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单词 Conceived
1. God is often conceived of as male.
2. The plan was brilliantly conceived.
3. He conceived a new plan very quickly.
4. The baby was conceived in February and born in November.
5. He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.
6. Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer.
7. The course is very broadly conceived .
8. The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.
9. Their first child was conceived on their wedding night.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. Both children were conceived by donor insemination .
11. Do you know exactly when you conceived?
12. I conceived that there must be some difficulties.
13. She has conceived at last.
14. The woman conceived a child.
15. The dam project was originally conceived in 1977.
16. The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.
17. His speech was conceived in simple language.
18. He conceived of the first truly portable computer in 1968.
19. The baby was conceived in March,() so will be born in December.
20. He conceived the plot for this film while he was still a student.
21. The child was conceived on the night of their wedding.
22. In ancient times the world was conceived of as flat.
23. Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930's.
24. Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.
25. It was then that I conceived the notion of running away.
26. Their first child was conceived in January and born in October.
27. Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.
28. She had conceived the idea of a series of novels.
29. All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. Friedrich Nietzsche 
30. She could not refuse him; and conceived again.
1. God is often conceived of as male.
2. The plan was brilliantly conceived.
3. He conceived a new plan very quickly.
4. The baby was conceived in February and born in November.
5. He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.
31. Y., which conceived the idea and grew the potatoes.
32. Even a freshly conceived joke to ease the pain.
33. Let's be honest, I was conceived in glasses.
34. The role is narrowly conceived by the present incumbent.
35. All the orchestral music from 1784 onwards is conceived in broader strokes, while the solo parts become ever more complex.
36. To is used when the infinitive event is conceived as coming after that of the other verb.
37. Law was no longer conceived of as an eternal set of principles expressed in custom and derived from natural law.
38. They were at the sharp end of an operation conceived at the Oxford based company Unipart.
39. Could she come to terms with the knowledge that they had been conceived in that dreadful place?
40. The female nude has been conceived as an expression of fundamental principles of order and design.
41. Henceforth the whole cosmos or at least the whole solar system must be conceived as a process of constant historical change.
42. Just before the alarm clock rang at five, I conceived how it might be done.
43. Five more years would see the publication of the first volume of the most monumental work the Galaxy had ever conceived.
44. He felt he was implementing something conceived by clever brains.
45. The government often overreacts to newly discovered dangers and pours disproportionate resources into hastily conceived remedies.
46. It was as if he had conceived a latterday, visual version of the sonnet or the haiku.
47. Twenty years later Channel Four, originally conceived as a publishing house for independent producers, succumbed to the same institutional pressures.
48. No doubt this is the truth on which Hume relied in denying the existence of the Self as commonly conceived.
49. Today that unity of view, conceived after the destruction of our cities, has died.
50. He was the ideal caricature used by brainless, anti-semitic writers of fiction who were conceived in sewers.
51. That is not the way Alma Cogan originally conceived her lyric.
52. Her mother claims she was conceived in a broom cupboard in the appropriately named Nobu restaurant.
53. The young Edvard Munch conceived of a radically new approach to his art.
54. They had loved each other, shared a life together, conceived a beautiful child together.
55. There are thus general if disputed boundaries to the undergraduate curriculum as currently conceived.
56. A communicative approach, properly conceived, does not involve the rejection of grammar.
57. The anti-institutional approach of market economics is, moreover, very narrowly conceived.
58. It is conceived as the first step towards a written constitution for the United Kingdom.
59. What then are some political implications of postmodernism conceived perse as cultural de-differentiation?
60. The painting is beautifully conceived in every way -- composition, colour and texture.
61. Probably conceived in utero, he first spoke these words to me when we were considering Yeats' epitaph.
62. And second, it must be conceived and laid out in such a way as to support existing shops and shopping streets.
63. Everything important to the farm was under the care of a beneficent power, never conceived of as having a definite shape.
64. Political development under colonialism is conceived of as institutional change within the political system.
65. At first, Jobs conceived Next as a hardware company that would make computer workstations for scientists and educators.
66. This is where the nuclear age was conceived in the 1940s.
67. It was here that he first conceived the idea of being a peasant painter.
68. Current law states that a child conceived posthumously is legally fatherless and should be registered as such.
69. Originally I conceived of this book as a series of journeys to sacred places.
70. Connections which appear subsequently to have been falsely conceived are rarely abrogated,(http:///conceived.html) but are usually just conveniently forgotten.
71. The design team made more than eighty-five films, each in some way conceived as an extension of the design process.
72. The station had almost no advertising revenue, and they conceived this idea, this promotion.
73. Consciousness exhibits many faces which are in reality only categorizations conceived by our intellect.
74. Given the conception we have, are mental events as we have conceived them excluded from being physical?
75. Economic changes have been generally recognized as being very important, but their influence has been conceived in diverse ways.
76. It is, in sum, that consciousness is not adequately conceived in the given causal and logical ways.
77. The ravine made him think of a painting, but not a painting that he himself could have conceived of or completed.
78. A feature of the jazz chord is that it is often conceived as a small and highly mobile unit.
79. The committee had been conceived during a ministerial meeting between the two countries in Seoul in November 1990.
80. The context is, of course, the context of ergonomics as conceived by the designers of the list.
81. The events that it scans during its journey are conceived as the experiences of a positive vector.
82. Now it is readily apparent that adolescence conceived in this way does not correspond with puberty.
83. These questions are vital for feminism as a whole if it is to be conceived as an international, cross-cultural movement.
84. That excellent museum was conceived by the Labour-controlled council despite Conservative opposition.
85. Miss Scrine conceived her campaign whilst attending an archaeological conference in the Midlands.
86. The finest architecture and the best examples of town planning are conceived with a clarity of vision that brooks no compromise.
87. Durham 1 arrived at Darlington minus Beeson and Dave Smith, but could never have conceived that they could lose.
88. As currently conceived graduated tests serve both formative and summative functions.
89. The plot concerns a strategy conceived and agreed by the women of the world to end all wars.
90. Particularly interesting will be how rivalries are both conceived of by fans themselves, and represented in local and national media.
91. The Serpent is the most profound image ever conceived to crystallize this dual principle in the human condition.
92. Something informing these descriptions of Wilde and his art is a fear of degeneration as conceived by writers of the time.
93. Conrad now conceived a new and even more grandiose strategy.
94. Few contemporary political strategies are conceived without considerable attention being paid to media considerations.
95. The ugly little terrace house was her husband, her lover and the child she had never conceived.
96. What prevents Moodysson's commune from being simply a sitcom is the warmth and sympathy with which everyone is conceived.
97. Luthans et al. would say that they conceived of the managerial role primarily as traditional management activities, and routine information.
98. But much of contemporary art is not conceived in this spirit.
99. Chaotic purpose shaped a lifeless earth Which spawned primordial ooze conceived within Azoic consciousness.
100. At times he conceived of his role at Holy Trinity as less a pastor than a communal spiritual director.
101. Although it was conceived as a speculative building project(http://), it was not a bodge.
102. Indeed, a winged dagger was the S.A.S. badge, originally conceived, it is said, as the sword of Damocles.
103. "We wanted to make something new and original,'' said Colin Smith, the man who conceived the show.
104. Jane Addams conceived of the process in terms of learning and democracy.
105. A second revolution occurred in the way people conceived of church and state, the religious and civil realms.
106. The new offence in the Aggravated Vehicle-Taking Bill 1991-1992 raises familiar issues associated with hastily conceived legislation.
107. In this form they are to be conceived of as adhoc, dispute-resolving mechanisms.
108. The Clintons have neither conceived nor adopted a child since the birth of Chelsea 16 years ago.
109. Causation, it can be supposed, is less clearly conceived by us than other basic facts.
110. It could be due to the mild weather that occurred in the autumn when the lambs were conceived, he said.
111. The age-oriented community was conceived as a combination housing development and amusement park for active seniors.
112. Oriental culture is a subaltern culture, conceived through the very process of its subjugation and subordination to the universal culture.
113. Danny Baker was born to banter, conceived to chat and has a remit to rabbit.
114. I don't believe an author could have conceived a more romantic first meeting.
115. It was during this period that he conceived the idea of an airline devoted to small package shipments.
116. A mechanistic application, without regard to the consequences, would conflict with the purpose for which they were conceived.
117. They abolished the special status of man as hitherto conceived.
118. As conceived by writer-director Victor Salva, our male protagonists are more symbolic than human.
119. It is one conceived out of compromise and concession indispensable to the establishment of our federal republic.
120. Prosecutors say it was around this time that Kim conceived a fraud scheme in a desperate attempt to save his conglomerate.
121. From the start it was conceived as a clever commercial package rather than a deeply personal film.
122. The manual, conceived with input from nearly everyone in the organization, also includes a chapter on a code of conduct.
123. So we drove up the Llanberis Pass and on the way conceived the unoriginal compromise idea of a Snowdon Horseshoe circuit.
124. The basis of these unities does not seem to lie within the nervous system as it is currently conceived.
125. Hence the parliamentary leaders dominated the mass party, which was conceived only as a means for contesting elections.
126. It was, Smith argued, an enlightened plan: sensible, efficient, conceived in harmony.
127. In our ordinary life this truth is hidden from us or only dimly glimpsed at times or imperfectly held and conceived.
128. Books conceived in ignorance or misunderstanding are evaluated by reviewers who usually know even less.
129. The open admissions plan was to be implemented in the fall of 1970, a year from the time it was conceived.
129. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130. Later, the press was able to seize avidly on some tactlessly conceived marketing strategies for the eventual release of the films.
131. First results from the lambs born to the 76 ewes that conceived as a result of using frozen Est-a-Laine semen were satisfactory.
132. But how exactly can causation be conceived in two such different ways?
133. This is a strongly conceived space, with the box hedge enclosing the area in a flowing curve.
134. It was suggested above that the duty of care is best conceived as imposing essentially procedural standards.
135. Purists conceived of masculinity as a never-ending battle, requiring constant watchfulness and careful supervision.
136. The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.
137. It is originally conceived as a system orchestrator language.
138. The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived.
139. The main task of economics was conceived as the study of direct exchange.
140. More broadly conceived, American folk art can take in a variety of miscellaneous decorative traditions.
141. Chamberlain conceived the idea that the city hospital was badly managed.
142. A variety of flexible signal transformation strategies can be conceived based on the specific binding of nucleic acid probes to their targets.
143. The idea was originally conceived by the American economist James Tobin as a way of "putting a little grain of sand in the currency transaction machine in order to reduce the volatility" of markets.
144. While notable for its laboratories and the famous wizardly breakthroughs conceived there, Shahibdiya is most famous as the birthplace – or laboratory – that created the Orcs.
145. Flee, get you far off, dwell deep, O ye inhabitants of Hazor, saith the LORD; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath taken counsel against you, and hath conceived a purpose against you.
146. Baudot code was conceived by Emile Baudot, an early French telegraphic engineer, and is used in many teleprinter systems.
147. Officials in Vicente Lopez said the service is free-of-charge, which was conceived as "a public service" for residents.
148. The history of computing cannot be conceived without IBM, which celebrates its 100th birthday on June 16th.
149. And the flocks conceived before the rods , and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted.
150. Full of misunderstanding, tricking, and teasing in the novel, Emma by the famous British writer Jane Austen in early 19th century is often conceived of as a comedy of self-deceit and self-discovery.
151. The possibility of man overcoming the control of the dark was conceived and set in motion.
152. Most of his bold initiatives were conceived in such periods of seclusion and meditation.
153. The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.
154. But the more you look, the more they resemble nightmares conceived by Goya and carved by Donatello.
155. A formal organization is often conceived of as a communication system.
156. Jonathan Swift conceived of happiness as "the state of being well-deceived", or of being "a fool among idiots ", for Swift saw society as a land of false goals.
157. The waterfall house was conceived by the request of a young business man in a closed neighborhood.
158. Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.
159. When the client/server and networked desktop systems entered the world of computers,(http://) the notion of the distributed network system was conceived.
160. Leah conceived again and bore a sixth son to Jacob.
161. The building is conceived like a macle of parallelepipeds that are arranged alternatively according to perpendicular, parallel or oblique axes.
162. Based the brake horsepower characteristics of low specific speed centrifugal pump and the required features of pumps used for agriculture, the concept of non - overload centrifugal pumps is conceived.
163. The development of polyphonic music conceived the embryo of modern tonal harmony.
164. The only global organization UN is a toothless lion that has been hijacked by those power inebriated countries who conceived it to legitimize their illegitimate actions.
165. MiniBooNE was conceived to test the results of that earlier Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) experiment.
166. It was in these romantic gardens, with their fountains, grottos, temples and terraces, that Fragonard conceived the dreams which he was subsequently to render in his art.
167. Symbolizing the passageway into the afterworld this expression also applies to other points of contact between the different elements of the universe as conceived by the Egyptians.
168. Six tenets proposed in cognitive semantics can be conceived of as the important guideline for the studies of meaning of language.
169. APC is the Alternative PHP Cache. It was conceived of to provide a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code.
170. The content of Meme is not created or conceived by Yahoo! Southeast Asia.
171. Life is not to be conceived on the analogy of a melodrama in which the hero and heroine go through in credible misfortunes for which they are compensated by a happy ending.
172. Within two days we had conceived a great plan of action.
173. Utopia is generally conceived to be an unrealisable, impractical and purely imaginary state, such as unrealistic political and social theories. But Tillich advances a new view.
174. When David Ricardo posited that comparative advantage was the basis of trade, he conceived of countries specialising in products, such as wine or cloth.
175. Since then, procedures have moved on, with more than three million babies worldwide conceived through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) — IVF, ovulation induction and intra-uterine induction.
176. Helio was originally conceived as a "power user's carrier," but it did an unexplained about-face and decided to go for the social-networking youth when it launched.
177. Abelard and the scholarly Heloise fell deeply in love, conceived a child, and were secretly married.
178. Her knowledge of love was purely theoretical, and she conceived of it as lambent flame, gentle as the fall of dew or the ripple of quiet water, and cool as the velvet-dark of summer nights.
179. And behold, Elisabeth thy kinswoman , she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that was called barren.
180. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart.
181. Alfred Russel Wallace was young and brash. When he conceived of natural selection, he didn't plan a 10-volume lifework.
182. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
183. In direct numerical control (DNC), as originally conceived and developed in the 1960's, several machines are directly controlled step by step by a central mainframe computer.
184. And finding their deities incapable of preventing or even punishing this profanation of their shrines, they conceived a low opinion of their power compared to their own village rulers.
185. Essentially a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
186. The Bloodhound venture was conceived not just as another record bid but as a project that could inspire children to engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects.
187. The historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the limit of their powers.
188. In cognitive grammar, meaning variation of a linguistic unit resides in not only the entity it designates but also the construals imposed on the conceived situation.
189. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences itself was conceived by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio boss Louis B. Mayer.
189. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. Shortly before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 Pico della Mirandola in Florence conceived a Christian version of the Cabala .
191. The Wright brothers conceived the design of the first successful motor - powered plane.
192. His sister, Susannah, 15, conceived through another sperm donor, recently wrote touchingly of her interest in the man who " gave me life and my parents great joy".
193. False pregnancy, a condition in which the bitch shows symptoms of being pregnant although she has not conceived, is occasionally seen during diestrus.
194. One is, how does the mother keep count of how many sons she has conceived?
195. Her knowledge of love was purely theoretical, and she conceived of it as lambent flame, gentle as the fall of dew or the ripple of quiet water, and cool as velvet-dark of summer nights.
196. The Milton Friedman Institute was conceived by faculty from the university's economics department, the law school and the graduate school of business.
197. Baudot code was conceived by Emile Baudot, an early Grench telegraphic engineer, and is used in many teleprinter systems.
198. Nevertheless, onlay the complicated, ingeniously conceived narrative structure designed from various angles really incarnates Emily's originality and her solid foundation as a novelist.
199. So many with besmirched and sullied egos will inevitably follow their ill conceived prejudices to the grave.
200. The word tensegrity is a contraction of tensile and integrity , firstly conceived by Fuller.
201. Conceived a mountain to spend lousy again, the setting sun dissolved a gold, roseate clouds eyeful.
202. The plans were conceived in part by HBGary Federal's top executive, a former U.S. Navy cryptologist named Aaron Barr.
203. The grandaddy of all desktop 3D-printers is the open-source RepRap project conceived in 2005 by Adrian Bowyer and colleagues at the University of Bath, in Britain.
204. Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the Being greater than whom nothing can be conceived, " then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
205. The TARP as originally conceived was to buy up toxic assets off the bank balance sheets.
206. The uniqueness of OHenrys writing style is manifested in the well - conceived outline, well-knit suspense , intricate plot, humorous coincidences and unexpected ending.
207. In 1854, however, Pope Pius IX declared that Mary was freed from original sin by a special act of grace the moment she was conceived in the womb of Saint Anne.
208. I often wondered how I had conceived that old idea of his inaptitude.
209. In the last year of his life he conceived the short - dated Exchequer Bill, still in use.
210. In ancient times the psyche was conceived as a microcosm, and this was one of the characteristics attributed to the psychophysical man.
211. In his system, best reflected in Divine Love and Wisdom (1763), Swedenborg conceived of three spheres: divine mind, spiritual world, and natural world.
212. And it is redemption thus conceived that provides the mediacy through which justification by God's free grace is applied.
213. Essentially, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality, a theory is an abstract.
214. Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood.
215. The reason is obvious, such acts lack neither adequate advertence nor sufficient consent, even though the latter be elicited only to avoid a greater evil or one conceived to be greater.
216. He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the Railroad.
217. He conceived that it would be fine to let that event apprise Ruth of his return.
218. The Pay-What-You-Can policy conceived and promoted by de la Maza displays unmistakable features of a gift economy, first popularized in modern terms in Eric Raymonds pioneering Open Source writings.
219. A new induction driven transonic wind tunnel(Type IDT-1A), conceived as a pilot unit for the future new transonic wind tunnel project in B. I. A. A.
220. Empathy has been conceived as being a cognitive process or an emotional cognitive one.
221. They conceived of the area of contribution as one for development of a federal common law.
222. Since God is conceived to be omnipotent, He is a perfect being.
223. Three years ago, he conceived another child with his longtime paramour, Laurel Kenner.
224. Only a few documents or articles are presented and no practical devices exist, so MIMO radar countermeasures are just conceived.
225. Essentially, a theroy is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
226. In short, Knox's proposal was ill conceived and naively made.
227. This contrived photo was conceived and created to demonstrate Newton's first law of motion.
228. Such duo - theistic forces are often conceived as embodying complementary polarities, not in opposition.
229. Jesus was not the son of Joseph at all, but miraculously conceived.
230. In an increasingly global world, modern art moves away from cultural languages to the biological diversity of the body, and disability marks the outer boundaries of the body diversely conceived.
231. To make the concoction more agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen conceived the idea of sweetening it with cane sugar.
232. Strangely, he had not conceived well of her mental ability.
233. He conceived it his duty to help his deceased friend's family.
234. Conceived in the late 1830s, it foreshadowed the modern computer revolution by more than a century.
235. Saint-Martin-des-Champs had been conceived first as a priory and only later as a revolutionary museum and compendium of arcane knowledge.
236. Currently, almost everything except labour mobility is up for liberalisation, making the TPP one of the most comprehensive free-trade treaties yet conceived.
237. Furthermore, the unknowable God must be conceived to be an indivisible unity.
238. Perfect scheme which established the cadaster information system of xianyang city was conceived through investigation of town's cadaster.
239. Interfax news agency reported the birth of 30 healthy descendants of the pioneering cockroach Nadezhda (Hope), who conceived last September in an orbiting laboratory named Foton-M.
240. Conceived as a light weight construction in wood and glass, this summerhouse is built in the outer Stockholm archipelago.
241. The Three Gorges Dam has been controversial since it was conceived decades ago as a way to control flooding and provide power for China's industrial boom.
242. By the end of the study, wives of 71 percent of men with both copies of the mutant gene had conceived, compared to 81 percent of wives of men with either one or none of the mutant gene.
243. Essentially, a theory is a abstract, symbolic representation of what conceived to reality.
244. Yang Lan conceived the idea of collaborating with Celine Dion after she interviewed the superstar backstage at Dion's Las Vegas show at Caesars Palace hotel-casino in May, 2007.
245. Palgrave, however, wisely remarks that "the ideals of Arab virtue were first conceived and then attributed to him".
246. Some art historians have difficulty fitting Edgar Degas into a more narrowly conceived definition of Impressionism.
247. Alfa's 8C was conceived and actualized to be both a Grand Prix racer and a true Grand Tourer.
248. Pharoah and His Host Lost in the Red Sea is an unfinished study that West conceived as part of an ambitious cycle depicting "Revealed Religion" for the private chapel of George III at Windsor Castle.
249. Hence, in "Das Wesen des Christenthums", he regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice is conceived and fixed only in its dirty- judaical manifestation.
250. Frank Capra had originally conceived the idea for the film after seeing a photograph of England's Princess Margaret on holiday in Capri .
251. In 1854, however, Pope Pius IX declared that Mary was freed from original sin by a special act of grace the momentqhe was conceived in the womb of Saint Anne.
252. The project was conceived and initiated by Ptolemy Soter around 290 BC, but was completed after his death,[] during the reign of his son Ptolemy Philadelphus.
253. Conceived as one of a trio of English-style tea cookies (the others were Veronese and Mother Goose biscuits), Oreos are the only one of the three brands still produced.
254. Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in natural phenomena and sometimes in people with extraordinary qualities.
255. Over the summer I began to explore a new structure for how Gnomon could develop these types of projects, and the idea for Gnomon Studios, a new and independent company, was conceived.
256. It was conceived by Norbert Wiener, who coined the term in 1948.
257. He conceived the first proof that the 17 - sided polygon is constructible.
258. Life after death was conceived as a microcosm of life on earth.
259. As Knobe writes, "This can be an extremely degrading and harmful form of treatment, but all the same, it is something quite different from objectification as traditionally conceived.
260. Because of its integration with the UNIX environment, complete working programs can be conceived, built, and executed quickly, with immediate results.
261. A more gentle and biddable invalid. can hardly be conceived(Henry Kingsley.
262. A tapis rouge, the climax point of each celebration ceremony, is the concept of the exhibition design project conceived for Audi Regional Business Meeting.
263. We don't have to say, everyone will have a great mother, conceived in October, once sub-free, hard on the mother, child birth.
264. 21On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.
265. The embryo successfully implanted in more than two thirds of cases and more than 80 per cent of those who conceived went on to have a live birth.




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