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单词 Assuming that
1 I am assuming that the present situation is going to continue.
2 Even assuming that smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt they'll take any notice.
3 In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.
4 Assuming that you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?
5 We can stop assuming that women are going to volunteer for the caretaking jobs regardless of how our society treats caretakers.
6 Assuming that Fred's wife has accepted the dinner invitation, have they made a contract? 2.
7 Now there's confidence for you, assuming that if anybody gets hurt it won't be you.
8 Assuming that some damage has been caused, is negligence necessary for liability for unintentional trespass to goods?
9 Assuming that this happened in your area, how would you use your increased leisure time?
10 He leads the reader into assuming that the tribunal is anything other than a kangaroo court.
11 Assuming that Short had been playing it straight, then there remained the question of who stood to lose if Pendero won.
12 They parked up among some bombed-out ruins, assuming that they had been rumbled.
13 Jaubert named a price and interest rate, assuming that the man would amortize the cost with a ten-year note.
14 I am assuming that you have decided not to pursue your initial interest.
15 Fourth, we should be cautious in assuming that factor prices are equalized.
16 Adam began to move restlessly in his chair, assuming that the proceedings were now drawing to a close.
17 Assuming that shares are purchased, whether to acquire full control, majority holding or a minority stake?
18 And the world is all too prone to assuming that a scientific solution can work a miracle.
19 Assuming that eventually ail data users handling personal data on computers are registered, what has been achieved?
20 Assuming that the more expensive units are stronger and better designed, the birds will produce above the extra outlay.
21 Grumman had installed them on the lunar module assuming that the astronauts would wish to use them.
22 He was surprised, assuming that all the uproar at the castle must have been heard.
23 However, don't make the mistake of assuming that you necessarily need a conventional bass to construct a bassline.
24 Am I right in assuming that you have no use for it?
25 Many of us ignore government, assuming that we are too busy to waste our time on such a hopeless cause.
26 You will not succeed by assuming that decisions alone will achieve behavior change.
27 Voltmeter readings around IC2 should produce the following results, assuming that the negative lead of the voltmeter is connected to 0V.
28 From the benefit of hindsight, it was somewhat naive on my part, assuming that anybody can do anything.
29 The same youngster will have spent only thirteen thousand hours in school, assuming that he or she is regular in attendance.
30 But this can not be taken as carteblanche for assuming that long-term recorded crime trends correspond to victimization.
31 Furthermore, there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one.
32 It may be simplified by assuming that the share is held to infinity.
33 The purchaser should ask the vendor for a copy of the shareholders' agreement, assuming that the vendor is a party.
34 He was even assuming that she was a willing accomplice in all of this ... this madness.
35 The women were on the whole surprised at the question, apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework.
36 Many doctors make the mistake of assuming that poor sleep in the elderly is due to old age.
37 Assuming that you want to measure this steady-state performance, you need to understand all the factors that lead up to it.
38 To deal with the "Ricardo contradiction", he raises the theory of surplus value by assuming that value is changed into production price and is formed by averaging different profit rates.
39 The periodicity in the distribution of quasar redshifts is interpreted assuming that the cosmological space is a topologically compactified manifold like three dimensional torus.
40 Assuming that adequate investment capital is available, how does the typical U.S. start-up access it on terms that reward fairly both the founder's sweat equity and the investor's risk of capital?
41 Reducing rent does not change production decisions, so economic rent can be taxed without any adverse impact on the real economy, assuming that it really is rent.
42 He is legally discharged from all previous obligations, assuming that his former debts were legal.
43 Or more likely, they're just assuming that we get discriminated against or judged constantly because of who we are, so they want to make up for it by being as over-the-top pleasant as possible.
44 Proto-Elamiteis the world's oldest undeciphered script - assuming that it really isa fully developed writing system, which is by no means certain.
45 Life was not so great for the peasants who did all the work, but I'm presumptuously assuming that I'd be a hanger-on at court.
46 Assuming that there is at least one functioning traffic manager in a cluster, all traffic IP addresses remain reachable.
47 We extend former researches by assuming that each location employs a commonly used lot size, reorder point ( Q, R) inventory policy.
48 The code for processing an Atom feed is rather cavalier about assuming that summary is displayable text.
49 There is no a priori reason for assuming that these processes will necessarily " hang together " functionally.
50 Current models of associative learning explain nonlinear discrimination by assuming that people store stimulus information configural.
51 Declarative transactions, such as those in EJB's are [a] sledge hammer approach to simplifying transaction management, assuming that every database operation behind the bean is of equal importance.
52 What is the preferred production sequence, assuming that the 80% operation cannot be immediately improved?
53 Assuming that the transport operator is linear, the tokamak particle transport equations are systematically analyzed.
54 Assuming that a network connection to the public Internet is available when run (and that Twitter hasn't changed its public API), this test should pass with flying colors.
55 I am assuming that you have a release command for your dog.
56 You are correct In assuming that we wish to open a charge account with you .
57 Wrongly assuming that she was dehydrated, she chugged down a sports drink.
58 If these assuming that the condition is nonexistent, element pay is changed equably come true hard.
59 Assuming that you have a good mail program, that will be very easy for you.
60 Assuming that you have your application modules mapped to multiple clusters and generated the static route file, your next step is to edit the file.
61 Assuming that /home/joe/stuff exists on the destination machine and is writable by you, the two files and the directory are copied verbatim to the remote machine.
62 Remove the disk from the rootvg (assuming that X is the disk device number), as seen on Listing 6.
63 Your task is to tell us how many times the central system will have to switch between search engines, assuming that we program it optimally.
64 Assuming that the input range is valid, then the writes are safe.
65 Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belchwill issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.
66 By assuming that the polarized parton distributions and the polarized parton fragmentation functions in a photon satisfy an inhomogenous evolution equation, their moments are obtained.
67 Assuming that the buger confronts with the deterministic demand and the lead time is controllable, the vendor and the buyer's total expected cost model is constructed.
68 We're doing all our business planning assuming that 2002 stays as tough as it is right now. A zero-growth economy.
69 Assuming that addNode, shown in the next bit of code, is a variable representing the Add-type node we're interested in, we can access addNode's two children.
70 An optimal replacement policy for series repairable system is studied assuming that the component after repair is not "as good as new" by using the geometric process model.
71 The latter two of my design goals above can be fulfilled neatly by a neural network (assuming that the original computational problem can be solved with such a network, of course).
72 Assuming that this can be achieved in a cost - effective manner, it will translate into business success.
73 But part of the process of being systematic is not assuming that I'm going to get a lucky guess. But not even thinking really hard at this point. But just pruning the search space.
74 Traditionally, the Java language has always made the else clause of an if optional, assuming that you can simply skip the block of code if the condition holds false.
75 It has been written assuming that you know nothing about Christian theology.
76 Assuming that the composites are homogeneous and continuous on macrostructure, a representative volume element (RVU) including a stitch repeat and resin was taken to setup analysis model.
77 Assuming that the price elasticity of demand for US exports equals to -3 and the price elasticity of demand for US imports equals -2.
78 "The market is assuming that this is going to be a normal cyclical recovery driven by Western consumption," said Iain Stewart, manager of the Newton Real Return fund. "We see this as unlikely."
79 But assuming that the talks make progress, won't they do too little, too late?
80 The code then loads that file assuming that it is an RTF document file.
81 Assuming that the connect and infectious rate is a periodic function, we study the asymptotic behavior of the solution for this model. The threshold be obtained.
82 Tangency is controlled by the first two control points from a surface boundary, assuming that these points lie in one line.
83 Assuming that the Actor at which the header is targeted matches that of the handler, a well-behaved handler will emit a SOAP fault for an unrecognized header and draw attention to the problem.
84 Yield to maturity ( YTM)- The yield to maturity is the overall rate of return on the bond assuming that the bond is held until it matures.
85 Assuming that is so what you need to concentrate on is using a condom everytime you have intercourse so that you don't have to go through this whole thing again.
86 Hertz contact theory and dynamic load rating theory are used to study flexible bearing life assuming that the life is coincident with Weibull distribution.
87 Assuming that future technology innovation with random occurrence lead decline of the value of current new technology, this paper gives the valuation and adoption decision models of new technology.
88 We're assuming that x is greater than or equal to 0, and epsilon is y strictly greater than 0, and we're y that y squared is within epsilon of x.
89 After coming up with this egregious fallacy, Bernoulli topped it by blithely assuming that every individual's marginal utility of money moves in the very same constant proportion, b.




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