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单词 Contemplation
(1) She was lost in contemplation of the scene in front of her.
(2) She turned from her contemplation of the photograph.
(3) He spent many hours in deep contemplation.
(4) We sat in wordless contemplation of the view.
(5) He sat there deep in contemplation.
(6) He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape.
(7) It is a place of quiet contemplation.
(8) Contemplation was abandoned for action.
(9) She spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
(10) He returned to his contemplation of the fire.
(11) By 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation.
(12) She bought three dresses in contemplation of her trip.
(13) The monks spend an hour in contemplation each morning.
(14) He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him.
(15) The nuns have an hour for silent contemplation every morning.
(16) What of artistic creation as opposed to contemplation?
(17) Wente uses the hour for contemplation and study.
(18) He stood apart from the rest in silent contemplation.
(19) After more than 20 minutes of contemplation, the buffalo lumbered off the road and disappeared into the trees.
(20) From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.
(21) Where monks sat in quiet contemplation, guests now seek sanctuary from the city's bustle amid lush palms and ivy.
(22) She was staring out over the lake, lost in contemplation.
(23) A chastened Agassi flew home for a period of deep contemplation.
(24) He reached his decision after a good deal of contemplation.
(25) But by 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation.
(26) His mouth watered and his eyes became lost in dreamy contemplation.
(27) Death, with which they lived so intimately, could not be detached from their lives as an object of contemplation.
(28) I found myself wanting longer and longer times of quiet, longer arcs of contemplation.
(29) I endeavored to learn from General Lee what movements he had in contemplation, or what he next expected from General Grant.
(30) It is true that Franciscan spirituality put new stress on the necessity for integrating action and contemplation.
(1) She was lost in contemplation of the scene in front of her.
(2) He spent many hours in deep contemplation.
(3) Contemplation was abandoned for action.
(4) She spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
(5) She bought three dresses in contemplation of her trip.
(6) He reached his decision after a good deal of contemplation.
(31) This no-mans-land of uninvolved contemplation is illuminated by the light of understanding.
(32) The practice of meditation and contemplation is life-long, reflecting this daily process of repentance and change at heart.
(33) I said nothing, being still in rapt contemplation of Sergia's magnificence.
(34) On the 10-rouble bus ride home, approaching the industrial glare of the night city, we retreat into contemplation.
(35) She was in no hurry to reach it - contemplation was almost as satisfactory as arrival.
(36) Like a dreamer, the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it.
(37) This broadly relates to communications between lawyer and client either in relation to the giving of legal advice or in contemplation of legal proceedings.
(38) And I also taught them that the purpose of a business only exists in contemplation of the market.
(39) The average time given over to its contemplation was estimated at one hour.
(40) However, silent contemplation of the passing forest tended to pall after several unbroken miles of it.
(41) A father's self-confidence and certainty were transformed into disorientation, self-doubt and a morbid contemplation of death.
(42) Silent contemplation of the sounds of moving water works well for many people.
(43) Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
(44) He, too, made simplifications, but slowly, after studied reflection and contemplation.
(45) On another day I had observed her in deep contemplation of a dead lamb.
(46) Some are very monastic, with the accent on contemplation and little talking, others are more lively.
(47) Marx thought that scholarly contemplation was a waste of time.
(48) An eminent preacher claimed that he could overcome even the worst disaster if he could have fifteen minutes of contemplation.
(49) Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
(50) Pressure of time, leaving no space for relaxation and contemplation.
(51) No, sir, once again the mere contemplation of paradox would suffice.
(52) It is as though they could not wait to sink into a dotage spent in permanent contemplation of their childhood.
(53) The somewhat heavy-handed symbolism of the watch not withstanding, the work is a fine contemplation on death.
(54) Schopenhauer's position was that lyric combines contemplation and the individual will.Sentencedict
(55) Old Age Active engagement may give way to the skills of contemplation and reflection.
(56) Its duties are performed without executive leave and, in the contemplation of the statute, must be free from executive control.
(57) The drawings with their restrained colours give a feeling of peace and contemplation.
(58) The exhibition at the Academy would have interested her on another occasion but today she was too excited for contemplation.
(59) I am quite content with philosophic contemplation.
(60) She was averse to the contemplation of death.
(61) The highest point reached by contemplative materialism, that is, materialism which does not comprehend sensuousness as practical activity, is contemplation of single individuals and of civil society.
(62) A cunning strategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault.
(63) This is the miscellaneous visualization and is known as thirteenth contemplation.
(64) She was somewhat aroused by it, knotted her hair upon her ears in order to deafen herself, and resumed her contemplation, on her knees, of the inanimate object which she had adored for fifteen years.
(65) The poet was right in supposing Higginson was "occupied"; hers was a life of contemplation, his one of action.
(66) His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of side issues.
(67) Mr. Quilp was serenely gazing at the stars, quite absorbed in celestial contemplation.
(68) His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of silly things.
(69) No young vagabond could be brought to bear its contemplation for a moment, without throwing himself upon the unoffending wearer, and doing him a mischief.
(70) So the key of higher contemplation is not "see", but "do" and "act"; it requests practical and social sensuousness .
(71) If we would aright it must be by the contemplation of Christ's death.
(72) Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking, wants contemplation; but he does not conceive sensuousness as practical, human-sensuous activity.
(73) The greatest of all pleasures consists in the contemplation of truth.
(74) No evil could come out of the contemplation of an expensively decorated chamber.
(75) Real social action is a way of contemplation, and real contemplation is the core of social action." — Henri J.M.
(76) Over and over again, the tempter of souls had thrust this idea upon Hester's contemplation, and laughed at the passionate and desperate joy with which she seized, and then strove to cast it from her.
(77) Instead of a lifetime of structured contemplation, a few drops of home brewed acid on a vitamin pill would do the trick.
(78) Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
(79) Contemplation , for the Transcendentalists, was a vehicle for mindfully and thoughtfully experiencing our own divinity.
(80) There is rest and healing in the contemplation of antiquities.
(81) Sophia was charmed with the contemplation of so heroic an action.
(82) Rodgers has it in contemplation to enter Harvard University next year.
(83) There are also critics' year-end lists -- and some indescribable chemistry that makes for a nice pairing between dark, cold weather and movies that provoke contemplation rather than shell shock.
(84) Based on ruminative response styles theory, contemplation of response and reaction to the distraction of depression[/contemplation.html], negative emotion and memory of.
(85) This new internal environment offers an architectural and sequential chiaroscuro to the external strip-mall type reality and prepares the visitor for practice of inward meditation and contemplation.
(86) Michael had been a seminarian, preparing for the Jesuit priesthood in a former life, and Randy a Benedictine monk, deeply steeped in prayer, contemplation and service.
(87) If you are admired by your success, my benison is warmly and hortative contemplation traversing congested crowd.
(88) To all appearance, he seemed to be occupied in the constant contemplation of something terrible.
(89) These things will not be recoverable unless within the contemplation of the parties.
(90) It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation, the deification of a stranger.
(91) It is one of the few times we get to be alone with our minds, reclining in quiet, warm contemplation, enjoying the faint cling of the water, the steam, the scent, the solitariness.
(92) Such was Mr. Moore's home - a snug nest for content and contemplation.
(93) Li's works transfigure a micro view of natural elements (such as water and air) into a macro view of the universe and create contemplation that results from the changes between these two views.
(94) The contemplation is the happiest life and it has an important role in Aristotelian ethics.
(95) I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works.




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