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单词 Merely
1, Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time ; a man of talent tries to use it. 
2, Men do not desire merely to be rich, but to be richer than other men. 
3, The poet's voiceneed not merely be the record of man , it can be one of the props , the pillars to help him endure andprevail. 
4, I merely wanted to see it.
5, The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation.
6, We humans are merely the instruments of fate.
7, I don't believe it; it's merely hearsay.
8, Michael is now merely a good friend.
9, His brave words are merely a pose.
10, He is merely a working machine.
11, Wrinkles merely indicate where smiles have been.
12, They are merely exercising their right to free speech.
13, The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.
14, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein 
15, Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.
16, There is no point in merely repeating what we've done before.
17, For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela 
18, Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf.
19, For many the philosophy was merely a fashion,[http:///merely.html] and the novelty soon wore off.
20, I merely suggested you should do it again.There's no need to get annoyed.
21, All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 
22, The television programme is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
23, She actually seemed pleased to see him: most of her visitors she merely tolerated.
24, In actuality, Teddie did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.
25, Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.
26, The television program is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
27, The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity.
28, Karl Smith, the 19-year old singer, had whipped the crowd of teenage girls into a frenzy merely by removing his shirt.
29, Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.
30, A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. William James 
1, I merely wanted to see it.
2, The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation.
3, Michael is now merely a good friend.
4, He is merely a working machine.
5, They are merely exercising their right to free speech.
6, The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.
7, The television programme is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
8, She actually seemed pleased to see him: most of her visitors she merely tolerated.
9, In actuality, Teddie did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.
10, Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.
11, The television program is designed to educate and not merely to entertain.
12, There is no point in merely repeating what we've done before.
13, Karl Smith, the 19-year old singer, had whipped the crowd of teenage girls into a frenzy merely by removing his shirt.
14, For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
15, I merely suggested you should do it again.There's no need to get annoyed.
16, She's merely a child.
17, I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.
18, We can't go into all the details of that case now, I merely mention it in passing.
19, He's merely a boy - you can't expect him to understand.
20, Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.
21, This latest tragedy merely confirms my view that the law must be tightened.
22, I am not advising you. I am merely informing you of the situation.
23, Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
24, These parallels cannot be merely coincidental.
25, He said that the new building merely aped the classical traditions.
26, In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
27, Do you really want to go or are you merely being amiable?
31, She's merely a child.
32, I merely looked at the chocolate; I did not eat it.
33, We can't go into all the details of that case now, I merely mention it in passing.
34, I eat merely to put food out of my mind.
35, He's merely a boy - you can't expect him to understand.
36, Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.
37, Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.
38, This latest tragedy merely confirms my view that the law must be tightened.
39, Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time. A man of talent tries to use it.
40, nobody grows merely by the number of years;we grow old by deserting our ideas.
41, I am not advising you. I am merely informing you of the situation.
42, Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
43, Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
44, The conference merely pointed up divisions in the party.
45, She's not living, she's merely existing.
46, She noticed him merely with a nod.
47, She merely walked through the part.
48, She merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement./merely.html
49, The bullet merely creased his shoulder.
50, He merely shrugged and walked away.
51, This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league.
52, I merely asked his name.
53, This temporary setback merely strengthened her resolve.
54, Ben had merely changed his shirt.
55, Pretending to faint was merely artifice.
56, Ronni merely groaned in response.
57, His behaviour merely reinforced my dislike of him.
58, For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood.
59, These reforms are not merely cosmetic.
60, The news merely fortified their determination.
61, His resignation was merely a gesture.
62, The party's president had become merely a figurehead.
63, These parallels cannot be merely coincident.
64, These parallels cannot be merely coincidental.
65, Some students merely rehash what they've heard in lectures.
66, I meant it merely as a joke.
67, I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway.
68, Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism from an ever-bleaker world.
69, They are offering merely technical assistance.
70, Your scheme is merely a castle in the air.
71, The property is merely a trust.
72, Women are reduced to merely playing a passive role.
73, The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.
74, He merely grunted at her and nodded his head.
75, They are not merely content to fill the stomach.
76, Statistics can be merely cold facts.
77, He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.
78, Did she torment him merely for sport?
78, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
79, He merely shrugged his shoulders in reply.
80, That might merely have been malicious gossip.
81, That is merely an academic discussion.
82, He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her.
83, His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest.
84, He merely cleared and concreted the floors.
85, I am merely stating the facts.
86, The Queen is merely a figurehead.
87, This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere.
88, The minister's speech had merely fogged the issue.
89, He merely shook his head.
90, The inevitable conflict was merely postponed till the next meeting.
91, It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
92, Her wild behaviour merely fanned the flames of his jealousy.
93, He said that the new building merely aped the classical traditions.
94, Nowhere in the report does she provide evidence for these assertions:they are merely dogmatically stated as fact.
95, The speech was dismissed by some people as merely political rhetoric .
96, She merely ignored any strictures on the way she dressed.
97, The King has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves.
98, I think you're overly dramatizing; he merely brushed against you.
99, He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end.
100, I wasn't complaining, I merely said that I was tired.
101, Will this agreement merely set the stage for another war?
102, The school inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.
103, These stories are merely a product of her fevered imagination.
104, Tax credits given to students are merely a band-aid solution to the rising cost of getting an education.
105, In his statement, the minister merely echoed the views of the chief police officer.
106, Information skills are not merely incidental to the curriculum but central to it.
107, The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence.
108, Success cannot be measured merely in terms of the size of your salary.
108, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
109, She didn't reply - she merely smiled that insinuating smile.
110, When Jack made that remark, he meant merely to play at her.
111, Her confidence was merely a pose to hide her uncertainty.
112, The authorities believe these men are important figures in the drug trade, not merely mules.
113, The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.
114, It's merely a question of time before the business collapses.
115, She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.
116, Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context.
117, Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
118, I was merely questioning whether we have the money to fund such a project.
119, In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.
120, It is to be hoped that he is merely drumming up business.
121, They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it.
122, Her recent speech was merely a restatement of her widely publicised views.
123, The team needs players who want to play cricket for England, not merely any country that will have them.
124, It is no use merely mentioning the fact in passing; it needs to be driven home by emphasis and repetition.
125, I am merely citing his reaction as typical of British industry.
126, We do not have a strategy. We merely respond to ideas from local people.
127, You merely caused a crash by cutting in on me like that!
128, The attack may merely be a ruse by the enemy to distract our forces.
129, The government is merely tinkering at the edges of a much wider problem.
130, I didn't mean to answer back, I merely meant to say that you had been misinformed.
131, For the poorest people, life was merely a matter of survival.
132, When I finally posed the question, 'Why?' he merely shrugged.
133, You don't have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth.
134, Of his origins he said very little, merely mentioning in parenthesis that his background was poor.
135, IT is a tool for learning, not merely an end in itself.
136, The king was merely a tool of the military government.
137, The House of Commons can merely say yea or nay to the executive judgment.
138, He believed that her kindness was merely a camouflage for her real intentions.
139, The criticism was merely a warm-up for what is being prepared for the finance minister.
140, He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.
141, High interest rates are merely a crutch for the country's ailing economy.
142, The main political parties are merely shadow-boxing,[http:///merely.html] instead of tackling the real economic problems facing this country.
143, His experience spanned not merely politics, but also business and journalism.
144, She merely filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.
145, Do, don't merely talk.
146, Stop putting words in my mouth - I didn't say you looked fat in the red dress - I merely said you looked very slim in the black!
147, The Council was merely given a condensed version of what had already been disclosed in Washington.
148, It was Rob's idea. I merely set the wheels in motion .
149, The reforms he claims to have made are in fact merely cosmetic.
150, The peace talks merely highlighted the great gulf in understanding between the two sides.
151, Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.
152, It's important to write these goals down, rather than merely think about them.
153, This disaster merely underlines the need for a consistent foreign policy.
154, He saw his education merely as a means to an end.
155, He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end: he just wanted his wife's wealth.
156, It's not merely a matter of cost, but whether she's old enough to go on holiday alone.
157, Rather than providing a solution, their statements merely added fuel to the fire.
158, We're merely good friends.
159, Photojournalism and the birth of photography are merely touched on in the book.
160, The police don't make the laws, they merely enforce them.
161, Her denials of this charge served merely to lend it credence.
162, It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life.
163, Do you really want to go or are you merely being amiable?
164, The medicine won't cure her - it merely stops the pain.
165, The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society.
166, Tests showed that her problems were more than merely psychosomatic.
167, I merely called to settle Elise's account.
168, Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Mark Twain 
168, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
169, Is his dramatic performance appropriate parody or merely amateurish?
170, Instead of repeatable results, outcomes are merely probabilistic.
171, Price ain't merely about numbers. It's a satisfying sacrifice. Toba Beta 
172, Isn't hate merely the result of wounded love? Amy Tan 
173, It's also important to note how important the affective, as opposed to merely informational or propositional component of conversation is.
174, A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral. Leo Tolstoy 
175, They are not merely abstract theory or pious statements of intent that look good posted on the staff notice board.
176, I merely included the note about adjustment for interest, whoever the maker might be.
177, The analogy of the sales pitch is revealing, for advertisers do not promote their product merely by providing information about it.
178, Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. Aldous Huxley 
179, Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. John Wooden 
180, Of course, the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected.
181, There, when animals are on the move, there is little social structure, merely a mass of advancing animals.
182, The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons, but merely that they should do so.
183, There are admirers of rugged grandeur who are content merely to survey the scene from easy points of vantage.
184, Be like the fountain that overflows, not like the cistern that merely contains. Paulo Coelho 
185, If one were to merely list what is affirmed by Cooley, there would be a long list.
186, Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it?
187, It doesn't kill them, it merely makes them slip off - a feature which can have important environmental advantages.
188, The connections between environmentalism and AIDS prevention are more than merely rhetorical.
189, Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women.
190, Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man? Friedrich Nietzsche 
191, But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy.
192, Expatriate vehicles are kept to an absolute minimum, and site offices are merely caravans.
193, Jealousy is not a barometer by which the depth of love can be read, it merely records the degree of the lover's insecurity. Margaret Mead 
194, And it is his deep affection for Jane as a child that saves her, while Owens' fortune merely supports her.
195, Lugar, 63, has tried to portray his life in politics as merely accidental.
196, The workers merely wish to clear a backlog of clients before the afternoon session begins.
197, The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein 
198, Parties will then negotiate as to whether once the limit is exceeded the full amount or merely the excess is claimable.
199, Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. Albert Camus 
200, You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagore 
201, But those proposed amendments are merely the ones that generate the most political heat.
202, The mediator merely functions as a facilitator and has no legal power to force the parties to accept these suggestions.
203, Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation. Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action! Desmond Tutu 
204, The burden of the essay will be merely to indicate how voluntarism can succeed in academic circles.
205, Avoid situations where you are merely an added attraction or gimmick!
206, This fact merely needs stating to show how absurd the law is.
207, If you love someone, then your freedom is curtailed. If you love someone, you give up much of your privacy. If you love someone, then you are no longer merely one person but half of a couple. To think or behave any other way is to risk losing that love. Laurell K. Hamilton 
208, They are merely one method of making possible the ability to communicate out of which a community can grow.
209, The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas.
210, Gossip which might have remained merely an irritation led by accident to altogether more dangerous consequences.
211, Not merely does one criticise the forms of science and technology but one proposes positive human enhancing alternatives.
212, Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
213, So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed? Hunter S. Thompson 
214, He merely flew into the airport, where the military rescue operation was being organized.
215, What was wonderful about childhood is that anything in it was a wonder. It was not merely a world full of miracles; it was a miraculous world. G.K. Chesterton 
216, But the Lower East Side was merely squalid-an intolerable affront to respectable folk.
217, I have always assumed that Brightside had it right and Dagenham was merely contributing a series of Gouldisms to the discussion.
218, Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi 
219, Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. Helen Rowland 
220, The latter involves the recipient of the memo in additional work, whereas merely giving information does not.
221, Socially useful design not merely exposes, criticises and challenges this process, but also presents constructive alternatives.
222, By now he was convinced that it had merely acquiesced in the frame-up after his arrest.
223, What about learning how to change things for the better rather than merely learning to adapt to the way things are now?
224, Now, of course, Merrill Lynch is merely trying to confuse members of Congress by running these ads.
225, Not merely that, I was putting my strongest accent on the syllable that wasn't!
226, It is merely a statement about the desired results of the advertising, in terms of what the advertising is to communicate.
227, We could get up now and leave if we were merely here to accomplish the previously announced purpose of our visit.
228, These are not necessarily merely the left-over business from a previous administration.
229, He also insists that pentecostalism does not merely alleviate the alienation from society many people feel.
230, However, it is broken chrysalis merely.
231, Logically, it is merely the copula of a judgement.
232, He is merely conserving his strength.
233, This boarding house is merely the world in little.
234, Pretending to faint was merely ( an ) artifice.
235, Your plan is merely a castle in the air.
236, You can't convict him merely on circumstantial evidence.
237, The desultory discussion merely reaffirmed old perplexities.
238, Does he fake drawl or merely nod?
239, In current popular usuage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs.
240, Has he saved the company or merely postponed its day of reckoning?
241, But is this brain drain real, or merely a bit of self - justification?
242, I break out into a cold sweat merely thinking about snakes.
243, Inactive one side is, unemployment browbeats merely no longer manufacturing company, and also browbeat high - tech domain.
244, The students merely counted the number of black and beige raincoats.
245, He is in from height merely ice bewail, be at a loss unexpectedly rise.
246, It was now merely a question of the defense of the Chancellery.
247, Her short hair and boyish overalls merely added to the effect.
248, But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
249, The aim of constitutionalism is not merely to hold the power of the government in check.
250, That gigantic and soulless stone merely symbolizes the forces that Don Juan negated forever.
251, The Supreme Reality or Brahman is not merely an intellectual quest, but a spiritual conquest.
252, This is merely a bold statement that your time expires with the birthing by the earth.
253, It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift(), or merely Aeon propaganda.
254, Or is the current climate merely a blip in an otherwise relatively smooth upward trajectory?
255, The shake was merely jiggled chocolate milk, sans ice cream.
256, They merely stirred in a nervous and wholly antagonistic way.
257, This zone merely consists of a creel the old package an optimum position for unwinding.
258, Phyl expected them to start brawling,[http://] but Mrs. Cooper merely laughed good - naturedly.
259, I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
260, He was not merely a chip off the old block, but the old block itself.
261, Yet that decision may merely aggravate voters'disenchantment with the EU.
262, This would all be of merely academic interest if EDR 1 was found only in Arabidopsis.
263, He was not a dishonourable man, he was merely a professional.
264, Mao's demand for a coalition government, but for Acheson that was merely for communist domination.
265, Effective online marketers do not merely transfer hard - copy ads to cyberspace.
266, Have you ever seen people who abusively but claim it's merely dominance?
267, What experience does is merely to confirm and consecrate our confident dream.
268, Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable.
269, Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious, but even dignified and imposing.
270, So, what will be next, now that the Emperor is merely a common person?
271, Merely 17 fry from a first time brooder is not too bad a result.
272, The use of a smaller centrifuge will merely make the operations more time - consuming.
273, He merely wore breast armor and carried a keen blade.
274, Within the top decile, the super - rich have left the merely well - off far behind.




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