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单词 Mindless
1 The film is full of mindless violence.
2 A moment of mindless violence snuffed out his life.
3 She wasn't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be.
4 It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
5 His drinking bouts often ended in acts of mindless violence.
6 He views his opponents as a mindless rabble.
7 Doug was watching something mindless on television.
8 We explored the whole town, mindless of the cold and rain.
9 I'm afraid it's fairly mindless work - opening mail and keying data into a computer.
10 After lunch we explored the city, mindless of the rain.
11 It's not just mindless entertainment, it's a film with a message.
12 Somebody goes and does something mindless like that and just destroys everything for you.
13 Cannon errs in labeling his critics as mindless pessimists.
14 Hawa was thus equated with mindless passion.
15 Stuffing envelopes is mindless work.
16 It's tiring and mindless work.
17 The killings were an act of mindless brutality.
18 They've described the incident as mindless stupidity.
19 It was a brutal and mindless attack.
20 The movie is full of mindless violence.
21 Mindless gentry - with a single decent exception.
22 Distressed by mindless vandalism that destroys trees and flowers they are keeping a watchful eye on plant life.
23 And if so, why are bees so thoroughly mindless in other contexts?
24 Dusseldorf remains the capital of mindless extravagance; ostentation rules the KO.
25 The film was damned by the critics for its mindless violence.
26 It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.
27 By itself, it is easy to interpret this ability as some sort of mindless, automatic exercise in trigonometry.
28 The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.
29 This is a macabre impersonation of a white racist's worst nightmare or crowd-baiting at its most mindless.
30 She gripped his clothing to hold her up, and plunged fathoms deep, mindless, soaring.
1 The film is full of mindless violence.
2 A moment of mindless violence snuffed out his life.
3 She wasn't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be.
4 It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.
5 His drinking bouts often ended in acts of mindless violence.
6 It's not just mindless entertainment, it's a film with a message.
31 Appearances of being vicious, mindless, or mediocre can be deceptive, and the deception is often studied and rehearsed.
32 Yesterday, teams of police and forensic experts launched a massive inquiry to find the mindless yobs.
33 You are only catering for the mindless buffoons who find Simon Fanshawe a greater stimulus than Shakespeare.
34 Sometimes I felt a mindless, uncontrollable rage, a consumption that ran through my chest to my hands.
35 Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen as some mindless cops and robbers show unfolded.
36 Malongo was charmed by the idea that it suggested crass ambition and mindless spending on consumer trinkets.
37 No one wants to think that they are the product of blind chance and mindless selection.
38 We are not just an assemblage of chemicals or a mindless machine.
39 Senses rioted, coherent thought fled, and for mindless seconds they were oblivious to the world about them.
40 Nancy Kwan played a mindless tart, utterly dependent upon men.
41 This savvy-enough production will snag hordes who love a mindless evening.
42 They were simply swept up in a mindless terror campaign.
43 Watching the television for mindless comfort, trying to blot out loneliness with an avalanche of distraction.
44 Drug addiction reduces a man to a mindless and ridiculous thing, and creates social parasites and criminals. Dr T.P.Chia 
45 What on earth the referee had done to incur such mindless, moronic abuse, one can only hazard a guess.
46 Some mindless individual has again stripped all the hangers from Parrock.
47 Until his accident, Rodrigo was the boom of 2000, provider of happy, slightly mindless dance music.
48 These two mindless cads decided to bring the girl along to the East and have her foot the bill.
49 They were seen as mindless individuals who could take on repetitive tasks.
50 This kind of mindless work can become very dull very quickly.
51 I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.
52 But the growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descent into mindless consumerism.
53 a mindless and repetitive task.
54 All I've heard from these witnesses is mindless contradiction!
55 She is still writing mindless drivel.
56 Eating in front of the television fosters mindless munching.
57 He is mindless of danger.
58 He was blind, helpless, mindless.
59 We have grown accus-tomed to having our ears assailed by mindless cursing and profanities.
60 He represented himself as a hard - working, self - made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy.
61 Do this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
62 Luke faced his mindless doppelganger, but it was Mara Jade who eventually killed Luuke Skywalker.
63 The Inorganic's armor and grotesque design screamed mindless hatefulness ; the sky was screeching a death song at him.
64 A small minority takes refuge ( as it always has ) in mindless radicalism.
65 "We must dare to think about 'unthinkable things' because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless" (J. William Fulbright).
66 Doing thellos mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
67 Perhaps the Daily Mail should take a leaf out of Jonathan Swift's book and instead of blaming changes in English on "a tidal wave of mindless Americanisms", start calling those damned poets to book.
68 Doing the mindless work all day is go to drive me crazy.
68 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
69 to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal.
70 It may well be our tragic flaw, seeing City as our Mindless Evolution, irreversible, Man's way of changing, not Biological?
71 For the ecological system which is already fragile, as they have found, any mindless destruction may be enough to do an irrecoverable damage to it.
72 People weary of Vista's mindless restrictions should not hesitate to upgrade.
73 These policies include an end to mindless warmongering and the release of many new, appropriate technologies.
74 Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.
75 But this may betray a certain psychological naivete, for a growing research base is showing much of our moral thinking is automatic and nonconscious - mindless even.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:06:59