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单词 Jeep
1. A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain.
2. Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.
3. He was charged with stealing a jeep.
4. The jeep bumped along the dirt track.
5. How many people will your jeep still hold ?
6. That jeep has four cylinders.
7. He told the driver to stop the jeep.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep.
9. Is it a jeep or a car?
10. The jeep ran him over.
11. They thrust him into the back of a jeep.
12. The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off.
13. A jeep trailing a cloud of dust was speeding in my direction.
14. He drove over a landmine and his jeep blew up.
15. Every few kilometres we passed a burnt out jeep or truck at the side of the road.
16. The jeep has been blocked in by all those lorries.
17. He recently traded in his Jeep for a red Mercedes.
18. If you lead in the jeep, we'll follow behind on the horses.
19. The Jeep stopped fifty feet away.
20. Robyn slowed the jeep with a puzzled frown, considering.
21. Stirling's jeep was hit and came to a stop.
22. Anne bought a surplus Army Jeep.
23. He loosed the brakes and the jeep rolled onwards.
24. Wish I had my off-road jeep four by four.
25. The jeep dug dirt as it leapt forward.
26. The police jeep and Boynes' vehicle were barely able to squeeze past.
27. Miguel Rafaelo's jeep was parked under a lamp, and Shelley walked past it.
28. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
29. The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep.
30. Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd.
1. Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.
2. He was charged with stealing a jeep.
3. Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
4. The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep.
31. Without a moment's hesitation Stirling's jeep headed for the runway, the fighting formation behind him.
32. Dressed for the city, he kisses the Yorkies on the head and climbs into a jeep with heavy tread tyres.
33. The pilot, realizing that the Jeep was going to ram him, applied the cyclic and tried to lift clear.
34. When Koju visited with the jeep, he noted this and he disliked them for it.
35. In a flash, Creed was out of the jeep and creeping past foliage and tree-trunks towards the beginning of the picket fence.
36. It was impossible to buy a jeep in Delhi as they had all been requisitioned by the army.
37. It was cold, so cold in the jeep that it was with difficulty that Alexei kept his eyes open.
37. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
38. They came to take her in a jeep at sunrise.
39. Each day now Phagu went scouting in the jeep, Kamesh driving, he and I perched up on the luggage rack.
40. The scree had ripped a tyre; within minutes the jeep was thrashing that wheel to death.
41. Separately, Chrysler said it is raising prices on its 1997 Jeep Wrangler by $ 705 to $ 755 a vehicle.
42. It was an hour later that the jeep, always a vehicle that threatened trouble, started to sound distinctly unhappy.
43. All became clear when the jeep was unloaded at the other end.
44. Why is Chrysler showing off a luxury concept car like this rather than a futuristic new Jeep or minivan?
45. I continued playing as the Brigadier sped away in his jeep, to the cheers of the fairly large crowd.
46. I explained to Phagu that I must, now, walk to that village to ring for the jeep.
47. A few minutes later a police jeep screeched to a halt outside.
48. Drunken Adivassis had stoned his jeep the previous night as he came through the hills looking for us.
49. I believe they were in the process of ritualized rutting when I charged out at midnight and drove off in my Jeep.
50. The Jeep was carrying six men from the artillery brigade.
51. He is often seen around Hollywood(), driving his jeep or eating meals poolside at swanky hotels.
52. This tactic had the added advantage of lining us up with the village where the jeep would be waiting.
53. The jeep left the road and was fishtailing violently through a stretch of gravel as the fire truck thundered by.
54. Broadus, 24, was driving the black Jeep Cherokee from which the shots were fired.
55. The bags were lashed tightly to the roof of the jeep.
56. The reclusive Julio Gallo died three years ago in a Jeep accident at his Livermore ranch at the age of 83.
57. Minutes later, I could see the tent shadows cast by Jeep headlights dancing across the side of the Huey.
58. Maria was last seen shouting for help inside a military jeep that evening.
59. She jumped into the jeep and drove furiously down the hill.
60. The jeep swung towards the gates of the sports ground, where more crowds were in place to cheer him.
61. Broadus was was driving the Jeep from which Lee fired the shots.
62. Jeep tours, hayrides, chuck wagon cookouts and trail rides are available for a fee.
63. She got down from the jeep, straightened her dress and headed back towards the barn.
64. Mike spends about £400 a month on running his car, a Jeep Cherokee, and another £100 a month insuring it.
65. The driver slammed on the brakes; the Jeep screeched to a halt.
66. Robyn turned the ignition over, realising he was gaining on her with remarkable speed, and the jeep roared into life.
67. He ordered his pilot to drive the length of the airstrip in a Jeep and inspect it for obstacles.sentence dictionary
68. With one last defiant surge of power the jeep finally gave up the ghost.
69. He took the wheel of the jeep himself, telling the driver to move over.
70. On one occasion a jeep in which she was travelling was hi-jacked by a group of armed soldiers.
71. He eased back the stick and the nose came up and the jeep slid into his gunsight.
72. When the Jeep was found the next day, parked in the Camp Holloway motor pool, it caused a stink.
73. Whenever the jeep came, it was difficult to resist the moral pressure to keep it with me.
74. Miguel's jeep was outside the villa when Shelley happened to look out.
75. I made it to the jeep but the earth was spinning off its axis.
76. The Jeep fired up and he slipped it into gear, released the clutch and edged it forward.
77. When he blinked rain from his eyes, Alan could just see the trail that led back to the jeep.
78. I called to Meyers-who was leering at one of the women fifty feet away-to get the first-aid kit out of the Jeep.
79. We stopped in a small village to quench our thirst and refuel the jeep.
80. I remember what happened when I finally decided to ditch my Toyota and buy a Jeep Cherokee.
81. The Arab was standing by the jeep, surrounded by settlers, when a man from another settlement shot him.
82. It was bitterly cold in the open jeep, but Taylor had brought an army greatcoat for me to wear.
83. It can be fitted to a jeep or truck without extensive modifications to the chassis or bodywork.
84. On fourteen different occasions the Volunteer found the tires of his jeep either deflated or punctured.
85. Most of its sales are Jeep Cherokees, which is a right-hand-drive vehicle.
86. The jeep reached the River Orne and we turned off the road on to a narrow path just wide enough for the jeep.
87. Rent a jeep to get out on to small tracks which uncover some beautiful waterfalls and rock formations.
88. They could hear the rain pattering in the grass and bouncing off the roof of the jeep.
89. As we sat in the cockpit, the captain hauled his radio over to a Jeep.
90. The driver climbed lazily out of the Jeep and walked up holding an army canteen whose yellow surface was peeling.
91. The jeep was filled with grins, suitcases, arms and legs.
92. Windsor, 49, of Mid Glamorgan, was trapped inside the jeep as it toppled over and kept on rolling.
93. One morning I saw Mrs Goreng's chauffeur grinning as he went about his chore of servicing the jeep.
94. The spare tyre on the back of the Jeep was held fast by three strong bolts.
95. We threw our flight bags in the back of the Jeep.
96. Minton was obliged to register the jeep in his own name as Norman as yet had only a provisional licence.
97. The jeep was fitted with a snorkel so that it could cross the streams and rivers encountered on the way.
98. So much for security,(http:///jeep.html) Ruth mused as she leapt back into the jeep and drove up the long gravelly drive.
99. Bhutto was choked by tear gas earlier when police fired canisters directly at her open-top jeep.
100. Lampard sent Dunn and Trooper Peck in a jeep to reconnoitre.
101. The pay officer arrived just as a Jeep was taking the body to an aid station inside the camp.
102. Slowly Shelley started the engine again, and drove the jeep into the little paved courtyard.
103. Grunt Six sped away in his Jeep among the thousand tents that crowded the field.
104. This took some time, but eventually I set off, in the passenger seat of an army jeep.
105. At the end of each film there is a short piece on driving on snow using a 4x4 Jeep.
106. He did not leave until late at night and had even been observed climbing into his jeep on Sunday morning.
107. That he insisted I drive him showed that my decision not to keep the jeep with me was prescient.
108. A jeep carrying two soldiers holding guns followed us for several miles, then turned back.
109. The rain had stopped but the mosquitoes were out in alarming numbers and there was no jeep to ride in.
110. Jacket, jeep, jingle bell, jelly jar and jam.
111. He tooled the jeep skillfully along the jungle path.
112. An old jeep is putter along the road.
113. Somewhere between the cemetery and the sweetgum tree I missed a turn, which is how my little Suzuki Jeep ended up in that irrigation ditch.
114. DaimlerChrysler′s joint venture with BAIC to create Beijing Jeep Corporation (BJC) in 1983 was the first automotive manufacturing joint venture established in China.
115. The Jeep Rescue is a descendant of the Wrangler with greatly added off road capabilities and passenger space.
116. It has classic Jeep Grand Cherokee styling with sculpted athletic exterior refinements for 2011.
117. The jeep barreled along at about 60 mph on an uneven road.
118. Forty-nine days after it received a request from the War Department, a complete jeep was ready to go.
119. Our jeep was bumping up and down as we drove along the mountain trail.
120. Jeeps negotiating sand dunes on jeep safari in Arabian Desert.
121. The paper introduces the structure, working principle and recondition of firing system of Beijing Cherokee Jeep.
122. The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee's standard engine is an all - new flexible fuel 3.6 - liter Pentastar V - 6 engine.
123. Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing.
124. Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip .
125. February 2, 1943: An American jeep proceeds along a trail through the jungle on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands during World War II.
126. The all - new Jeep Grand Cherokee offers the new Quadra - Lift air suspension system.
127. One American truck and a jeep were destroyed by cannon fire from the panzers.
128. The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee also features SIRIUS Travel Link.
129. A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trail.
130. An american jeep was belting along ( the highway ).
131. Brookfield, Wisconsin, New, Schlossmann Dodge City in the sales and service for Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep in Brookfield great.
132. A jeep, full of people, sped drenching me in spray.
133. A Jeep Cherokee in front of me was stopped in the middle of the road.
134. They got out of the jeep and climbed in gusty wind.
135. Jeep has officially unveiled their new 2011 Grand Cherokee at the New York Auto Show.
136. Jeep jeep drive the jeep, off we go beep beep beep!
137. If you come from the Changren industrial road, a jeep can take you to the foot of Teapot Mountain. Lots of old gold pits can be seen along the way.
138. Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear.
139. From the side, Jeep Grand Cherokee features an athletic, muscular profile.
140. I have Whitetail very close to me and move back to the jeep.
141. Laden with bamboo and workers, a converted World War II U.S. Army jeep carries its load out of the mountains near Tangub, on the island of Mindanao.
142. Even the parking lot of a three-star hotel we stayed in was full of fancy cars and that made my Jeep Compass look shabby.
143. That was when he backed his tank up over our captain's jeep.
144. Allied M 3 Halftrack and Jeep armor is no longer highly resistant to projectile ammunition.
145. The Jeep held the advantage in side impact testing. The lighter Honda had better numbers in the frontal , but they can't be compared.
146. Associated Press photographer Noel and two men attempted to run the gantlet in a jeep and were captured.
147. I get out of the jeep with Dog and Whitetail, and lots of children run up to see who I am.
148. They had two cars, a red S.U.V. and a white Suzuki jeep, neighbors said.
149. A spokesman said a jeep flying a black flag was heading towards an AMISOM base, but he said soldiers destroyed the vehicle, killing all the suicide bombers inside.
150. AMC bolted a car body to a Jeep chassis to create the first mass-produced American passenger car with four-wheel drive.
151. Smith borrowed a jeep from Taplett and drove on up to Koto -ri.
152. He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope.
153. Gun jeep from Schramme column. These fast, heavily-armed jeeps were the spearpoint of many mercenary advances./jeep.html
154. Most are towed but the most interesting version is a self-propelled Air-Assault jeep with two MANPAD missiles also added.
155. Someone brought cold cuts, dark bread, and beer from the jeep.
156. On a steamy Wednesday afternoon in October, a well-worn jeep pulls off the pock-marked dirt road and ambles to a stop in the tall grass.
157. There are some homely products like a Jeep station wagon.
158. Every surface of the all - new Jeep Grand Cherokee is new and treated for aerodynamics.
159. He found he did not hate the Germans, who now scratched for food in bombed-out Nuremberg and fought for the cigarette-ends he threw out of his jeep.
160. BJ 2021 ( Jeep Cherakee ) light off - rood vehicle imported American cherokee technology has complete functions and fine performances.
161. It has been billed as the first convertible crossover (if you exclude the Jeep Wrangler).




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