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单词 Compiler
1. The optimized compiler has a blended mode option for applications that will run on 80486 and Pentium boxes as well as a Pentium-only mode.
2. It is not enough to say that the compiler has inserted a story that once had a quite independent existence.
3. Intel says the compiler enables systems developers to take advantage of superscalar characteristics like scheduling multiple instructions per clock cycle.
4. The compiler of Genesis would not have us forget that.
5. The new compiler uses application program information, collected during dynamic program execution, to drive its optimisation process.
6. Error List displays code problems detected by the compiler.
7. A conversion that is automatically generated by the compiler.
8. Type the compiler option in the Additional Options box.
9. Some compilers allow array assignment as a compiler extension.
10. The compiler makes the type conversion.
11. A very fast algebraic compiler.
12. The compiler includes complete documentation and procedures.
13. The call causes a compiler error.
14. Specify one file per compiler option.
15. Compiler optimization may eliminate variables earlier.
16. One of the system programs is called the compiler.
17. A very detailed cross compiler Arm chip instructions.
18. The original compiler error message is usually specific to a particular language construct and might not make the real cause or solution obvious to the user.
19. An assembler or a compiler reads a complete source program and generates a complete object module.
20. The compiler links to MyLib.dll and calls the right entry point.
21. Other groundbreaking work was reportedly done in the areas of fault tolerance support and compiler optimisation.
22. Microport thinks it is the first Unix Labs licensee to make the compiler available in shrinkwrapped form.
23. It is the brian-child of Barbara Hall who can fairly claim to be the most versatile crossword compiler in the business.
24. The translation from a general language to the machine specific is performed by a compiler or interpreter.
25. C3 includes a graphical development environment, a graphical browser,[/compiler.html] a compiler and interactive debugger.
26. But if we think that, we have not reckoned with the mischief of the compiler.
27. This method supplements the existing methods and can be used in optimizing compiler and program understanding.
28. The design of intermediate representation (IR) is the core technology in building optimizing compilers, whose implementation plays an important role in the flexibility of the whole compiler.
29. A BIST of 512 bits static RAM by using Concorde Compiler is designed and simulated.
30. Of course, just like any C application, you can leverage the C compiler to build a better executable.
31. A compiler structured on the syntactical relationships of the character string.
32. To compile LFS, you need to prepare a partition and a file system, and you also need to compile a compiler and system library.
33. Early versions of the binding compiler did not go through this step of constructing a code generation model, instead generating code directly from the binding.
34. Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.
35. A new portable optimizing C compiler has compiled itself and may be released this year.
36. And the bonus CD includes a special code editor, an update GNU compiler, and all source code from the book to save you time.
37. The standard for compiler design is to break it in two modules: the front end that reads and decodes the input file, and the back end that produces the code or, in this case, the table class.
38. The compiler cannot generate an assignment operator for the given class.
39. Traditional parallelized compiler techniques use node splitting irreducible loops reducible,[http://] but will make code duplicate inevitably.
40. The query compiler expands view definitions into the main statement block, which might result in a more complex statement.
41. The compiler folks called this optimization "Frame Pointer Omission", and it went by the acronym FPO.
42. One simply has to emit a compiler warning when a loop variable is being changed.
43. However, to include tracing features in a deployed application, you must compile your instrumented applications with the TRACE compiler directive enabled.
44. Some garbage collection algorithms require significant cooperation from the compiler or runtime environment, such as updating reference counts whenever a pointer assignment is performed.
45. The Error List displays code problems detected by the compiler.
46. And the open source GNU tool - chain is the ideal cross - compiler for embedded.
47. The TOC save area, compiler area, and linker area are all reserved for system use, and are not modified by programmers, but the programmer must reserve space for them.
48. Compiler optimization used manual tuning technique in the past several decades.
49. An interesting thing about Eclipse is that it uses an incremental compiler to compile your code as you type it in.
50. At execution time, a just - in - time ( JIT ) compiler translates the MSIL into native code.
51. A standard optimization is loop unrolling; the compiler will unroll the loops to reduce the number of branches.
52. The type name is generated the compiler and is not available at the source code level.
53. In this paper, a compiler generator design method is given.
54. An approch to Estelle - C compiler design and implementation was proposed.
55. The binding compiler is executed at program assembly time -- after you've compiled your Java language source code to class files, but before packaging or executing the class files.
56. This is especially pernicious for cross-compiling, since you probably can't run an executable actually created with the cross compiler.
57. Since the CLR does not support static locals, the Visual Basic compiler must do additional work to make the program successful.
58. However, detecting that the compiler has eliminated a large chunk of your benchmark is a lot easier in a statically compiled language.
59. Register allocation and instruction scheduling are two important tasks for every optimizing compiler.
60. You must set the environment variable CC to a working compiler.
61. Fewer control branches inside functions make it easier for the JIT compiler to enregister variables.
62. The DEC Alpha chip, for example, did quite a bit of code optimization -- entering into an area that traditionally was the realm of compiler developers.
63. Whole program optimization allows the compiler to perform optimizations with information on all modules in the program.
64. The topic for each compiler option discusses how it can be set in the development environment.
65. By design, the Compiler class does nothing; It'serves a placeholder a JIT compiler implementation.
66. This thesis researches the modules of the compiler and solves the problems encountered during the compiler design.
67. The GNU C compiler supports a number of different versions of the C programming language.
68. A compiled program will need to be recompiled to move it to another platform, and thus will require a compiler.
68. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
69. This is because only the compiler has access to the underlying name of the anonymous type.
70. Finite element analysis of plane, simple and practical, you can compile and run on a FORTRAN compiler.
71. For example, a compiler may choose to optimize a loop index variable by storing it in a register, or the cache may delay flushing a new value of a variable to main memory until a more opportune time.
72. This system is based on an integrated programming environment, in which BASIC source program can be established through a syntax-directed editor and compiled by an incremental compiler.
73. This a basic compiler for MSP 430 complete source code can be directly used by the test.
74. Rebuilding a Visual Basic project and running a background compiler is 3x faster and uses 3x less memory.
75. Then a VLIW optimizing compiler adopting two-level software pipelining is described.
76. We've continued building a new compiler and intermediate representation that will be easier to optimize before we generate JVM bytecode.
77. Now any compiler or application software just grabs the scan code from the ESC key and tailors the action to what it wants.
78. Depending on the nature of certain segments of code, the optimizing compiler might generate unexpected code.
79. VC ++ is used to call the assembly compiler to compile the assembler.
80. This means that the code segment shown in Listing 1 is interpreted by the compiler/interpreter the same way that it should be by a person.
81. You can check syntax and compile CICS applications with the command line using the COBOL compiler.
82. The automatic generation system, which transforms the denotational semantics of code generation languages into efficient compiler code generator, has been developed.
83. C ++ Source VoIP development, direct the compiler to run, very useful!
84. In the front end of the compiler, the internal representation for GIMPLE was redefined, meaning that the compiler consumes less memory.
85. The compiler does not optimize out any references to volatile variables.
86. You'll also find compiler and library support for Thumb2 (compressed ARM instructions) and for the ARMv7 architecture as well as tuning support for Core2 processors and the Geode processor family.
87. The stack pointer relative addressing mode permits optimized C compiler stack model for local variables and parameter passing.
88. You must set the environment CC to a working compiler.
89. It's important to quickly develop a compiler in the research of computer architecture.
90. Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.
91. It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources.
92. A COBOL compiler accepts COBOL source code and generates a machine - level object module.
93. Absrtact: The abstract machine is generally used to construct a software compiler.
94. If you don't have a compiler that can produce code to take advantage of the underlying processor architecture and instruction set, then the fastest machines will be useless.
95. This option directs the compiler to store the debugging information in the precompiled header file.
96. In this usage, a compiler would compile BCPL code into an intermediate machine code called O-code.
97. We have now taken the concept one step further and we now have prepackaged environments, complete with compiler, libraries and all you need to start developing!
98. Using register for frequently-used variables: this tells the compiler that the register variable is going to be frequently used,[/compiler.html] so it should be allocated to a register with a very high priority.
99. Realize linear programming simplex method, the compiler environment VC 6.0, development language C.
100. The complete OCCL compiler can correctly compile programs conforming to a specific ANSI C language subset.
101. An individual compiler may adjust the packing of a structure for size reasons.
102. The IBM XL C compiler is a very good optimizer, and as a result, the C algorithm delivers superior results to a simple unoptimized assembly language implementation.
103. Provides lists of compiler options, organized alphabetically or by purpose.
104. By using the underscore (remember the wildcard character in Scala?), you effectively tell the Scala compiler that all of the members inside BigInteger should be brought into scope.
105. Sunday Times Rich List compiler Philip Beresford said this would be the first time a British lottery winner had appeared in the list.
106. This paper proposes a low power optimization framework based on retargetable compiler, which aims at the shortcomings of traditional low power optimization in generalization.
107. Having piled miles of files, the compiler smiled awhellole at the profile.
108. To provide an overview of compiler theory with emphasis on lexical and syntax analysis.
109. However, you can already appreciate the power of using a compiler: the DFA construction algorithm takes care of all the state management.
110. Use the Disassembly window to view assembly code corresponding to the instructions created by the compiler.
111. The compiler also allows inline assembler code to be embedded anywhere in a function. In addition, routines developed in assembly can also be called.
112. Elegiac poems were not included in Yuefu, but classified as an independent style in Analecta, the reason for which is the compiler realized the importance of elegiac poems that time.
113. Thus, to speed up compilation, these files can be converted into an intermediate form that is easier for the compiler to understand so that subsequent compilations are faster.
114. Compiler is a program that translate a source program into an executable program ( an object program ).
115. The use of switch/case also enables compiler optimization by using a jump table implementation.
116. The JIT compiler understands your need for both efficiency and elegance, so it inlines the accessor.
117. According to compiling principle knowledge, the thesis has realized the instruction list language compiler.
118. The Ruby source code is compiled into native machine code (same process as we do at runtime with the JIT compiler), so it's also a good way to obfuscate the source code.
119. Compiler optimization - based methods for each of these stages can easily be attacked.
120. A closure of the file protection function WINDOWS source code directly on the VC 6 compiler can!
121. PB Dynamic Menu technology, reprinted from other sites. Need to use the compiler.
122. On entering the function, the compiler can store the to-be-manipulated global data using a compiler-generated temporary name, then restore the data upon exiting the function.
123. Enforcing static typing usually requires a compiler, and that compile step can absolutely crush productivity.
124. Bolt is a suite of development libraries for software development, especially compiler design.
125. Short for Algorithmic language. A compiler language used mainly for scientific applications in computer.
126. Lastly, new features make it easier to create a new compiler environment with the ability to create new makefile templates to support the environment.
127. When a comma occurs in an array index expression, the compiler uses the value after the last comma.
128. For DYNAMIC calling of a module the DYNAM compiler option must be chosen[/compiler.html], else the linkage editor will not generate an executable as it will expect u address resolution of all called modules.
129. You also need to know whether the JVM correctly determines host processor architecture so that the JIT compiler can produce the correct set of instructions for that architecture.
130. It's worth pointing out that the class of allowable optimizations is different depending on whether the compiler is generating verifiable code (/clr:safe) or unverifiable code (/clr or /clr:pure).
131. The concerto coordination code is used as the object code of scripting language compiler.
132. You can't just take a quoted string back to back with another quoted string so you'd get some kind of compiler error.
133. When the compiler (back end) detects unreachable code, it will generate C4702, a level 4 warning.
134. Compiler Construction Principles, based on the JAVA realize, lexical analysis.
135. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.
136. It is very important for reducing semantic difference between high level language and machine language as well as for shortening compiler program length and compiling time.
137. Years ago, before decent compiler support for 8-bit processors was available, I would code in assembly language using a bespoke floating-point library.
138. The LR parsing table is minimized by code compressing . Using the minimized table, the storage space needed to carry out the compiler is reduced.
139. The Phalanger compiler, currently in beta 3, and VS integration can be found on CodePlex.
140. An assembler or a compiler reads a complete source program and generates a compete object module.
141. About Shangjunshu s compiling time, compiler and naming question and so on always has the dispute.
142. All you're doing is promising the compiler that the argument passed to the function will be at least that large; some machines might use this for loop unrolling.
143. In the Advanced Compiler Settings dialog box, select the Remove integer overflow checks check box.
144. This paper explores into incremental compilation techniques based on TTCN-3, and elaborates the design and implementation of incremental compiler combining with TTCN-3 characteristic.
145. CS help files are generated using the CS Help compiler, which replaces the Aleppo help authoring tool used in releases prior to and including v5.
146. Howto setup the cross compiler, the QPE development environment, and create a test application. Table of contents.
147. Compiler class is provided to support Java - to - native - code compilers and related services.
148. Optimize 32 bit native code compiler with up to 300 % - 400 % faster application.
149. After all the fun of Chapter 6, Chapter 7 describes how IMCC, the Intermediate Code Compiler, can simplify much of the work involved in programming in Parrot assembly.
150. Compiler optimization and creation algorithms for array bound checks we disigned can not only overcome the above problem, but also form conditional predicates of the loop-invariant annotation.
151. The compiler provides a built-in function, which is evaluated at compile time, to determine the length of an array (e.g. len(a)).
152. VHDL Silicon compiler is a supplementary tool of the IC CAD system-XUECAD.
153. A compiler that ru oa different platform tha the one for which it produce object code.
154. This compiler option should only be accessed from the command line.
155. These tools can be divided into two major parts: coding techniques and compiler optimization techniques.
156. But it's not all bad news: the C compiler also comes with a DSECT conversion utility that can convert HLASM DSECTs to C declarations.
157. Native code is compiled (and can be recompiled) by a Just-in-time (JIT) compiler while the application runs, based on which classes and methods are invoked frequently.
158. Again, this pre-population or back patching ensures compiler generated code is consistent from compiler invocation to compiler invocation.
158. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
159. Values. The common practice is to remove the type argument count from the generated code, but the practice is compiler specific.
160. While recompiling, if ccache detects no changes in the preprocessed source and compiler options, it retrieves its cached copy of the previously compiled output.
161. Compiler: A system program that translates high - level language programs into machine code.
162. You can change either or both of these rules by resetting corresponding compiler options.
163. With VC ++ Prepared TCP chat program, the compiler is running through.
164. Designing and implementing a teaching-oriented C-like compiler, which supports the definition of local and global variables, function parameters, as well as recursive call of functions.
165. Translator: A compiler, interpreter or assembler conversion program that translates a high-level language or low-level language into machine language.
166. When you use optimizations to create a release build, the compiler will not produce symbolic debugging information.
167. Trampolines are exotic constructs sometimes generated by compilers (such as the GNAT Ada compiler) to support constructs like nested subroutines.
168. Doing so causes the compiler to perform argument type checking.
169. The compiler will announce that the variable x has already been defined.
170. But often, the result is a do-nothing benchmark, which the compiler can optimize away partially or completely without you realizing it, making the test run faster than expected.
171. The compiler can use pointer arithmetic on any dimension array.
172. The compiler generated an exception while doing constant arithmetic during compilation.
173. VHDL Silicon compiler is a supplementary tool of the IC CAD system-XUECAD. The algorithms of modified VHDL silicon compilers placing and routing are introduced in this paper.
174. Both options cause the compiler to generate position-independent code (PIC) for use in shared, re-entrant libraries.
175. Compiler structure, intermediate representation, compiler optimization, code generation, linker and loader, program performance.
176. The existence of many candidate MQTs might prevent the compiler from choosing the best MQT for that query.
177. When you use the upcast operator, the compiler attempts to infer the type you are converting to from the context.
178. In most techniques to improve performance for loops or nested loops, they are often to do pipelined scheduling according to know loop execution times at compiler time.
179. Suggest that you use the English version of the compiler system!
180. Nutter plans on employing the JVM's Invokedynamic to wire up Rhino's dispatch mechanism directly into the JVM's optimizing compiler.
181. As I didn't have access to the internet, I couldn't get hold of the site license, so couldn't run the compiler and IDE.
182. For global common subexpression optimization, the compiler searches entire functions for common subexpressions.
183. The normal output of a C compiler is assembler code for whatever processor you specify as the target.
184. Building an AspectJ program is similar to building a Java program. It involves invoking the AspectJ incremental compiler, which builds all the project sources, including the plain Java sources.
185. This paper designs an ASP - PHP Program Transformation System using principles of compiler.
186. The college's General Electric GE-225 mainframe started running a Basic compiler at 4 a.m. on May 1, 1964.




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