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单词 worn
释义 Word family  noun wear underwear wearer adjective wearing worn verb wear  worn1 /wɔːn $ wɔːrn/ verb  x-refthe past participle of wear1 wear的过去分词worn2 ●○○ adjective  1  CONDITION/STATE OF somethinga worn object is old and damaged, especially because it has been used a lot 〔物品〕用旧的,用坏的,又旧又破的 a worn patch on the carpet 地毯上一小块磨破的地方 well worn stone steps 残破的石阶2. TIREDsomeone who looks worn seems tired 疲倦的;筋疲力尽的Examples from the Corpusworn• The brake pads are very worn.• Lying on the hospital bed, Pete looked worn and fragile.• We used to cut up worn blankets to make sleeping bags for the children.• A worn braid feels rough and is best cut away and the line joined by a blood knot.• The cement floor was covered by a worn brown linoleum.• The worn crazy paving provides a soft and very unobtrusive backdrop.• Paula handed me several worn dollar bills.• There was a worn Persian rug on the parquet floor.• He thought he could hear footsteps now, nailed boots scuffing on worn stone.• A second woman was folding worn sweaters and putting them away in a scratched wardrobe.worn1 verbworn2 adjectiveChinese  past Corpus wear1 the of participle




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