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单词 Strata
1. The older strata gradually disintegrated.
2. Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
3. The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale, limestone and sandstone.
4. They may despise the lower strata whose members may well find such behaviour offensive.
5. The varied strata of modern society present numerous challenges to surveillance.
6. As you clamber down the mountainside over the strata, the fossils suddenly disappear.
7. Layer by layer the narrow strata of brick and rubble were laid bare.
8. Below all these strata lay the immemorial peasant base of straight barter and the still-important tax in kind.
9. The strata at Olduvai make an intriguing window into the past.
10. People expect these two strata to answer the phone, to draft a memo.
11. Members of the upper strata in a meritocracy deserve their position; their privileges are based on merit.
12. On the other, different strata among the middle classes found much to object to in the statusquo.
13. The occurrence of fuller's earth in Cretaceous strata from Wiltshire to Yorkshire has been studied.
14. Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.
15. In a meritocracy, talent and ability are efficiently syphoned out of the lower strata.
16. They will share a similar life style which to some degree will distinguish them from members of other social strata.
17. We can now move on to analyse the middle class and the varied strata within it in terms of this dynamic of structuration.
18. Three dates with ages of between 98,000 years and 105,[http://]000 years were obtained for strata containing Neanderthal remains at Tabun.
19. Other breeds of goats may well be different but my Goldens are very kind to each other and have a strong social strata.
20. His administration knows that, and is doing what it can to keep the support of the lower strata.
21. Each station has a cutaway wall, framed behind thick glass, showing the strata through which the archaeologists dug.
22. The nobility and the serfs emerged, then, as two of the distinct strata in feudal society.
23. The class approach Does the same fundamental value separate virtually all people in a society into a few distinct strata?
24. Gosse was perplexed at the vast tracts of time required by geologists to account for the deposition of all the strata.
25. This belief gained wide currency among Sinhalese of all social strata in the twentieth century.
26. Armies so non-national and drawn so largely from the lowest strata of the social pyramid were prone to lose men by desertion.
27. But just below the layer of gently folded limestones that contains the earliest of the invertebrate fossils, the strata change radically.
28. It is possible for social inequality to exist without social strata.
29. The major sources of pollution were oil spills, discharges from refineries and natural seepage from oil-bearing strata.
30. Similarly, increased odds ratios were found for different age strata.
31. If the differences between strata are maximised and the variations within them minimised, the benefits from stratification can be considerable.
32. The deep divisions of intellectual work in the university kept all of us moving along different strata.
33. The working-class occupations may be divided into skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled strata, and life-chances broadly differ according to the skill level.
34. Social mobility Strata subcultures tend to be particularly distinctive when there is little opportunity to move from one stratum to another.
35. The buried forests became seams of coal and the strata of mud and sand hardened into shale and sandstone.
36. This relationship extends to the strata in a stratification system.
37. At Sellafield and Dounreay, drilling is being carried out to assess the suitability of the geological strata of the areas.
38. From her research, Eva Rosenfeld had identified two distinct social strata which are clearly recognized by members.
39. The strata identified in the class approach are called classes, the second key concept.
40. They focus on social strata rather than social inequality in general.
41. The strata are now much folded and appear on the surface as a series of concentric circles.
42. Thus, different strata in such societies may spend their money on rather different things.
43. Why do fossils most closely resembling living animals appear only in the highest and youngest strata?
44. Now the mud and sand have formed strata of clay and sandstone.
45. Finance has always been a headache for a group whose adherents have often come from amongst the poorest strata of society.
46. One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata.
47. Firstly, members of the lower strata may become totally demoralized.
48. Households are to be divided into two strata, according to rateable value.
49. Warped and folded Paleozoic strata and reddish Tertiary volcanic rocks are capped with dark Quaternary basalt flows.
50. Co-trimoxazole was associated with lower risks of severe events in all strata.
51. By 1884 it was announced that Murchison's interpretation of a simple succession of strata was untenable.
52. Much to the scientists' surprise, summer conditions left visible annual strata.
53. To this extent the region was actually encouraging the formation of richer peasant strata at the expense of the poorer.
54. The composition of the upper strata has clearly changed since pre-industrial times.
55. They represent all social strata.
56. The subjacent and lateral strata previously have been compacted.
57. The older strata gradually disintegrate.
58. The dips of the cross - strata are irregular.
59. people from all social strata.
60. Based on field research and laboratory analysis, a conclusion was reached that sedimentary faces of external strata at Yantai archeological site are hydrostatic and limnetic.
61. Other strata of the peasantry besides the tenant were also affected.
62. And Darcy flow production equation with gas-bearing volume may reflect the characteristics of methane migration in coal measure strata more really.
63. The Permo Carboniferous is the main coal bearing strata in Henan Province.
64. Field surveys and seismic exploration show that the lowest regional angular unconformity older than the Carboniferous developed between the Cretaceous and the pre-Cretaceous strata.
65. According to i ts origin, sapphire sand strata are divided into sand wash stratum, pluvial stratum and relict drifted sand stratum, while sapphire concentrated well in drifted sand stratum.
66. So that all four strata of the Pentateuch are present.
67. By use of stochastic simulation theory, sampling methods of the spatial location and micromechanical parameters of core-shaped and core-unshaped concretion in the mass covering strata are deduced.
68. Because some strata carbonaceous shale, the result of geophysical work was infected.
69. Mostly applying the STRATA velocity inversion section predicts the distributed field of reefs depth.
70. Its working texts are the applying research of run-through DTH under complex strata condition and research the drilling technology and drilling implements from several aspects as follows.
71. The basic shortcomings of traditional education don't lie on the lack of communicational strata and its aftermath, educational one sidedness, but on its obligatory structure.
72. The research results indicate that the top inclined fault and the loose rock strata and the unreasonable construction project are the main causes to induce these defects.
73. The Characteristics of Carboniferous strata and milleral resources in Guangxi were briefly in troducted.
74. Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas.
75. The metallocene is summarized as strata, lithology, structure, and especially brittle - ductile shear zone.
76. The faults within the strike-slip thrust belts occur as structure in sectional view, thus direct correlation of strata between the hanging wall and footwall is impossible.
77. A lot of radiolarian cherty is found in the T3-J1 strata in Eastern Heilongjiang Province during recent geological survey, although previous exploration was not targeted at these strata for oi.
78. Many studies indicate that the lifting and erosion of strata has a positive relationship with the underpressure in the strata.
79. The climatical wedges are V-shape sedimentary bodies formed by climatical cause,[] which are remained in strata.
80. He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed.
81. According to the distribution of velocity field, it is inferred that the gas hydrate is mainly distributed in the overlying sedimentary strata near BSR in the study area.
82. Volcanic rock from two eruptive sources, Taoyuan - Hongxing and southern Dapingfang weaves and superimposes reciprocally in strata.
83. This paper has discussed geochemical characteristics of different genetic types of ferruginous strata on the basis of achievements made in regional geochemical rock survey.
84. By and large economists at that time agreed in the statement that the improvement of the material well-being of all strata of the population depends on the accumulation of capital.
85. Conformity is a surface that separates younger strata from older rocks.
86. The paper discusses the strata significance of the Cretaceous Ostracoda fossil distribution and the relationship between the flourish and decline of Ostracoda with Magnetostratigraphy.
87. Classificatory research method with different social strata as the object is effective in the research on popular culture.
88. Host rocks are stable and lithology is similar which is typical marine strata deposit.
89. Taking the abstraction of geological strata as a starting point, early models had, describes Kim, "a layered or stratified stone ground plane that stepped down with the sloe of the canal."
90. Evaporite formation altogether with its underlying molasse formation forms a complete metallogenic system for strata - bound deposits.
91. The true thickness of strata is conventionally calculated by using the scalar quantity in field survey.
92. Now we have recovered invertebrate fossils, such as bivalves, conchostracans, gastropods and ostracodes, in the dinosaurian egg-bearing strata.
93. Cluster sampling on various stages and strata method was adopted.38474 persons were interviewed.
94. A special mining subsidence case was introduced here. That is, total collapse of overlying rock for hard coal, hard roof and overlying strata in Datong Mining Area.
95. The top strata of Late Pleistocene on the northern Jiangsu plain of the Yangtze delta generally consist of dark-green or yellowish-brown hard clay.
96. The gliding tectonics is always formed in rather soft strata.
97. The study indicates that the arsenic rich rocks around the basin and coal series strata are the original arsenic sources.
98. Georges Cuvier had looked at fossils in rock strata and observed how the ones that lay deeper looked less like familiar animals.
99. The tunnel adverse geological faults include faultage, low strength, geological formation and development of loose, non-rock clay, high stress formation and water-rich strata.
100. The paper introduced the basic features of the water solubility gas and the relationship between the coal series strata and the water solubility gas.
101. The Carboniferous-Permian coal measure strata in Dongpu sag is a fair source rock unit of Wenliu gas pool due to its stable distribution and high organic content.
102. There are well source - reservoir - cap rock assemblages and suitable petroleum pool - forming conditions in Carboniferous strata.
103. The slope mudflow around the seat of Ningshaan County on a slope of Middle Devonian strata.
104. According to conodont , coral and foraminifera fossils discovered, the geological age of this sequence of sedimentary strata is Early Carboniferous.
105. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidesteppedsubsidence.
106. Since it has many advantages such as good effects, convenient and rapid construction, the STRATA stress absorption system should have priority to be used in surface coating of high-order road.
107. The Longdongwan polymetallic ore deposit geostructure is in middle the Kunlun Mountains Qinling folded region Qinling system of fold Li xian-Zashui Haixi geosyncline belt of folded strata.
108. The research can be used to interpret similar inharmonious thickness variation in isochronic strata correlation.
109. This work establishes a new constitutive relation on the azimuthally anisotropic linear viscoelastic media with an arbitrary azimuthal angle for the fractured strata.
110. Considered the characteristics of coal measure strata. The author select BQ classification as a basis for the samples of classification of surrounding rock.
111. The major factors that affect the stability of the structure are rotational angle of the voussoir beam, ratio of length and height, rock type and height of carrying rock strata.
112. Upper Jurassic red bed, covering directly on coal-measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous System in Tengxiom-Yanzhou coal bearing Basin, was regarded as a aquifuge in exploration stage.
113. Coal - bearing strata in the Wangguanzhuang exploration area belongs to Permo - Carboniferous North China type coal - bearing formation.
114. The youngest strata intruded by the Kizil Tag intrusion are the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation.
115. S he remote sensing explanation with the data of multi time phase and multi strata sequence is the basis work, and ground work can improve the survey accuracy.
116. Regional comprehensive evaluation should be carried out by the principle of high resolution sequence strata stratigraphical study to circle the distribution of Jurassic reservoir.
117. While this example is pretty lowbrow, psychobabble permeates all intellectual strata.
118. Dinosaurian egg is a kind of peculiar and precious fossil in the Late Cretaceous strata, which are well-developed and widely distributed in nearly 30 basins of varied sizes and shapes in Jiangxi.
119. The main work is as follows:Firstly, given the difference of temperature distribution in strata and reservoir water, heat resource method is proposed to investigate the leakage of dam.
120. Finally the existence of key layer of overlying strata is proved with practical example.
121. The clasts of the Jurassic strata, particularly the stromatolite-bearing, cherty limestone and purple quartzite, can be correlated with those in the footwall of the fault.
122. Scientists point out that the it is very difficult for these duck-billed dinosaur fossil bones to move to more younger strata as of the fracture formation.
123. The strata in Devonian period of Shuangwang area was divided in detail, going by new mapping theory and method of the regional geological survey.
124. The coal bearing strata in Huainan area is situated in the south-east portion of the North China platform, a synclinorium with northwest by west.
125. The metallogenic material is from strata and deep-seated magma, it has undergone many metallizing stages.
126. The main oil-bearing strata of the Taiping oil field is the lower Guantao Formation in Neocene, and its characteristic is a typical meshwork-carpet oil and gas accumulation system.
127. The endogenetic gold deposits, controlled strata and fold system sometimes have not very long gap on formation epoch, as they belong to the same geotectonic stages.
128. Miocene formations ( better: strata ) are well - exposed in this area.
129. Through shooting fast neutron and measuring spectral gamma-ray produced by neutron activation reaction, oil-bearing saturability of strata outside boring casing can be determined.
130. According to 215 papers of palaeontology and stratigraphic geology from Jiangshan, Zhejiang, the history of palaeontology and strata from Jiangshan, Zhejiang is briefly introduced.
131. We also concisely described the characteristics of the conodont fauna through the boundary strata.
132. The paper reported these fossil strata for research of quaternary system at the region.
133. Some strata caused by folds and uprush may tilt, TI media will turn to so-called tilted transversely isotropic media (TTI media)(), for the symmetry axis of TI media is no longer horizontal or vertical.
134. Much attention is paid to petrologic recognition marks and distribution regulation of volcanic event strata in coal bearing sequences of Taiyuan formation in the middle of North China.
135. The footwall consists of the Jurassic Bijiashan domal composite granite complex and Sinian low-grade metamorphosed strata in its exocontact zone.
136. In parallel or concordant bedding the strata overlay each other like pages of a book.
137. There are high quality coal resources in Jurassic strata of Ordos Basin.
138. This micropipette injects yellow dye that rapidly spreads through all the dendrites of a single ganglion cell, showing us the strata they reach.
139. The power of social assistance from various social strata, all walks of life.
140. The ore controlling condition is mainly composed of strata, magma, and structure.
141. The DDS technique is mainly described, and the basic principle and the composition of the signal simulator are introduced with a complex structure strata echo signal.
142. The Early - Middle Jurassic strata were probably deposited in an extensional basin above the Lapeiquan fault.
143. Since the discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists.
144. While the karst cavernous reservoirs in Tahe are characterized by superimposition of multiple series of strata and continuous distribution in a large area.
145. Ordos Basin is a large Mesozoic basin, which has rich energy resources and keeps completely Mesozoic strata in China. Yanchang Formation is one of important oil-bearing Formation.
146. The iron bearing formations mainly occur in the Middle and, especially, Upper Devonian strata.
147. Simple disconformities between adjacent sedimentary strata ( 4 ) record time breaks in the succession.
148. We can follow the history of life through the strata.
149. Migrants, both male and female, seem to come from all socioeconomic strata.
150. The major pay bed is low permeable ultra dense sandstone. Its permeability and pore throat texture are very sensitive to the net pressure of overlying strata.
151. The Cambrian - Ordovician strata in Luxi Block are very continuous and well exposed.
152. But to layered strata, the seismic wave path is complicated when reservoir changes, and it is difficult to directly define vertical time difference by pre stack far offset seismic data.
153. Resistivity of logging while drilling reflects strata information by using recording amplitude ratio and phase difference of two different receiving coil .
154. This ostracod fauna has also been reported from the Upper Cretaceous strata in Mongolia.
155. Obviously, information with its technology has already become a new variable and, in its close relation to social strata, is now rebuilding the mechanism of social stratification.
156. The calculation and analysis of jointed strata stability surface is a question worth study and discussion.
157. Thirdly, it formed fracture combination in Permian, Trias, Jurassic and Cretaceous strata effected by the compression-strike-slip structure superposed and rebuilt process.
158. Then it became a peneplain by the exposion and declination in the Jurassic, forming the widespread coal-bearing strata which can be correlated.
159. It is indicated that the deformation failure is significantly influenced by a key position of obtuse angle between roadway sections and incline directions of rock strata.
160. Riverside pumping is an efficient path for supplying water for a long time, for the natural filtration and depuration of strata can change muddy water into nicer groundwater.
161. They indicate that the early charged oils are derived from the pre-Jurassic lacustrine mudstones and the later charged oils are from the Jurassic coal-bearing strata or coals.
162. Early Paleozoic high - over mature strata are important source rock in Chinese petroliferous basins.
163. This paper analyzes the drillability, hole-making and carry of coarse grain concerning the Nubia sandstone, and concludes that it is suitable to be the crossing strata.
164. And it analysis the overlying strata forming mechanism, the develop process and the fullest development time.
165. Jurassic strata are an important bearing sequences in Qaidam basin.
166. During mining, the stress behaviors of workface are very obvious. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidestepped subsidence.
167. Fractal theory was used in this paper, and fractal feature of grain distribution of sandstone in coal-bearing strata in Permo Carboniferous System was studied.
168. The characteristic of Devonian strata and mineral resources in Guangxi are briefly introduced.
169. Compared with gymnospermae pollen, the fern spore has a more closer relationship with soluble organism in the low-rank source rocks from the coal-bearing strata.
170. Two structural strata of the marine basins are developed in Caledonian movement and Hercynian-early Indo-China movement for Chi -na's old land sedimentary and tectonic evolutions.
171. Linyi depression is a compound oil - gas congregation area which has many - oil bearing strata and complicated structure.
172. The research and exploitation of three dimension strata information system establish corresponding data-base and videotex information system for geotechnical engineering.
173. The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.
174. Chinese Colloquial words, those newly-born words or fully-grown ones with their meanings having changed, once prevailed among spoken languages of different social strata in history.
175. Different types of meter-scale cyclic sequences in stratigraphical records are the outcomes of episodic accumulation of strata related to Milankovitch cycles.
176. The boron deposits in eastern Liaoning Province occur in the Paleoproterozoic magnesian volcanic-sedimentary strata.
177. At the latest stage, the lake basin was subjected to the uplift and erosion, which resulted in the unconformable contact with the overlying strata.
178. Finally, admitting the exemplary members of the social strata into the CPC helps to raise the CPC"s systematizer and makes it reach a new boundary and altitude."
179. Retrogradation reflection is a reflected phenomenon that reflects the thinning strata and truncated its top in toward basin center, which is different from that takes place generally in basin margin.
180. The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology, texture and structure, alteration, occurence, contact with underlying strata, pore and fissure development.
181. Rock salt sedimentation provides good caprocks for oil and gas reservoirs, what's more, its commensal rock formations can come into being good hydrocarbon source rock series of strata.
182. The mechanical model of key strata supported by coal pillar is set up according to the layout of coal pillars in the coalface of short wall mining.
183. With analog testing, graphical analysis, discrete element calculation method, the features of mining caused fractures of overlaying strata is studied.
184. Upper Jurassic red bed cover directly on coal measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous system in Yanzhou coal field .
185. On the basis of key rock strata theory, transferring rock beam structure and the law of the overlying strata displacement and the surface subsidence theory, we deduced offset error formula.
186. The preservation condition is strong in dismembering because of polycyclic tectonic movement′s superimposition in the marine strata of Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Region.
187. For evaluating its performance, the IFFPC system was divided into three strata hierarchical control system on the large scale system control theory.
188. One of these kinetic models is the geologic strata pressure with productive time variety, which will change the traditional static optimization allocation.
189. It holds also one of the most complete successions of the Cambrian strata known in China.
190. This paper considers comprehensively water source, water pressure, impedance water strata, and fault ectal factors to establish a ANN forecast model for water-inrush from coal floor.
191. Floccule formed by mixing clay with partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) was a kind of plugging agent used to block the high-capacity channel of strata.
192. Conclusion The fine strata classification and correlation of Chang 6 oil-bearing formation has a deep significance to the development of the Oilfield.
193. Stress shell, which bears and pass load of overlying strata, is primary supporting body. The stress in skewback of stress shell forms abutment pressure of surrounding rock in vicinity of working face.
194. Study shows that the T3-J1 radiolarian cherty strata will be made such a potential target in the not too distant future.
195. The Shixi Formation which rests unconformably on the Ehulin Formation and is unconformably overlain by the Zhoujiadian Formation is the upper part of the Mesozoic volcanic-sedimentary strata.
196. Seismic response in heterogeneous gas-bearing strata would be characterized by relatively well developed diffracted wave.
197. Most of people considered that the natural gas in Jurassic in Baimamiao gas field in West Sichuan Basin came from the coal measure strata of Upper Triassic in the past.
198. By systematic study on some categories of biotic fossils discovered in the carboniferous strata of Laiwu coal field,[sentencedict .com] the assemblage of Fusulinida and conodont of this area is established.
199. These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation.
200. In order to solve the 3D automatic modeling problem of strata based on Generalized Tri-prism(GTP), a kind of 3D stratum structure knowledge inference rule and modeling method is put forward.
201. Hence, important information on the crustal deformation is recorded in the internal litho- facies change, characteristics of sedimentary formations and strata contact relations in basin.
202. The faults and vertical fissures in the strata are conduits for gas vertical migration, which are also controlling the distribution of secondary pools.
203. Multichannel seismic reflection, magnetism and drilling data show that there are Mesozoic strata in the East China Sea (ECS) shelf basin.
204. It consists of Archaeozoic and Paleozoic strata in which Cambrian and Ordovician are dominated by limestone. The tectonism and weathering make it become a good reservoir.
205. The clasts'variety in the strata and sections provided important constraints on the types of source rocks and exhumation and unroofing history of the Dabie orogenic belt.
206. Today chock - shield support is extensively used to control the superjacent strata of longwall face.
207. If seismic excitation points and receiving points can avoid the Quaternary strata, especially near-surface strata, the collection ratio will be improved greatly.
208. By using the method of genetic strata analysis, the coal bearing member is divided into three increment sequence which represent process of aggradation progradation retrograding.
209. Coal geology emphatically studies always stratigraphy and sedimentology of coal and coal - bearing strata.
210. Limited gas geological reserves have been found and identified in the area mainly because of few exploratory wells and low exploration and research level in middle- and deep-level strata in the area.
211. The overburden strata movement is a complicated time and space process.
212. In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong.
213. Combining mining geologic condition with production practice, create physical model, predict hodograph , and compute strata velocity distribution.
214. Structural characteristics of inversion structure, fold association style, thrust fault zone upright strata developed belt shown in great profiles were also discussed.
215. It is an important basis for reconstructing the strata denudation thickness in basin quantitative study.
216. The method of evaluating gas resources of coal measure strata introduced here ca...
217. In this paper, the straticulate dolostone and spatulate dolostone in Lower Ordovician strata of Well Tazhong 1 were studied using petrologic and geochemical methods.
218. Then Adopt injection reinforce strata, reinforced timbering , stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support, roger good effect.
219. Eodiagenesis is characterized by the assemblage of carbonate - analcime - anhydrite, while authigenic kaolinite is found in some strata.
220. The Cambrian and Ordovician are important exploration target strata in Leshan - Longnvsi paleo - uplift area.
221. Datong kaolin resource depot in C-P period coal series strata which is chief coal gripping gangue and beds roof and floor kaolin.
222. The high resolution gravity and magnetic survey is one of the effective means in early stage exploration to look for coal series strata under nappe.
223. There used to be igneous intrusions into coal measures and overlying strata in the Hanxing coalfield.
224. These superminiature textures and fossils are of great importance to discovering further the mystery of rocks and strata, prospecting petroleum and other minerals, and discussing the l...
225. Maoxing block saliferous strata are mainly in 4 th Member, Funing Formation , Eocene Series.
226. In the past 50 years, Systemic Functional Linguistics developed the hierarchies of two strata: realization and instantiation.
227. Gradational strata or a true unconformity exist between the two sequences.
228. It is a problem that cuts across all strata of society.Sentence dictionary
229. Every truth has geological strata, and you cannot have an orthodoxy without a heresy.
230. The seismic reflection signatures of gas hydrate-bearing strata are defined and the lithologic parameter closely related with gas hydrate, i. e. acoustic velocity, is identified.
231. Areas of a building, land or amenities within a strata title property that are shared by all owners, e. g. a driveway.
232. With the further exploration and development in Daqing, coal measure strata and coal formed oil are found in Songliao Basin, Hailaer Basin, Jixi Basin and Tangyuan Rift.
233. The above-mentioned two processes interact and interweave with each other. This is exactly a logic relationship between the two strata in the development of Chinese film in the 20th century.
234. Based on the features of geomorphology and strata in the crossing area, the Nubia sandstone is selected to be the surrounding rock.
235. Based on the study and testing analysis on the texture characteristics of rock mass, the genesis of a kind of cone rock—root textite—developed in the coal bearing strata is discussed.
236. The physical mechanics property of the slurry of coal dust is tested, and the actual volume of it in the separated strata space is calculated in condition that it has been compressed.
237. The coal classification distribution of coal bearing strata in the Up Permian Series of Guizhou has an X type feature in plan.
238. Coal formation strata is one of the basic geological condition for occurrence and form of Mingshui spring group.
239. The porosity and permeability of coal-bearing strata have important influence to the exhaust and mining of coal bed gas , but the production of coal bed gas is precondition of its richen.
240. A weathering - denuding surface separates the lacustrine strata and layer of the loess in the Tuoketuo mesa.
241. The fossils data, deformation and metamorphism delineation of the studied strata into the Tianshuihai Group Complex.
242. The Etouchang copper bearing iron ore deposit locates in the middle part of the Kangdiang axial and is controlled by strata, lithology, structure, volcanic rocks and sub-volcanic rocks.
243. The construction technique of STRATA stress absorption system is introduced by practical engineering example.
244. This paper introduces the moving law of overlying strata and top - coal in full - mechanizedbrawing coal model test.
245. The contact relationship is definitude. Secondly, there are many Lower Carboniferous fossil have been found in its top geologic strata—the Akeshake formation.
246. The basic substance Willis selected for the strata of his experiments was beeswax.
247. In this paper, various types of structure and the relationship between sedimentary dynamic process and strata response of the short cycle sequences is discussed.




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