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单词 Sounding
1. He is fond of using high - sounding phrases.
2. He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.
3. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.
4. Max sighed, sounding even more downhearted.
5. We'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories.
6. A balloon popped, sounding like a gunshot.
7. He should check his facts before sounding off.
8. 'What do you want?' he asked, sounding slightly truculent.
9. I called Mum, sounding all sad and pathetic.
10. They were sounding the river.
11. She despised herself for sounding so defensive.
12. He's always sounding off about falling standards in education.
13. Sounding the car's horn, she drove at high speed through the crowded streets.
14. Now it is an American economist who is sounding the alarm .
15. At the risk of sounding self-pitying, I'd say it has been harder on me than it has on Joanne.
16. He's always sounding off about how he would manage the firm.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a question?
18. John always used her as a sounding board for new ideas.
19. He keeps sounding off about his exploits in the Far East.
20. He had a way of sounding so sincere. It made me warm and tingly.
21. She's always sounding off about too much sex in the media.
22. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer.
23. He's always sounding off about how he thinks the country should be run.
24. I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.
25. At the risk of sounding stupid, how do I send this email?
26. "That is beautiful, Tony," Momma said, no longer sounding at all snappish.
27. She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.
28. "The doctor is on her way, " said Mrs Morris, sounding falsely cheerful.
29. There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.
30. It's difficult to talk to teenagers about drugs without sounding too moralistic.
1. He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.
2. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.
3. She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.
4. They were sounding the river.
5. He keeps sounding off about his exploits in the Far East.
31. I spent a lot of time sounding them out on the plan to extend the building.
32. At the risk of sounding rude, don't you think you'd better change for the party?
33. It is surprising how many people start sounding off about something without really deciding what they think about it.
34. Stewart dispatched a column sounding the alarm.
35. Sounding of fire alarm. 2.
36. Below sounding write only long holding notes.
37. That telephone was sounding a warning bell.
38. Little wonder warning bells were sounding.
39. The Student Cook Book provides basic helpful advice without sounding patronising.
40. It is worth sounding a warning to those who are part of a tightly-knit family unit.
41. Once a few have been mastered it is surprising how quickly the most ponderous sounding scientific name acquires a familiar ring.
42. At the risk of sounding smug, my ornamental kitchen garden gave me no such problems.
43. I run the risk of sounding patronising here, but I do feel that this is a point worth making.
44. This was a particularly flimsy sounding rationale coming from Martinez, who took such a dim view of his students' prospects.
45. Dalgliesh was helping Meg Dennison into her jacket when the telephone rang, sounding unnaturally strident in the quiet room.
46. Now he was happy enough to let Rickards impose on his solitude to use him as a sounding board.
47. Chipmunks scurried over the dry leaves in short bursts, sounding like moose on the run.
48. At the risk of sounding facetious, I have to ask who really cares about all this?
49. The Big Three began sounding the alarm in a big way when January sales figures were reported.
50. This kind of experiment, besides sounding a cautionary note, needs repeating, says Smith.
51. Down in the drive some one was sounding a car horn.
52. Elfed, a sober and upright man who was to become unfairly the sounding board for Richard's first rebellions.
53. Maybe she could have handled that a little more tactfully instead of sounding as though she was throwing her weight around.
54. She had been a check and balance for her husband, a sounding board and humanizing influence.
55. She looked warily at him, her pulses sounding an alarm, and was taken aback when he suddenly began to laugh.
56. I remember my tongue shedding its skin like a snake, my voice in the classroom sounding just like the rest.
57. Indeed, Carville himself reacted to the fuss by sounding as though he were having second thoughts.
58. Perfect pitch is necessary for understanding the subtle differences between similar sounding words in these languages, she says.
59. But then Munter goes over the edge, sounding like a Weight Watchers leader gone berserk.
60. She was sounding unexpectedly urgent as they approached the empty checkout counter.
61. He threw out no sounding parties too weak to guarantee their own safety, and he lost none of them.
62. Under harder acceleration it intrudes, finishing up as a deep, rough-edged sounding beat at full throttle.
63. For a moment his attractiveness shone so powerfully that it almost sabotaged the warning bells sounding strident alarm inside Charity's head.
64. Without sounding exactly like anything else, however, its sum total was more a collection of echoes than a consistent voice.
65. In a phone booth, Celine gives Robert lessons in sounding demanding and ruthless in his ransom calls to Naville.
66. Perhaps the biggest thing going was the harp played by JoAnn Turovsky, sounding positively, well, huge.
67. Did that mean that freshman composition, too, was taking an unfair sounding of their abilities?
68. The passing bell is sounding for the mass extinction of species.
69. Hernandez and Ruelas were just sounding boards for the fans to express a dislike for De La Hoya.
70. Proceed with caution and, at the risk of sounding like a tabloid astrologer, look before you leap.
71. Loud squeaks bounced off the rafters above the corridor sounding like an old waterwheel.
72. BShields used to undermine her fiction by sounding as if she were inhaling the microphone.
73. There wasn't much else to see, Malcolm Anderson told Jean, sounding regretful.
74. When it comes to sounding the alarm, they have an ally in the forest clearings.
75. All around, though, are youngsters on sofas, sounding off to the camera.
76. Sounding sweet and nice bagged Alexander third place in the Iowa vote.
76. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
77. Royal Marine buglers marked the end of the silence by sounding the Last Post.
78. The role which the tutor should adopt is that of a sounding board for students' ideas and suggestions.
79. Now she was rattling along the empty streets, the horse's hooves sounding sharp and crisp in the silence.
80. Stacked humbuckers are one solution but Chandler's Firebird pickups cover all the bases equally well, while sounding refreshingly individual.
81. On the flight down to Nanking, Tolonen played back the recording, the words sounding clearly in his head.
82. They have lost no time in sounding the alarm about an impending famine, which they say threatens 1.9m people.
83. In 1970 about 900 million people were starving-perhaps a billion in total. Little wonder warning bells were sounding.
84. At the risk of sounding like your mother, you'd better dress up warm.
85. Also dispensed with was the sounding of the great bell after the victims had reached Tyburn and had been hanged.
86. They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers' problems.
87. Before 1914, one could talk like that without sounding false or ridiculous, but not now.
88. They frequently shifted and broke apart under the warming sun, sounding like thunder, booming cannonades and shotgun blasts.
89. The same voice, sounding so honest and joyful that you want to believe, even when you know the truth.
90. Behind him, distantly, a bugle was sounding, followed by the clank and shuffle of armoured men running.
91. The former governor likes to share his opinions with the world, sounding off regularly on his own radio show.
92. The fear of sounding racist has conspired to stifle debate and suppress legitimate scientific inquiry.
93. Being live performances, these are real facsimiles of how I recall Ferrier sounding in performance.
94. After losing the game, Coach Saylor came to the press conference looking and sounding emotionally drained.
95. Each of these ultra-familiar tunes came up sounding fresh and surprising, and the entire set consistently delighted us with the unexpected.
96. The part-time volunteers have been sounding retreat with the massed bands of the Light Division.
97. Secondly, Mowbray was lured to his death by the tocsin sounding.
98. Present-day sporting heroes tend to spend their off-duty moments sounding off about anything and everything.
99. Several health officials began sounding the alarm about the hazards of the sun's rays.
100. Then she heard him singing in the bathroom, sounding unbelievably cheerful.
101. My wife is my greatest sounding board.
102. He turned round, sounding a little more conciliatory.
103. Then it starts sounding like a Greco-Roman novel.
104. Sounding her deep, resonant siren , the S . S . Jiangjin forges ahead.
105. This paper expounds the prospecting test study on electromagnetic sounding of fixed excitated source used magnetic stick as magnetic detector in varied topography area.
106. It is believed that this study can advance the forward computation for electric resistivity sounding on a 2D complicated geoelectric section and helps understand the influence of the...sentence dictionary
107. The definition of effective resistivity used in electromagnetic sounding induced by horizontal electric dipole on layered earth and its algorithms was discussed.
108. The sounding horn, the barking of the dogs, the holloa of the huntsmen, resounded through the forest, and were heard by the stag, who became eager to join his companions.
109. My bosses would tell you that I've often acted as a sounding board for them.
110. When convening the assembly , however , you shall blow without sounding an alarm.
111. The continuous radar sounding data show that the radar sounding echoes appear obvious discrepancy when the weather conditions are not alike and the intensity of inversion layer are different.
112. I have my own views on this, and some of them are upbeat, but they’re hard to summarize without sounding comically cosmic.
113. Therefore, a new method for sounding by using pressure sensor is developed and monographical study is made on the problem of wave impact.
114. Mechanically, electrically, behaviorally and cosmetically, our paired sounding boards are a genuine earmark of our species.
115. Disclosed is an automatic sounding and counting instrument for pulse which is a medical apparatus suitable for feeling the pulse in traditional Chinese medical treatment.
116. If you have this developing episcopacy, that's just the Greek sort of sounding word for bishop or bishopric or something like that.
117. The acoustic image is better balanced and more natural sounding across both direct and reverberant fields.
118. The word " lost -- lost -- lost " dinged frighteningly in her heart like a death bell sounding.
119. Sounding out is also used, where trial balloon ideas are sent to the other side to test their reaction.
120. She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious.
121. There are twelve kinds of sounding mechanism in Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera, Diptera et al.
122. This paper presents and realizes an ionospheric disturbance observation mode by using combinational pulses control and echo's phase measurement analysis in ionospheric vertical sounding.
123. MD 300 sounding system is a new topographic survey system especially for water areas supported by GPS.
124. Here comes the next round of sounding off about a low- carbon economy, low- carbon cities, low- carbon...As a matter of fact it's all sloganeering, you still have to do what should be done.
125. At a signal from Darned, the cars started down the drive , sounding their Klaxons.
126. When you are getting on in years it is nice to sit by the fire and drink a cup of tea and listen to the school bell sounding dinner, call-over, prep, and lights out.
127. The trumpet symbolizes the bold sounding of the warning against Laodicean worldliness and compromise.
128. The frame and primary module function of sounding data processing disposal program designed by our observatory were introduced.
129. The streets were strangely quiet, with only a monotonous, aggravating clanging sounding from the blacksmiths'forges.
130. Taking advantage of abstract line, brilliant color and high - sounding intersperse reveals luxurious feature.
131. Recalculation and interpretation of the available explosive seismic sounding data in the Tuotuohe-Golmud area has resulted in a two-dimentional velocity structural model and distribution of Q values.
132. He wrote that theaters should have large overturned amphora or sounding vases placed at regular intervals around the space to improve the acoustics.
133. An acoustical instrument consisting of a sounding box with one string and musical tones.
134. Man voice however sounding is in spacious strokes, attention of solved to round for the ocarina son.
135. The influence of current leakage from horizontal electric dipole on frequency electromagnetic sounding data was studied in this paper.
136. He still loves high - sounding phrases which may mean everything possible or nothing at all.
137. If sounding data or predicted weather data are available, the model may be suitable to provide sea surface wind forecast in application of environmental problems for archipelagic waters.
138. Chief mate, we found a little bit list, Your volume table includes list correction? If no could you please adjust it with ballast water before sounding.
139. Unfortunately, as the flap over the New Yorker cover shows, he feels his hard - fought journey to running without the baggage of being Afro-American with a foreign - sounding name is far from over.
140. Open type, whole section rock tunneler is mainly used in the construction of sounding rocks with relatively better geological stratum conditions.
141. Bob Dylan released 2 very different sounding albums this year.
142. Scientists are now sounding the alarm — and urging Australia's senate to declare the iconic, sleepy-eyed marsupials an endangered species.
143. This paper explains the special points in using this method by concrete examples, and outlines the equipment requirement needed in making magnetotelluric sounding by the remote reference method.
144. No one will raise moral psychology of the question of obesity, for fear of sounding uncompassionate and reactionary.
145. In tumulus geological survey, people used to adopt electrical sounding as electrical exploration.
146. This method allows for naturalness and unrehearsed sounding speeches without losing any of the important points which must be covered.
147. The chauffeur was hard put to it . He tried sounding the horn.
148. His language has become increasingly stark , to the point of sounding strident ( Robert Pear ).
149. By sounding off, you usually end up making a ranting speech that you end up regretting!
150. They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese.
151. If you're looking for a relatively neutral sounding IEM with incredible detail the RE-272 are for you.
152. The lack fidelity of the slant range on ground layer exists in progress of using the L wave band meteorological sounding system because of the situation which is distorted the ground echo influence.
153. If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your pal as a sounding board.
154. This interpretation program is suitable not only to the electric sounding curves whose slopes are between -1 and 1 but also to those whose slopes are lower than -1 or higher than 1.
155. The undulation shape of inversion interface can be correlated to that of sounding data at known borehole, the average depth error being 10%, and the minimum depth error being 2% only.
156. Call me when the fog set in. Sound regulation whistle, attend to echo sounding and start radar at an interval not more than 20 minutes.
157. The sounding pipe in No.1 top side tank ( port side ) to be renewed, dia . Approx .50 mm.
158. And, at the risk of sounding parochial, adopt a capital regime similar to the Canadian system.
159. The US census bureau has led the way in sounding the alarm over the changes.
160. On the basis of the data acquired by sounding balloon, the influence of the atmospheric model on the calculation of atmospheric refraction was discussed.
161. According to ionospheric oblique backscattering sounding system's characteristics, the paper designed the signal source module which based on VXIbus and realized it with FPGA and DigitalUp Converter.
162. All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny.
163. Adding to the surreal atmosphere in Harrisburg that day was the sounding of an air raid siren that rang out through the capital city.
164. With the development of numerical model, more attention is paid to the error caused by sounding balloon floating.
165. Wade is not sounding worried about what the coming weeks and months may bring. He's too busy right now to be caught up in speculation, anyway.
166. Pulp, boxes , frames , general construction , woodwoking ( flooring, siding , ceiling, doors , blinds , etc. ) , airplanes, musical istruments ( especially sounding boards of pianos ), cabinets , ships ,[] ...
167. Raise a song, strike the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp.
168. Sounding a bit like an avuncular television host, the visibly relaxed president asked some two dozen children, age six to 11, at the Boys and Girls Club what they wanted for Christmas.
169. You may well be right but sounding self-righteous can be a danger.
170. These connect (via an adaptor, naturally) to the more touchy-feely sounding US and European-built modules Unity, Destiny and Harmony.
171. Acoustic velocity is an important bathymetric parameter for the multibeam sounding system.
172. Just listening, and as a sounding board, may help this young women find her own solutions.
173. Chief mate, I want to check the sounding and bottom water in 1 C with MMC.
174. I don't believe that, Padme. You're sounding like a separatist!
175. The use of a high-accuracy DGPS is the premise for getting the high-accuracy bathymetric data by multibeam echo sounding.
176. I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
177. Chief mate, too much remaining in 3 C , I want to take sounding with oil stick.
178. Visiting gentleman report sounding possibility of joint undertaking with our rival house comment immediately.
179. In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them."
180. Muslims all over the world witnessed the suffering of their brothers and sisters," he says, sounding very much like a modern-day jihadi.
181. Merriam-Webster now lists kudo [coo-doe] the singular form as the main entry for the word with a plural and a whole second entry for kudos [coo-doss, more Greek sounding] being another word.
182. Birdsong seemed to make a point of sounding uncultured and dressed the same way.
183. I once met a countryman who raised the subject of climate forecasting and he gave me a very nice sounding line, but with a very cold and chilling result.
184. Field experimental seismic sounding permitted us to obtain optimal shallow seismic reflection sounding parameters.
185. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."
186. Survey standards for multibeam echo sounding will be developed with reference to worldwide specifications.
187. But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.
188. The apparent resistivity of dual-frequency electromagnetic sounding is a new method of geoelectric measurement with dual-frequency electromagnetic wave.
189. In fact, the sublingual player with a small metal 2, fine - sounding name " harmonica son. "
190. In the sepulchre there by the sea ? In her tomb by the sounding sea.
190. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
191. But it is the less visual aspect of this disaster the threat of nuclear fallout that has activists in Hiroshima sounding the call for a change in Japan's approach to its supply of electricity.
192. Usually, the drift distance increases with the rising of the sounding balloon.




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