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单词 Rotting
1. There's some rotting woodwork on the outside of the house that we need to replace.
2. A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
3. The stench of rotting meat made him gag.
4. Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food.
5. All the woodwork was rotting away.
6. The stench from rotting food is stomach-churning.
7. Then the pungent smell hit us?rotting fish and seaweed.
8. The poor were housed in rotting buildings.
9. These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.
10. The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.
11. He is only rotting.
12. The sickening stench of rotting rubbish rose into the air.
13. Precious minerals mutated into rotting vegetation.
14. Something somewhere in here may be rotting; there is a faint smell.
15. But unlike earthworms, which eat rotting vegetation, the caecilians are carnivores.
16. Dragonfire incinerated Hugin the Plaguelord, and the rotting legions of Nurgle.
17. Rotting guavas and fruit flies that hover around them are also prevalent on the ridge route.
18. Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.
19. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
20. The arrival of warm weather raises the spectre of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
21. If we don't unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos.
22. Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood.
23. Some tropical rivers are covered with floating vegetation, and so full of rotting leaves that they are black and turbid.
24. Outside the stately music hall, two-story white pillars are quietly rotting away.
25. They are also pressure impregnated with wood preservative to give rich colour and guaranteed life of 15 years without rotting.
26. Some were plucked from the seas more than two centuries ago and dunked in ship's rum to keep them from rotting.
27. Some rooting hormones have added fungicide, which reduces the risk of the cutting rotting before it roots.
28. The occasional burst of singing wafts up through the yellow leaves,[ ] mixed with the mouldy astringent smell of rotting apples.
29. A broken toaster and sev-eral ripped window shades were crammed in near a cracked welding gun and a rotting fence post.
30. This new voice persists: The bits and bobs will be down there all right, happily rotting away.
1. There's some rotting woodwork on the outside of the house that we need to replace.
2. Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.
3. A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
4. The arrival of warm weather raises the specter of disease and increased rat infestations caused by rotting garbage.
31. Rake out as much leaf debris and rotting vegetation as you can - a spring-lined garden rake will help.
32. The stench of rotting, wounded flesh is enough to make you vomit.
33. Some strains of bees prevent the spread of the disease by removing the rotting larvae.
34. Put straw mats under strawberry plants to protect fruit from rotting.
35. The water was down, the gangway steep, and everything stank of tide and mud and rotting wood.
36. It put Luce in mind of a corrupt and rotting corpse.
37. He was covered with rotting sweet-potato leaves, and a dark-red liquid dripped from his arms and legs.
38. He saw his flesh rotting and twitching with maggots, his eye sockets empty, his face eaten away.
39. Frau Braun gestured at the layer of rotting food and filth.
40. The Primarch's dead limbs were momentarily restored, all be it clad in a semblance of translucent rotting tissue.
41. Now all that remains are slowly rotting stumps and a scattering of 20-to 30-year-old suckers.
42. Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting their teeth.
43. He remained unshaven for days and wore brown and rotting snap-on teeth.
44. It smelt not only of mud and rotting materials, but also the unmistakable odour of human waste.
45. Bacterial rotting often does not look much like mould. % % % q. Local birds tend to eat little black insects.
46. Except that it was dead as well, long dead, and blind and rotting.
47. Fragments of rotting flesh lodged under the claws pose a high risk of septicaemia.
48. Some materials have the animals in them to begin with. Leaf litter, soil and rotting timber contain small animals.
49. For the first time she could smell the dankness and the odour of rotting seaweed.
50. The lakes created behind the barriers often become de-oxygenated through rotting submerged vegetation.
51. Some suggest that the monster is rotting vegetation lifted by bubbles of gas, produced in the loch bed by bacteria.
52. Invariably, this is ordinary paint and not protection against rotting.
53. Banana trees dropped their rotting fruit, which lay one on top of the other, dying in layers.
54. Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief?
55. It was nothing but the stench of dead, rotting rats and of bats' dung.
56. Ferns poured out of a window; scurvy grass lay rotting by the wail.
57. Spoiled and rotting food was left in the kitchen and on tables.
58. Apparently they were thriving on hydrogen sulphide from the rotting beams of the ship.
59. In all, I might have seen a thousand of their corpses sprawled in the sun,[] rotting.
60. The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
61. It removes the cap of the cell containing a rotting larva, and it throws the larva away.
62. The smells of dead fish and rotting garbage were more than he could stand.
63. Small animals used her as a shelter, burrowing into her rotting bowels.
64. All along the way are ascetics' caves, many still walled off with rocks and rotting timbers.
65. It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.
66. Nearly two dozen rotting corpses were scraped off the street last week.
67. Double-flowered petunias are also prone to rotting in wet summers.
68. The head was then pickled in a ten-foot long tin box, and the rotting body returned to the ocean.
69. Or trees had been felled by age or storms and their rotting trunks left to become covered with creepers and fungi.
70. I am sure, looking back on it, that it was rotting vegetation and lack of sanitary facilities.
71. Jack went back to the car for a screwdriver with which he prised open a rotting window.
72. The apartment is dirtier still, the air filled with the stench of rotting garbage and diapers hours overdue to be changed.
73. Large, rotting cider casks in a derelict part of the mill bear silent witness to this now forgotten trade.
74. The mud on his lips tasted of rotting vegetation and the stench of it was thick in his nostrils.
75. The cat knew every crumbling brick, every rotting piece of fencing, every dustbin-lined alleyway.
76. He looked with distaste at the rotting timbers above them.
77. The skulls and one complete skeleton in rotting clothes had leered out of magazines.
78. All the same ... I could hardly imagine the relics rotting away to nothing ... all in the course of a single night.
79. Workers detached the power lines from the old, rotting poles.
80. Rotting food, excrement, broken glass had to be painstakingly cleaned up later.
81. Their frayed bodies lie rotting in drifts on the surface of the streams and are washed up in piles on the sandbanks.
82. The place was littered with barbed wire and rotting lumber and a dozen old boats in various stages of decay.
83. Everywhere, it was like an over-flowing septic tank or something rotting.
84. Red Death shot from your feet, fouling the air with its stench of rotting meat and rat feces.
85. We heard a suppressed murmuring and smelled rotting rags and old urine as we passed the gate.
86. The first week he vomited daily from the stench of the feces and offal and rotting meat.
87. Lack of self-knowledge is like rotting away in the maze with the blindfold on.
88. Almost by return,[http:///rotting.html] he was hit by a missile which looked like a rotting cabbage.
89. The strike has meant piles of rotting garbage in the streets. "It's enough to turn your stomach," said one resident.
90. The slime they exude is obnoxious and slippery, and has the stench of rotting fish.
91. The single-storey kindergarten held 50 children in two rooms with broken windows and rotting wooden floors.
92. Animal droppings, rotting cabbage or steak and chips, it's all okay for the Diet of worms.
93. A slick green oilcloth of mold was rotting the wood beneath.
94. The stench of rotting food mixed with excrement rose to meet us.
95. The rotting grave shall ne'er get out.
96. I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.
97. The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.
98. Snyder is like wasted potential rotting on the bench.
99. He rammed the stake through the rotting wood.
100. We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.
101. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself.
102. "They included skatole, a component of feces; trimethylamine, one of the essences of rotting fish; and several of the more pungent fatty acids that contribute to rancid human body odor, " Ed says.
103. And not one man, in these last hundred years or so, has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off. The world is rotting away, dying piecemeal .
104. Spiny green durian fruit for sale at a Singapore market is known for its rotting stench.
105. Malodour can be caused by rotting teeth, unhealthy gums, poor digestion, the ulcer bacteria Helicobacter pylori or any number of other illnesses.
106. They are everyday dying and rotting by cold and famine, and filth and vermin.
107. Results showed that insufficient composting reed residue substrates had inhibited the growth of Pak Choi seriously, in root rotting and leaf etiolating.
108. Was it possibly when your ass was rotting in jail and I broke it out?
109. The new plant out new roots . The roots grew into the rotting tree.
110. It is resistant to fire and water and free from corrosion, termite attack and rotting.
111. But now scientists have shown that, at least for fruit flies, the smell of ripe and rotting fruit is the ultimate turn-on.
112. Hydrogen sulfide is present in raw natural gas and in the odor of rotting eggs.
113. A village'sentire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale.
114. The softening and rotting are main problems in storage of banana fruits.
115. He was only rotting.
116. Kebony stops wood from rotting by placing in a vat containing a substance called furfuryl alcohol, which is made from the waste left over when sugarcane is processed.
117. The pathogens causing red gardenia browning and rotting were Aspergillus niger v.
118. In Puget Sound,[http:///rotting.html] big blooms of sea lettuce often break down in Dumas Bay. This process of rotting uses up oxygen and kills marine life.
119. The Leviathan is a dead , rotting Asp Turtle given false life by a necromancer.
120. Seeds of Aesculus may easily rot and lose vigor, but timely harvest and storing in sand of greenhouse could control the ratio of rotting being lower than 10 %.
121. Narrator: Leaving the rotting carcass of the Hydra behind, Kratos sets sail once more.
122. There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room.
123. But you could also elect to have your dead body help a student mortician learn his trade or spend a few months rotting away under the watchful eye of forensic scientists.
124. The whale has drawn huge crowds of curious onlookers, with young and old climbing over rocks slickened by rotting whale fat and braving a powerful stench to gawk at the giant carcass.
125. Kebony stops wood from rotting by placing it in a vat containing a substance called furfuryl alcohol, which is made from the waste left over when sugarcane is processed.
126. It's a good idea to use a syphon tube to clean the bottom regularly and prevent a build-up of rotting matter.
127. A rotting tractor - trailer load can hurt your business and endanger its survival.
128. In one case, says an executive at a Japanese trading house, tuna that arrived in America was set aside by customs, rotting before it was inspected.
129. At intervals stood fishermen in waders, an abandoned tractor rotting in a field, a pair of deer, an ancient Indian village with totem poles hard to glimpse through the trees.
130. When I realized I could track the GPS in his cellphone, I swung by earlier. Gave him a proper burial. It's better than rotting in some skank's basement.
131. If we did not paste together the dead bones and scales of ideology, if we did not sew together the rotting rags, we would be astonished how quickly the lies would be rendered helpless and subside.
132. But most venues are either rotting or bound in red tape.
133. From these results, it was considered that the physical change of straw mushroom such as softening, liquefying and rotting after low temperature treatment was due to the protein degradation.
134. This process of rotting uses up oxygen and kills marine life. And when the sea lettuce washes up on the beach, it smells terrible.
135. "I can feel the stuff I don't say rotting inside me like mildewy spuds in a sack," he says.
136. The first two lines "Ring-around the rosy, A pocket full of posies" refers to how people would carry flowers in hopes that they sent would overpower the smell of rotting flesh.
137. He picked up a rotting banana skin and hung it on the leaves of a neem tree that grew near the gate of the house, so that it would startle the owners when they came out.
138. The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Dryad .
139. A non-contact magnetic shaft coupler is composed of a rotting disk pair, symmetrically installed magnets on said disks, and casting made of magnetic medium material.
140. His fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn't spend money to pain it . He is penny wise and pound foolish.
141. The amorphophallus titanum - known as corpse flower because it exudes a smell of rotting flesh - is the first to blossom in Switzerland in 75 years.
142. The shed had fallen in, and the wood was rotting away.
143. The scientists hope to fill in some of the blanks in the roots of our family tree by comparing the rotting bodies of fish and other similar animals to the distorted fish-like fossils.
144. How much methane and dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost?
145. Choose rotting away at the end of it, pissing your last in a miserable home.
146. But more often than not, wheels of other vehicles and the scorching heat of the sun get to the roadkill first, leaving rotting and maggoty flesh splattered all over for roadkill removers to collect.
147. Pochapin said. Rotting, or fermentation, means bacterial action on food resulting in decomposition.
148. We turned over rotting logs andcaught a bright-red salamander, and my father named every butterfly andtree we came across.
148. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
149. In such wet weather we must prevent the seedlings from rotting.
150. The Ziz is a dead, rotting Great Eagle given false life by a necromancer.
151. You won’t just save on your energy bills: a poorly insulated or vented crawl space can lead to mold and rotting in your flooring, which can cost a fortune to repair.




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