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单词 Xylose
1. The xylose isomerase was expressed, purified and characterized.
2. It was impossible for natural yeast to ferment xylose.
3. Xylans are heteropolymers consisting principally of xylose and arabinose.
4. The results showed that glucose and xylose liberated from cellulose and hemicellulose in corn stover were rapidly fermented to ethanol by S.
5. This shows that a xylose isomerase gene was missing in the yeast, and cloning of this gene from other organisms might make the yeast ferment xylose directly.
6. Glucose, mannose , xylose and galactose are included in the saccharide.
7. Based on the excretion of D—xylose in urine, it was found to strengthen the intestinal absorption in normal rats and the rats with the deficiency of spleen induced by Rheum palmatum.
8. Saccharide: Glucose, mannose , xylose and galactose and so on are included.
9. Compares with the xylose plywood, the processing bamboo plywood difficulty is bigger.
10. Efficient use of xylose is the basis for using lignocellulose completely.
11. Xylose fermentation is one of the key factors in the cost of ethanol production as feedstock.
12. The major components of hemicellulose is pentose, including xylose, arabinose, etc. , which can be used as carbon source of ethanol fermentation.
13. The primary studies on the extracellular xylanase of the strain H-1 demonstrated that the xylanase was induced by xylan and cellobiose and inhibited by xylose and glucose.
14. Xylose reductase(XR) is a key enzyme in D-xylose metabolism, catalyzing the reduction of D-xylose to xylitol. The reported xylose reductase from C.
15. The results indicated that fucoidans from Sargassum fusiforme were composed mainly of fucose, galactose, glctose, mannose and small amounts of rhamnose, xylose and arabinose.
16. The results showed that active charcoal particle has remarkable decoloration ability for the first xylose solution.
17. No spore was formed , and it was resistant to 0/129. It could utilize glucose, malt ose , mannite, sucrose and inositol, but could not utilize xylose, xyl ose, raffinose,(Sentence dictionary) sorbin and adonitol.
18. The results indicate that the yeasts S. cerevi- ciae is able to produce ethanol from D-xylose as the enzyme xylose isomerase exists in either oxygen—limited or anaerobic fermentation.
19. Microbial xylanases occur in various microorganisms and can hydrolyze xylans into xy - looligosaccharides and D - xylose.
20. The results can lay a foundation for application in industry of xylose isomerase .
21. A soluble , gummy polysaccharide found in plant cell walls and yielding xylose upon hydrolysis.
22. The results showed that the backbone of NFG - 1 was composed of xylose and glucose.
23. They can't ferment glucose, fructose, esculin, amygdalin, arabinose, lactose, mannose, ribose, sucrose, xylose, raffinose, mannitol, inositol, sorbitol and gelatin.
24. The corncob auto - hydrolysate was hydrolyzed by xylanase to obtain the fermentable xylose solution.
25. The model was based on enzyme inhibition kinetics, taking into account substrate inhibition, xylose inhibition, axial diffusion and film diffusion.
26. Antioxidtive Maillard reaction products can be formed arg inine and xylose.
27. The output of some products, such as monosodium glutamate, citric acid, xylose, xylitol and ethyl maltol used in perfume, still lays at the top of the world.
28. "If you do the fermentation by using only cellobiose or xylose, it takes 48 hours," said postdoctoral researcher and lead author Suk-Jin Ha.
29. In fact, the new yeast strain simultaneously converts cellobiose (a precursor of glucose) and xylose to ethanol just as quickly as it can ferment either sugar alone.
30. Results GL-PPT2, GL-PPT3, and GL-PPT4 comprise the nine monosaccharides of mannose, ribose, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, galactose, and glucuronic acid.
31. The mainly neutral sugars were composed of rhamnose, xylose and glucose.
32. The dissolved glycosyls mainly were glucose, xylose, galactose and arabinose.
33. It was identified by TLC and GC that both heteroglycans contain the same main residues of glucose, galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, lyxose, xylose, glucuronic acid and galacturonic acid.
34. A yellow , water - soluble, gummy polysaccharide found in plant cell walls and yielding xylose upon hydrolysis.
35. The mutated saccharomyces cerevisiae starting transcription factor transformed into microzyme can be used for production in which xylose is utilized by leaven to produce ethanol.
36. The utilization ratio of xylose is 71.42 % , as same as the original strain.
37. A third approach that bypasses the redox imbalance issue is to replace the reductase and dehydrogenase with one enzyme xylose isomerase that can be expressed in yeast.
38. However, the yeast can be used to ferment xylulose, an isomerized product of xylose(), to ethanol with high yield and efficiency.
39. But if you do the co-fermentation with the cellobiose and xylose, double the amount of sugar is consumed in the same amount of time and produces more than double the amount of ethanol.
40. The product xylose is identified by silica gel TLC, optical activity measurement and other approval tests.




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