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单词 Except for
1. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
2. Except for a small pang, her headache has gone.
3. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
4. The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.
5. She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.
6. Except for smoking and drinking, he is a thrifty man.
7. Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
8. I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.
9. I fundus of sadness, except for you who can see.
10. Except for traffic noise the night passed peacefully.
11. Everyone went except for Scott and Dan.
12. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
13. The guides are unpaid except for basic expenses.
14. Everyone was late, except for Richard.
15. Everyone was there except for Sally.
16. She felt fine except for being a little tired.
17. The room was silent except for her sobbing.
18. The room was silent except for John's crunching.
19. The walls were bare except for a clock.
20. The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. It's a nice pub, except for the landlord.
22. Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye.
23. There was silence except for the crackling of the fire.
24. Your composition is good except for some overcolouring here and there.
25. The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window.
26. The street was deserted except for a cat lifting its paws off the frosty stones.
27. The suitcase was light to carry, being empty except for two shirts.
28. There was no light except for the occasional glow of a cigarette.
29. Everyone knew each other well, except for the new guy Jason, who was the joker in the pack.
30. I miss you very much in these year.Time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change.
1. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
2. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
3. The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.
4. She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.
5. I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.
6. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
7. The suitcase was light to carry, being empty except for two shirts.
8. The translation is well done except for a few small mistakes.
31. The cat was black except for a patch of white on the very tip of its tail.
32. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.
33. The room was empty except for a wardrobe standing in one corner.
34. The translation is well done except for a few small mistakes.
35. The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch/to keep watch.
36. The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
37. The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
38. The proposed change in the law would make abortion illegal except for strictly defined medical reasons.
39. She is pretty except for the fact that her eyes are too big.
40. He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad.
41. I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books.
42. You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments.
43. It was dark by now, except for strips of coloured lights.
44. You'd have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between.
45. The streets were empty except for a few stray passers-by.
46. Except for the gun, he did not look very dangerous.
47. She was unlike him in every way except for her coal black eyes.
48. I can answer all the questions except for the last.
49. Except for very basic slapstick, humour travels uncertainly. 4.
50. Except for meeting you, babe, of course.
50. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
51. A national census has been taken every decade since 1801, except for the year 1941 when Britain was at war.
52. Firstly there are undertakings to maintain the confidentiality of business secrets and not to use them except for limited purposes.
53. Except for the strongest constitutions, coastal walking, bird watching and easel painting are best reserved for milder seasons.
54. Except for Aunt Pat, my transition to city life was a series of agonies.
55. None were double-blinded except for a study evaluating implanted disulfiram, and few monitored compliance with the medication.
56. Instead, we played some strange game that culminated in cavorting naked in the snow except for boots, underpants and balaclavas.
57. The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.
58. His jokes were generally well-chosen, except for one cheap shot about short people.
59. Except for the time I scored 84 points in a backyard basketball game.
60. Computer and software stocks led the advance, which would have been larger except for sliding prices for automakers and retailers.
61. There are no antiprotons or antineutrons, made up from antiquarks, except for a few that physicists produce in large particle accelerators.
62. Of the five different categories of troops all except for allies are covered by the list in this book.
63. The work is original except for the borrowings from Archimedes.
64. All the passengers, except for myself and my female companion were sick.
65. She was naked except for a tampax and a lot of acrylic paint.
66. Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback, except for the specialized and coffee table markets.
67. Except for an entitlement to a police car and driver when attending official functions, they receive no formal allowances.
68. The water trough was empty except for a layer of scum, a beer bottle and some sweet wrappers.
69. Except for blokes like you and Eric, but then you're like me.
70. Except for the flies that is which had the persistence of pit bull terriers.
71. The hamlet was almost deserted, except for two old women and some small children.
72. Except for the frequency of bowel actions, there was no difference in gastrointestinal symptoms between the patients and controls.
73. All was silent except for the automatic fire fairly close at hand, somewhere down by the crossroads.
74. Instead, except for initial new manager training, the learning was left mainly to chance.
75. Unlike other large animal phyla all nematodes look alike except for size - at least to the common man.
76. Water has a greater capacity to absorb heat than any other natural material except for ammonia.
77. Our cooker is about 35 years old(), but is still in excellent condition except for the sealing ring.
78. There was no sound except for a pigeon burbling to itself in the road, pecking at horse-dung.
79. Voting is compulsory, except for registered anarchists, who are allowed to abstain, provided they fill in the correct forms.
80. She was naked, except for golden anklets and bracelets set with emeralds.
81. Except for a Christmas truce, the battle of Hanoi raged through December.
82. There were pines now, the ground was rocky and without cover except for the resinous stalk trunks.
83. Except for pasting the occasional coconut tree with small advertisements for acupuncture, the hippies have done little to disfigure this beautiful spot.
84. Except for one breakdown, San Diego refused to give up big plays, the Raiders' trademark so far.
85. There was nothing in the chest except for a few items of clothing.
86. He made almost a clean break with the game, except for some local television work.
87. It makes it less audacious and less entertaining than the Eye, of course, except for the literary and dramatic reviews.
88. Lustful travellers came from all over the world to watch him dance, naked except for a silk cap atop his curls.
89. As she might have expected, it was almost empty, except for an air hostess sitting on the toilet, smoking.
90. They also will be confined to base, except for official business in town.
91. All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it. Samuel Butler 
92. You wouldn't know it was autumn except for the odd dry leaf blowing down the road from the cemetery.
93. Of course no one gave that as a reason - except for Abie Klugman, and poor Abie didn't really count.
94. I fancied that except for a few corrugated iron roofs it still looked the same as when he had been here.
95. Ben, naked except for the strait-jacket, and blue with cold, was heaving and struggling and bellowing.
96. I know absolutely nothing about this authoress, except for the fact that she has written many other horror stories.
97. Except for the burial at sea of a woman travelling to meet her husband, it was a dull voyage.
98. There was nothing in his office except for a few battered chairs.
99. Soon they may be virtually invisible except for a discreet beacon.
100. Her face would be pale except for two red spots high on her cheekbones.
101. Except for myalgia, which quickly resolved with appropriate thyroid replacement, she was entirely asymptomatic.
102. Except for the blip this month, unemployment has continued to fall this year.
103. Inhibitions are rare except for a bankruptcy inhibition, which serves the same purpose as a land charge in unregistered conveyancing.
104. Except for every fourth year when the Rose Bowl will host the national championship game, regardless of which teams are playing.
105. The ecological setting was similar to that of today, except for an alkaline lake which has long since evaporated.
106. Arthur Smith, once a slender man, now was slender still except for the beach ball he sported under his shirt.
107. They joked and called out to one another, except for Lacrimosa, who was glaring directly at her.
108. We all now agree with Churchill's adage: democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
109. Now the choir and the south choir aisle were empty except for the Chapter clergy and the cathedral policeman.
110. Except for the consort song, all of these types of composition are represented somewhere among the studies presented here.
110. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
111. Except for her bright clothing, she was decked out like some one about to be sent to a boot camp.
112. The other women in the classroom, except for two in the uniforms of the regular army, wear dresses.
113. During the talks, a news blackout eliminated contact with the press except for photo opportunities.
114. The sounds of battle on the outer wall ceased, and the night was quiet except for fidgeting on the catwalk.
115. All of these survive, except for the commentary on the Psalter and the preface.
116. Practically empty, except for a few undigested diet pills.
117. Tom is a nice person, except for his pettiness.
118. The patient had no past history of genitourinary tract disorder, except for polyuria, since his childhood.
119. LME base metal prices all increased on last Friday, except for aluminum price.
120. Article 40 While terminating a juristic person shall discontinue all activities except for liquidation by law.
121. Yet Gerard received no relief except for ibuprofen, a mild painkiller.
122. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and commits adultery.
123. No stars were visible , except for one -- a large white star.
124. Except for a brief interlude in 1908 , full employment prevailed during most of the period.
125. Except for this, Pan - Pioneer also offer multi wire drawing machine, tandem line drawing machineline drawing machine.
126. The permeation constant of gases through metals is negligible except for hydrogen through palladium or iron.
127. This article is easy to understand except for some idiomatic expression _ rs.
128. Osmotic protection showed no beneficial effect except for the young nodules.
129. Except for sick leave, I was never absent from class.
130. So except for McCarthy, your father's company had nothing to do with Fayed?
131. Except for Hokkaido, we don't get much snowfall at all.
132. Except for hermits and recluses, who shun company, most people are gregarious.
133. Everyone traveled during the last holiday season except for Tim.
134. Automatic is ok, except for special effect, or stop action.
135. The girl made her entry entirely nude except for a pink flamingo feather Between her limBs.
136. Except for immediate family , a separate registration card is prepared for each person.
137. This paper is well written except for a little miscalculation.
138. Interestingly , he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf a fist fight except for rare incidences.
139. I think I can take most medicine except for strong pain reliever.
140. There were no complications except for 1 case with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis.http:///except for.html
141. Pinocytosis probably plays a minor role in drug transport, except for protein drugs.
142. I have no change except for this high denomination banknote.
143. Physical examination is unremarkable except for tenderness over the left lower quadrant.
144. Temperature effect is mainly distributed in - high latitudes under monthly scale except for Bamako and Addisababa stations.
145. Jeth: Yeah, and that show was funny. Wasn't too accurate, except for the moonshine part.
146. Except for the ending theme , I'd give this soundtrack a thumbs up.
147. In fact, the envelope is identical in each case except for a scale factor.
148. Except for some rather tame scenes in the slum, the scenery of the city is unequalled.
149. Except for Hokkaido, we do not get much snowfall at all.
150. The region is uninhabited except for a few scattered mountain villages.
151. Incredibly, she was unharmed, except for a scrape on her shoulder.
152. Liver disease should be diagnosed clearly operation except for some special examinations.
153. The niqab is part of a and covers the entire face except for the eyes.
154. Suppose that a machine could pass all my specific Turing tests, except for one of them.
155. She had no other major structural abnormalities except for a secundum - type atrial septal defect and arteriosus.
156. The old maid on the corner lives alone except for her cats.
157. It retains all of the advantage of ( 3 - 50 a ) and ( 3 - 50 b ) except for a somewhat increased truncation error.
158. Except for unavailability of quotas , we normally process new applications within five working days.
159. Corrosion resistance : except for corrosive salt area and sulfurous area.
160. In the N - domain, the poly - secretion and RSRR sites recognized by proteinase except for A . pernyi.
161. In contrast, Clinton's second Administration has the best record, except for President Reagan's first term.
162. Tad Trenton : Except for the one in my closet.
163. The symposium social event includes one self - funded tour ( pay except for the lecturers and foreign guests ).
164. The fundamentals are well known but are extremely complex except for trivial cases.
165. In comparation with the contrast group, there were significant differences except for fetal death and stillbirth.
166. Mary told me this morning that she likes teleconferencing except for the slow speed.
166. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
167. Except for the game It'seems everything tonight is a rerun.
168. Except for the anchor winch, the winches aboard are man - powered.
169. All the parts except for the transfer ducts are undersized.
170. Except for the persons she had gone to knock up, everyone was present.
171. Description: Herbaceous vines, glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes, petioles, and leaf margin.




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