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单词 Twiddle
1 Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.
2 Twiddle a dial/knob on a radio in Britain and you may hear more voices speaking crackly French or German than English.
3 You're not being paid to twiddle your thumbs all day, you know!
4 At the twiddle of a knob the operators can focus on a tiny amount of airspace or scan the whole area.
5 The rest of us could just sit and twiddle our thumbs and drink iced coffee.
6 Don't twiddle your hair, pull your ears, scratch your face, nor rub your nose or chin.
7 So must we sit back and twiddle our thumbs?
8 The data and twiddle factor address generation hardware is shown to have higher speed than previous methods.
9 The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.
10 All the critical twiddle - twaddle about style and form is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon.
11 When we need you help, all you and twiddle you thumbs.
12 I sit twiddle my thumb wait for him to finish using the phone.
13 All I did to attract such attention was spread my fingers and twiddle with my glitzy earings.
14 When we need you help, all you did was sit back and twiddle you thumbs.
15 Sometime I get caught up in the middle of updating one page when I want to move onto the next and twiddle with that and come back to my update later.
16 E . g . I have got to be busy, I can't sit down and twiddle my thumbs.
17 All I did to attract such attention was spread my fingers twiddle with my glitzy earings.
1 Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.




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