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单词 Of old
(1) Economy is the easy chair of old age. 
(2) Of young men die many, of old men escape not any. 
(3) He found it amongst a pile of old books.
(4) A large proportion of old people live alone.
(5) Use a piece of old rag.
(6) We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
(7) The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.
(8) I keep my collection of old china in the cabinet.
(9) He begged two weeks off for a get-together of old friends in his hometown.
(10) They sat in a corner and chatted of old times.
(11) The city was a mixture of old and new buildings.
(12) A heap of old clothes was lying in the corner.
(13) This writer has fudged up a lot of old ideas.
(14) Some of old newspapers had to go out of business for low sales.
(15) Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.
(16) The party is run by a bunch of old fogies who resist progress.
(17) They were chatting of old times.
(18) Such problems are a universal feature of old age.
(19) Hotels have taken the place of old inns.
(20) She's just talking a load of old bollocks .
(21) These guys talk an awful load of old cobblers.
(22) What a load of old tosh!
(23) We talked of old times.
(24) A handful of old faithfuls came to the meeting.
(25) The cupboard was full of old toys.
(26) We talked pleasantly of old times.
(27) He died of old age.
(28) Some people call English a mongrel language because it is a mixture of old German and French.
(29) Memory is the hourglass of time[http://], slowly become memories of old.
(30) The series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects.
(1) A large proportion of old people live alone.
(2) Use a piece of old rag.
(3) We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
(4) Some people call English a mongrel language because it is a mixture of old German and French.
(5) The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.
(6) I keep my collection of old china in the cabinet.
(7) He begged two weeks off for a get-together of old friends in his hometown.
(8) They sat in a corner and chatted of old times.
(9) A heap of old clothes was lying in the corner.
(10) This writer has fudged up a lot of old ideas.
(11) The series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects.
(12) Some of old newspapers had to go out of business for low sales.
(13) Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.
(14) The party is run by a bunch of old fogies who resist progress.
(15) I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.
(16) Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.
(31) Rarity enhances the worth of old coins.
(32) I know him of old.
(33) It's full of old toys, books and what not.
(34) A group of old men sat playing dominoes.
(35) I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.
(36) Ted's workshop was crammed full of old engines.
(37) We purloined a couple of old computers from work.
(38) The cupboards were jammed full of old newspapers.
(39) I specialized in the restoration of old houses.
(40) We know him of old .
(41) Incontinence is not just a condition of old age.
(42) The antique shop was just full of old rubbish.
(43) She was sick of old men leering at her.
(44) Basho's poems capture the true soul of old Japan.
(45) Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.
(46) He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.
(47) He was looking through a pile of old newspaper clippings .
(48) Their music was a mix of old stuff and selections from the new album.
(49) One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you.
(50) Many forgotten treasures have been discovered in the attics of old houses.
(51) I've never heard such a load of old codswallop in my life.
(52) The city is dissected by a network of old canals.
(53) We're not just a lot of old biddies going on about jam.
(54) The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
(55) His image is redolent of the smell of old leather,[sentencedict .com] old money and class.
(56) She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic.
(57) He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.
(58) There's been a decline in the living standards of old people.
(59) The room was full of old furniture that didn't quite match.
(60) Like most souvenir shops, it sells a lot of old tat.
(61) Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
(62) You can often scavenge nice bits of old furniture from skips.
(63) I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic, which I really should throw out.
(64) They're paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays.
(65) A couple of old codgers were sitting on the park bench, grumbling about the children.
(66) Don't be deceived by the new cover - this is a rehash of old hits.
(67) The museum has a fine display of old medical instruments.
(68) I keep a box of old clothes for the children to dress up in.
(69) Thousands of old trees were lost in the forest fire.
(70) The architecture in the town centre is a successful combination of old and new.
(71) The town offers a fascinating mix of old and new.
(72) The care of old people necessarily involves quite a lot of heavy lifting.
(73) She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.
(74) Hundreds of old trees were blown down in the gales.
(75) The group of old buildings on the corner by the main road is still there today.
(76) For openers,[] the band played a couple of old Beatles songs.
(77) His room was a litter of old clothes, dirty crockery and broken furniture.
(78) I had a clear-out and got rid of a lot of old toys.
(79) I was looking for my handbag, which was buried under a pile of old newspapers.
(80) Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.
(81) The retention of old technology has slowed the company's growth.
(82) The number of old German cars still on the road attests the excellence of their manufacture.
(83) We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.
(84) They recruited a number of old teachers for the new school.
(85) The cupboard was full of old papers, broken toys, and other rubbish.
(86) He rummaged about among the pile of old books, but didn't find that novel.
(87) He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.
(88) She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load of old twaddle.
(89) In voicing our fear of old age, Rivers has discovered a rich vein of comedy.
(90) There's a motley assortment/collection of old furniture in the house we're renting at the moment.
(91) A couple of old women were chinning in the corner.
(92) The dog was already racked by/with the pains of old age.
(93) The walls are hung with sepia photographs of old school heroes.
(94) Money for the extension to the gallery came from the sale of old exhibits.
(95) I've never heard such a load of old cobblers in my life!
(96) We spent weeks combing through huge piles of old documents.
(97) They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them off as valuable antiques.
(98) We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds.
(99) Eventually I found the certificate tucked under a pile of old letters.
(100) I turfed out a load of old shoes last week.
(101) New Age thinking seems to be a hotchpotch of old and new ideas.
(102) The scholar delved into lots of old books and papers for the facts.
(102) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(103) Lot fifteen was a box of old books.
(104) Just a bunch of old furniture, right?
(105) The sculpture is made entirely of old car tires.
(106) Then unscrew all opening sash hinges of old windows.
(107) He's a devotee of old Hollywood movies.
(108) I think that's a right load of old codswallop, and Tom agrees with me.
(109) Wait till the chorus of old men starts announcing the entry of Catullus.
(110) They have been particularly studied in the decay of old stone mansions, castles and other human monuments.
(111) Distant walls disappear in a fog of dust as dense to the eye as the black fogs of old London.
(112) The mill buildings house a museum of old implements and materials associated with corn production and milling.
(113) The superman testing himself with an ax, crushing the skulls of old women.
(114) On the other, a message of continuity was needed to retain the loyalty of old ones.
(115) Getting rid of PAHs requires the replacement of old cast iron mains lined with coal tar paper.
(116) I feel a dead lump inside me, a parcel of old and tired meat.
(117) They need a site with plenty of old compost or humus-based fertiliser worked in.
(118) Be that as it may, millions of old people make the necessary adjustment.
(119) An absolute pristine typical Redesmere roach of old, complete with dab of orange under its chin.
(120) New words are coined or borrowed or made out of combined parts from existing words; the meanings of old words gradually shift.
(121) Famous throughout the world for its boots and shoes, this thriving market town offers a fascinating mix of old and new.
(122) Awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago!
(123) Productivity growth Faster scrapping of old plant as a result of insufficient labour should increase the rate of growth of labour productivity.
(124) The bar was empty now except for a couple of old boys playing dominoes.
(125) Endo-wed with a prodigious memory, he remembered the names of old comrades, or evoked events dating back decades.
(126) The beeches, in the absence of recruits to replace plants dying of old age, seem doomed.
(127) Thousands of miles of old railroad lines have been converted to trails.
(128) Vast modem frescoes adorned the walls of old buildings, and everywhere seemed to be filled with activity and colour.
(129) A typical students' pub, full of old beams and smoke and noise.
(130) They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo, who first saw the Hound.
(131) These twin brothers were Giants, but they did not look like the monsters of old.
(132) Sumatra is composed of old, thick continental crust comprising volcanic rocks of Permian, Cretaceous and Cenozoic age.
(133) Squatters had dragged piles of old appliances and furniture in front of them and overturned a car to deter police.
(134) There were only a handful of old faithfuls at the meeting.
(135) The best exhibits at the gallery are the mock-ups of old telegraph offices, exchanges and wireless ops rooms.
(136) The ruins of old Seagoe church are to be seen in the lower graveyard.
(137) The graveyard especially is a good place to examine the strange and beautiful gravestones characteristic of old Basque burial grounds.
(138) Just plain white walls and stripped floors, and the simplest of old tables and chairs.
(139) The locals still used the place as a tip, and piles of old tyres and other junk lay about.
(140) One is now face down in the corner, snoring on a pile of old cheese cloths.
(141) This interpretation assumes that the objective need for institutional care has not been reduced by improved health and fitness of old people.
(142) Marchers should gather at 8 a.m. in the fountain area on the west side of Old Main.
(143) More detailed analysis of this as it affects the experience of old people is developed inPart Six.
(144) People who want to get rid of old cars sometimes dump them in the woods.
(145) Compromising, Theda found a piece of old blanket to place on the coverlet so that his hairs might not spread everywhere.
(146) The stairs were barely wider than his shoulders, and there was a smell of old plaster and distemper.
(147) Their deteriorating physical and mental health offers only the prospect of further decline and the ultimate sentence of old age - death.
(148) He was sitting on a tall stool by the window, picking out fragments of old melodies on a twelve string Yamaha.
(149) Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. Victor Hugo 
(150) The bored wives of old men and burgesses often found happiness in the arms of some court dandy or noble fop.
(151) A bundle of old clothes - what would gulls want with that?
(152) They were all running, each in its own characteristic way, like a gathering of old friends in animated conversation.
(153) Writers of old recipes often claimed that lemon curd keeps for years.
(154) We have a National Health Service; but it does not deal adequately with the illnesses of old age.
(155) And in a carrier bag, cunningly at the back of a cupboard, a bumper harvest of old newspapers.
(156) Practitioners concerned about suspected or actual abuse of old people will often be perplexed as to the best course of action.
(157) Like all new schemes or revisions of old ones, this New Scheme was greeted with enthusiasm.
(158) Only one showed him any kindness was Mosie Pick, the gutter-rag fencer of old cups and dented silver.
(159) They hung from railings and lamp-posts like baskets of old clothes.
(160) Poverty hounded the bishop, so he borrowed and cadged like a Franciscan beggar of old.
(161) De-hospitalization can be seen as a natural consequence of the decline in numbers of old long-stay patients.
(162) The album features an eclectic collection of old blues, jazz, and romantic pop standards.
(162) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(163) Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions, through the agency of old sausages, slow-punctured tyres, rusty blades.
(164) At last he succeeded in hauling himself over the boundary wall to the solid ground that marked the edge of Old Ashfield property.
(165) The wind sliced through the alley and blew a sheet of old newspaper against her leg.
(166) Both pieces combine the distinctive sounds of the New World flute with the more familiar tones of Old World instruments.
(167) This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age.
(168) The entryway was a garbage dump for rotted food, and the stairways reeked of old and pungent uric acid.
(169) Koju drove implacably on until we reached our destination Baabara, a cluster of old stone bungalows.
(170) An awareness of old history encourages caution when it is appropriated for a contemporary cause.
(171) We stood on the shoulder and peered down through the thick forest of old fir and knew he was there somewhere.
(172) It is humbling to think of old women as major evangelists of the nation!
(173) My hands felt clammy, the usual signs of old Shallot beginning to wonder whether it is time to cut and run.
(174) Plant in the same way as for trees and shrubs, mulching the prepared ground with black plastic or strips of old carpet.
(175) Both are New Yorkers, and obviously a couple of old cigar smokers.
(176) This section begins by looking at the changing fate of old people during the past century as they have retired.
(177) First is the possibility of an unnecessary increase in the number of old people consigned to institutional care.
(178) And what he said his mistress jotted down on the backs of old, torn envelopes.
(179) We must also avoid branch meetings seem like a gathering of old chums into which an outsider might be shy of intruding.
(180) She had on a pair of old blue jeans and some ballet slippers.
(181) These might consist of old ocean crust or material from one of the boundary layers.
(182) The voluntary contribution Voluntary organizations are particularly active in the care of old people.
(183) Oxford and Cambridge undergraduates receive the benefit of advice from special committees of old University men.
(184) The place was losing the look of old photographs. Reinforced concrete was gaining the light.
(185) A pair of waving ginger hairs appeared in the corner of a mouth the colour of old putty.
(186) Pessimism about the nature of old age is perhaps the greatest enemy of a happy and fulfilled old age.
(187) They consider, interalia, the position of old people in regard to health and housing provision.
(188) The instruments are made of old oil drums, and after months of practice, they've given their first concert.
(189) It is not uncommon to hear of old women who are cross when asked to perform domestic tasks in residential care!
(190) The backs of old envelopes may be good enough for shopping lists but scrappy notes are worse than none.
(191) The monks of old began a tradition of growing aromatic herbs which still survives.
(192) Houses were shoulder-high, made of old packing crates and strips of sheet metal,[http:///of old.html] the walls stuffed with cardboard and rags.
(193) In several of their letters, Hartley and Burns, commiserated about the problems of old age.
(194) We underline the importance of human contacts in overcoming the legacy of old divisions. 15.
(195) Tim's father is an avid collector of old blues and jazz records.
(196) Above the tangled knots of old fishing-nets, still supported by their floats, always hovered seabirds, waiting for a meal.
(197) If you ask tourists, the alleyways are a quaint remnant of old Chinatown.
(198) It was warm brown hair, the color of old honey.
(199) Huge pyres of old railway sleepers and fence posts are being built to burn the bodies.
(200) Absent are the smells of Old Spice, sweat and fingerprint ink of the homicide bureau.
(201) Is the high-performance approach materially different, or is it just a new label for a set of old ideas?
(202) Strips of old carpet had been laid down in rows, like pews.
(203) A few of the wealthier ones died of old age or cancer or heart attacks, but not many.
(204) Fourthly, the current global-health situation is a complex and challenging mixture of old and new health problems.
(205) They ofren grew on the sites, indeed out of the debris, of old refugee camps.
(206) At the same time, this adherence to the remnants of old political beliefs can add to the complication of government.
(207) Stein-am-Rhein Cars are banned from its cobbled streets, which are flanked by a positively intoxicating profusion of old buildings.
(208) It was a posh place with high fencing; some kind of old baronial hail.
(209) Sandra paints from photographs she takes of old, often derelict buildings.
(210) Our stuff may be any combination of old and new, used or unused, practical, sentimental or frivolous.
(211) Maitre Tajan will be bringing the gavel down on two attractive paintings from the Polo collection in this sale of Old Masters.
(212) All around its abandoned buildings some one had left a junkyard of old wood and iron scrap.
(213) Right Inset: The divots of St Andrews are filled by a team of old age pensioners.
(214) Sandwiches of bread as dry as Weetabix, enclosing a slice of ham with the texture of a piece of old lino!
(215) In addition to the cuneiform inscriptions of Old Persian, there was also a closely related liturgical language known as Avestan.
(216) There are also clusters of old men sitting around makeshift tables made of old boards and doors, playing cards and dominoes.
(217) It was a bit unnerving at first and the lining stank of old aftershave.
(218) This 600 watt machined removed three layers of old paint from a veneered cabinet in minutes.
(219) He moved a pile of old furniture and found a broken chair with its back missing.
(220) I thought involuntarily of the gladiators of old, entering into the amphitheatre.
(221) But, as of old, his smooth face fairly shone with affable ease.
(222) By 1955 export prices were down to world levels,[Sentencedict] a development which must have accelerated the scrapping of old plant.
(223) This is a bizarre thing, this national disgust hanging over the World Series like the smell of old tuna.
(224) Furthermore, artists who are also critics are especially likely to make vivid comments on the methods and techniques of old art.
(225) It was certainly not a highly emotional state, nor was it an abandonment of old modes of perception.
(226) I know of nothing more laughable than a doctor who does not die of old age. Voltaire 
(227) The rusty hulks of old tractors sit on the hill.
(228) It's one of the best examples of old English furniture I've seen -- it truly is exceptional.
(229) Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises.
(230) From 326 onwards pagan temples began to suffer the gradual loss of old endowments.
(231) Of old the Hellenic race was marked off from the barbarian as more keen-witted and more free from non-sense.
(232) There were a lot of old blokes, and women(), even some elderly women.
(233) They make remakes of old songs that had radio airplay, and were Top 10 on the charts.
(234) Post-war Britain offers a suitable period in which to apply the concept of the social construction of old age.
(235) Today is the day for those who think the election is a load of old bollocks to register their presence.
(236) This what treats fracture of old people hipbone?
(237) The metropolis is a confusion of old and new.
(238) Adjust, transform and revitalize delay of old industry base.
(239) The vocabulary of Old English is almost purely Germanic.
(240) She is the daughter of old money from Massachusetts.
(241) The storehouse is under the care of Old Wang.
(242) The word is of old French derivation.
(243) They are wearing a motley collection of old clothes.
(244) The storehouse is under the care of Old Wu.
(245) Maltreatment of old people, women and children is prohibited.
(246) His traveling bag is crammed full of old clothes.
(247) The country wallpapers back the style of old times.
(248) The daycoach was hot, full of the weary smell of old red plush.
(249) The parade was a mix of old - fashioned communist realist kitsch and newfangled weaponry.
(250) The integrity maintenance of old pipeline network is a major task for pipeline transportation company.
(251) The Spirit's distinct personhood was no part of Old Testament revelation.
(252) The maintenance experinence of old MAT isotope mass spectrometer has been discussed.
(253) The pronunciation of Old English differs from that of modern English.
(254) It'seems that memory blocks out all the unpleasantness of old times.
(255) One is made of old sheep skin, hair long thick skin,[http:///of old.html] strong cold.
(256) This jar of old marinade can be used next time. Don't pour it away.
(257) But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled.
(258) A: Let's see, I'll take a bottle of Old Parr and also a bottle of Napoleon.
(259) There were women of the cattle camps, and swarthy cigarette - smoking women of Old Mexico.
(260) Secondary interpretation to log information of old oilfields has very important significance on reservoir reevaluation.
(261) Of course, the habit of old nurturance is very difficult change, bit by bit him conquer!
(262) Variation of old hacker slang that had more negative connotations.
(263) In this respect the Chinese bourgeoisie differs from the bourgeoisie of old tsarist Russia.
(264) They send a pile of old invoices to be shredded.
(265) The dating of old houses is often decided by indirect evidence.
(266) Peter, at the intercession of old Savelitch, was spared by Pougatcheff.
(267) Once again, the practices of old Japan scuttle the new.
(268) The firm, decided to have a rummage sale to clear out the collection of old stock.
(269) The old hand - held storm lantern has become a decoration which reminds one of old times.
(270) Objective To investigate the surgical procedures for treatment of old scaphoid fracture.
(271) Objective To observe effects internal sphincterotomy using small needle scalpel for treatment of old anal cleft.
(272) Curiously enough the mitre resembles and possibly derives from the headgear of old Magi.
(273) Of course, the special features of Old English are largely lost.
(274) Parts of old paintings unpleasing to later artists are sometimes painted out.
(275) You can get these pieces of old gold made up into a necklace.
(276) Ego - delusion is the foremost of the unwholesome kamma of old and accompanies beings incessantly.
(277) Minister of old Mom head should hypodermic lipoma become an operation? Is there risk?
(278) One of these chips has more computing power than a roomful of old - style computers.
(279) How should be yellow spot of old people eye ground treated?
(280) When they started applauding me in the great halls of Old Country, he got worried.
(281) Van Gogh's studies of old men are drawn with compassion and understanding.
(282) We have been wading through stacks of old records looking for information.
(283) The aged man is laboring under the handicaps of old age.
(284) Expand circular economy energetically, base of old to revitalizing Liaoning industry has important sense.
(285) Tabor took on the air of a knight of old.
(286) Through the juxtaposition of old andmaterials(), the truthfulness and limitations of recorded images the open.
(287) We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi.
(288) Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to modern artists are sometimes painted out.
(289) Other historians posit that she died of old age around 550 BC.
(290) This institution consists of old people's flats, medical service area and multi - function hall.
(291) Like Israel of old, and Gomer, are playing the harlot, seeking other lovers.
(292) The movement of the divine Presence is not a " restorer of old photographs. "
(293) How does graduate of school of old technical secondary school, ability agree novitiate and probation?
(294) In their sternly restricted fact life they remained as of old -- plodding, diligent, careful , practical , economical.
(295) As a kind of precious metal, gold symbolizes wealth and power from of old.
(296) It is an old messuage and my daughter's lodging is a row of old - fashioned houses.
(297) Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to later artists are sometimes painted out.
(298) As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi.
(299) There's a lot of old metal rusting in the garden.




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