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单词 Jargon
1. He always speaks in obscure legal jargon.
2. Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English?
3. The jargon in his talk was opaque to me.
4. The offer was couched in legal jargon.
5. "All necessary means" is diplomatic jargon for "war".
6. Keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon.
7. Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider.
8. Try to avoid using too much technical jargon.
9. APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon.
10. She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations.
11. We had to wade through pages of legal jargon before we could sign the contract.
12. Can someone translate this legal jargon into plain English for me?
13. This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me.
14. A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders.
15. The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.
16. We might borrow here from military jargon.
17. Oil is, in economic jargon, inelastic.
18. What does all this jargon mean?
19. Using legal or scientific jargon to dazzle.
20. Jargon words usually sound ugly and unintelligible to outsiders./jargon.html
21. I had expected to be lost in jargon.
22. It is essential to avoid the use of jargon.
23. Ed tends to overuse management jargon.
24. One person's jargon is another's technical language.
25. The high-tech industry, for example, is loaded with jargon.
26. This special, or technical, vocabulary is known as jargon.
27. The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession.
28. You need someone to help you cut through all the irritating legal jargon.
29. The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.
30. They help take the guesswork out of tax law by translating convoluted jargon into plain-folks language.
1. He always speaks in obscure legal jargon.
2. Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English?
3. The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.
31. Obviously I am-as the Linux jargon goes-a newbie, but I will now subscribe to your magazine.
32. And he was the creator of a new police jargon.
33. Aiming at a very specific readership, they carried shorter articles written in the jargon of the various separate sciences.
34. The Motorola people talk all that jargon and apply the latest concepts along with the best of them.
35. Your tone generally falls somewhere in this range: Pompous: Overly formal, often contains passivity and jargon.
36. When you see jargon from other industries, you probably get confused and distracted, wanting familiar terms instead.
37. There was more, but it was technical jargon about his physique, state of health, last known meal and so on.
38. The jargon of the criminal underworld is often referred to as argot.
39. Jargon is an effective form of shorthand, provided everyone understands it.
40. What I did not expect was the excitement, and wonderment, with which all this jargon was voiced.
41. Nostalgically(), the old door numbers still stuck among the mass of code and jargon names slapped on the services since then.
42. It will be appreciated that this rapidly developing field of expertise contains extensive new jargon.
43. His prose is filled with active verbs and metaphors, instead of the passive voice and jargon frequently churned out by academics.
44. High-sounding jargon or pointless platitudes cut little ice when one is alert to the actual message being conveyed.
45. This tale of parallel realities claims to be based on quantum theory, and is dressed up with suitable jargon.
46. Phrases like this are often used like the jargon of politics, as deceptively simple slogans.
47. Do not confuse your reader with technical terms or jargon.
48. One day, the mystery of legal procedures and jargon disappeared.
49. Others used jargon of medicine, cookery or religion for describing the tortures.
50. In his book 1984 he mentions Doublethink,[http:///jargon.html] jargon used by the politicians of the Inner Party.
51. Sailed through college, picked up academic jargon like a duckling gobbles worms.
52. Make certain that ideas are clearly delineated and most of all, avoid the use of professional jargon.
53. One was that their writers eliminate industry jargon that transformed an everyday message into a threat.
54. If your missive is addressed to your colleagues, then jargon may be acceptable shorthand.
55. Although the word reengineering dominates business jargon, as a metaphor for organizational change, it has become wildly imprecise.
56. All they have to do is to hold out against substandard systems and apply pragmatic criteria in the face of technical jargon.
57. She objected to his formal jargon, although she imagined a glint of amusement accompanying it.
58. When you first learn about computers, there is a whole lot of jargon to understand.
59. Many of us find it hard to navigate this jargon.
60. It is important to avoid using jargon and complicated language.
61. What finally evolves as standard jargon may be entirely different than anything suggested so far.
62. Sophisticated equipment, white coats and medical jargon serve to make most lay people feel ignorant and less important.
63. The following is the key paragraph from the barrowload of civil service-drafted jargon and gobbledygook which Douglas dumped upon an unsuspecting House.
64. As the report must be read and understood by our client, please avoid unnecessary jargon and explain all terms used.
65. I made sure the vital information was given out as simply as possible, without any of the accepted police jargon.
66. However, the physical separation, differences in jargon, and differences in mode of operation present yet a third communication gap.
67. Actually, as far as I can gather, it's just their jargon for a bedsit house.
68. I wish they'd write in plain English, instead of all this business jargon.
69. An insurance information sheet jargon: Paying for medical care is an example of the direct costs normally associated with workplace accidents.
70. The conmen use baffling jargon when they talk about those deals, to confuse their victims.
71. I found myself mentally putting aside half the afternoon for the task as I struggled over the incomprehensible jargon in my handbook.
72. It is protected from public scrutiny by the technicality of its jargon.
73. But without a background in trading(), it's easy to be bamboozled by market jargon.
74. In spite of the jargon, Sergeant Bradley appeared to have got the gist of what I'd said, so I signed dutifully.
75. The word itself first came into usage in the seventeenth century and was not intended as academic jargon or as a sociologism.
76. They question conventional wisdom, they ask awkward questions, they do not speak the jargon.
77. It is difficult to define which words or phrases constitute jargon.
78. But there are, in the recent jargon, many grey areas in the All Black team.
79. I love their daring, their looks, their jargon, and what they have in mind.
80. First, you notice that awkward paragraph, wordy sentence, or jargon each time you write.
80. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
81. A void jargon Jargon consists of words or expressions developed for use within particular groups or professions.
82. It is good because it is written in friendly, ordinary language and where jargon creeps in, it is explained.
83. They noted that he was a master of arcane tax jargon, not an area that gets the blood racing.
84. Speak in sentences rather than individual words. Avoid jargon and technical terms.
85. As a wee boy I knew the jargon of the Ayrshire pits, names and terms incomprehensible to the uninitiated.
86. Teachers spend their breaks preparing lesson plans, and their evenings swotting up on jargon.
87. The managers spoke in cryptic, allusive utterances, using technical jargon that was opaque to her.
88. I hate all this management jargon about 'upskilling' and 'downsizing'.
89. They kept details of programs in their heads, and always explained procedures in highly technical jargon.
90. It has long been used in gambling and underworld jargon.
91. Very graphical, easy to use and all jargon is explained in detail.
92. You end up speaking the same jargon or formulae as the establishment without stopping to think.
93. Critics of legal drafting often complain that lawyers are fond of using legal jargon.
94. Annuity In the jargon of finance an annuity is just a regular flow of cash into or out of an account.
95. A major obstacle to understanding is the use of technical jargon which is unintelligible to the buyer.
96. Not only sociology and cultural anthropology but even a field like literary criticism increasingly becomes infested with the jargon of empirical addiction.
97. In addition, coworkers may be as caught up in the company jargon as you are.
98. The layers of jargon and acronyms are explained to reveal the systems and products underneath.
99. A lay-up, it should be said, was jargon for a gamble that was sure to succeed.
100. From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.
101. However, a distinction can be drawn between such technical terms of art and legal jargon.
102. Try to avoid jargon words unless they have a precise purpose in your writing.
103. They will not hear critics with their horrible jargon.
104. Unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.
105. It is newly minted jargon.
106. They use that awful jargon.
107. Avoid computer jargon when you write for laymen.
108. I couldn't make out the baby's jargon.
109. There's some scattered but noncrucial jargon.
110. Certainly, Martinez seemed to have the jargon down pat.
110. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
111. The final award is for Improving Existing Jargon.
112. Sam Hawthorne , in the jargon of the times, was a Renaissance man.
113. Well, the thought, I suppose is, in philosopher's jargon, that the computer is a deterministic system.
114. This phenomenon, known as confabulation in psychiatric jargon, is also found in people with frontal lobe disorders.
115. The old person tells us, this tree cries in local jargon " Kumajia " , also a few big mammal are in to death under its mephitis before, nevertheless, most animal can rely on natural escape it.
116. Canny salespeople may try to bamboozle you with jargon, so it's worth getting to grips with a few key features before you hit the shops.
117. While the World Cup in South Africa is manna from heaven for soccer fans, spare a thought for those who regard "the beautiful game" as a confusing sport with complicated rules and impenetrable jargon.
118. People who read them are committing an "Othelloerror," in Ekman's jargon, a reference to the Shakespearean character whofalsely believed his wife to be an adulteress.
119. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around—in the press, at your conferences—what's that got to do with us?
120. By "multilateralizing" the CMI, in the jargon, a member country in financial straits could be able to draw more quickly on a deeper pool of funds.
121. She skipped the jargon when she read the popular science magazine.
122. In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon, unemphatic, visual.
123. Firms are finding that they cannot replace expensive expatriate staff with cheaper local hires ("localise" in the jargon) as quickly as they hoped.
124. The litany of names, numbers and financial jargon is at times exhausting, even with the help of an eight-page cast of characters and two-page glossary of acronyms.
125. It looks soft and full of feeling, It'smiles at my - jargon, it is susceptible.
126. In American English, Slang mingled with jargon and Colloquialism, but they are different from each other.
127. Scientific instruments are necessary to make quantum phenomena intuitive, and the probability amplitude as a scientific jargon is indispensable for describing electron itself.
128. Above an HDI of 0.9 or so, it turned up, producing what is known in the jargon as a "J-shaped" curve (even though it is the mirror image of a letter J).
129. Clearness and conciseness often go hand-in-hand and the elimination of wordy business jargon can help to make a letter clearer and at the same time more concise.
130. The best accountants do not hide behind jargon or technical mumbo-jumbo.
131. All the critical twiddle - twaddle about style and form is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon.
132. In video jargon, the brightness is called the luminance signal , while the color is the chrominance signal .
133. Remember, too, that the outcomes of international summits are, in the jargon, "precooked."
134. In Oxfam jargon, this can be called sustainable self-driven development. In their minds, it probably means a better life, for themselves, their families and their communities.
135. We should stay away from jargon, as our menu's users won't yet be acquainted with it.
136. It is important not to be overawed by the mathematical jargon.
137. Because humanists are put off by the jargon used in computer manuals and by computer professionals, it is important to stay away from unnecessary technical terminology.
138. The terms adaptation, speciation, mutation are all the jargon of transformation -- of differences over time.
139. Scientists use off-putting jargon.
140. In his hands,[http:///jargon.html] comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon.
141. We are unversed in the jargon of the social scientist.
142. In aeronautic jargon, he's talking about developing More Electric Architecture ( MEA ).
143. Just as business and science reporters avoid economic and business jargon, sportswriters should avoid terms that only the most ardent fan or coach would know.
144. In the jargon, they are all embraced by the term " ground roll ".
145. He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.
146. With or without campus jargon, the annoyingly unfair fact is that marriageable men tend to like women who are young, fertile and intellectually unthreatening.
147. Although specialized terms can be used, pretentious jargon should be avoided.
148. In the book Garner on Language and Writing, Former U.S. Solicitor GeneralTheodore Olsen wrote, "Legalese is jargon. All professions have it.
149. Chinook Jargon:a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.
150. Here's the key:The values you use must be defined so that they are relatable to agile, easily understandable (not full of abstract notions or business jargon), and resonant.
151. "He definitely needs services," the psychologist, a red-faced man with round glasses and a penchant for mumbling in jargon, decided. "We just don't know what.
152. This fact is often expressed in the physics jargon as " Energy levels repel each other. ".




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