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单词 Evolving
1 Language is constantly and gradually evolving.
2 Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.
3 It is also evolving rapidly to meet modern requirements.
4 These changes are reflected in an evolving undergraduate curriculum.
5 It is one that is still evolving.
6 Government financial reporting and control is an evolving area.
7 The issues here are complex and evolving.
8 The new digital media are still evolving.
9 They have been applied to evolving software, hardware designs, chemical structures, music,[] pictures and video.
10 Evolving Software A key feature of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of hand-crafted manufacture with mass-production techniques.
11 In this evolving climate, work redesign techniques are finding new expressions in new applications.
12 Susan intuited that the Dream was evolving fast, recasting its inhabitants, twisting its externals.
13 And since it is an evolving language, always changing its expressions, it is also a continually disruptive influence.
14 They are evolving at a time when more and more consumers are turning to the Internet for their shopping needs.
15 Kenneth Clark demonstrated this development of an evolving sensibility to nature in his lectures, Landscape into Art, published in 1949.
16 The tiger gained its stripes by evolving in dense jungle and wet, reedy areas.
17 Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
18 Evolving software mimics biological evolution with collections of programs competing with each other to see which performs the task best.
19 Is the constitutional order evolving or is it under attack?
20 For about two years, this ability has been gradually evolving from sensorimotor behaviors.
21 Additional information technology product sectors will be studied together with selected areas in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industries.
22 They emerge from periods of punctuated equilibrium with radically different structures that once again begin slowly evolving.
23 The Poole Advertiser has slightly more advanced software than the Messenger Group but both systems are evolving almost daily.
24 In the standard formation model, millisecond pulsars are formed when a neutron star accretes matter from an evolving companion.
25 But it must be remembered that the process of evolving acceptable accounting standards has taken many years.
26 But at the same time, the technology that makes Internet radio broadcasts possible has been evolving quickly.
27 Mr Court acknowledged that management consultants and advertising agencies had overlapping roles in evolving brand strategy.
28 There are presently three separate standards for such modems, and all three are evolving even as the equipment is being sold.
29 So the algae hang on as debilitating parasites rather than evolving towards benign cooperation.
30 He and Bourboulon could work toward the same objective, largely because of political changes then evolving in Paris.
1 Language is constantly and gradually evolving.
31 The company dealt with uncertainty through a flexible organizational style, aided by a rapidly evolving information network.
32 I have already given examples of different characteristics evolving for different reasons.
33 The shape of the Lombard Scheme is constantly evolving, and a working party on its future development will report in 1993.
34 These new rules are still evolving and are becoming operative in some parts of the economy more quickly than in others.
35 Evolving Hardware Hardware design has traditionally been done by hand, and more recently with computer-aided design and optimization.
36 Such thinking may have a particular appeal to Catholic Christians,[http:///evolving.html] who tend to think in terms of an evolving revelation.
37 Finance opportunities: financial mechanisms are still evolving and are not yet assured of success.
38 A second important theme in the evolving urban debate after 1979 is the issue of deregulation and decontrol.
39 A clear, authoritative statement of the new doctrine evolving is yet to be announced.
40 Statutory planning has influenced the evolving social geography of postwar Britain in two main ways.
41 While chanceries were adapting their wares to public needs, they were also evolving new formulae for their princes.
42 It has been in its fastnesses for many years, each population evolving to its own rules.
43 What is evolving is a derivative style, or faux formal.
44 Pauline is always busy breeding new machines so that the ecology of the circus keeps evolving.
45 The impact of evolving technology on these forms of information is discussed using historical examples. 21.1.
46 The good news is that in many countries the definition of what constitutes ideal family size is already evolving downward.
47 Geologically, parts of the country are still evolving, like the island of Surtsey, which appeared overnight in 1973.
48 Mr Schulz's associates said the cartoonist captured the anxiety of an age underscored by evolving social and political unrest.
49 Welfare split A look at the differences between the new federal welfare law and evolving proposals from Republican Gov.
50 In all, a very mixed package of health care measures was evolving.
51 This comes as no surprise to Balkan-watchers who have been following the evolving tragedy in the country.
52 They are, in short, a fusion of ideology and aesthetics in a constantly evolving revolutionary synthesis.
53 Enter the emerging and evolving practice of urban design in L.A.
54 Keeler has been musing on the nature of weediness and the likelihood of it evolving among engineered crops.
55 The males adapt to their new and relaxed home by evolving at ten times the rate of their consorts.
56 Thus it is that evolving behaviors reflect qualitative changes in many schemata.
57 By the end of the year the managers were not able to talk confidently about their styles, which were still evolving.
58 However, that process is continually evolving and we are always looking for suggestions to aid its development.
59 And then a big opportunity came, evolving through a series of connections in Washington.
60 The entire system of evolving life and planet was coevolution, the dance of the chameleon on the mirror.
61 Biological, social, or economic systems enter periods of punctuated equilibrium with slowly evolving but firmly established structures.
62 Our galaxy is a continuously evolving system.
63 Evolving through natural selection is about time and numbers.
64 Syngenetic structures controlled the basin's forming, settling and evolving.
65 The weekend attack in Kabul fits within that evolving strategy.
66 With the continuous transmission of western aesthetic ideology,[http:///evolving.html] Chinese traditional literary concept is weakened and modern literary concept is evolving.
67 A community is evolving to take advantage of low-cost, off-the-shelf genetic parts and increasing knowledge in biological engineering.
68 During the Paleocene there was a great deal of coevolution of plants and animals , the plants evolving adaptations to animal pollination and fruit and seed dispersal.
69 And in that way, they offer a glimpse of a rapidly evolving class of dangerous threats that former U. S. Navy Secretary Richard Danzig once described as instruments of "nonexplosive warfare.
70 This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
71 Based on combing the evolving process of the entertainment trend of the Chinese media, this paper reflects the phenomenon from the perspectives of cultural study and communication plutonomy.
72 The stockpile, infrastructure and work force played a critical and evolving role in every stage of our nuclear experience, from the Manhattan Project to the present day.
73 At any one time dozens of these pastel-colored tubes, packed in ice in styrofoam buckets , await being warmed up to body temperature to start evolving.
74 Techniques of sparing or reconstructing the puboprostatic ligaments and support of the bladder are evolving in efforts to improve continence results.
75 What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider.
76 Unlike the two predecessors , the evolving complaint interface ( ECI ) model allows unloading of interfacial stresses.
77 The black art of race strategy is constantly evolving, but goes through particularly marked transitions when major rule changes are introduced.
78 City, where people act multifariously and concentratedly, takes on the character of dynamic evolving continuously.
79 Treatment recommendations evolving from critical appraisal are not only based on levels of evidence, but the risk benefit ratio and cost.
80 POWER servers today not only look like mainframes (for instance, the IBM 595p) but are increasingly evolving into systems that share their inherent stability.
81 The evolving character of commercial space in Chang'an city was known afresh, according to analysing on the space-time characteristics of the shops in outside market in Tang Dynasty Chang'an.
82 A democracy of autonomous , evolving machines will be similarly feared Anarchy Plus.
83 Slantwise circulation of disturbance as excited by symmetrically unstable basic flows has changed the ambient field so that the symmetrical instability keeps evolving.
84 Evolving around this concern, Song of Solomon presents three different states of living.
85 It is evolving through a daily flow of ideas among the conservative forces of caste and religion, the liberals who dominate intellectual life, and the new forces of global capitalism.
86 Today, the world is moving towards a fast new evolving, multipolar world economy.
87 For other requirements for upward compatibility, refer to the DB2 Information Center and the developerWorks article, "Evolving your XML schemas using DB2 pureXML". See Resources for the links.
88 Current and evolving regulations may lead to a positive list and fewer allowed raw materials for hair coloring products in the European Union.
89 Since trademark is a kind of sign and the semeiology specializes in sign, it is very significant to analyze trademark and the course of its generating and evolving by semiology.
90 In modern China, the chamber of commerce as both the system provider and demander played the role of a participant in the making and evolving of the system of industry and business.
91 Recent research in electroceramics and evolving trends for the future are discussed in the paper.
92 It was impossible to think of him as evolving any taste of his own.
93 By a Darwinian process, a new world order is evolving.
94 The Turkey energy program is continuously evolving, and IBRD efforts will continue and expand based on Turkey's needs.
95 The AV-1 is a textual summary of the operational environment and the mission capabilities to be exercised in the context of the evolving systems.
96 Software creation and distribution are complex and the technology is continuously evolving.
97 By the damage evolving relation proposed the flexural process of the trisection specimens of wet-sieved and fully-graded concrete was numerically simulation.
98 This last change demonstrates the power of adaptivity in an evolving design.
99 Conodonts went extinct at the end of the Triassic Period,[] about the time dinosaurs were evolving.
100 According to Frans De Waal, man has stopped their evolution while ape-man is still evolving.
101 For both sides, figuring out the limits of the evolving relationship between China's rulers and its people is clearly a work in process.
102 On the IT side, there is no formal transformation mechanism to convert requirements and their evolving changes into executable structured programs.
103 The second approach is something new and evolving as we speak.
104 In the third chapter, the application of evolving factor analysis (EFA) and multivariate curve resolution (MCR) in the enzyme reaction mechanism is discussed.
105 Dr. Varan cautioned that more research was needed before the media industry caught up with the evolving way people consume its product.
106 Even professionals in the refinishing and detailing industry can make mistakes if they don't keep up on evolving technologies in surface coatings and car care products.
107 Evolving thinking, especial imaginal thinking, has great significance in the formation of moral character.
108 In the evolving vocational rehabilitation and assistive device services, the increase of need of OT was also foreseen.
109 The UI library is a quickly evolving project that is constantly reformatting and improving its offerings.
110 The present commercial pattern is evolving the new pattern which immobility and Internet serves.
111 In time, East Berlin emerged from Stalinist drabness, but as to its material well-being — to say nothing of the repression it endured in the Stasi-dominated society — it was a poor if evolving entity.
112 "Human beings were small, defenseless and vulnerable to predators, " says Barbara J. King, biological anthropologist at the College of William and Mary and author of Evolving God.
113 New inert gas data from terrestrial rocks has also raised other questions about the evolving earth.
114 Conclusion: The evolution from dense connective tissue of perichondrial outmost layer to mature cartilaginous tissue showed a continuous evolving histokinetic pro-cess.
115 Given the rapidly changing literature in this broad area, it is imperative that physicians caring for immunosuppressed patients and for the critically ill remain abreast of this evolving field.
116 Because Phase 1 required a relatively structured and formal proof of concept, we were treating it as a mini-project, complete with testing and QA (peer review) on the evolving product.
117 The available range of microcomputer systems is evolving more rapidly than minicomputers.
118 How do you see yourself evolving as an athlete - turned - entrepreneur?
119 Society is constantly evolving and increasingly obvious progress tells us that the road of continuable development is the only option for humanity and common choice.
120 China is evolving into a highly regimented country and a great nation.
121 Lang is a superb, evolving musician, who earns huge fees because of his novelty and his flair-and because he is an avatar of the Chinese ascendance.
122 Nowadays, pipe construction technique has been evolving from manual welding to automatic welding; therefore it is very important to develop automatic welding devices for pipe construction.
123 Integrating identity infrastructure and apps requires evolving to a hub-and-spoke model.
124 An operational data store (ODS) built on XML can reduce application development costs and can provide an agile infrastructure to accommodate evolving data management demands.
125 They found that, although tuatara have remained largely physically unchanged over very long periods of evolution, they are evolving - at a DNA level - faster than any other animal yet examined.
126 The house cat has not stopped evolving,[http:///evolving.html] though—far from it.
127 I found it in the Library of Borges by evolving it at my desk.
128 The FBI's Daisy Chain and New York City's vertical separation by floor are perfect examples of evolving facilities.
129 The larva and diet of phytophagous coccinellids indicate that that they are the most ancestral group of Coccinellidae evolving from ancestors like chrysomelids.
130 They thus act as an evolving supplement to the immune system.
131 In this paper , a degenerated beam element is developed , evolving from a bilinear degenerated shell element.
132 A working, autonomous, evolving, molecular system would be an incredibly powerful tool.
133 We know that all things in the world are evolving.
134 By the 1830s, the evolving geisha style was emulated by fashionable women throughout society.
135 A final insight concerns the evolving structure of the commercial system for education.
136 China - watchers have long debated whether the country is evolving toward greater freedom and pluralism.
137 Biochemists squeeze self - evolving molecules into tiny plastic test tubes.
138 The character of Charlie the little man, the baggy-trousered bowler-hatted tramp, can be seen evolving behind the surface gagging(), the energetic slapstick of the day.
139 Conveyers and robots take the evolving computer from station to station; each unit arrives in front of a worker a split second after she has finished with the previous one.
140 The therapsids flourished during the Permian, rapidly evolving many different forms, ranging from dinosaur-like fanged flesh-eaters to plodding herbivores.
141 But this has triggered an arms race with bacteria, which start evolving to beat the antibiotics - and emerge as in the end as pumped-up, super-charged bacteria invulnerable to our medical weapons.
142 The work is complicated, he notes, by the fact that technology product attributes are evolving constantly and the attributes must be determined before forecasting sales performance.
143 A rapidly evolving society holds the answers to the current great common school debate in the United States.
144 And, while these tactics have been around for many years, integrating the use of social media to deploy them - the best practices and tangible results are still evolving.
145 In fact, the evolving order in Asia is a combination of hub and wheels model, limited co-domination model, normative community model and complex interdependence model.
146 The Thrinax turned sideways to knock Sebastian to 17 and Tong cast Plated Geopede, then played an Evolving Wilds.
147 A concern with evolving XML schema with upward compatibility is that XML data cannot be validated with the existence of newly added elements and attributes.
148 Aim: To explore the evolving process of Purkinje fiber, Purkinje fiber-cardiac muscular bundle junction, and their evolving relation.
149 The problem is an evolving set of interlocking issues and constraints.
150 If Plasmodium vivax is evolving to learn how to infect the Duffy-negative red cell, then a large continent of people suddenly becomes susceptible to a new form of malaria.
151 These artificial evolution systems generate creative new things, but don't keep evolving.




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