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单词 Bugs
1. All programs have bugs and need endless refinement.
2. That's what bugs my missus more than anything.
3. The sacks of rice were swarming with bugs.
4. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
5. The police searched the courtroom for bugs.
6. That man really bugs me.
7. There are a lot of bugs about in winter.
8. Kids get all kinds of bugs at school.
9. His whole attitude bugs me.
10. Bugs Bunny was one of my childhood heroes.
11. All the bugs were spotted at their suitable positions.
12. It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.
13. There are a lot of nasty bugs going around the school.
14. How much my responsibility for my sister bugs me.
15. He has a little sister who mercilessly bugs him.
16. One by one. Like bugs beneath his heel.
17. Young schoolkids are always catching various bugs.
18. Fire follows bugs as a natural consequence.
19. It felt like he was crawling with bugs.
20. Why do beneficial bugs stick around?
21. Badly washed salad carries bugs, which breed in mayonnaise.
22. And she bugs you about H. G. Wells.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. In any case, they were confident these minor bugs could be worked out through trial and error.
24. Both the bugs also can develop resistance independently when a person is repeatedly subjected to antibiotics.
25. The command module had shown several bugs in its components and a maddening fault with the communications systems.
26. Bugs Bunny and other Warner cartoon characters wait to greet you, alongside the ranks of popcorn dispensers.
27. A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food.
28. I show my palms and turn on my sweetest Bugs Bunny grin.
29. We could corral them into one big mass of frightened bugs.
30. His actions were deliberate, his trained eye looking for any bugs that might be hidden in the room.
1. All programs have bugs and need endless refinement.
2. That's what bugs my missus more than anything.
3. The sacks of rice were swarming with bugs.
4. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
5. The police searched the courtroom for bugs.
6. That man really bugs me.
7. A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food.
31. Remember, debugging is the art of taking bugs out-programming is the art of putting them in.
32. Virtual PreVUE can emulate a system with thousands of users, PreVUE-X tests for bugs in X-Windows applications.
33. Then he went to bed, having checked the room for electronic bugs and found one in the base of the lamp.
34. Names of the formats vary, and technology is still working out the bugs that prevent full performance on some disc drives.
35. Disguised as toilet equipment all the apparatus was there - the listening device and several sophisticated miniaturized bugs.
36. Bugs creep around him through the tendrils and quite near a thrush is singing.
37. It felt cool and astringent but the bugs kept biting.
38. Despite the menagerie of insects, there are no bugs in this game.
39. When introduced in test tubes, resistant enterococci read ily transfer their mutated genes for vancomycin resistance to staph bugs.
40. I can tell you, that software had bugs in it.
41. The ecologists building the wilderness areas of Bio2 were of the school that says: soil bugs ecology.
42. Enough to squash Christine, and anyone else in the vicinity, against the wall like bugs.
43. By June he had worked out the serious bugs and was in business, giving lessons and demonstrations.
44. Their immune systems are so damaged that colds and bugs which normally take a few days to clear can take weeks or months.
45. Their combined remonstrations had as much effect on him as bugs have on windshields.
46. One of the original bugs had undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate, an organic chemical.
47. You know what bugs me? Getting a call from a telephone salesman right when I sit down to dinner.
48. Entomologists, nutritionists and other insect fanciers scoff at Westerners' bias against bugs.
49. Or a bigger Bio2 with many more bugs and birds and berries?
50. There was movement in the trees, wind, or were those birds? Lightning bugs lifted out of the grass.
51. In a couple of weeks they would get the bugs out, and it would be as if no problem had existed.
52. Although some bugs rarely indulge, others enjoy it on demand,[http:///bugs.html] and in many ingenious ways.
53. The program suffers from some minor bugs, but is still better than the first version.
54. I prepared the soil with humus, watered the plants and sprayed with a garlic solution to deter bugs.
55. One of them was dressed in a Bugs Bunny rabbit costume and was handing out leaflets.
56. First, you find bugs or a part of a plant or interesting things such as onion skin or hair.
57. The ground crew can now work to refuel, clean the squashed bugs off the bubble and put the aircraft to bed.
58. Gone were the days when she could lie around with him for hours at a time looking at bugs in the grass.
59. It really bugs me when the car behind me drives too close.
60. This is why I had children: because of the lightning bugs.
61. He loved catching bugs in jars and would peer in through the glass, mesmerized, to watch them scurry about.
62. Heating an implement made of a straightened safety pin, he speared the bugs, then brought them to the candle flame.
63. Later she became so paranoid about their power that she had her room searched for bugs.
64. However, like the newly decorated glasshouse toad, the mealy bugs, being white, found it difficult to remain unseen.
65. Any false starts or false moves will result in error and the telltale bugs.
66. In this group were veterans who had worn flea collars in the Gulf to ward off desert bugs.
67. These gold bugs think you want gold standards, because they impose discipline, but who can complain?
68. But when you sleep on the ground a lot, you get to see all sorts of bugs.
69. He scratched his arms, then his chest and legs. It felt like he was crawling with bugs.
70. It really bugs me when I can't remember someone's name.
71. The crevices where the spurs were cut back each year were particularly attractive hiding places for mealy bugs.
72. Various bugs fixed, including display problems and anagram generation.
73. AIRSPEED BUGS, Adjustable pointers on the airspeed indicator.
74. The bugs pinged the lamp shade.
75. These bugs drink much sap every day.
76. These anaerobic bugs make ethanol by voraciously consuming syngas.
77. At Release Build Minus One — ideally, the last version before the public beta hits the streets — there are only five "blocking" bugs, all of which Rakowski and team deem fixable.
78. During the evening picnic, I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs.
79. Juvenile bugs are often found in open flowers of Roridula where the propably feed on nectar.
80. The bugs are feeding on the captured prey and place their droppings on the leafes of Roridula.
81. Direly aware that bed bugs were biting him , he couldn't be bothered to catch them.
82. BYE BUGS: Plant lemon balm to keep the mosquitoes away.
83. A familiar town-dweller found Australia wide is the Lesser Long-eared bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi) which is often found catching moths and flying bugs around streetlights.
84. As the bugs, named Herminiimonas glaciei, awakened and began to replicate,[http:///bugs.html] colonies of very small purple-brown bacteria started to appear.
85. The whole verification integrated directed functional test and ISS random test into one flow, and located several ordinarily hard-to-discover bugs effectively.
86. My garden is very clean, there are no bugs. Ah A caterpillar! Squish it! Squish it!
87. Such an unhygienic girl ! Crawling with bugs ! Of course nobody wants to sleep next to her.
88. When there are errors in the code or in the system in general (so called bugs) it is considered as unsportsmanlike if you make use of a bug or don't report it.
89. However, I have no shame at all asking my wife to kill that 8 legged freak when it comes into my house. To be honest, when it comes to bugs and insects...I'm a little bitch.
90. About a week later one of the water bugs climbed up the lily pad and emerged on the other side.
91. The test flight was to discover the bugs in the new plane.
92. The best known are the hepatitis B and C bugs which can cause liver cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV) which can cause cervical cancer.
93. Bugs that would occur infrequently or bugs that appear in little - used features may be dismissed.
94. A developing baby floats in sterile amniotic fluid , protected from bumps — and bugs.
95. GOLD BUGS TOOK A LOT OF HEAT during the second half of 2008 as the yellow metal performed poorly, along with stocks and other commodities.
96. Yes, Perl is slower than raw C, but on the other hand, I'd like to see the C source equivalent to -- I doubt it would be 1) less than 700 lines long, 2) without bugs, and 3) fun to write.
97. And run-of-the-mill stomach bugs won't be accompanied by respiratory symptoms, notes Dr. Wayne Reynolds of Newport News, Va. , spokesman for the American Academy of Family Physicians.
98. In this section, you'll customize QueryReadStore and TreeGrid to implement partial loading and fix regression bugs.
99. The rat had never come back, but the bugs had multiplied hideously in the heat.
100. He's probably foraging for his bugs and berries right now.
101. Bugs Bunny's catch phrase is " What's up, Doc? "
102. Some of those problems were inevitable and possibly instructive bugs in a system that was a giant beta test, with the alpha being Earth.
103. You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch lightning bugs and never stop believing in Santa Claus.
104. THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S - shaped curve.
105. Bugs fixed in the new version include: fix paste destination partition smaller than source, prevent visual disk display area from disappearing and fix minor cylinder alignment rounding error.
106. Freaked out after reading Superbug (put us in Megan Fox's corner), we asked Maryn for advice on avoiding MRSA and bad bugs in general. Here's what the scary disease reporter had to say.
107. Maybe I could just buy some predator bugs, such as the praying mantis , to keep watch.
108. A sickbay that uses space-age technology to diagnose diseases ranging from stomach bugs to cancer has been unveiled at a British hospital.
109. Also, when you're changing your code to minify or obfuscate, there's a risk that you may introduce bugs.
110. Reilly and his men combed the place and found all the bugs - they hoped.
111. The saying "don't let the bed bugs bite" has taken on new significance for Australia's burgeoning backpacker industry, which is facing an epidemic of the bloodsucking insects.
112. Responsible as a contact window to summarize MFG requirement and system bugs of MES (OSF/FMB)[sentencedict .com], report system to IT for improvement.
113. As always, we need to point out that this is beta software and you might still find some bugs in it.
114. In either case, wrapping is similar, unless float bugs cause differences.
115. Any of various small, flat, red and black bugs of the genus Dysdercus that pierce cotton bolls and stain the fibers.
116. A group of water bugs was talking one day about how they saw other water bugs climb up a lily pad and disappear from sight.
117. For cartoons, I preferred Bugs Bunny, Casper the Friendly Ghost, and Baby Huey, with whom I probably identified.
118. But just a few feet away, sagebrush under the heater grows far better with fewer bugs.
119. Predacious natural enemies included ladybirds, lacewings, predacious bugs, rove beetle and spiders, but populations were low and lagged behind the population peaks of insect pests.
120. Volunteers dump out bucket traps and sift the lepidopteran from the many other kinds of bugs.
121. You're an exterminator charged with examining a house for bugs.
122. This is an archerfish . It often shoots bugs with water bullets, and hardly ever misses a shot.
123. Bugs and feature requests can be entered at our bug tracker.
124. Growing up, as I did, on a diet of television children's cartoons, it is impossible to fully disassociate my thoughts about rabbits from the images of that iconic cartoon character, Bugs Bunny.
125. However the significant differences of colony exited between flesh-eating bugs and plant-eating bugs.
126. Carrot-munching Bugs Bunny was always being pursued by his human nemesis, hunter Elmer Fudd; yet, time and time again, Bugs would narrowly escape, outwitting the hapless Fudd.
127. It's like watching a cartoon character. He's the Daffy Duck to George Hamilton's Bugs Bunny.
128. The researchers speculate if they could genetically modify the bacteria to fluoresce when they purify the gold, the bugs could become something even more important: Microbial metal detectors.
129. OK, so the brain is a bit more complex than Encyclopedia Brown's nemesis, Bugs Meany.
130. So the bugs have learned to gently pluck the silk strands, to mimic only the unthreatening leg twitches of exhausted prey.
131. "They even copied their bugs, for God's sake," said Ray Mota, managing partner at ACG Research, a telecom business consulting and services company.
132. It really bugs me when people come around without telephoning first.
133. The only time we see lightning bugs lighting up is when they a quest toa mate?
134. At first glance, the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical.
135. "I choose the apples that are pock-marked and are slightly bitten up by bugs, " she told me while replacing the apples in my basket.
136. But most bugs depend on how a line of code is executed.
137. Women hate bugs. Even the strong-willed ones need a man around when there's a spider or a wasp involved.
138. Roaches ( 6.4 % ), bugs ( 3.3 % ), grasshoppers ( 6.7 % ), and ants ( 3.2 % ) were the other insect prey consumed by the owlet.
139. If you're missing bugs, you're costing your project and your company money.
140. I've also added a chapter that specifically addresses how to test for software security bugs.
141. Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows.
142. One of them even chugged a glassful of the bugs to prove the point.
143. There's also a mamma bird, which will come and feed them bugs!
144. Finally, implementers may simply have bugs in their toolkits that that do not show up during stand-alone testing.
145. You can fix these bugs through range checking and rejecting any input the code cannot handle.
146. Besides of this, we compared the simulation and the semi-formal method by inserting bugs, it shows that the semi-formal method based on SAT-BMC is much better in time and stability.
147. So did you plant any bugs when you were out there?
148. Control of root mealy bugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an insecticide.
149. Brian: Yep. And all the small bugs are squished on the windscreen.
150. The examples used throughout this book of various applications, software bugs, and software test tools are in no way intended as an endorsement or a disparagement of the software.
151. Thus, the traditional cyclic debugging technique based on repeated re-execution to reproduce bugs does not work effectively for concurrent programs.
152. But if investors ever wake up and notice that the yellow metal is little more useful than tulips, the gold bugs will be burned.
153. This paper tries to find out a new method of code inspection, which is mainly dependent on dynamic priority of code bugs.
154. One of the most successful treatments recommended was the use of vacuums and steamers meant to kill bed bugs.
155. The art of finding and categorizing bugs is aery systematic and scientific process.
156. Up to a third of the weight of your pillow could be made up of bugs, dead skin, dust mites and their faeces.
156. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
157. Downtime of an application due to bugs in the software is called the unreliability factor.
158. These kinds of applications become the ultimate user: They collect the bugs, report problems as they happen, work 24X7, and don't mind recreating a problem over and over.
159. While other bugs may change color due to external circumstances like temperature, the Panamanian tortoise beetle is one of the few creatures known to control its own color changing.
160. The potential use of UV fluorescent lights for detection, monitoring, and control of western lygus bugs, leafhoppers , mosquitoes, and flies in greenhouses and enclosed areas needs further study.
161. Open-source software has fewer bugs because it admits the possibility of bugs.
162. Sightings of the rust-colored bugs, about the size of an apple seed, have surged in New York and around the nation in recent years.
163. The developers solve (or spuriously solve) their bugs and give back the new source to me .
164. We found a lot of bugs underneath the rock when we turned it over.
165. For some reason,() we've been experiencing some bugs in this particular program.
166. A hot spell, following a rainy summer, was all the bugs needed to ruin ours.
167. These incredibly high-pitched and fast-paced calls enable the bats to track bugs and other prey in the dense rainforest understory.
168. The birds that eat bugs can see them from far away.
169. Is that the right way to spell " chinch bugs "?
170. People used outdoor-only bug killers inside, for example, or sprayed insecticides not meant for use on humans or against bed bugs.




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