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单词 End up with
1. They could end up with a 50-point winning margin.
2. If they take this game lightly they could end up with egg on their faces.
3. This could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.
4. The weakest students can end up with a negative score.
5. Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach upset.
6. Carefully separate leaves; you should end up with about 18 round lettuce cups, each about 3 to 5 inches across.
7. As a result you can end up with a file bordering on the megabytes instead of a few tens of kilobytes.
8. Let a smile be your umbrella, and you'll end up with a face full of rain. George Carlin 
9. You thus end up with a whole batch of specific tasks to carry out, some over several months, even years.
10. Term limits could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.
11. Here's a checklist to help ensure you end up with the right advice.
12. You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure.
13. Why bother being Hollywood if you end up with such an identity crisis?
14. There are other variations but they all end up with black's king being cornered on h8 or h7.
15. Such a person would end up with a few very large schemata and would be unable to detect differences in things.
16. Which means you end up with a larger pile of results from your search.
17. Usually I end up with old men, pensioners, church deacons.
18. You end up with walls lined with sheets of paper, or blackboards covered with artistic scrawl.
19. Many investors could end up with even more money if they kept stock funds in taxable accounts.
20. Eat too much of it and you will end up with pellagra.
21. It doesn't really matter, as long as you end up with copies other than in the subdirectory which is about to be burned.
22. Therefore, the meetings end up with lists and no decision.http://
23. If you use too much colour you can end up with something that looks like a fruit salad.
24. I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.
25. Application Apply bronzer evenly and don't go over the same area twice or you will end up with streaks.
26. Tough guy or sweet guy? Why bother being Hollywood if you end up with such an identity crisis?
27. Try to walk another footpath on the site, you end up with very wet feet.
28. Isolation of affected cases must be very rigorously followed, or you will end up with a large outbreak on your hands.
29. Combining the three ounces of gin and vermouth that you stir you will end up with a four-ounce martini.
30. Then, we have to start trapping with other guys, and they end up with open jump shots.
31. Sandoz shareholders will end up with 55 percent of the newly issued shares, and Ciba stockholders will get 45 percent.
32. You always end up with grains of sand in your food when you eat at the beach.
33. That if you play the game of divide and rule long enough then you end up with Sister Souljah?
34. Gardeners who find everything at the nursery irresistible can end up with a hodgepodge, rather than a pleasing overall effect.
35. If we think they are easy meat we will end up with egg on our faces.
36. Despite their equal bone-hunting skills some will end up with big bones and some with little bones.
37. People end up with less basis in their S corporations than they expected once they start to borrow from a bank.
38. Unless we are very lucky, we will end up with clogged arteries.
39. With an Epilady you don't end up with a prickly pear.
40. We make stupid mistakes and end up with rotten little capers like this one.
41. We always end up with rubbishing our relatives!
42. You end up with eggnog all over your costume!
43. The US could end up with a "sharecropper economy," where Americans largely work for foreign-owned firms.
44. Both of these issues can create a problem for the female, as she may end up with a pyometra before she conceives.
45. As medicine progresses, we will end up with lots and lots of ethical questions.
46. The animals that end up with us are the dogs that have lived life on a chain, never been touched by humans, completely unable to socialise, and have terrible injuries.
47. You prescribe brandy for them, and I'll end up with a wardroom of closet drunks.
48. We can also OCR printed books and end up with unprotected digital files.
49. When you distill your own liquor, sometimes you end up with a bad batch , whispered Tom.
50. Eventually I gave up, fearing one more attempt to convince her I wasn't completely feeble would end up with me on a Telethon.
51. In her mind, she's thinking, "How did I end up with this ugly motherfucker?
52. You'll end up with the screen shown in Figure 5, which can charitably be described as plain but functional.
53. And it's not unusual for temperatures and precipitation levels to be higher or lower than normal. After all, that's how we end up with the artificial line called normal.
54. When it comes to digital form books we just print the screen and OCR and end up with a nonprotected copy.
55. Yet in each case we end up with the same demand function.
56. Perhaps Blizzard needs to rethink their position on dealing with Korean authorities, otherwise the long awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of kinder-garden sandpit.
57. Either way, we are going to end up with some version of proportional representation.
58. If you encode the video into a compressed format you will likely end up with a video file that plays perfectly due to the greatly reduced file size.
59. Fourier transform is kind of like taking apart a puzzle, you start with a completed picture and end up with smaller pieces that each make up part of the whole.
60. For the carbon, we start with 4 valence electrons, we have 0 lone pair electrons minus 4, and we end up with a formal charge of 0.
61. How, after runaway banks brought the economy to its knees, did we end up with Ron Paul, who says "I don't think we need regulators, " about to take over a key House panel overseeing the Fed?
62. Writers who dabble, or constantly tell themselves, I'll finish later, are the writers who end up with a half-dozen manuscripts collecting digital dust on their hard drives.
63. And, you'll see that if we reformulate Kepler's Law in terms of vectors, and if we work a bit with these vectors, we are going to end up with something that's actually completely obvious to us now.
64. Once you have the images you just use some standard Anaglyph software to integrate the shots and you end up with these stereoscopic images.
65. But the cost is so high that only places like the Cushing Academy or well endowed universities can afford it —the rest of us just end up with books in the dumpster.
66. Worse, cascading deletes don't exist, so if I used the same technique to model a one-to-many relationships, and the parent were removed, I could end up with stale children.
67. It simply won't work, and you'll end up with inconsistent data in your database and an overly complex design.
68. You are better to do this with great circumspection or it would be easily end up with a burned ESC.
69. The central bank would eventually have to raise nominal rates aggressively to bring back stability. It would end up with the very opposite of what the advocates of a high inflation policy hope for.
70. You'll pay a lot of money for the privilege—one-third of the employee's first- year salary, or more—but you'll probably end up with truly topnotch candidates for your job.
71. Although a few consumer ask for a manual, but a variety of evadable that face agency, also can end up with nothing definite finally only.
72. "If the sap gets on your skin and it's exposed to sunlight ... you end up with third-degree burns, oozing and scars, " Naja Kraus, the DEC's giant hogweed program coordinator, told the press.
73. But I know these egoistic efforts will end up with nothing much.
74. Pall Mall, which the company has been aggressively promoting, gained 2.8 points to end up with 6.0 percent of the U. S. market.
75. There is a danger that risks may be passed from hand to hand and end up with unreliable companies, or even inadvertently back in the hands of the original insurer.
76. If you try similar word-for-word translations, you too could end up with nonsense.
77. Recent applications have adopted XML as their primary file format but older applications rely on other formats, so you often end up with a mixture of data in new and old formats.
78. Now map that back to the Arabic numeral system and you end up with, no surprise, 9.
79. Any application you choose to deploy onto the provided server should be free of vendor-specific code, because you might end up with an application server implementation that you weren't expecting.
80. In Java code, you end up with a disjointed set of components and no real sense of what belongs to what.
81. In a relational database, you end up with many records with a null value in the fax column (for instance) for every one or two that utilizes that value.
82. Pinkeye isn't always benign — a number of patients end up with light sensitivity and even vision loss.
83. Or for risotto,[ ] you must have hot stock or you slow the cooking down too much and end up with gluey rice.
84. They then introduced the homing endonuclease gene (HEG) — which makes a copy of itself, ensuring all offspring end up with a copy of it as well — into around one per cent of the population.
85. If you end up with a white screen with small icons and the number 507, simply connect to DM again and run application loader again and it should load the OS to the device.
86. Thus, in the third line, we end up with an infinite loop.
87. And if this affair does lead to a break up of your marriage and into a new permanent relationship, the chances are you will end up with the same problems!
88. And now if you combine that with Faraday's law you end up with the flux through S of minus dB over dt.
89. If those areas are damaged, we may end up with pedophilia, or abnormal desires for inappropriate objects.
90. You will most likely end up with a problem that results in inconsistent data and poor data integrity.
91. Unless there's a standard cable lying around that does exactly what you need, you can end up with messy tangles of wires outside of your box as well.
92. Firstly, if you are silly enough to order all the deep-fried, fatty foods on any menu, you'll end up with a lot of calories and a lot of fat – deep-fried Mars bars, chicken nuggets and chips, anyone?
93. In the year that it sold the equipment, the company would end up with a strong positive cash flow, but its current and future earnings potential would be fairly bleak.
94. And when you solved the relativistic form of the Schrodinger equation, what you end up with is that you can have two possible values for the magnetic spin quantum number.
95. If half the time has elapsed, you'll end up with an alpha of .5 (128 as a byte). By calculating the alpha value from the actual elapsed time, you guarantee that the blend always finishes on time.Sentencedict
96. I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty.
97. So the Android Marketplace will end up with plenty of great apps like Shazam and Foursquare, but it will lack that long tail of "boutique" or homegrown apps.
98. Here is a wiring diagram for the star configuration that I have found from the net. you are better to do this with great circumspection or it would be easily end up with a burned ESC.
99. Electron microscopic studies have shown that these particles do end up with the phagolysosomes.
100. What they will end up with: Mike Ashley is unlikely to underwrite a major spending spree, so Pardew will have to wheel and deal.
101. Let's say we start from some V1 and p1 here, so high pressure, small volume and we end up with a high volume low pressure, under constant temperature condition.
102. However, it also means that you can now easily end up with a huge list of unsorted bookmarks and trying to find something in that huge list could be an exasperating task.
103. For many who take to e-book route, they end up with a humble but consistent second income stream which can get them through the leaner months.
104. The second reason is that we tend to end up with scruffy code in multiple-test methods, as we hack around making the tests reasonable.
105. Once leather Ka is case Ceng Yuteng with be suspected of forestall and unfair competition dispatch litigates (), but final result also is to end up with nothing definite.
106. And you end up with Greek manuscripts with these verses in different places in I Corinthians 14.
107. Don't stop until you get to twenty, even if you end up with something like "I'm thankful for the shape of my right pinkie toe" or "I'm thankful for spicy hummus and pita chips."
108. At the time, authorities thought Bulger was using the lottery to launder money: take illicit profits, buy a share in a winning lottery ticket, redeem it, and end up with clean cash.
109. For the sulfur, we start off with 6 valence electrons, minus 4 lone pair electrons, minus 2, taking in account our bonding electrons, so we end up with a formal charge of 0.
110. If we continue down this line of inquiry, most of the time we will end up with the ultimate fears: dying, being nothing, or being nobody.
111. If you're in a lower tax bracket, avoid tax-free bonds because you'll end up with less of a return than in higher-yielding taxable bonds.
112. Click on the top right anchor point once, and using the arrows on your keyboard move it until it meets with the center point, you should end up with an isosceles triangle.
113. If you actually combine the best ideas of both, you end up with an extensible and modular and loosely coupled system.
114. So we end up with a formal charge on carbon of negative 1.
115. As long as you do workload consolidation and hardware optimization properly, it's almost inevitable that you'll end up with surplus hardware that has reached its EOL support.




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