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单词 Down with
1. He that is down, down with him. 
2. If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. 
3. He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas. 
4. They bound him down with cords.
5. She dragged him down with her.
6. The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
7. Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.
8. Three members of the band went down with flu.
9. He sat down with his lame leg outstretched.
10. The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities.
11. He knocked his opponent down with a single blow.
12. The truck was loaded down with bricks.
13. He struck the hooligan down with his fist.
14. He washed the car down with soapy water.
15. He flattened his hair down with gel.
16. Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.
17. Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
18. He washed the car down with a hose.
19. They loaded us down with gifts.
20. The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
21. The ship was loaded down with extra cargo.
22. The pear tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.
23. The branches were bowed down with the weight of the snow.
24. A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
25. We washed some bread down with a glass of milk for breakfast.
26. Why don't you plunk yourself down with a good book?
27. You had better rinse the sandwich down with a glass of milk.
28. He knocked his opponent down with one blow in the competition.
29. The soil round the newly planted trees must be rammed down with the feet.
30. Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets.
1. She dragged him down with her.
2. The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
3. Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.
4. Three members of the band went down with flu.
5. He sat down with his lame leg outstretched.
6. He knocked his opponent down with a single blow.
7. He washed the car down with soapy water.
8. He flattened his hair down with gel.
9. Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.
10. Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
11. He washed the car down with a hose.
12. A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.
13. Why don't you plunk yourself down with a good book?
14. He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water.
15. The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.
16. Rub the wood down with fine sandpaper till it is smooth.
17. He rubbed the woodwork down with sandpaper.
18. The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity.
19. Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb.
20. He came down with pneumonia last week.
21. The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
22. He chased the whisky down with a pint of beer.
31. He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water.
32. The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.
33. He was down with fever, and the doctor advised him to lie up for several days.
34. You'd better rub him down with a dry towel.Otherwise he'll catch cold.
35. Rub the wood down with fine sandpaper till it is smooth.
36. The envelope was stuck down with Sellotape.
37. Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder.
38. The captain didn't go down with his ship.
39. He rubbed the woodwork down with sandpaper.
40. The branch came down with a crash.
41. He likes to drink whisky chased down with beer.
42. Peter can't play tomorrow, he's down with flu.
43. The reporter took the speech down with a recorder.
44. I think I'm coming down with a cold.
45. Most of my colleagues have gone down with flu.
46. The ship began to drop down with the tide.
47. Jane's gone down with flu.
48. The fishing nets are weighted down with lead.
49. He is down with a nasty bout of flu.
50. I've been rather bogged down with work.
51. She was loaded down with bags of groceries.
52. The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity.
53. He had come down with the flu.
54. The ship is bearing down with the land.
55. She tripped and went down with a bump.
56. Our youngest boy has gone down with mumps.
57. The army returned loaded down with plunder.
58. Let's not get bogged down with individual complaints.
59. Mother is down with flu.
60. Thin the sauce down with a little stock.
61. They all come down with influenza.
62. He was jumping up and down with excitement.
63. Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb.
64. The tanks broke down with increasing frequency.
65. Wash the dry cake down with tea.
66. She scrubbed the counters down with bleach.
67. I was loaded down with the heavy luggage.
68. He came down with appendicitis.
69. Half the team had gone down with flu.
70. The body had been weighted down with stones.
71. She was weighted down with her heavy bags.
72. We pulled the wall down with our bare hands.
73. It was pouring down with rain at three o'clock.
74. James has gone down with a fever.
75. He brought the burglar down with a flying tackle.
76. He is weighed down with guilt.
77. The uprising was put down with utmost ferocity.
78. Our boat gently dropped down with the tide.
79. She is weighed down with many troubles.
80. Up with freedom, down with repression!
81. The navy tied the enemy down with gunfire.
82. I settled down with a book.
83. I was weighed down with baggage.
84. She sat down with a plonk.
85. Smooth down with a fine abrasive paper.
86. I can't sit down with that insult.
87. She was weighted down with parcels.
88. The uprising was put down with ruthless efficiency.
89. How did his speech go down with the audience?
90. She sat down with a weary sigh.
91. I think I'm coming down with something.
92. The branches were weighed down with ripe apples.
93. When she fell, she brought him down with her.
94. I came down with a bad cold.
95. I was loaded down with shopping.
96. Sally was weighed down with shopping bags.
97. The rain came down with a vengeance.
98. He took down with typhoid fever.
99. The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.
100. The child packed the sand down with his shovel.
101. Jane felt loaded down with money worries.
102. He seemed loaded down with the burdens of office.
103. He came down with pneumonia last week.
104. The captain went down with his ship.
105. His hair was slicked back / down with gel.
106. The bunch of keys came down with a clash.
107. Down with the lords of the forest.
108. I think I'm coming down with flu.
109. Their explanation won't go down with us.
110. I came out of the water and rubbed myself down with a towel.
111. Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.
112. Simply sand them down with a fine grade of sandpaper.
113. The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
114. I came down with flu and was unable to go to work.
115. When he saw the mountain torrents rushing down with a devastating force, he was consternated.
116. She had to chow down with the others in the cafeteria.
117. The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.
118. We washed the stew down with a bottle of cheap red wine.
119. It was all fun and frolics until it began to pour down with rain.
120. Down with the helm!
121. He went back home loaded down with parcels and packages.
122. The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.
123. You'd be lucky to shoot a fighter down with a light machine gun.
124. I was loaded down with bags so I took a taxi.
125. She's always trying to load me down with her problems.
126. I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.
127. They weighed the box down with stones and dropped it into the sea.
128. For lunch we had bread and cheese, washed down with beer.
129. Down with the portrait.
130. John sat down with him in private to cards and pigeoned him.
131. We rubbed the walls down with soap and hot water.
132. At the end of a workout spend time cooling down with some slow stretches.
133. The child took five steps, and then sat down with a bump.
134. He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter.
135. I had bread and cheese for lunch, washed down with beer.
136. The well-established firm closed down with the loss of 600 jobs.
137. I think I must be coming down with flu - I've been feeling wretched all day.
138. Gill's down with flu.
139. We were weighed down with sleeping bags, gas cookers and pans - all the impedimenta of camping.
140. Over 50 nurses at the clinic have been struck down with a mystery virus.
141. He rinsed the medicine down with a glass of water.
141. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
142. I feel chained down with a wife, a house and children.
143. We had to hold the tent down with rocks to stop it blowing away.
144. My little daughter started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.
145. He lifted the axe above his head, then brought it down with a thud on the tree trunk.
146. The well-established firm closed down with the loss of 6000 jobs.
147. The branches were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
148. The doctor prescribed his patient who was down with fever.
149. She capped the bottle and drank it down with one gulp.
150. Supper was fresh salmon and vegetables, washed down with a bottle of white wine.
151. Just as the television cameras started rolling, it began to pour down with rain.
152. The doctor told me to sponge Erik down with cold water in order to lower his temperature.
153. She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.
154. The soloist brought the house down with encore for his impressive voice.
155. At 2-0 down with ten minutes left, you have to go for broke.
156. When you're coming down with flu all you can do is batten down the hatches and wait for it to pass.
157. He chased the whisky down with a pint of beer.
158. Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye.
159. She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye.
160. If he fails, he'll drag us all down with him.
161. Down with the government!
162. Take your jacket off and I'll sponge it down with water.
163. His hair had been combed back and slicked down with something to make it neat.
164. Tom was down with flu yesterday,so he didn't go to school.
165. The poor car was completely loaded down with all my bags.
166. Down with school uniforms!
167. Weighed down with supplies, they found the steep path difficult to climb.
168. He staggered about ten yards and fell down with a moan.
169. Weighed down with rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, diamonds.
170. Lie down with your hands clasped behind your head.
171. He was worn down with frustration(), he said.
172. Dooley was bouncing up and down with excitement.
173. Who knows what went down with them?
174. Was he going down with an infection?
175. Up and down with giggles and stares.
176. The pile of books came down with a crash.
177. They may be held down with scotch tape.
178. How many dead people came down with the rain.
179. Down with Roast beef and two veg!
180. They were literally bowed down with grief....
181. Your brain will think it's boiling outside, and compensate by cooling your skin down with a film of sweat.
182. If Electronics had not held off its creditors, it would have collapsed, bringing Magnetics down with it.
183. Aurangzeb had been struck down with a fever, and it was believed that he was beyond recovery.
184. It's really good for sitting down with a meal and just forgetting about work.
185. He came down with a fever and a painful cough, and decided he had to find some appropriate lodgings.
186. In distinctive display flight flaps upwards at a steep angle and then glides down with wings scarcely upraised.
187. Position the six roses between the candles and stick them down with dabs of royal icing.
188. I went down with nothing but a. 45-caliber pistol and a flashlight.
189. Her ex-husband threatened to burn the house down with her and the kids inside.
190. She came down with this summer flu everyone's getting and went home before I got in.
191. Out of principle, Free Trade, Reaganomics, etc., the whole industry was knocked down with a loud whoosh.
192. The leaderene went down with a satisfying thump, her spiked coronet falling off.
193. They planted corn and hacked it down with machetes for silage.
194. I shove aside a pile of dehydrated red and black typewriter ribbons and set my machine down with a clunk.
195. She dearly wished that her only daughter had settled down with Les Williams, a hardworking friend of her son.
196. Typical of young shearwaters, it was just a ball of grey down with a beak sticking out.
197. Looking back, it seemed inevitable that Evelyn would go down with some sort of psychological trouble.
198. Outside linebacker Mike Morton, making his first start since Rob Fredrickson went down with season-ending shoulder surgery, had eight tackles.
199. Sally would take time to sit down with Hannah and explore how she felt when separating.
200. We came back from the tour round the factory loaded down with free gifts.
201. She piled a week's dirty clothes into the washing-machine, and sat down with a book.
201. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
202. By the time I jumped back inside he looked like he was down with flu.
203. The six, Hispanics from 15 to 40 years old, were found face down with bullet wounds in their heads.
204. Rub the table down with a fine abrasive paper before painting it.
205. The 30-year-old Warwickshire captain was the selectors' choice after Lewis broke down with a groin strain.
206. The last coat is rubbed down with wet and dry paper and brought to a high gloss with a burnishing cream.
207. No departing presidential couple in history have ever left the official residence so bowed down with booty.
208. Elaine was loaded down with towels, and bags full of swimwear and sun creams.
209. They become entangled in national budgetary squabbles or bogged down with environmental concerns.
210. He did not acknowledge Conroy, but hurried on down with that glazed look of some one already encased in their next entrance.
211. The novices empty vats of mutton scraps into the dustbins and pack them down with their bare hands.
212. Sitting down with a slip of graph paper and jotting down a few ideas will help, you make sense of your thoughts.
213. One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other.
214. The weight of the air on top of the paper held it down with so much pressure that the stick broke.
215. He was not able to sit down with ballplayers and be one of the guys.
216. But I've always found the Flying V and its derivatives a devil of a job to sit down with and play.
217. Use two coats, rubbing down with fin abrasive paper between.
218. Many people want to help but just don't want to be bogged down with wasteful committee meetings every week for years.
219. She forced herself to eat some more dry biscuits and chocolate, washing them down with a small amount of water.
220. These kids are 13, 14, and they wan na be down with somethin'.
221. Well, we could tape the mat down with duct tape.
222. Sharpe has been down with a calf strain this week but he trained yesterday and does not look in danger.
223. Our basic problem was that there was no way that we could all sit down with Frank and talk about it.
224. These powerful mountain-dwelling Elves leapt among the Naggarothi assassins and chopped them down with their great axes, saving Caledor's life.
225. Instead of tucking into turkey and all the trimmings, they ate freeze-dried chilli - washed down with whisky and port.
226. Her husband, Michael became so bogged down with the worry of running their farm, he killed himself.
227. As public confidence in his capacity to reign has plummeted, Charles' decline has dragged the monarchy down with him.
228. Wash down with a damp cloth - avoid using soaps.
229. She started coming down with it when we were on our business trip, arranging this weekend.
230. As you are put immediately at ease, you settle down with a steaming cup of coffee and a bite to eat.
231. You can still get catfish, though-catfish pizza, catfish enchiladas,(http:///down with.html) catfish sushi washed down with sake.
232. I find myself flying through the air and I come down with a hard, judo type slap-fall.
233. Had anyone else in the Mott family come down with polio as a result?
234. You may want to chase it all down with a $ 3 carafe of hot sake.
235. But instead of sitting down with pencil and calculator, Reville bought tax-preparation software for her home computer.
236. When hardened, smooth down with abrasive paper, then seal with plaster primer.
237. The monster fell asleep in a drunken stupor and Susa-no-wo then cut it to pieces and settled down with the maiden.
238. I was having a really hard time and I went down with Isabel and my dad.
239. About half the time, I went down with a buddy, half the time alone.
240. Cameron and the school district sit down with a neutral third person to negotiate an agreement that both sides find acceptable.
241. When they arrived, they were told that Mahdi was down with the flu.
242. The idea of John getting sick, the idea of John coming down with something: that's a good one.
243. Several monitors have come down with heat rash and heat stroke this summer.
244. Settle down with a good book, and let them blow themselves to bits.
245. If Joe goes down with the flu this winter, I might consider it.
246. So she calmly sat down with deaconess Pat Phillips to plan the funeral.
247. If you sent a great army against him, he'd simply cut it down with his sorcery.
248. Men don't settle down because of the right woman. They settle down because they are finally ready for it. Whatever woman they're dating when they get ready is the one they settle down with, not necessarily the best one or the prettiest, just the one who happened to be on hand when the time got to be right. Unromantic, but still true. Laurell K. Hamilton 
249. But had we sat down with her, we would have wished her good luck.
250. But the dream came to an abrupt end when Peter Mott came down with polio.
251. His ship was turned into a minesweeper in the war,[] and he went down with her off the east coast.
252. The table before them was loaded down with jellies and ice cream.
253. All the senior police officers were down with flu - so the Chief Constable asked for his aid.
254. A few big flies buzzed around the kitchen, then settled down with dusk.
255. Top the whole thing off with a dessert of chocolate mousse in strawberry sauce and wash it down with a Bordeaux red.
256. Mr Black paid them off on all the equipment which went down with it, but which I know was not destroyed.
257. The meal then followed and all had their fill of sausage rolls and crisps, washed down with delicious barley water.
258. One whole day they stayed in Buchanan Street. Up and down with giggles and stares.
259. The food must be properly cooked to ensure the diners don't go down with food poisoning.
260. Wash it all down with a Kirin Ichiban and finish up with green-tea ice cream.
261. The captain gave him a bowl of cold stew which he could only swallow by gulping it down with wine.
261. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
262. He fell asleep dreaming though that Rupert Quashie went to the beach and pushed Collymore down with his gun.
263. But cold weather and a scarcity of food on arable land usually brings numbers down with the onset of winter.
264. The Dream Teamers, as individuals, are not bogged down with ennui.
265. I carried the telephone into the kitchen, poured a little pear brandy, and sat down with it at the table.
266. Lisa settled down with the bulldog clip that held the current day's orders, and Folly picked up the accounts book.
267. There was a sudden space when the man at Riven's shoulder went down with a cry.
268. You can wash it all down with a fresh fruit smoothie for $ 3.
269. I got bored with it and sat down with my coffee.
270. Lying down with hands at either side of your head, raise your knees and cross the ankles.
271. Between two people one poncho was used as a groundsheet and the other was strung up and pinned down with home-made pegs.
272. I sat down with the Financial Times and tried to count how many people were actually smoking underneath no-smoking signs.




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