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单词 Every other
1. I check my mailbox every other day.
2. I have a bath every other day.
3. Ovett managed to outpace every other runner.
4. My mother changes the sheets every other week.
5. The daily housemaid hoovers the carpet every other day.
6. The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
7. I've not read that one but I've read every other book in the library.
8. They visit us every other week.
9. The same will apply in every other country.
10. We have English lessons every other day.
11. The conference takes place every other/second year.
12. The miners muck the waste rock every other day.
13. You only need to water plants every other day.
14. He was sacked from every other job he had.
15. She visited him in hospital every other day.
16. I went home every other week.
17. Every other girl except me is wearing jeans.
18. We have a slide show every other week.
19. Peter was conscripted like every other young man.
20. Take this medicine with warm water every other day.
21. I visit my parents every other weekend.
22. What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind.
23. Miss Mary defused and obliterated every other talent on stage.
24. He had no special privileges and was treated just like every other prisoner.
25. Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.
26. Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day(http://), vegetables and fruit.
27. It'll have to be on a Sunday. I'll be working every other day.
28. Our English teacher goes to keep-fit classes and does exercises every other day.
29. Britain's economic development must lag behind that of almost every other industrial nation.
30. The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
1. I check my mailbox every other day.
2. I have a bath every other day.
3. Ovett managed to outpace every other runner.
4. My mother changes the sheets every other week.
5. The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
6. He had no special privileges and was treated just like every other prisoner.
7. We have a slide show every other week.
8. Britain's economic development must lag behind that of almost every other industrial nation.
31. The president, like every other leader, reacts to pressure.
32. She phones me every other day.
33. She's on call at the hospital every other night.
34. Buildings are casualties of this kind every other month.
35. At present, the full board meets every other month.
36. Like every other club, you're trying to raise funds.
37. Payday here is always every other Friday.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
38. Trash is collected every other day.
39. He own every other building around here.
40. This, after all, is the position in which every other professional group finds itself.
41. The decision was as rational a move as every other move in Jackie's career.
42. Every other man at the funeral was in a full black suit with a black tie.
43. All human individuals are on a par, but each is separate from every other like the matches in a match box.
44. Workers reaped benefits far beyond those in nearly every other industrial country.
45. As with every other aspect of the desert life cycle, time is of the essence.
46. As in the case of every other issue that could have been used against him, Clinton co-opted it.
47. I was my hair every other day and usually only go to my hairdresser before a party.
48. But they believe there will always be a need for hospitals to care for volatile children who have exhausted every other alternative.
49. Soigneur A person who gives massage and every other kind of comfort to exhausted, injured or demoralised riders.
50. Imprisonment is a harsh measure that should be used only when every other reasonable avenue has failed.
51. Many doctors now take an aspirin every other day themselves, as a hedge against heart attacks.
52. Tuck stitch knitted in 4-ply mohair on every other needle on a standard gauge machine with the No. 4 switch on.
53. Every other bookmark was a blank shred of typing paper.
54. There are three generations of neutrino just as there are of every other particle.
55. Nevertheless every drop, indistinguishable from every other, left a little deposit of sensation, experience, feeling.
56. Motorists are developing the habit of buying a new car every other year.
57. Mrs Thatcher wanted to explore every other possible alternative to local authority leadership of the community care programme.
58. Like every other city she could think of, this one was a mass of snarled traffic.
59. He had fine features, I thought, but he looked like every other handsome man I had ever seen.
60. They were making towards the tree line, which was like every other tree line.
61. World heavyweight boxing ends the year much as it started this year and almost every other year - in total chaos.
62. But like every other species, including the human, the bee is just as clever as it needs to be.
63. But with a deli on every other block purveying all sorts of ethnic breads, l never baked a single loaf.
64. He has three children, who come to stay every other weekend.
65. His column appears every other week in the local paper.
66. Cleanliness is very important for hair as for every other part of the body.
67. He gave us a quiz on the reading every other day.
68. Bait should be introduced as often as possible, at least every other day, but every day is much more effective.
69. The importance attached to every other issue rose sharply when the campaign opened but the importance attached to defence hardly changed.
70. Having laid the foundation of a compleat classical education at Harvard College, he pursues every other study with ease.
71. They can be found in sound cards, graphics cards and Lust about every other piece of computer hardware.
72. Currently, Medicare covers no preventive measures except for flu shots and mammograms every other year for women over 65.
73. He joined every other prisoner in the mess hall for breakfast each morning at six-thirty.
74. She's aye the envy of every other girl on the island.
75. The bottom line was that in the Soviet Union, as in every other nation state in history, money talked.
76. The young Japanese violinist outshone every other musician at the concert.
77. The language needed to describe unity is itself divisive, each word an island proclaiming its difference from every other.
78. Local government was allocated these responsibilities with great reluctance only after the government had explored every other possibility.
79. Every other crop was grazed off and large quantities of well-rotted farmyard manure were returned before cereals were sown.
80. The human memory, in common with every other store, has to be positively consulted before it will function.
81. The hedonist has a privileged place in ethics; his is the case which stands if every other falls.
82. Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field.
83. It would have driven every other landlady to distraction but Wilson was determined not to be bested.
84. I slept for seven hours each night. 1 went to the gym every other day.
85. The magazine Campaign reckons that sales promotion agencies are outperforming every other marketing services sector.
86. Every other machine in Harley's range uses its trusted formula of a 45 V-twin in a steel backbone frame.
87. Or, to put it another way, you're playing every other note in the scale.
88. But in every other conceivable way that action was entirely wrong.
89. Like every other business, it needs good management to keep it running smoothly, especially during times of change.
90. But for every other fax installed in the world, your fax machine increases in value.
91. How could a man so intelligent in every other way be so obtuse when it came to ordinary everyday living?
92. A barn owl usually lays an egg a day or every other day until there is a clutch of four to six.
93. I looked after Jessica and visited him every other day.
94. Every person knew where and who he was in relation to every other person.
95. However, the class struggle is played out in medicine as in every other institution of society.
96. I had to ask Edusha to repeat every other word.
97. The utilities also have announced they will read meters every other month and use an estimate between readings.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
98. Everybody looked at every other body and burst out laughing.
99. The printed word remains the access route to every other form of intellectual information.
100. Not enough money to share among the special learners who have an equal right to education with every other child?
101. Task analysis, in common with every other perceptual process, is a matter of setting up mechanisms for categorisation and filtering.
102. One is a parity grid arrangement, whereby upper and lower intervention rates are established for each currency against every other currency.
103. Every other layer is spinach noodles, and the secret ingredient is the fifth cheese.
104. A New York judge awarded custody of the boy to Leo in 1994 and allowed Heard to see him every other weekend.
105. Or culling every other tree might help to change the feeling of being hemmed in.
106. At least every other day, even through the winter, something more must be done to keep the garden in good shape.
107. Direct files require extensive design work, because every file and every algorithm will differ slightly from every other.
108. This prevents Navigator from storing cookies, but it will work normally in every other respect.
109. In every other sphere of historical enquiry, new material is acknowledged.
110. Outside of food and energy, inflation moderated in every other major part of the consumer price index.
111. Every other night he wet his bed, and he argued with Clarisa almost constantly.
112. Potatoes, on the other hand, we ate every other day.
113. Like every other Cabinet minister, I was asked for my opinion.
114. They had grown up and gone to work picking stump out of every other burned off field in this Florida county.
115. Mixed in with most of the words in Englishand very likely every other language-is some taint of liking or disliking.
116. Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine. Thomas Paine 
117. From any chosen viewpoint it looks as though every other galaxy is going away from you.
118. Patients were reviewed every week for the first month and every other week until food reintroductions were completed.
119. They do with every other side - somehow methinks scum will avoid that on the whole.
120. When I finally began rebuilding my program, I was allowed one half-mile run every other day.
121. The same applies to every other field of endeavour.
122. Set search engine Robot to return every other day.
123. I air out my shoes every other day.
124. Leatherback turtles usually mate every other year.
125. We have a trinket, as does every other class.
126. He will go the worksite every other day.
127. We mark our tennis court out every other week.
127. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
128. You should write on every other line.
129. The ensuing continent that would be created would destroy every other continent on earth killing billions of people in the process and making the planet inhabitable for Superman.
130. The financial, like every other department of administration under the autocracy, differed in its leading features from that of the Principate .
131. Yet when it comes to appraisals, the linen of every other company is covered with much the same filthy stains as ours, and so there seems no shame in suggesting a mass outing to the launderette.
132. His work made it impossible for him to get home oftener than every other weekend.
133. He speculated in the financial markets for nearly two years, until the great bloodbath of October 2008, when he was sacked, along with every other Icelander who called himself a "trader."
134. Every heavenly body is endowed with the power of attraction; that is, it attracts every other body in the same manner that a magnet attracts iron.
135. Unlike every other comet that's ever been observed, the object's 140-meter-wide nucleus sits off-center from the tail (see photo).
136. The team also administered the modified measles virus to mouse models of medulloblastoma, administering treatment every other day for 10 days.
137. It certainly helped that the U. S. — unlike just about every other major power in Europe or Asia — did not endure a ruinous war on its home territory.
138. Mrs. Smith bowels open usually once a day. sometimes every other dav.
139. Far from a picaresque Everyman, Saleem discovers he shares special powers with every other person born in the same hour and comes to see himself as the incarnation of India, an avatar of the nation.
140. It has two meanings : twice a week and every other week. The same bimonthly.
141. I don't know whether they're cooking the books like every other public corporation or not.
142. That's Kashgar: If you want to see it before it's turned into a simulacrum of every other Chinese city, be quick.
143. The recursive formulas of the spherical harmonics integral between every other order are proved to be fast and stable by numerical computation.
144. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy.
145. Say you've built an image editor and you want to let other developers write plug-ins to perform special effects like solarize, blur, or making every other pixel green. Whatever.
146. Every other argument may be a perfectly normal C type, however, as Inline will figure out the conversion code for you automatically.
147. Abby used to come home every other day with a bump or a bruise.
148. As the Pew research shows, childlessness was once the domain of the highly educated, but now every other segment of society is catching up.
149. Where every other horse misbehaved and did something stupid, he just did his job.
150. But now, not only is it back, copies are included every other week in the Lakota Country Times, a local newspaper.
151. It was forty-eight hours since he had seen Cosette; he was about to behold her once more; every other thought was effaced, and he felt only a profound and unheard-of joy.
152. Of the 173 nations in the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index 2008, Burma ranked 170th, behind every other country except the "unchanging hells" of Turkmenistan, North Korea, and Eritrea.
153. Wang with "the community majordomo " the reflection, recently, had over 30 year-old man, runs up to their courtyard to look for the child every other day.
154. From Stalin's era on, every other Abkhaz family had a KGB officer, a secret agent, or an informer among their relatives.
155. The 28-year-old from Thembalihle works seven days a week as a ranch hand on a 370-acre cattle and sheep farm, getting a day off every other week.
156. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez walked the red carpet together Nov. 20 at the 2011 American Music Awards —and they put every other couple to shame with their high-class look.
157. In a true mesh network——wired or wireless ——every node has a connection to every other node in the network,(http:///every other.html) whether directly or via hopping though intermediate nodes.
158. We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy.
159. He'd spent a summer as a door-to-door Fuller Brush salesman, and outsold every other Fuller man in two states.
160. They were randomly assigned to receive either 20 mg of tadalafil or placebo every other day for 6 weeks.
161. The complainer: This type of employee starts the day by complaining about little things and moves on to complain about every other thing.
162. Upadhyay is angry that Delhi is being allowed to grow unchecked, to the detriment of every other part of the Ganges River Basin.
163. Knowledge workers cannot become masters of the productive forces of society, except by abolishing their own previous mode of appropriation, and thereby also every other previous mode of appropriation.
164. They also know they are at least one player short of becoming true contenders in the Eastern Conference, which is why they are chasing Carmelo Anthony and every other disenchanted star in the N.B.A.
165. If you think of a call center as a living being, the PBX would be its nervous system, informing every other part of the organization with instant knowledge on how the business is doing.
166. Consequently, unlike every other known person on the planet, or unearthed skeleton, Mungo man can not be traced to humans that left Africa any time in the last 200, 000 years.
167. This system, because of its nature, will fire the plugs each revolution, instead of every other, and is known as a wasted spark system.
168. But it was also now true for every other issue, large or small, domestic or foreign, all of which were reduced to a menu of either-or, for-or-against, sound-bite-ready choices.
169. Really Bad Adherents. I'm not going to point fingers here but like every other succesful idea before it, everyone wants to co-opt it.
170. And the probability of being in every other microstate is zero. Alright, so there's a relationship that we're going to have here, which is going to be interesting. Let's derive it.
171. And the confused Platypus wanted something of every other animal.
172. A discussion of copyleft licenses focuses on the early history of the GPL, which Kelty identifies as an Ur-license that nearly every other free software license is descended from.
173. He might have had a monomania on the subject of his departed idol; but on every other point his wits were as sound as mine.
174. I had penetrated the secret which the quicksand had kept from every other living creature.
175. The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory.
176. They do such a thorough job that you might be able to get away with having them come every other week or even once a month, depending on your level of slovenliness.
177. The proletarians cannot become masters of the productive forces of society, except by abolishing their own previous mode of appropriation, and thereby also every other previous mode of appropriation.
178. The good sense of the community has seconded the efforts of the Legislature; and now, even in the country, the pentagonal construction has superseded every other.
179. And I was in love with Joey McIntyre , along with every other self - respecting ankle - biter.
180. What makes this different from every other loader out at the moment?
181. Even in Asia, virtually every other country, including poorer ones such as China, the Philippines and Malaysia, all have some measure of value added tax.
182. The encounter smudged into the same colorlessness of every other colorless moment in the colorless flow of time on the bridge.
183. The Product Owner is the Project Manager, the Business Analyst, the System Designer, the User Experience Architect, and every other Business Group...
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
184. When I was a boy "discovering literature", I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka.
185. It wasn't just the difference between the throaty, cropped sounds of Cantonese, to Beijing where every other word sounded like the English 'SURE.
186. The trade fair of the town is held every other day.
187. Since world cup of the first rugger was held in New Zealand 1987, this match every other is held 4 years, this year hold time to come from September 9 on October 23.
188. Jazz and every other musical genre wafted though the warmnight air, although finding live events was a challenge, since they are mostlyheld in pricey indoor venues.
189. They still get treated differently from almost every other contemporary British band.
190. She seemed a creature afar off -- like every other celebrity he had known.
191. Even now, as Starbucks seems more and more like every other retailer, Schultz doesn't seem quite like any other chief executive. He's still an iconoclast.
192. She goes to class every other day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
193. "For a year I struggled to think of every other reason except for the obvious one," he said. "Then it just came up, clear as day.




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