that the horse regards it as a reward when the rider or handler stops punishing it!
76) Nader regards Gore as unsafe for the liberal creed-as the embodiment of the Democratic Party's moral bankruptcy.
77) As regards metaphor, the cognitive approach appears to share something of both semantics and pragmatics.
78) The above also holds goods as regards shareholders and company directors who are nationals of other member states.
79) Winning trainer Simon Dow regards the winner as a chaser in the making.
80) This states that the defendant must take the plaintiff as he finds him, as regards his physical characteristics.
81) With asset sales the purchaser does not assume the liabilities except as regards employees, unless this is specifically agreed.
82) As regards the long-term goals of the male and female characters in this story, there is little evidence available.
83) And what was all that about sending him your regards?
84) When welfare departments were created in 1948, their major concern as regards old people was with residential accommodation.
85) And he registers genuine hurt at the fact that Buzzy regards Buck as more of a father figure than himself.
86) The concession theory regards the company as owing its existence to an exercise of state power.
87) She prefers her recordings made live in the opera house and regards herself totally as a woman of the theatre.
88) Some empirical evidence is available as regards the first of these; the present research seeks to assess what role syntactic input plays.
89) As regards this latter class of contracts, the Infants' Relief Act 1874 very much altered the law.
90) It regards justice as the foundation of the well-being of nations and the condition of enduring peace.
91) Certainly, as regards astronomy, no advances were made; in fact, just the opposite occurred.
92) Mr Glocer signs up wholeheartedly to this strategy-not least because he regards himself as one of its architects.
93) As regards membership, the region now has 93 corporate members and 56 personal members.
94) The 1976 Act also makes a radical change as regards the grounds for granting or refusing an application for a licence.
95) Miss Ashley had in fact, except as regards changing her birth certificate, overcome all these obstacles to acceptance.
96) It regards the private sector as the source of wealth creation, part of which is used to subsidize the public sector.
97) No more Tube, no more of your favourite bands on the telly, another dark age as regards the media.
98) He regards the trappings of power as more important than dogma, and has distanced himself from the Communists more than once.
99) Beijing regards the Dalai Lama as its worst enemy.
100) The media establishment regards him as a brash outsider.
101) Please give my regards to your better half.
102) Nobody regards Pullman as a real home.
103) She regards this deed as such an inexpiable crime.
104) He regards such matter with complete unconcern.
105) She regards it as a prospect of unequalled beauty.
106) Laing regards the concept of mental illness as both unscientific and stigmatizing.
107) Further evidence - based investigation with regards to neonatal and dental fields is needed.
108) Sanded bayou area regards Dalian downtown as one of the city zone,(http:///regards.html) population is concentrated.
109) Traditional house right theory generally regards the features of house right as domination, exclusion and absoluteness.
110) Don't forget to convey my regards when you see him.
111) At issue is what regards as the west's creeping encroachment into Russia's backyard.
112) Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association.
113) The Roman Catholic Church regards itself as the original Church of Christ.
114) The law regards the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary as a fiduciary relationship.
115) Officinal take its tender rod, leaf, bark, root regards extraction yew as mellow raw material.
116) And the patriarch that regards Chinese news as the organization, Agency has an action early also.
117) The green trade barrier regards environmental protection as a reason, with largely concealment, vivid and complexity.
118) By the way, Sergeant Chevalier sends you his kind regards.
119) With regards to military technology -, space programs go beyond simple aeronautic - s and computer - simulation - models.
120) Jane sends her regards. She has always had a weak spot for you.
121) As regards our commission, we think you will agree that 5 % on net sales is quite reasonable.
122) Take a wide view each kind of local related research, The majority regards qualitative analysis principle.
123) The French regards edible snail as all the time modern and symbolize richly.
124) Jane's father regards her fiance & 1 & with approval.
125) Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa.
126) Chewy CandyWe offer other kinds of candies with very good prices . welcome your earlist inquiry . Regards.
127) As regards the education of young children, Madame Montessori's methods seem to me full of wisdom.
128) It needs further discussion as regards how to revise the play.
129) My sister sent her regards; She had always had a weak spot for you.
130) In some countries the general population regards the legal age limits as too strict and unrealistic.
131) He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.
132) In a manner of speaking, they're on vacation more in this regards, not less.
133) Current, people regards economic norms normally determinism information will use.
134) Which parallel class wide meeting regards does the student instancy graduate open on the Third?
135) In many regards, they concluded, happiness is like a contagious disease.
136) The committee regards that is cannot accede to your request for a week's leave.
137) So, it's still a head spinner in regards which one to join.
138) Gu Yanwu is a famous thinker, and he regards himself as adherent of the Ming Dynasty.
139) With regards to optics, the Abt AS 8 communicates pure understatement.
140) The dissertation regards alternation as a sub - category of iteration to study.
141) So, it's still a spinner in regards which one to join.
142) The Chinese Government never regards aid to other countries as a kind of unilateral alms but as sth. mutual.
143) But, in very truth, she is right as regards this hateful token.
144) A greater degree of wisdom than heretofore as regards the ends of life is becoming imperative.
145) As regards the origin of the local custom, nothing has been ascertained.
146) Microsoft regards Yahoo as his to chase edge tool of Gu Ge in network market.
147) The rising generation of policy intellectuals regards a reputation for neoconservatism as professional death.
148) Countries such as Ukraine, in what Russia regards as its sphere of influence, are nervous.
149) He is gentle and quiet bashful child, people regards as him goofy.
150) This thesis regards the remaking and rebuilding engineering project of Lianyungangcable TV network as researching guards.
151) The power card commission regards with the purchase close - ended fund, does not collect the stamp duty?




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