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单词 Retained
(1) Throughout the crisis he retained his composure.
(2) She retained a number of copies for further annotation.
(3) She retained her tennis title for the third year.
(4) She has retained her No.1 world ranking.
(5) Despite the decay the mosque somehow retained a profound grandeur.
(6) We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.
(7) The Labour Party retained its traditional stronghold in the north.
(8) She retained her mental faculties until the day she died.
(9) He retained a childlike sense of wonder.
(10) They retained a famous lawyer to defend their case.
(11) She still retained many friends from childhood.
(12) The president retained her as his chief adviser.
(13) Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.
(14) The police retained control of the situation.
(15) The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes.
(16) He retained his wildness and wiliness.
(17) He retained a plebeian taste in food and drink.
(18) Fulton has retained his dry humour.
(19) The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
(20) He has retained a lawyer to challenge the court's decision.
(21) I was amazed at how he retained his sangfroid throughout the discussion.
(22) He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.
(23) In the United States Open final[/retained.html], Graf retained overall supremacy.
(24) Even as an old man he retained his boyish charm.
(25) The town has retained much of its old-world charm .
(26) He retained the broad outline of the tragedy but not the details of the play.
(27) He retained very close links with France throughout his life.
(28) Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.
(29) This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory.
(30) The city had been gerrymandered so that the Protestant minority retained control.
(1) Throughout the crisis he retained his composure.
(2) She retained a number of copies for further annotation.
(3) She retained her tennis title for the third year.
(4) She has retained her No.1 world ranking.
(5) Despite the decay the mosque somehow retained a profound grandeur.
(6) The Labour Party retained its traditional stronghold in the north.
(7) She retained her mental faculties until the day she died.
(8) Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.
(31) A lot of information can be retained in your computer.
(32) He was smiling, but his eyes retained a look of solemnity.
(33) The government have retained the support which greeted their assumption of power last March.
(34) The town has retained much of its country charm.
(35) Catholic areas generally retained higher fertility than Protestant ones.
(36) Nim retained his post as Vice-Minister of National Defence.
(37) It retained its old destination boxes and other appointments.
(38) Under the community charge, they retained that discretion.
(39) Rolls-Royce's famed electronic control is retained, though.
(40) Old building have been remodelled, their heavy facades retained.
(41) May Day was retained as a national holiday.
(42) Cardoso de Mello retained her post.
(43) Robertson retained his post as Minister of Information.
(44) The other retained its firm grip on the reins./retained.html
(45) She retained her own individual title at the event.
(46) They have always retained a low political profile.
(47) Present rail fare concessions will be retained.
(48) It retained its pot-shape although the pot was gone.
(49) They rebelled against creeds but retained the mystery.
(50) The old offence of buggery has, however, been retained.
(51) The auctioneers retained possession of the car.
(52) The original lustre of the shell has been retained.
(53) Only one school evaluated had formed and retained a permanent library committee.
(54) No change in Verio's management personnel is anticipated, and the Verio brand name will be retained.
(55) The three main county boroughs were to be retained and five counties were to replace the existing thirteen.
(56) The eighth time the hand enters the mouth, the thumb alone is retained and sucking continues.
(57) However many of the tags used exclusively in the LOB corpus can be retained.
(58) The results of an enquiry can be printed out and retained for reference if required.
(59) It retained water and yet had subtle membranes which permitted air to penetrate and facilitated waste disposal of the embryo.
(60) Although Billing retained his seat at the 1918 general election, ill health forced his retirement in 1921.
(61) His son Kieran then succeeded him and retained his seat there until 1989 when he did not seek re-election.
(62) The amendment states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered.
(63) The Ryukyus should be retained as an integral part of the island chain.
(64) The glycosides are even retained as the caterpillar changes into a butterfly and help to protect it from predatory birds.
(65) These thinking qualities are retained long after the catalogue of facts, so long over-valued by some teachers, has been forgotten.
(66) The loan would fund both upgradings at the hospital to be retained and new community services.
(67) He retained his private practice as a quantity surveyor from his office at No. 4, Parliament Street.
(68) They are then retained on the sail by tape made into double thickness tags.
(69) Setting up John retained all the filer media from the old pond in large sacks.
(70) SYSTEM.INI is a hangover from Windows 3 and has been retained for compatibility reasons.
(71) Now the county council has backed a new drive to recruit more retained firefighters, as a matter of urgency.
(72) However, some have retained the more traditional method of charging commission on transactions only.
(73) Unless we attend to the words which have been placed into working memory, they will not be retained.
(74) The next five years saw the site leased out to various tenants, although Knight retained ownership.
(74) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(75) However, the basic structure of three national airlines as proposed in the Swinton plan was retained.
(76) For some one who worked in what she believed to be such a hard-nosed profession he retained a sensitive streak.
(77) But he's a rare breed and the lack of retained firefighters is leading to worrying delays for Oxfordshire's fire service.
(78) Nevertheless, in fact as well as in fiction, even those almost totally indigent retained their pride.
(79) It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils, but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad.
(80) After some reflection she removed the brooch, but retained the small, black stud ear-rings.
(81) The very essence of such continuity is children-now fewer than before, but retained far longer within the family bounds.
(82) Only a nearby ash tree, which had better buffered bark, retained the lichen.
(83) Railway Street is a name retained as a fond memory for a public transport system axed by Beeching in 1966.
(84) What are the arrangements if you retire from the organisation as a salaried employee but become a retained consultant or contractor?
(85) They floated, their internal air chambers were dry, and they retained their strength.
(86) A paper copy of all addresses recorded on the system is also retained by Steven McGavin, for reference.
(87) He has retained his post at the imperial court in Hue.
(88) The whole scope of the present duty set out in the Education Act 1944 as amended is retained.
(89) Inverleith retained their place in the top flight with a dramatic 7-6 victory over Touche Ross in the final game.
(90) He did however enjoy the physical beauty of Cambridge, and retained a strong affection for the place on this ground at least.
(91) Yet even the post-classical trust retained its independence of a testamentary heir.
(92) I repeat what I have said before: internment has been retained on the statute book.
(93) But again the government retained extensive administrative powers to give it a free hand in dealing with radical writers and journalists.
(94) He resigned his office but was retained on the council when he announced his reversion to Roman Catholicism.
(95) Since Gatting and his troops had retained the Ashes just a few days beforehand, they were ready to take on all comers.
(96) Second, they retained capital and labor in locations which did not allow for their most productive use.
(97) Mr. Nathan retained the freehold of the remainder of No. 263-265.
(98) Even where the logos are being retained, these names are overshadowed by those of their new masters.
(99) This distinctive feature may have been retained to convince a money-conscious Council that they were rebuilds rather than new cars!
(100) Raines retained Abner Burnett of Midland, and the two squared off for a legal battle.
(101) It has recently been deepened and widened to accommodate more boats but the picturesque setting has been retained.
(102) It is earned through hard work and only through continued hard work and high standards can be retained.
(103) The fire was dealt with by retained firemen from Reeth, Swaledale.
(104) I was nicknamed Pune, an inverted pun on puny, a physical status I retained, nomatterhow many press-ups I did.
(104) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(105) Unfortunately the tomb retained an excessive amount of humidity and this provoked the decomposition of most of the body.
(106) I retained my archers but took away their bows and arrows and gave them powerful, waterproof torches instead.
(107) Provided the liver is functioning normally, the amount of dye retained after 45 minutes should be less than 6 percent.
(108) In many cases the headquarters were retained in the central region and only the production processes were decentralized.
(109) We have retained a healthy share of middleand upper-class readers, an affluent audience attractive to advertisers.
(110) Labour retained their safest seat in Wear Valley with a reduced majority.
(111) Only four members of the original marketing team will be retained next year.
(112) Here then was an instrument that might be confidently expected to have retained its historical integrity.
(113) The youths made considerable progress in learning their trades and most of those who were put out as apprentices retained their situations.
(114) Financing buyouts has, however, retained its popularity given the greater security involved in such a deal.
(115) His work retained a pronounced individuality and originality that has yet to be properly acknowledged.
(116) One is unlikely to forget the lush quality of the velour curtain retained by a gold ring that adorns the cover.
(117) The total fines content is determined as the difference between the initial and the retained material weights.
(118) Name's style and independence will be retained and it will continue to operate as an independent subsidiary.
(119) The company have retained the leisurely atmosphere of the turn-of-the-century light railway being situated off the major tourist circuits.
(120) The ground floor, now the cellar, has retained its original three rooms with vaulted ceilings.
(121) However, the proposal to analyse aggregate shareholders' funds between equity and non-equity interests is retained.
(122) If the vendor is adamant that it be retained, it is better for all concerned that the deadlock be established early.
(123) No provision is made for any additional taxation which might arise should the retained reserves of overseas subsidiary companies be distributed.
(124) The trilobites produced the mosaic eye which has been retained by the insects.
(125) Siumut lost votes but retained the 11 seats it held in the outgoing Landsting.
(126) Since then, Gingrich has retained power on the inside, but he stopped making high-profile appearances.
(127) However, the National Electoral Commission retained wide powers to ban potential candidates.
(128) Another 60,000 had been punished for misdeeds but retained their party membership, while a further 120,000 were still under investigation.
(129) Retained soil can become saturated with water and then exert tremendous pressure.
(130) Although much of this heat was radiated back into space, a significant fraction was retained by the growing planet.
(131) The senior branch of the family retained unbroken control of the first secretaryship of state for another two generations.
(132) But the elder Kim retained the military title of Marshal.
(133) He retained his seat in 1997 with a majority of 11,167 over the Liberal Democrats.
(134) Throughout the century, these households retained the military character that was at the core of their lord's authority.
(134) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(135) Later in this paper I intend to outline the curriculum and teaching strategies I hope will be retained within the national curriculum.
(136) We not merely retained it but expanded it, and it has fully justified our confidence.
(137) In 1961, 78 percent of corporate business investment was financed by retained earnings.
(138) In the Berne elections on April 29, 1990, the coalition parties retained their domination of the grand council.
(139) The relic, exhumed several times throughout the centuries, always retained its flexibility.
(140) The society pays no dividends, so after-tax profits can be retained as capital.
(141) The leading engineers and managers who were involved in these consultations often retained strong negative stereotypes of the civil service.
(142) Old deeds can be very useful for such a purpose, and certainly any containing plans should in general be retained.
(143) Powell only has a remote chance of playing, for Reilly's squad has retained its shape and strength.
(144) It is surely preferable to retain some defined elements of musical form, so that the music can be retained in the memory.
(145) They have to be recruited and retained for the industry to flourish.
(146) Secondly, they retained 25 percent of capitation monies outside the formula system for discretionary allocations.
(147) Included within the 25-member body were six new members, whilst 15 Ministers retained their former portfolios.
(148) He retained the ignition key though he accidentally left the registration document locked in the glove compartment.
(149) While Britain started dismantling its selective system in the 1960s, Northern Ireland retained it.
(150) He had also clocked up 34 years as a retained firefighter when he retired from that job two years ago.
(151) Her husband's naval uniform hung neatly in his mock-mahogany wardrobe, retained with pride.
(152) A duplicate copy of the invoice will be retained by the builder's surveyor for record purposes.
(153) The building does not construct modern office space behind a retained facade but around it.
(154) He had retained his grandpa's Albert, however, and wore the watch chain looped round his neck like a medallion.
(155) Those parents who had consented to post mortem examinations were not told that their child's organs might be retained.
(156) He can use stock motifs and patterns and superfluous work can be retained to cater for future demand.
(157) They retained and emphasised, instead, the written documents deliberately produced by a centralised Chancery and other Norman offices and institutions.
(158) Moreover, throughout all these swings, London has retained a peculiar importance within the national economy as a whole.
(159) Nevertheless, an important group of family firms retained their independence, and others have entered the industry since that time.
(160) Internally, the only significant architectural feature was the two-storey entrance hall, and this is to be retained.
(161) The tone of the clarinet in this register must be heard and retained in the mind.
(162) He also retained his place on the council of the king.
(163) He had a new strap fitted, but had the old one retained for posterity.
(164) In the SmartStream scheme, mainframes can be retained as file servers while cheaper Unix boxes assume its traditional tasks.
(165) This gas absorbs visible light so well that plants could not photosynthesize even if they somehow retained their leaves.
(166) Fortunately it has retained road and rail links with Hull, Scarborough and the historic town of Beverley.
(167) It will also enable the schoolroom to be retained as a building of cultural and architectural heritage.
(168) Arthur D.. Little has been retained to help compile the specifications, it was learned yesterday.
(169) Though I had my doubts about all religious dogmas, still I retained the habit of prayer.
(170) On this basis Polaris, and even Trident, could be retained as at least a bargaining counter.
(171) He retired from the University but retained an honorary professorship.
(172) The left selective-attention system directed at retaining verbal information dominated the choice of what was to be selectively retained from the environment.
(173) General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care.
(174) Only Hong Kong, which had a formal currency board, retained its exchange rate; its experience is worth studying.
(175) The Liberal Democratic Party has retained power for much of the past half-century.
(176) Even so, the system on board the spacecraft retained some independence should contact with ground control be lost.
(177) Allred said she had been retained by the divorced parents of the boy to represent his interests.
(178) Pavlov had warned on Aug. 13 of a potential power vacuum, unless the centre retained sufficient economic leverage.
(179) But a defensive capacity was retained to test the effectiveness of protective gear used by the armed forces, defense officials say.
(180) One proposal that has not been retained is that of the total finance costs for non-equity shares.
(181) The 1969 Children and Young Persons Act retained the juvenile court system but reduced the effective powers of the juvenile magistrates.
(182) Throughout his long life, he retained his affiliation to the Labour Party.
(183) In July compulsory wage restraint was ended, but the Price Commission was retained.
(184) These observations are in my view equally applicable to the revenue and to sums by way of principal or interest retained by them.
(185) She accused her husband of fucking around and retained me to prove it.
(186) But the tour revealed that the building has retained many treasures from its past: Its cathedral ceilings still have rounded corners.
(187) What that experience demonstrates is that the teacher very rarely uses the voluminous information, which is nevertheless conscientiously stored and retained.
(188) Normally, the drug itself is retained by a protective coating which conceals its taste.
(189) Under this method the new technology was retained, but the workforce was no longer divided for three separate tasks.
(190) Edward was dressed impeccably, but he retained his raffish air.
(191) We see then that while some marketers in Huaraz have retained control over their work, others are experiencing proletarianization.
(192) Roots may just be retained in small market towns like Grantham, Selby and Chipping Norton, in spite of the tourists.
(193) Men Sam An retained her position as seventh ranking politburo member.
(194) Buybacks and profits retained by companies, rather than ploughed back by investors, may boost earnings per share.
(194) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(195) The United States retained its extensive military facilities but agreed to remove its nuclear weapons from the island.
(196) Only James Callaghan, reshuffled after devaluation in 1967, retained enough dignity to rise again to the top.
(197) He retained his hold on her wrist but made no move to pull her to her feet.
(198) What he had retained was the sense of an elusive mystery waiting in the heights for his return.
(199) Serve garnished with the retained onion rings and the drained lemon rind.
(200) They were retained in the fax modem's memory and as soon as I plugged it in, tried to send them.
(201) When Rich learns that Jody has retained the services of a lawyer, he understands.
(202) This measurement is generally accepted as the cost of the retained earnings portion of equity capital.
(203) For the moment, Mr V.P. Singh has retained a number of portfolios, the most senior of which is defence.
(204) The review would take away large areas covered by Buckley and Prestatyn retained fire stations.
(205) Seafield will be retained for another use and outdoor education staff will be redeployed to remaining centres.
(206) In all these senses, the new organization retained most of the features of the organization that had just been abandoned.
(207) Market Opportunities where we have been retained by vendors and where a sales memorandum has been prepared. 2.
(208) He retained an interest in mineralogy and served as president of the Mineralogical Society 1888-91.
(209) Phat counted the strokes, darting an occasional glance at Duclos to ensure he retained his approval.
(210) Agnes E lived alone, had reached her ninetieth year and had retained her independence of mind.
(211) Being in compression, the trailing edge hoops retained a natural shape.
(212) Republicans retained control of the House with at least 225 seats to the Democrats' 204 seats.
(213) It was further recommended that Okinawa be retained and that whatever was needed by way of other facilities should be obtained in the Ryukyus.
(214) Any profits from improved production efficiency are retained by the partners rather than benefiting the consortium.
(215) They retained their status, and often jobs, in the community, and tension among relatives was relieved.
(216) Paige had long lost his overpowering fastball and could only throw sidearm, yet he had retained his remarkable control.
(217) He had shunned the opposition, reshuffled his government with familiar faces and retained the prime minister many wanted out.
(218) Last year, it retained investment bankers and disclosed it was considering an initial public offering of stock.
(219) He and his wife have a daughter married to a retained firefighter at Masham.
(220) A fallible observation statement might be rejected and the fallible theory with which it clashes retained.
(221) The cruciform pattern on Latin cross plan was retained, with much lower vaults than on the Continent.
(222) Those who saw him then say he seemed to shrink into himself and lose what ever vestige he had till then retained.
(223) Her family, besieged by calls, retained New York literary agent Laurie Liss.
(224) The mutual structure of building societies means that capital resources to finance expansion can only be built up out of retained surpluses./retained.html
(225) The cap is retained in the unit and used to reseal the drum.
(226) Hence, a pound paid out is worth more than a pound retained and reinvested.
(227) No doubt it was easier to reform it with Dzerzhihsky nut of Moscow, although he retained his post as head.
(228) But this might allow them to be retained, when other class affiliations are lost.
(229) Afterwards, people remembered nothing of what the president said, but retained a vivid image of what he wore.
(230) Every few years miners appraise the performance of the board members and vote on whether they should be retained as directors.
(231) With an anti-immigrant message appealing principally to racist working-class males, the party nevertheless retained an antisemitic ideology.
(232) Linnaeus himself retained a dispersal of all species from a single mountain, formerly surrounded by sea.
(233) Anne Wallwork was retained on a permanent basis to help with some of Laura's more exotic ideas.
(234) Although out of farming, he had retained his interest in Clydesdales and was in demand as a show ring judge.
(235) Customer confidence must be retained if a bank is to operate successfully in the modern world.
(236) If those words are retained in the legislation, those railways would still require a light railway order at some time.
(237) At the same time we wrote to Trafalgar House, pleading that the School be retained.
(238) To the extent that social research more generally has retained an interest in social reform this has been redirected in various ways.
(239) Gen. Oscar Botero, the Defence Minister under the previous regime, was retained in his post.
(240) Those who retained sufficient self-respect and sense of responsibility to think of the future were filled with the deepest apprehension.
(241) The Druids won on the last occasion and have retained the trophy at their Henley headquarters.
(242) However, his new design was arranged so that it could be retained.
(243) Although many have indeed left, they have often retained their ownership and the land has fallen into disuse.
(244) In 1965 Ferdinand Marcos became President and retained power thereafter through the increasing use of political corruption and coercion.
(245) In this competition, the rich man retained undoubted advantages, but he did not automatically excel.
(246) This is known as replacement cost accounting as opposed to historic cost accounting when the original cost is retained.
(247) If the shares are retained, the investor is offered a mid-market rather than a bid price.
(248) If we were back in urban reality now, we yet retained a glow imparted by our bucolic idyll.
(249) The retained building, says Farrell, performs an urban function in demarcating two distinct zones within the square.
(250) Headroom equivalent to door head-height could just be achieved both below and above this gallery and under the retained ceiling.
(251) Much of that increase was in the fee portion of student bills, which are set and retained by the individual colleges.
(252) But the council retained its 11-11 balance between unionists and nationalists.
(253) During this process gods worshipped in the same animal eventually fused together, while other retained a separate identity.
(254) Surely those who retained control over it would do better?
(255) Federated spokeswoman Carol Sanger Tuesday confirmed that the company has retained a law firm but declined to say for what purpose.
(256) If we have downsized to reduce our cost base[/retained.html], have we retained the potential to meet an upturn in demand?
(257) It was considered that many of these problems were related to inexperience in the management of stones within a retained gall bladder.
(258) Yet many subjects throughout the whole island of Britain retained an affection - partly romantic - for the Stuarts.
(259) When the accused appropriates, he will have stolen the property from the person who retained the interest in the property.
(260) He retained his seat in January 1910 but declined to stand again the following December.
(261) Stax got $ 6 million up front as a quasi loan / advance and retained creative autonomy.
(262) Keep cut stems short so that next years flower buds are retained.
(263) Moreover, bank profits have been so strong that banks' retained earnings also have increased.
(264) The system of paying the family doctor retained the pre-1948 idea of a payment per patient registered with that doctor.
(265) Training and Enterprise Councils will be retained, reformed and made more broadly representative of their local communities and given stable budgets.
(266) The originals were removed and retained by the upholsterer employed to carry out this work.
(267) And, as the cardboard cylinder could be removed and replaced without crinkles, the recording retained its clarity.
(268) Karl is a serious musician who missed out on the nihilism of the Seventies punk and largely retained Sixties hippy values.
(269) It also shows that regardless of all her suffering she has retained some of her charm and kind personality.
(270) There are first of all mandatory exceptions, to be retained centrally by all LEAs and not delegated to schools.
(271) Unlike relatives, this species retained a plesiomorphic extra claw.
(272) The California Penal Code, for instance, has retained it.
(273) A small residue is retained tenaciously by the surface.
(274) He retained the copyright of his book.
(274) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(275) If blockade did not work, the Americans retained the option of millitary action.
(276) He had retained the distinction and refinement of Chinese manner.
(277) Other countries retained their traditional and habitual ways of doing things.
(278) He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.
(279) In contrast, 60 % of the transcription factor genes are retained as duplicates.
(280) Cash dividends, reduce retained earnings and become a current liability when declared.
(281) Article 8 Foreign exchange earmarked for external payments for grants, sponsorships and payments under aid agreement can be retained subject to the approval of the SAEC.
(282) The appropriate appendixes are retained in the smaller volumes, but biographical entries are dropped.
(283) Even in great adversity, he retained [ kept ] his majesty.
(284) Fifty-litre carboy would be the most economical size. Carboys may be retained without charge for two months.
(285) Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion.




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