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单词 Persuasion
1. Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.
2. She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion.
3. After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to come.
4. She has great powers of persuasion.
5. Defeated by her powers of persuasion, I accepted.
6. We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats.
7. We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
8. I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.
9. Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.
10. It didn't take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.
12. After a little gentle persuasion , Debbie agreed to let us in.
13. If he dummies up, just try a little persuasion.
14. After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation.
15. After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced.
16. I find gentle persuasion is the best tack.
17. Their persuasion has worn down her opposition.
18. She didn't need much persuasion.
19. He had to use all his powers of persuasion.
20. He is not of their persuasion.
21. He was sweetened by her persuasion.
22. After a lot of persuasion(), he agreed to come.
23. Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
24. We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move?
25. He decided to leave only after much persuasion.
26. His father was reached by their persuasion at last.
27. After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go.
28. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
29. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
30. I wasn't intending to sell, but I'm open to persuasion.
1. Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.
2. She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion.
3. After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to come.
4. She has great powers of persuasion.
5. We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats.
6. We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
7. I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.
8. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
9. Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.
10. It didn't take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.
12. I wasn't intending to sell, but I'm open to persuasion.
13. After a little gentle persuasion , Debbie agreed to let us in.
14. If he dummies up, just try a little persuasion.
15. After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced.
16. He decided to leave only after much persuasion.
31. She is very charming, and skilled in the art of persuasion.
32. You can actually accomplish a lot more by gentle persuasion.
33. She will help you - she just needs a bit of gentle persuasion.
34. No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind.
35. It is my persuasion that the decision was a mistake.
36. She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that it was the right thing to do.
37. All attempts at persuasion could not bring her to approve of her son's marriage.
38. After much persuasion they managed to extract the information from him.
39. It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme.
40. I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get her to agree.
41. After a little gentle persuasion ,[sentence dictionary] she agreed to go back to her family.
42. Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills in marketing.
43. It had taken a great deal of persuasion to get him to accept.
44. The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick.
45. He refused my offer at first, but seemed open to persuasion.
46. And this will take much time and much persuasion.
47. In the fever of Pantisocracy, he needed no persuasion.
48. We were won over by Kimball's powers of persuasion.
49. It is a powerful weapon of persuasion.
50. Personally, I am against extremists of any political persuasion.
51. Policy modifications and developments occurred through consensus and persuasion.
52. I believe deeply in persuasion, not bluster and bombast.
53. Methodology places particular emphasis on the language of persuasion.
54. Movement leadership requires persuasion, not giving orders.
55. Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence.
56. Only in the last resort, under careful international policing and after all other attempts at persuasion have been exhausted.
57. It may be rich in vocabulary, a powerful hypnotic force, of spoken in gentle tones of subtle persuasion.
58. They saw themselves as having a consultative decision-making style, using relatively loose follow-up, and being very open to persuasion.
59. Thirdly, they should develop new ideas about how existing desires and preferences are affected by influences such as persuasion and coercion.
60. Davide saw how they fastened their hopes on his powers of persuasion in the courts where identity and responsibility are conferred.
61. I mean, not just a Euro-Communist or of the pinkish persuasion.
62. Reducing waiting lists is at the top of all politicians' political agendas, regardless of their political persuasion.
63. It took a lot of persuasion to get Dad to agree to the idea.
64. The quite understandable confusion comes in the area of just what is meant by persuasion and permission.
65. Rather, he was able to use his considerable personal appeal and powers of persuasion to convince others to take his line.
66. Such a cramped view of foreign policy leaves military pressure as the only plausible means of persuasion.
67. We find that a persuasive argument, should we need any further persuasion beyond the plain wording of the Act.
68. Reluctance and misunderstanding must in their case be dissolved as far as possible by rational persuasion.
69. They hope to end the conflict using persuasion rather than threats.
70. Until the law was passed, the agency could only use gentle persuasion to get industries to reduce waste.
71. How is this possible if the art of persuasion is such a highly skilled task?
72. He might still have loved her and been capable of persuasion.
73. But 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little persuasion to appear in a harrowing film about racism and violence.
74. The Master tried both persuasion and threats but ... was compelled at length to send for a constable and resort to force.
75. Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.
76. An art critic also needs a gift for persuasion, perhaps rather more than a head for exposition and argument.
77. During the war he worked in psychological warfare, and doubtless learnt many of his more infuriating tricks of debating and persuasion.
78. The president could have moved mountains with a golden economy and his powers of persuasion, but he didn't.
79. The group is composed mostly of university professors, though of every persuasion from Keynesian to libertarian to Marxist.
80. Streetwise Upper-Intermediate explores metaphors and proverbs; rhythm and stress; and the language of persuasion as used in advertising.
81. He would put some one together, build an Identity, a skein of persuasion and habit, ever so subtle.
82. Debates over important issues, from nuclear weapons to public ownership, have been settled by manipulation rather than persuasion.
83. Despite the powerful persuasion of such experiences, there is no centrifugal force pushing you outward as the car turns.
84. Into Water I believe that to conquer fear of water, gentle persuasion is the best tack.
85. Integration was a Viking way of life; usually by force, rather than by persuasion.
86. The government's approach in persuasion, not enforcement, since enforcement of current legislation is unworkable.
87. He had another go at persuasion and wrote Adam long letters to his college begging for compromises.
88. The following are some of the tactics researchers have observed in effective managers: Persuasion Use of logical arguments to persuade others.
89. Others use all the persuasion they can to draw in recruits.
90. They also possess more subtle powers of political pressure and the use of persuasion.
91. The Republican leader used every means of persuasion to get senators to vote against the bill.
92. They needed little persuasion to hold a Soviet event and to contribute to the effort and cost of hosting it.
93. Her agreement was not only a reflection of Louise's powers of persuasion.
94. Penry did use persuasion on Leonora next time they met, but it had nothing to do with becoming her lover.
95. Some youngsters respond to persuasion and the idea that to do certain things is beneath their dignity.
96. This was Endill's first chance to return home and he didn't need much persuasion.
97. Q: Were you brought up in any particular religious or political persuasion?
98. Joan wept and at first refused to take the pills, but after much persuasion and then pleading, she agreed.
99. But it was not as straight forward as that, and we need to unravel the various strands of influence and persuasion.
100. Stealth and persuasion were obviously required to achieve this change by democratic means.
101. It was called oratory, and dealt with, among other things,[] logic and the art of persuasion....
102. My good friends of masher persuasion are in seventh heaven when they have the opportunity of admiring eight pretty faces.
103. Some gentle persuasion by his wife got John to change his mind.
104. This is a peculiarly nasty technique of persuasion, causing great psychological anguish throughout the middle ages and even today.
105. For a party, a layer cake can be iced and decorated to fit the occasion, or according to your political persuasion.
106. It is impossible, he suggests, to run such an organisation by command - only persuasion or consent will do.
107. A couple summers ago, there was a really good team consisting of players who were all of the Caucasian persuasion.
108. They had to learn to lead by persuasion and not by directive.
109. In the electronic republic, political manipulation is the other side of the coin of effective political persuasion.
110. But for now persuasion, carrots and free elections remain the best hope.
111. It had to proceed through persuasion and encouragement - a difficult process with public-sector bodies, but almost impossible with major companies.
112. For example, those who like expenditure on libraries and the arts can reside with others of the same persuasion.
113. For example, one of the techniques of persuasion available to late Anglo-Saxon kings was that of harrying. 1041 saw a pretty example.
114. The United States had towns and industries that were already flourishing; it also had immense powers of persuasion and assimilation.
115. The aim of arguments and discussions between supporters of rival paradigms should be persuasion rather than compulsion.
116. She used a mixture of persuasion and flattery to get what she wanted.
117. And that morning he had used every ounce of political persuasion and outright muscle to twist his colleagues into agreement.
118. It validated the experience, as the writing of any history brings a persuasion and form to events.
119. We are young and old, black and white, from every socioeconomic class and political persuasion.
120. In a town with a Conservative majority of just 2,661, the personal charm and persuasion of each candidate will be crucial.
121. Vigour and tenacity, however, were softened by a talent for propaganda and persuasion.
122. In other words, subordinates are unsettled by a boss who chops and changes between autocracy, persuasion, consultation and democracy.
123. Engineering change through quiet persuasion nevertheless requires clear-cut goals and a strong sense of direction.
124. Andrew Schrack, who posts fliers around the base and uses a little friendly persuasion on his closest co-workers.
125. He wanted somebody else to have done the persuasion and taught her a thing or two first.
126. After some persuasion on his part he managed to scrape together four reluctant nominees.
127. Friendly persuasion A more reliable test is whether a fruit comes away from the plant without much persuasion.
128. Older academics, of whatever persuasion, were hostile to the idea of overt professionalism in literary study.
129. We believe it will take more than just gentle persuasion to bring an end to over-specification and waste.
130. That in turn would have necessitated the appointment of enough peers of the Liberal persuasion to acquiesce in abolition.
131. She needed no persuasion to join the party after that.
132. The fate of the bill in Congress will depend on Brady's powers of persuasion.
133. For Athenian citizens at least,[http:///persuasion.html] theirs was a society governed by persuasion and consensus as opposed to force and coercion.
134. If so, it's about tune you rediscovered your powers of persuasion.
135. What price a higher handicap for those of us of the bow-legged persuasion.
136. He prides himself on his powers of persuasion -- or, in other words, his salesmanship.
137. Meetings Meetings provide good opportunities to practise persuasion and to raise your status among subordinates, peers and bosses.
138. At the beginning of November, in search of a political writer, he set out for Oxford, persuasion on his mind.
139. All our persuasion was of no use.
140. Mr. Abel needed no more remonstrance or persuasion.
141. He enjoys polemics, persuasion, and controversy.
142. Frim successful persuasion, advance and retreat by easy stages.
143. He had no authority to intervene except by persuasion.
144. This was altogether a splendid time for friendly persuasion.
145. A bullheaded person listens to no persuasion.
146. Friendly persuasion is the stock-in-trade of every salesman.
147. Find your own charismatic persuasion state.
148. His method of persuasion involves both charm and intimidation.
149. To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.
150. Ideological problems can be solved only through persuasion, not by coercion.
151. Two more ( Northanger Abbey and Persuasion ) were published posthumously the following year.
152. The persuasion is usually oral and gestural, with the ghost kowtowing, begging, and wheedling .
153. She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (her husband Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
154. Three foremost aids to persuasion to me are humility, concentration, and gusto.
155. Because some designers misconceive Chinese characters, therefore we should use it sensitively and rationally to give the design more persuasion and inspiration.
156. Second section is about burden of going forward and burden of persuasion.
157. The researches on A Dream of Red Mansions in Qing Dynasty had two topics:the literary tradition of "commandment and persuasion"that was prevalent from Yuan Dynasty and the personalism of Confucianism.
158. His personal force and genius, combined with so much persuasion and contrivance, swept aside many obstacles.
159. The presumption has transferred only the burden of producing evidence, not the burden of persuasion.
160. Fortunately for me[http:///persuasion.html], my kids are of the persuasion that their failings are of their own making.
161. And the head of the BBC, Mark Thompson, is of the Papist persuasion.
162. She ruled more by entreaty and persuasion than by command or argument.
163. The orator's demonstration is an enthymeme, and this is, in general, the most effective of the modes of persuasion.
164. Even administrative regulations must be accompanied by persuasion and education.
165. Then the relationship between these persuasion models and advertising effectiveness was discussed and future research on advertising information-processing was expected.
166. Christian theologians of a more liberal persuasion would tend to interpret Elijah's eschatological significance in a less literal sense.
167. The writer thinks burden of persuasion and burden of proof have connection and differentiation in the civil case in co...
168. Psychologists have been studying the art of persuasion for nearly a century, analyzing activities like political propaganda(), television campaigns and door-to-door sales.
169. Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all.
170. Is it possible to be partners when one side conducts internal and foreign policy through diktat and arm twisting, while the other values democratic persuasion?
171. Burden of producing evidence and burden of persuasion in the Anglo-American law system and subjective burden and objective burden are different, strictly speaking.
172. Finally discussing about some procedural problems concerning legal liability of it in maritime trial such as limitation of action, jurisdiction, burden of persuasion and evidential effect etc.
173. He could not expel from his mind the persuasion that he should see Marianne no more.
174. He needed no persuasion to persist in his proclaimed course.
175. Therefore, this paper analyzes Wang's art of remonstration and persuasion from the angle of rhetoric inference, and discusses its law and characteristics.
176. Results The characteristic about knowledge, attitude, behavior and persuasion (KABP) about AIDS of the specific technicist and the leaders in the county area was not optimistic.
177. Gal. 5:8 This persuasion is not of Him who calls you.
178. My voice alternately lashed out in rage and purred in soft persuasion.
179. Other evidences of Satanist persuasion among Marxist leaders are also significant.
180. She became an experimentalist of the Behaviorist persuasion, and has now published several papers on the progress she is making in teaching sheep to count themselves.
181. Our method will be that of persuasion , not coercion.
182. In order to resolve the above contradiction, the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion.
183. In the first section, the argument is based on the Cassirer's philosophy of Symbolic Culture so that to discuss the theoretical approach and philosophical persuasion of Iconology.
184. Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion but I converted to narcissism.
185. Relations between burden of persuasion and burden of proof have been a hot point in law circles.
186. First of all, developing persuasion, highlighting the advantages of this enterprise.
187. It depends on exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making.
188. The act of persuasion, coming after some sly, charmingly nasty give-and-take between the American and the Londoner at a bar, is a lesson in the seamless blend of acting styles.
189. From this table too came Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion.
189. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
190. With the appropriate persuasion, increasing the security of your authentication schemes can be as easy as applying these control algorithms to your current password entry code.
191. She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (live-in boyfriend Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
192. Marimba is one of popular persuasion musical instruments with rhythm in the world.
193. Most of the best lawyers and salespeople really have a gift for persuasion.
194. Sid Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissism.
195. The pieces of the puzzle include attention-getting, image-building, and some friendly persuasion.
196. Persuasion is great for immediate effect, but learning matters over the long-haul.
197. Blarney Castle ( dating from the 15 th century ) is the site of the Blarney Stone and persuasion.
198. Persuasion, not coercion, is the only way to convince people.
199. Judicially, we should utilize judge's discretion for application of inverting the burden of persuasion and choice of medical identifications.
200. The writer thinks burden of persuasion and burden of proof have connection and different...
201. She adds: "The polished punctuation and epigrammatic style we see in Emma and Persuasion is simply not there."
202. She completely dispelled the persuasion that Asia was in some irrevocable way hopelessly behind Europe.
203. Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissi.




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