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单词 Constraining
1. He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.
2. Now what is constraining my action here?
3. Childless, they were free, not constrained - constraining - links between birth and death.
4. Sixthly, the role of prudence in constraining the activities of states especially when there was a perceived balance of power.
5. There are constraining elements affecting the owner-occupied sector, and those impinging on social housing.
6. We suggest that maternal undernutrition, by constraining fetal growth, may programme cardiovascular disease.
7. Sir Thomas was a constraining influence, and in his absence his daughters feel a new freedom.
8. What Is Constraining The Growth Of The VR Market?
9. I describe everything exactly as it took constraining my mind not to wander from the task.
10. There are many constraining factors in the developing process of small sum credit loan in China's countryside.
11. Factors constraining the development of rural residential construction are: ideas, fund sources and systems.
12. The WhiteSpace constraining facet is prohibited for' { 0 } '.
13. The Hinge Joint groups together two Rigidbodies, constraining them to move like they are connected by a hinge. It is perfect for doors, but can also be used to model chains, pendulums, etc.
14. Double dual economy is a fundamental constraining condition for the ecological restoration compensation system.
15. The design adopts the circuit for constraining the in-phase signal, in order to improve the system's CMRR .
16. By constraining terminal mode to be zero, the stability of MPC system is analyzed.
17. People perceive the world as though it were guiding and constraining them.
18. Ideally continuity systems will be positive aids that enhance organizations' flexibility without overly constraining individuals.
19. Therefore firms may respond to high-paced information change by constraining search process time.
20. It seemed to be the perfect solution - contraception without constraining the fountain of male pleasure.
21. The holist is enlightened by an account of the factors constraining people's actions.
22. It was a part which had only grown up in her recently and whose constraining effect she resented very much.
23. It may seem too much like confinement, a denial of individual enterprise and the constraining of intuition into patterns of conformity.
24. Neither the market nor the internal structuring of power within the company is accepted as a viable means of constraining managerial power.
25. As a geological tracer, ore lead ( Pb ) isotopes play an important role constraining ore - forming material sources.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. A new welding torch was designed for ultra - narrow welding with flux strips constraining arc.
27. If they would serve their fellow-men, let them do it by making manifest the power and reality of conscience, in constraining them to penitential self-abasement!
28. As a result, it is feasible for using decision-tree approach to solve large scale resource allocation problem under constraining number of illuminator.
29. Finally, the erosion in consumer balance sheets has prompted lender curbs on home equity and revolving credit lines, further constraining consumers.
30. They both have a document data model, and that's very constraining.
1. He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task.
31. The low carbon agenda is not about constraining development space but about expanding it.
32. Today, the increased price is a mechanism for constraining the demands of an overheated global economy.
33. Also by constraining data types and program control codes, errors in data declaration were greatly reduced.
34. Transformation of tectonic framework plays a decisive role in all factors constraining on hydrocarbon reservoir formation.
35. Constraining research and development on nuclear weapons is a potentially powerful tool in strengthening the global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime.
36. The possible mechanism of curcuma constraining precancerous lesions has been discussed.
37. These policies boosted savings by constraining consumption even while they forced rapid growth in domestic production.
37. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38. Yes, by constraining 3 D motion to the 2 D plane in question. See Code Snippets.
39. The most constraining resource in all of these cases is venture capital.
40. One of these constraining factors is self generated noise within the analog to digital converter.
41. A constraining template can be used to guide data entry.
42. The result shows that for thermal fatigue tests the crack morphology mainly depends on the root radius of notch, and the deformation depends on the shape of specimen and constraining force.
43. Perhaps is needs to release heart too heavy constraining, enable my numb nerve to obtain soberly.
44. As demonstrated by six constraining conditions, the universal rural public pension system must include a part of non-contributory pension plan.




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