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单词 Neighbouring
1. Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.
2. Thousands of refugees have sought sanctuary in neighbouring countries.
3. This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.
4. The disquieting situation between these two neighbouring countries looks set to continue.
5. They used to run firearms into neighbouring countries.
6. They concluded an agreement with their neighbouring country.
7. The Zulus conquered all the neighbouring tribes.
8. Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region..
9. This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.
10. The criminal attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.
11. The conflict might spill over into neighbouring towns.
12. Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.
13. We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.
14. The conflict threatens to spill over into neighbouring regions.
15. She married a man from the neighbouring village.
16. If neighbouring countries are having a war, you can't just dive in.
17. Talks between the neighbouring countries were called off following a border incident.
18. Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week.
19. The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.
20. The fair attracted hundreds of people from the neighbouring towns and villages.
21. The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries.
22. Some villagers have never been further afield than the neighbouring town.
23. The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country.
24. The rebel leader claimed to have received expressions of support from all the neighbouring countries.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. The General's words were perceived as a threat by neighbouring countries.
26. The news of starting wars between the two friendly neighbouring countries has quite bowled us over.
27. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring college.
28. The developments in the town will create spillovers for neighbouring regions.
29. There are unconfirmed reports that two people have been shot in the neighbouring town of Lalitpur.
30. Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country.
1. Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.
2. Thousands of refugees have sought sanctuary in neighbouring countries.
3. The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries.
4. This country extends its power and influence into neighbouring countries.
5. The disquieting situation between these two neighbouring countries looks set to continue.
6. The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.
7. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring college.
8. Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country.
9. If anything, it could create a clampdown on democratic tendencies by regimes in neighbouring countries.
31. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring school.
32. The earth shook and the walls of neighbouring houses fell around them.
33. If anything, it could create a clampdown on democratic tendencies by regimes in neighbouring countries.
34. They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites.
35. Refugees have been pouring into neighbouring countries to escape the civil war.
36. They disappeared into the neighbouring dell.
37. Mrs Bahia lived in a neighbouring house.
38. Other neighbouring countries hanged their criminals, of course.
39. The neighbouring table are offering thirty quid on Tarzan.
40. A neighbouring farmer had a lucky escape.
41. The fair attracted thousands of people from neighbouring areas.
42. Neighbouring countries have closed their borders.
43. Strangers, surely, from other farms, neighbouring villages.
44. Let us imagine two neighbouring houses.
45. My best bet would probably be to fly into one of the neighbouring states and sneak over the border at night.
46. He had seen a few curtains moving in neighbouring houses.
47. The neighbouring town of Hesket New Market has a delightful pub with its own brewed beer.
48. A few were connected with neighbouring towers by spidery bridges, 1,000 feet above ravines of deepest blue.
49. Until recently, one of Holy Trinity's neighbouring churches was closed, and two others looked like going under.
50. Another example is where a burst pipe occurs in our policyholder's home causing water damage to neighbouring property.
51. Neighbouring countries' governments have intervened in favour of their own people.
52. The explanation that they gave was that the Caribs had been conquered by the neighbouring Arawak.
53. The chicks have to learn their own territory boundaries because fights occur between parents when the chicks cross into a neighbouring area.
54. After all[Sentencedict], relations between neighbouring vets can sometimes be quite friendly.
55. On a far more extensive scale than we have done hitherto, we must help refugees in their own and neighbouring countries.
56. In his last years he lived in Wymondham and continued to preach in Wymondham Abbey and neighbouring parishes.
57. Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office, where terrified workers doused the flames and administered first aid.
58. She was admitted to an exclusive private clinic in a neighbouring village.
59. This results in the neighbouring part of the axon also reaching this potential, thus causing its ion channel to open.
60. Farouk's six-year-old daughter, Farida, can not wait to go to school at the neighbouring mosque.
61. Zhang Qian then sent out other envoys to the neighbouring states and the Wusun provided them with guides and interpreters.
62. Mr McCrea, a preacher and successful gospel singer, was parachuted in from the neighbouring Mid-Ulster constituency.
63. About 30 police of whom a third were armed surrounded the semi-detached house and evacuated neighbouring homes.
64. On a smooth curve, both the values and the slopes at neighbouring time points are close together.
65. A neighbouring parish may have its last year's experience to report.
66. Most refugees go to neighbouring countries, which are often living at subsistence levels themselves.
67. Considerable concern focused on the effect the change would have on neighbouring countries.
68. Neighbours have sufficient interest to challenge planning decisions in respect of neighbouring land.
69. There is nothing wrong in seeking an invitation to go and look around a neighbouring school to explore possibilities of working together.
70. Exam results are looked at closely, subject by subject, and comparisons are made with previous years and with neighbouring schools.
71. Guests are welcome to use the facilities of the neighbouring Hotel Maria Theresia which include free sauna and steambath.
72. The priest obviously bussed in from the neighbouring parish to run the show here.
73. They had little in common with neighbouring villages whose squires kept the collieries and colliers out of sight.
74. There was a party for the servants in a neighbouring house, and a few of us were invited to it.
75. Acid rain and marine pollution hurt neighbouring countries; ozone depletion and global warming threaten the entire planet.
76. Middlesbrough had been joined with five neighbouring local authorities to form the county borough of Teesside.
77. It is now the subject of a bitter dispute between the neighbouring republics.
78. Many people in neighbouring buildings were also hurt as were a number of beggars sleeping rough on the pavement.
79. Eventually the committee agreed to defer a decision to see if the school could team up with neighbouring villages to boost numbers.
80. Glancing up from her book, she saw two young men, at a neighbouring table, eying her appreciatively.
81. It is often reflected in parishes or estates with detached portions elsewhere, or areas shared in common with neighbouring parishes.
82. According to security sources, massive bombs which wrecked neighbouring towns, had been destined for Portadown.
83. Spray drift can seriously damage neighbouring crops, livestock, wildlife and humans.
84. These networks, which included certain kinds of neighbouring, included those for whom ties of kinship were of primary significance.
84. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
85. And together we were emphatically co-operative that neighbouring forces were populated by lesser mortals.
86. When the neighbouring Skerne Ironworks closed in 1879, Wilson's decided to expand into the empty bridge girder manufacturing market.
87. Again, the tribe had raided a neighbouring village, inflicting many casualties.
88. Whipping between neighbouring families is a sign of friendship and good relations.
89. This deals with those facilities enjoyed exclusively by the property to be sold over neighbouring property.
90. Without even standing on tiptoe, the historian could glimpse the fields and gardens of the neighbouring disciplines.
91. To the wealth they received from their estates and taxation, successful Merovingians could also add plunder and tribute from neighbouring peoples.
92. And it bulges at each end in homage to the curves on the neighbouring Gonzales building.
93. Do similar mechanisms operate to mediate communication between active neurons and neighbouring glial cells in the adult nervous system?
94. Bomb wrecks Ulster hotel A bomb has wrecked a hotel in Ulster and damage neighbouring houses.
95. The crowds were out in force to cheer home Jodami as he reached the neighbouring village of Stillington.
96. Other occupations are of necessity followed in the neighbouring towns so to some extent Lockington is a commuter village.
97. The neighbouring village of Kalami, once the home of naturalist Gerald Durrell, is worth a visit too.
98. It's surprising how little most teachers know about neighbouring schools.
99. Moktadir, who was seriously threatened by the neighbouring kingdoms of Navarre and Aragon, gladly accepted.
100. Small quantities of chemical products and consumer goods are exported to neighbouring Arab countries.
101. I took the bus to the neighbouring parish and told an unseen, unknown priest all that had happened.
102. Aid can have a knock-on effect in neighbouring countries which are also in great need.
103. It covers fisheries, marine mammals and other resources within EEZs, providing for stocks that are shared by neighbouring states.
104. I understand your contractors maintain the grass outside the neighbouring bungalows and trim the hedges round the playing field.
105. When foresters raised the hue and cry, the men of the neighbouring townships were bound to come and help them.
106. But it was a time of several kingdoms and Princess Thanew was proposed to by a neighbouring king.
107. Their craggy Nab, poised above the Tees estuary, was as proud a landmark as neighbouring Roseberry Topping.
108. Pray that the conflict would not spread to neighbouring countries.
109. The literary tradition associates the beginning of painting with Corinth and neighbouring Sicyon.
110. If the recoiled atom is directed towards a neighbouring atom, a blocking cone is formed behind the neighbouring atom.
111. Trim the pads if necessary with a scalpel to prevent them touching any neighbouring pads or tracks.
112. I assure my hon. Friend that lighting schemes will be designed to minimise visual intrusion into neighbouring property.
113. They had grasped her by the wrists and feet and dragged her to the neighbouring room.
114. The Nottingham bank attracted the business of neighbouring nobility and gentry as well as that of local hosiery manufacturers and traders.
115. I offer to help hail a cab but Kael prefers the services of the doorman at the neighbouring Algonquin Hotel.
116. Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office where terrified workers doused the flames.
117. The fire was brought under control, preventing further destruction in a neighbouring classroom.
118. A useful activity is to pull together the governors of several neighbouring schools for training and updating on topical issues.
119. The blaze also spread to a neighbouring house, damaging three windows and some plastic guttering.
120. On the day before Republic Day, the police presence around Bhilai and the neighbouring towns is heavy.
121. On the left was the neighbouring house, on the right the front garden of the farm.
122. The neighbouring bureau de change / souvenir shop was similarly trashed.
123. Figure 8.5 Projections of two neighbouring null geodesics on to the plane.
124. Due to the negligence of the defendant's employees, borstal trainees escaped and caused damage to neighbouring property.
125. So shopkeepers have joined forces to attract people into the town, with a special publication circulated in neighbouring areas.
126. Bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact.
127. Neighbouring schools may actively encourage difficult and demanding families to seek somewhere else for the education of their children.
128. In these cases, provision of public services in one area confers a beneficial externality on neighbouring areas.
129. Such development planning commits the school to improvement and to constructive competition against itself rather than against the neighbouring school.
130. Apart from the village, there are interesting walks around the northern peninsulas to neighbouring bays, returning through fertile farmland.
131. Defensive marketing check list Have you copies of the prospectuses of neighbouring schools including those in the private sector?
132. Today such inferences about the origins of language can draw on a vast assemblage of data and hypotheses in neighbouring disciplines.
133. Geoffrey was brought up from infancy with the sons of neighbouring Angevin lords, on whose companionship he relied.
134. Even if the race-track owners lose their bid, neighbouring tribes will get the machines too.
135. In each case women from neighbouring and related families come to mourn or rejoice with them.
136. Are we discussing implications of 192 with our neighbouring areas?
137. Another unresolved conflict concerns possible interference between domestic or commercial users who have installed systems in neighbouring premises.
138. None the less, unofficial exports between neighbouring countries are likely to continue to increase, but to go largely unrecorded.
139. Its neighbouring census tract to the north exhibited diametrically opposite trends, suggesting that whilst one area improved another declined.
140. Finally, cells give out and receive signals from neighbouring cells.
141. Recent local studies have emphasized how different the fortunes of neighbouring parishes could be.
142. More striking still was the failure of the Green movement to link up with Kursk or any other neighbouring area.
143. On a neighbouring farm, Derek Hinde has spent three weeks answering distress calls on the radio.
144. On the afternoon of the Latin exam, a very good film was being shown at the neighbouring cinema to my school.
144. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
145. Ian and I are doing what any neighbouring colleagues would do in similar circumstances - and this helping-out is bearing fruit.
146. All the country round about was owned by the Earls of Chesterfield, who resided at neighbouring Bretby House.
147. Services in Derbyshire were so busy that they needed to call for assistance from neighbouring Nottinghamshire.
148. He was in demand as a confessor, from a few parishioners, a few neighbouring clergy, a few old students at Lincoln.
149. The thieves led the horses out of the stable into the neighbouring country park, where they had vehicles waiting.
150. In some heavily populated areas there are separate ons of the weekly paper with different titles for neighbouring communities.
151. By impacting with neighbouring particles they vibrate about a locus, and only appear to remain in a fixed position.
152. Every ant colony has its own clone of fungi, distinct from that on the neighbouring farm.
153. Attempts to introduce drift-nets into neighbouring New Zealand waters were more short lived.
154. And there are neighbouring glens on the east side of the watershed, also lovely and deserving of special mention.
155. The stolen car stopped at gates blocking its path into the neighbouring loyalist Tiger Bay area.
156. Gloucestershire joins neighbouring Hereford and Worcester, and Wiltshire councils which have also voted in similar bans.
157. It also spread to neighbouring Variety Cars, destroying a portable office building.
158. In mid-May blacks in the neighbouring township of Thabong organized a boycott of white-owned shops in Welkom.
159. And individuals who want unrestricted access to the internet can simply obtain a service provider in a neighbouring country.
160. Some authorities allow trainee solicitors to spend time with a neighbouring authority to gain wider experience.
161. Relations between the two neighbouring states had been tense in recent years because of the Bougainville conflict.
162. As the wave reaches the cell periphery, enough calcium may diffuse across to activate the neighbouring cell.
163. It frequently unites with neighbouring sclerites, or it may be divided into a pair of plates.
164. It is probably not a coincidence that, where the song was recorded, a trimphone is installed in a neighbouring house.
165. The second is earned by farm staff and equipment working off the farm as contractors to neighbouring farmers.
166. Recently he moved to the neighbouring village of Griesbeckerzell with wife Gisela and their year-old son, Stefan.
167. Some smogs can be made worse when pollution is imported from outside the city boundary from neighbouring urban-industrial areas.
168. The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.
169. living in concord with neighbouring states.
170. Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the man and caught him.
171. In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.
172. There is substantial collaboration with neighbouring departments.
173. The Puritans, persecuted for their religious beliefs, fled to neighbouring countries.
174. We mustn't sit by while our neighbouring commune is short of manpower.
175. In front of the neighbouring grocery store and the cookie shop , no one was even looking.
175. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
176. Allen Poe lived in a neighbouring world to that of the mewspaper.
177. They teamed up with the neighbouring communes on the irrigation project.




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